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First manned mission to minimus. Did not go as planned !


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I was so excited to finally land on minimus today, on my PS4.

Not so thrilled when I discovered I had put the wrong fuel tanks on for the return module engine to burn !!!

Another perfect Kerbal Adventure...the rescue mission will be a ball ! Picture attached of the epic win / fail, just don't turn around and look at the fuel tanks Kerbinaut !



Edited by iainonline
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Hi, @iainonline, and welcome aboard!

I remember my first landing on the moon. I destroyed everything but my capsule, but I was so excited that I EVA'd Jeb, jetpacked him at over 70 m/s, and ended up killing him when he ragdolled into the terrain. Good times. :)

Have fun!


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Welcome to the forum!

I love your little lander, and especially the stairs made me smile. I guess there are multiple lessons here!

I'm not sure I fully understand what you intended to build with the bits right below the capsule itself, :) but I just want to encourage you that we all started this way. My first Mun lander was a giant wobbly contraption with more dV than is necessary to get to Jool (I needed all of it to get to the Mun)... and despite all odds I managed to make a soft landing, after which it slowly fell over on its side (it was really top heavy). I went from really excited to really disappointed in 1 second, but those are the best learning moments.

Happy landings!

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On 10/5/2016 at 0:42 PM, Dman979 said:

Hi, @iainonline, and welcome aboard!

I remember my first landing on the moon. I destroyed everything but my capsule, but I was so excited that I EVA'd Jeb, jetpacked him at over 70 m/s, and ended up killing him when he ragdolled into the terrain. Good times. :)

Have fun!


Sounds a lot like my experience. In fact my avatar shows Valentia next to her still intact command module. I landed the rescue vehicle safely, but it was a good 100 km away. So, i lifted off again and was doing great, even without RCS thrusters. Then, for some inexplicable reason, I hit the space bar - and watched in horror as the fuel tank, engine and landing gear separated from Jeb's command module. Good times, good times indeed.

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