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[1.12.2]Sci-Fi Visual Enchancements V-1.6 (high performance alt to SVE)


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so yeah, making very solid progress on the mod thusfar:


 1st improvement includes better moho particles, i couldnt make volcanoes, but i did manage to make some firey air like effects which are rather tame but actually make it feel like the planet surface is burning.

2nd improvement involves completely redoing the aura glow effect around almost every planet to make it sorta less artefacty (cat get this 100% fixed due to a few EVE bugs but its way better then b4).  In that end, i also made it so that being on the surface you can see glow effects on the horizon and on certain planets when you look straight upwards too (mostly limited the latter to places that have alot of particle fx already present as its sorta like simulated fake atmosphere).

3rd improvement is slight framerate increases on select planets by cutting down particle densities or render area

4th imrpovement is making the "rain" (its not really rain but its sorta trying to get taht effect in) work much better while also cutting down on the lag it causes (made it render only at very short distance to vessels, its so light that you wont really notice that easily at a distance anyways when above clouds).  Laythe also got darker as im trying to simiulate something akin to a storm planet and super white clouds just did not fit it right.  Looks a bit duller from orbit (cause clouds nolonger stand out as much), but looks while flying in atmo and on ground got better imo.








After (slightly outdated aura rendering).

Theres also quite a few other "minor" edits ive made to various things too numerous to bother listing (half of which are so minor i dont even remember exactly what they are).

You guys can expect release likely next weekend, no promises at all ofc, but i think i should be done enough to give you guys a quick update then...

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  On 1/18/2019 at 9:49 AM, Ilya said:

I'm looking forward to the update. Will the skybox be included? It looks a lot better than the default one.


This is the skybox i have in use currently.  I have no plans to include this in ScifiVE, but here is a link if you would like to download it yourself and install it (use ither texture replacer or dirt mods both of which let you load it).


Personally its my fav skybox (used to use that blue nebula one, but this fits sorta better with the whole space battlefield imo then blue did).





Also, i believe i will be ready to release tomora sometime, since i need about an hour now just to test out every planet before i upload everything to u guys.


No idea why i like pol so much now, but its prolly my fav planet from the new version.


Hopefully you will like what ive been working on...

Edited by panzer1b
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  On 1/20/2019 at 3:39 AM, panzer1b said:

C’est la skybox que j’utilise actuellement. Je n’ai pas l’intention d’inclure cela dans ScifiVE, mais voici un lien si vous souhaitez le télécharger vous-même et l’installer (utilisez ither texture replacer ou les mods dirt qui vous permettent de le charger).

https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/173722-14x-the-horsehead-nebula-4k-skybox-for-texturereplacer- remplacée /

Personnellement, il s’agit de ma boîte aux lettres préférée (qui utilisait autrefois cette nébuleuse bleue, mais elle s’adapte mieux à l’ensemble du champ de bataille de l’espace, puis à celle de Blue).





En outre, je pense que je serai prêt à publier Tomora de temps en temps, car il me faut environ une heure maintenant pour tester chaque planète avant de tout télécharger pour vous.


Aucune idée de la raison pour laquelle j'aime tant pol maintenant, mais c'est toujours ma meilleure planète depuis la nouvelle version.


J'espère que vous aimerez ce sur quoi je travaille ...


Waooo ! Nice  very good job ! thanks

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Update is out, please post if the download link is broke or something of the sort :(


So here are some screenies:







Also, @HebaruSan, i changed the file structure a bit from the old model so no idea if that will affect CKAN?  Currently its 4 optional folders (each with their own fx that do not require any other folders installed), with just the EVE mod dependency...

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  On 1/20/2019 at 8:36 PM, panzer1b said:

Also, @HebaruSan, i changed the file structure a bit from the old model so no idea if that will affect CKAN?  Currently its 4 optional folders (each with their own fx that do not require any other folders installed), with just the EVE mod dependency...


Since the host is DropBox, CKAN won't even try to index the new release without manual changes. I'll take a look and hopefully have something ready by tomorrow.

EDIT: Looks fine, but EVE hasn't been updated past KSP 1.4 yet, so CKAN users will need to add 1.4 as a compatible version to install. 

Edited by HebaruSan
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  On 1/23/2019 at 1:21 AM, TaintedLion said:

Hello, I installed the pack, but Jool isn't showing any changes. 


Thanks for noticing, i apparently forgot to add a critical file (which was in the old SciFIVisualEnchancements_Base folder which i just assumed wasnt needed after i reformatted the folder structure to make it easier for less tech savy ppl to pick the options they want out of the mod).  So yeah, that IS needed for the mod to work with jool...

@HebaruSan, you might wanna check the change i made as it does affect CKAN, albeit you can prolly use the rules from the last 1.4 version, Base is required for mod to work, the rest 4 folders are optional and allow people to pick and choose which features they like from the mod to be activated.

Anyways, please post if you guys find any other bugs i may have missed, been so damn busy recently that i cant believe i missed something so blatantly obvious :(...

  On 1/23/2019 at 9:31 AM, fg45de said:


when i reload a save game the cloud layers of kerbin are completly gone.

Also when iam back in the main menu i can't see the cloud layers of kerbin. Thats no problem. But it didn't happen with your previous version.


Ive NEVER seen this bug so the only thing i can suggest is to check whether you have any other mods that may interfere with EVE's functionality.

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I was looking forward to returning to Duna with the enhancements in place.

I was not disappointed in the least. Duna was alive and beautiful. These dust storms were incredible.

Thanks again for your hard work for continuing this mod.


