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no function in setting window and other weirdness

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I'm having some odd UI bugs.  I wood have thought if other people were seeing these, they would be all over this forum.

 I'm running 1.2, updated from 1.1.3 via steam, on 64bit windows 10.  These issues were first encountered in a modded install, but easily replicated in my stock directory (i have a couple custom flags in gamedata, that's it).  

These may be totally and completely unrelated for all I know.

Issue 1.  Enter any save game, I hit Esc, go to settings.  Scroll down.  Every setting button and slider after 'conic patch limit' simply says "no function".

Issue 2. After the steps in issue 1,  I click Close.  The Esc menu returns but the settings window remains open, regardless of wether I click apply/accept/close, the window is stuck open until a scene change and doesn't appear to apply any settings - whether they claim "no function" or not.

Issue 3.  Any time I have a Mun encounter (other bodies untested, haven't got a vessel that can reach them), and the Mun is not in focus, I.e. screen is centered on my craft or Kerbin or anything outside Mun SOI, in map view, Mun periapsis and Mun escape makers appear in the exact same spot as my ship.  Hovering over them displays all the usual mouseover info for all these nodes and my craft.  It appears to move normally and encounter the Mun as expected, but these nodes are misplaced from the Mun fly-by prediction and located on my craft.


Issue 4,  or at least a clue maybe: alt+f12 debug console is constantly spamming "Exception: IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range."  All the other debug console pages appear to be functional.

Setback: the desktop this is occurring on has no internet connection (I had to pack it up and take it to family's house to use their internet to update to 1.2) so I'm currently unable to provide logs, save file, or so much as a screenshot.   Nor do what I would normally do right off the bat: make a backup, delete the KSP directory under steam, and have it re-download a fresh install.

Anyone have a clue what might be the issue and how to maybe possibly fix it without internet?  





Edited by Kyrt Malthorn
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Okay @Kyrt Malthorn I assume you are using your mobile, you should be able to zip the KSP.log and output_log.txt from after this occurs, and the save file that it occurs in, then copy it to the phone.

It's just text so will compress a lot, and should not impact your data plan to upload to dropbox or a similar site.

The log contents can also be pasted here but please use spoilers (the eye icon) but they may be too large.

Same with the save, it's just text but may not fit.

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@sal_vager, you're right....  I honestly just expected a canned response, thanks for being understanding and helpful.





I think that should work? lemme know if not.


I  crammed some cropped screens in there too so you can see my symptoms.  I started a sandbox game (included in zip) in 64bit stock, and launched a stock Kerbal X to a Mun intercept. Saved it there, closed the game, cleared out the log files, booted back up, and loaded that game again.  Triggered the sticky settings window bug (screenshot of 'no function' stuff), it cleared out when I went to the tracking station.  Loaded up the kerbal X from before and got a shot of the intercept ui weirdness.  R-clicked all the nodes to make their text sticky.  Notice mun, mun periapsis, and mun escape text is down by my ship far away from the actual encounter.  And then before I forgot, went to trigger the debug console spam...Learned something! The debug console spam is only present while the settings menu is stuck open.  They must be related.

Seems like there's a disconnect between the settings menu UI and back end? But I don't know if that's related to the encounter node placement stuff.






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Okay this looks weird, KSP is installed in the wrong place?

Platform assembly: F:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)

I'd assume it to be installed in F:\Steam\SteamApps\ (or C:\)

All looks fine in the output_log.txt until we get here.

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
  at VideoSettings.<DrawMiniSettings>m__1CE () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DialogGUILabel.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DialogGUIBase.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DialogGUIBase.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DialogGUIVerticalLayout.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DialogGUIBase.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DialogGUIScrollList.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at MultiOptionDialog.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog (.MultiOptionDialog dialog, Boolean persistAcrossScenes, .UISkinDef skin, Boolean isModal, System.String titleExtra) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at MiniSettings.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Which suggests it can't handle the display, but the game didn't complain before, as we can see here.

desktop: 1440x900 75Hz; virtual: 1440x900 at 0,0

That error just spams the log constantly until you exited to the main menu, explaining the red errors in your pic, and it's the same in the KSP.log

I thought it might be related to your connection as there is an error about KSP being unable to call home for the progress tracking, but I just tried disabling my internet and couldn't reproduce the log spam.

Similarly, I don't get this issue with your save file, it seems to work normally here.

So I can't say for certain what this is, and as you're on a limited connection doing a cache verification in Steam for KSP is likely not an option at this time.

Steam cache verification in case you don't know (you probably do)

  Reveal hidden contents

So there's two things I'd try here, first, copy KSP from the Half Life 2 folder to F:\Games\, by copying it you make new files and these won't be locked down by the user account control or data execution prevention, and by putting the copy in F:\Games\ it won't be in a Windows protected folder so won't be blocked from running.

Second, rename the settings.cfg to back it up, KSP will make a new settings.cfg essentially resetting KSP to the defaults, including 1280x720 windowed mode.

It will still try to start at 1440x900 because that value will be in the Windows registry, but should then switch down, if it doesn't then you would have to find the registry key at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\ and delete the Screenmanager Resolution Height and Screenmanager Resolution Width registry keys.

Always back up the registry before changing anything though.

Lastly, run KSP via the KSP.exe or KSP_x64.exe

With any luck it'll work properly, as I think it's being blocked from accessing some files, but if it still occurs it could be a bad file, Steam is terrible for this in my experience and most bugs that affect a single player in KSP disappear after a cache verification.

Hope this helps.

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Yeah uhh... being installed under "half life 2" thing? That's because I didn't know what Steam was when I installed it alongside that game from a CD back in the day.  I thought it was installing in a company-named subdirectory so I have it a different name.  It's an awkward quirk of the file naming, I know, but it doesn't currently affect any of other steam games.

Two of your suggestions are already out.  First time I realized these odd UI things I was running a modded install under F:/KSP/1.2/   - I keep my steam installation stock and make copies to this KSP directory where I have several versions.  And thus I habitually launch directly from the KSP_x64.exe in that folder.  I came back to my steam install to replicate the issue.

I'll play with deleting the settings for when I get home from work Friday morning.  If that doesn't work, I'll just hold out until I can verify cache or reinstall with a connection.

Thanks for your time! 




Edited by Kyrt Malthorn
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