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[1.12.2]Sci-Fi Visual Enchancements V-1.6 (high performance alt to SVE)


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Scatter works fine with sifi for me. I experienced my first kerbin solar eclipse today
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The clouds, atmo and the eclipse were great, the land seemed kinda white washed. I think Scatter didn't interpret the blue saturation so well. IMO still a little much. But still the best looking, most efficient EVE config I've used. Keep it up.

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The kerbin clouds textures has a very rough edge when both ends touch each other... Does anybody know a clouds texture that can be replaced?

How can I reduce the impact that the volumetric clouds have on my fps in game?. I mean it is the ONLY feature in the entire game that gives me this low fps.... I know My gpu is not that new, but surely I can tweak the CFG file to have less clouds but not not at all.... I still want them if you know what I mean: I just want it to not ruin my fps so badly.  Please anyone can help me with a CFG file or something?

Edited by Agustin
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey! I tried out your mod on my laptop quite some time ago, and loved it to bits.

Now that i have a proper computer instead of a potato, I mainly use SVE along with SVT, however, they both lack a few (okay, two :D) things that I really liked from this pack

-The hazy glow on Minmus and Pol etc.

-The bands of very vibrant green in the clouds of jool

Is there any way to perhaps combine these packs so that I have SVE but with SFVE glow and Jool bands?


EDIT: hell, may as well go all-in: Is there anywhere I can go for a quick tutorial on combining effects from different packs? I've had a brief look at the .cfg files, and I think i understand how they work... I was successfully able to turn on and off the clouds on Laythe by removing and re-adding a few lines, but yet when I try to edit where it gets the texture from it simply doesn't show up.

Edited by Caelus5
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to jump in here and thank @panzer1b again for this awesome mod, I loved it to death on my old potato and although I just recently got a new computer (I7, Gtx1070, 16Gb RAM) as well as a 4k TV this is still my visual mod of choice.

I would still really like to see the "dust" added back though, it's one of those little touches that really set this mod apart and sells the "sci-fi vibe."

I honestly can't even stand the sight of Kerbin's stock muted tones now. (Or the dozens of other visual mods that imitate that look.) I love the vibrancy and color your mod adds to the game, please don't ever abandon it! I don't think I could play KSP without it. :confused:

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  On 12/9/2017 at 9:12 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Just wanted to jump in here and thank @panzer1b again for this awesome mod, I loved it to death on my old potato and although I just recently got a new computer (I7, Gtx1070, 16Gb RAM) as well as a 4k TV this is still my visual mod of choice.

I love the vibrancy and color your mod adds to the game, please don't ever abandon it! I don't think I could play KSP without it. :confused:


I have to agree here. This is by far my favorite visual MOD. Looks like our computers are the same :P I over clocked both my i7 and 1070ti just because. But with this Visual MOD, it is not even needed.

Yet IMO this visual pack add the most to this game, of all the visual packs. Realism is cool, but I want to be in AWE...

This MOD does that all without being a resource hog (KSP already is enough with it's RAM leakage issues). Good job panzer1b. :cool:

Edited by Agog
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I found this mod due to eve and scatterer not being compatible with galactic neighborhood. Ill try this next...but given planetpacks take large amounts of resources. This may be a great alt to them with GN if support was ever created for it. Just a thought. This mod looks amazing!


Also. Have you tried the welding mod? Can definatly help with reducing a 1000 part count ship. Depends on the design. There are limitations. 

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hi so I having a hard time trying to install this pupper of a mod. I have EVE the stock config folder(boulderco) loads up fine. but as soon as I delete it. nothing. Alt-zero option for EVE gives blank config options with the text :

"No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_TERRAIN{}" to populate."

this is the same with all other tabs such as city lights, atmosphere, textures. Also others tabs like shadows and clouds manager is blank. so as far as I can tell. eve plugin is working. its just not populating any fields once boulderco get removed

peeking into a few of the cfgs in ScifiVisualEnchancements\Atmosphere, The top parameter in all of them is 'EVE_CLOUDS'. If i were to change that. EVE loads with options within the tabs I make the related changes to. so for testing purposes, i changed a few parameters. 




still no dice...but I do get options to change stuff at that point. im not sure what to do now. eve sees the changes ive made. but i dont thing I did it right? I dont know...

the mods I have installed are all the latest releases:

Galactic Neighborhood 








Sigma Binary/DunaIke





Planetpacks: kerbolrekerjiggered, Kerbol Origins, Asclepius, opm-galileo, Kronkus, Uncharted lands

I have absolutely no MM patch errors on game load. and all my star systems are populating accordingly.



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  On 12/19/2017 at 6:10 PM, Nafiu Sean said:

Did you abandon this mod? Or does this mod work with 1.3.1?


It works fine in 1.3.1.

  On 12/19/2017 at 6:11 PM, Nafiu Sean said:

You are leaving for which mod?


He's leaving that mod for this mod.

Also, welcome to the forums!

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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  On 12/19/2017 at 7:52 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

It works fine in 1.3.1.

He's leaving that mod for this mod.

Also, welcome to the forums!


 Thanks for the welcome, I found this game only 2 months ago on steam and bought it and fell in love with astronomy and rocket science........but I think I'm late cuz lots of mods and stuff are outdated...kinda sad that I didn't play this game when it was released.

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  On 12/20/2017 at 4:41 AM, Nafiu Sean said:

 Thanks for the welcome, I found this game only 2 months ago on steam and bought it and fell in love with astronomy and rocket science........but I think I'm late cuz lots of mods and stuff are outdated...kinda sad that I didn't play this game when it was released.


Nah, you're not late at all.

There is a huge update as well as an expansion pack being released soon; never a better time to get into KSP!

As far as outdated mods, keep in mind; people do this sort of thing in their free time and they don't make any money for it. Mods have been getting abandoned since day 1 of KSP (or any other game for that matter) All the "must have" mods are still going strong, and new mods get released quite often. Think of it as "natural selection"; any mod that was actually worth using would still be around and updated right?

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  On 12/21/2017 at 7:36 AM, Agog said:

If you boil it down... you really only *NEED* one mod...


It can do everything any other mod can do, unless its just a mod that add parts or is visual.


I don't even know what kOS is if that tells you how "must have" it is...

*Looks it up* Oh, the MechJeb you have to code? Cheating is cheating, no matter how you dress it up. In my opinion anyways. (No offense to those that use it.)

This is all getting pretty off-topic as well, let's stick to talking about the Sci-Fi visual enhancements mod in this thread eh?

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