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Orbit Portal Showroom [Show me your OPT Spaceplanes!]


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New plane. Simply called (The) Loader, it answers the call for 3.75m payloads. I've come up with an orbital station and its arms are that width.

It performs maybe too well with 18 tons aboard (especially steering)... I wonder whether it can handle 54 tons. Also, it's not every day I manage to build a plane with the main wings ahead of CoM.

4x HAE-02 and 2x J-60D engines to go, 2x drogue chutes to help it stop.



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Playing around with CryoEngines and CryoTanks, which needs around 4x more tank volume to achieve similar weight/dV. The result with OPT is very interesting. I ended up with this Skylon/Blackbird crossover:


The large and less dense body makes it fly very well. The weight, cost and dV seems to be balanced, Nertea did a good job on that. It's seems to be a little better, but costing more.

The version of this craft that uses Liquid Fuel:


Looking at it now, it seems almost... wrong.


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My #1 go to SSTO for getting Kerbals into space.
Has just under 8km/s of dV after reaching orbit, typically send it between minmus and kerbin stations a few times for crew transfers before going back down to the KSC for refueling/offloading kerbals.
Flies like a dream, and 2,5k monoprop is more than enough for docking a bunch of times.


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Needed something with a bit more capacity, so I made a larger version of my previous crew transport SSTO.
Has ~8.5k dV in LKO and can carry 24 kerbals.


Getting into LKO.



On its way to dock with my small Minmus orbital station.



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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@degenerate What does one do with a "small" Minmus station and 24 kerbals? 

Nothing, it was just a test flight with 1 pilot onboard, the idea is to use this spaceplane to transfer crews to/from my Duna stations, not yet designed the mothership that will eventually go there with a ton of rockerparts to set it all up, but all in good time :cool:

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J-1 (Original) and J-2 (Upgraded lift capacity) SSTO shuttles docking and transferring resources/crew prior to offloading my Kerbin Space Camp station and bringing everyone home...



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On 4/6/2018 at 10:12 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Intriguing! :) 

And it's finally been made!

My first (and so far only) colony ship, it carries the incredibly boring name of "colony ship".
It's powered by 4 OPT Dark Drives and has a whooping 11k dV when fully fueled.
It holds 203,8k rocketparts, and with a mobile VAB and Orbital Pad it can build a lot of stuff before needing to refuel with more rocketparts.
Has room for 35 kerbals, and a bunch of different sized docking ports that will allow extension modules of all kinds.



In kerbin orbit, before departure.

Burning for Duna.

Finally arrived, next step is to pump out a couple relay satellites and then get to work on some kind of ISRU base on Ike.

Not really an OPT craft apart from the dark drives, but it'll play in a lot with my other OPT crafts.

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Voyager Heavy VTOL Exploration SSTO -

200t gross fully loaded and fueled

Supplies for 15 kerbals for one year (USI-LS)

Complete science suite

Nuclear and Solar power

Dorsal docking fixtures for drones/tenders and/or station docking


Ventral cargo bay for carrying/deploying exploration rover and/or longer-term base facilities or ISRU equipment

Yes...it has _10_ nuclear engines in two deployment bays for VTOL capability on airless worlds...


18 MJ-88 Mini Vector High-Gimbal Turbojets
2 XJ-48K Vector High-Power High-Gimbal Turbojets
6 FTmN-80 Nuclear Engines

Roughly the same total thrust as a single mainsail, but air-breathing so fuel needs are far lower; purely liquid fueled, so much higher payload mass fraction than LOX, and enough gimbal range to allow for an extremely short takeoff roll (or true VTOL capability if using the ventral nukes for launch assist and an empty cargo bay, or on lower-grav planets). 
Extremely low drag design as well (see below) allows for efficient climbs to apoapsis.
Easily capable of 200k+ apoapsis on atmospheric engines alone, circularization and orbital/deep space maneuvers with nukes.


Lots of space, lots of lift capacity - but by using the J-series fuselage and 4° angle of incidence on the wings (with slight dihedral on the outer portion of the main rear wings for extra stability) it has extremely low atmospheric drag for its size - less than 3m/s² at cruising altitude and mach 6.

Head on flying prograde (as it does after reaching 15k, up until leaving atmosphere) almost all of the drag aside from the cockpit itself just comes from the intakes and the solar panel shrouds.  Even the docking fixtures are relatively concealed and drag reduced by the tapered adapters.  The vertical-wedge of the J-HT cockpit is amazing for high-mach SSTO aircraft...


Edited by RaccoonTOF
Further performance specs
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an "experimental" design that utilizes virtual particle propulsion for theoretically infinite delta v!

In reality it can't really go that far but it's still enough to go to a lot of places without worrying about fuel



Some images taken during the rescue mission of Elon Kerman half a year ago




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Pretty much every part on this craft is modded in some way. May I present to you... THE A-SPLITTER 1, a nuclear-powered fighter plane that has a tendency to break apart at speeds over 300m/s. Perfect recipe...


mWrXMNP.png  Maximum speed - 16XXm/s (Probably higher but I had to jam on the brakes or something was gonna melt!)

Maneuverability - Somewhere around a constant 6 gees. Probably higher if I could pull up at higher speeds without shredding the damn thing!

Strengths - High TWR (Yes, those are two 2.5m electric jet engines!), can probably outlast any other plane, carbon-neutral

Weaknesses - Can easily break apart when pulling up at high speeds (Even with autostrut/rigid attachment), cancer machine (Nuclear reactor onboard!!), big for a fighter, bad intake for low-speed flight, bad at landing, lots of mods, need a ladder to re-board




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On 4/22/2018 at 8:47 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

making radial engine sections with Shieldnir and Razor parts :) 


They work well for the craft to get rid of heat (BD Armory's "HP" system), and make great radial mounts. I guess you could also argue that they allow the heat to roll off the reactor instead of the radiators inside the craft that DEFINITELY aren't doing much for long, but I like to think the engines themselves are powered by reactor's heat and the Shieldnir is using the electricity.

Also, when BDA is actually updated, the front Shieldnirs (near the start of the main wing) can be replaced with laser turrets powered by the reactor.

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19 hours ago, Fireheart318 said:


They work well for the craft to get rid of heat (BD Armory's "HP" system), and make great radial mounts. I guess you could also argue that they allow the heat to roll off the reactor instead of the radiators inside the craft that DEFINITELY aren't doing much for long, but I like to think the engines themselves are powered by reactor's heat and the Shieldnir is using the electricity.

Also, when BDA is actually updated, the front Shieldnirs (near the start of the main wing) can be replaced with laser turrets powered by the reactor.

You could use KSPI's thermal turbojets, to get the best thrust you should use antimatter reactors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Project Slenderman

A super lean J bodied spaceplane. The OPT engines are quite sufficient for it to enter or leave atmosphere but the Thor Tech engines are for the craft to VTOL and to cruise at great length in atmosphere (mainly where oxygen is not present). I intend for it to go to Gratian in GPP and scout for potential landing sites for bases and rovers.

Slenderman steers and glides incredibly well, even at low speeds with such a narrow profile. The main wheels are somewhat far back, disabling it from nosing up from the runway with ease but it's better to have this issue than the CoM possibly eventually moves and the plane becomes very rear heavy.


YwmK4mf.jpg QgfKKKB.jpg WK4ukcl.jpg 

The 2.5m engines fell off as they melted out the inline turbine devices they were attached to (their heat production is too high, which should be fixed now). The craft's aerodynamics are not affected at all.


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