Edited by OrbitsR4Sissies
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  On 1/6/2019 at 11:07 PM, panzer1b said:

Well im back in action, ram arrived yestreday and i installed it now, working super nicely with no lag, crashing, or page file useage so my performance is extremely solid despite how badly coded KSP is to this day!



Although it sorta sucks that my old rig roasted itself, at least i now have a vastly superior machine which can handle more parts loaded, not that im gonna stop making "efficient" designs but at least i can afford to make some purely asthetic addons to my fleets occasionally, doesnt care if i enable extras like rocks, max terrain, reentry fx, and most of all runs SciFiVE+Scatter+DiRT with virtually no loss in frames over stock (99% of my issues are now limited entirely to part counts which isnt really going away given how detailed phsyics simulation is in this game).  Give me a few weeks and ill have another slightly improved version available...




On a sidenote, i finally managed to make a ship ive been trying to make for years now but could never succeed for some reason.  Yeah i had to dial down the scale of this thing (cant get a fighter to actually fit inside it cause the hangar is microscopic), but it came out as one of the more pretty and unique looking ships ive ever made.  Should be pretty damn obvious what its based on, even if its not a 100% spot on replica :D.


So... teeny tiny death gliders for a teeny tiny hanger then... problem solved :D

Nice pics BTW.

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So should I install manually instead of using CKAN?

Another question, what would be "required" computer specks, last time I tried it with my MSI GT72 2QD Dominator laptop, I experienced really low framerates and the screen would freeze every 4 to 5 seconds as well


I remember that back in the day forcing the game to run with openGL was a thing to improve performance, is this still the case?


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  On 1/23/2019 at 9:31 AM, fg45de said:


when i reload a save game the cloud layers of kerbin are completly gone.

Also when iam back in the main menu i can't see the cloud layers of kerbin. Thats no problem. But it didn't happen with your previous version.


I think i found a solution for me. I moved the pqs.cfg and shadows.cfg files from the previous release into the ScifiVisualEnchancements_Atmospheres folder. Now everything works flawless.

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  On 1/27/2019 at 2:03 AM, Tochas said:

So should I install manually instead of using CKAN?

Another question, what would be "required" computer specks, last time I tried it with my MSI GT72 2QD Dominator laptop, I experienced really low framerates and the screen would freeze every 4 to 5 seconds as well


I remember that back in the day forcing the game to run with openGL was a thing to improve performance, is this still the case?



I was able to run this game fine on my GT70 (until the gpu roasted itself), and you have better specs in dat thing.  Try disabling hyperthreading, my new laptop was having random freezes quite often (despite having a effin i7-8750H in it which is beyond overkill for a laptop and vastly superior to old 4700mq) and after i killed hyperthreading performance is much better (still laggy with multiple large part count ships, but actually managable and garbage collection isnt too noticable).

No clue why (and given how long huperthreading is out its hard to believe any relatively new games like KSP dont support it properly), but running KSP with hyperthreading enabled created massive freezes especially if you are building anything in SPH/VAB.  Without HT its night and day difference for me on both my old and new laptop, so give it a try if you are ok editing bios menu (should be in advanced options or so).

  On 1/27/2019 at 9:12 AM, fg45de said:

I think i found a solution for me. I moved the pqs.cfg and shadows.cfg files from the previous release into the ScifiVisualEnchancements_Atmospheres folder. Now everything works flawless.


This has been fixed, just redownload the mod (im not going to make a new version for such a minor fix, just edited the currently uploaded 1.5 with that fix).

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  On 2/3/2019 at 12:42 AM, The-Doctor said:

@panzer1b hey man, how did you get those high res pics with this? Is there a settings for it? Also did you use the stock ground textures? Those ones seem a bit different. I'm using this mod going forward just a few questions


I just use the f1 for those


As to mods i run alongside, i have DiRT with this skybox:

I also use scatterer with a sunflare i cobbled together from 3 different mods, specifically this one (i dont remember then other 2 that i pulled the lens fx out of)

https://spacedock.info/mod/998/Eden Sunflare


And thats pretty much it for visual mods.  I have a few other things loaded (BDA, some warp mods, ect), but thats pretty much what i use for visuals.

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  On 2/3/2019 at 6:48 PM, panzer1b said:

I just use the f1 for those


As to mods i run alongside, i have DiRT with this skybox:

I also use scatterer with a sunflare i cobbled together from 3 different mods, specifically this one (i dont remember then other 2 that i pulled the lens fx out of)

https://spacedock.info/mod/998/Eden Sunflare


And thats pretty much it for visual mods.  I have a few other things loaded (BDA, some warp mods, ect), but thats pretty much what i use for visuals.


your coloring looks a bit less bright than mines is what I was saying, also are the pics at the front with scatterer? Last questions what do you mean by f1 and are your ingame graphics set to high?

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I didn't even realize you had put out an update for this till last night.  Didn't have a lot of time to check out a lot with the new version, but what I've seen so far I'm really liking.  Minmus & Duna were beautiful. 

Tourists on Minmus, enjoying the new glow.  I actually forgot I had updated Sci-Fi and while approaching Minmus, I was thinking "What is going on with Minmus?  It looks weird....." followed by a facepalm & "Oh, yeah, the update!"


Duna outpost with a faint sand storm blowing by.  The new sand storm effects are subtle yet amazing.



Great work @panzer1b

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For my own uses, I've been happily enjoying poking at this mod to figure out what I can do with EVE and decided to use SFVE as a base for my own setup.  Mashing it up with SVE so I can have some of these neat effects in OPM along with SVE's effects, as well.





So far, I've been pretty happy with it.  Thanks @panzer1b !

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