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[INDEV]-[1.4.3] - To Boldly Go | An external application designed to procedurally generate an entire galaxy for KSP.

daniel l.

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24 minutes ago, DocDisco said:

Of what? The preexisting galaxy file I mentioned? 

(i'm very new to forums in general, so please bear with my stupidity)

*facepalm* well yes, but the filepath to the file too, just block any of your name or such with a box from paint

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1 hour ago, DocDisco said:

I'm probably just being thick, but how exactly does one install this mod properly? I have extracted it and moved it. I've moved it over then generated the Galaxy. Then I saw the already present galaxy file. I have even cleared out my GameData folder and still nothing worked. I really want to revisit one of my old favorites, so can somebody help?

This may be a silly question, but have you installed the Kopernicus mod as well? TBG requires Kopernicus to work.

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57 minutes ago, seanth said:

This may be a silly question, but have you installed the Kopernicus mod as well? TBG requires Kopernicus to work.

*facepalm* Whelp, I'm stupid. Sorry for wasting your time. Next time this happens, I'm gonna make sure I have that in there. Thanks and sorry.

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14 hours ago, Bedrockbreaker said:

just a question, what would overlapping spheres of influence do? crash the game as it can't figure out which star's gravity to place you under? Constantly switch you back and forth between the influences? Something entirely different?

Not much. If you're inside the SOI of Star A then even if you crossed into the space of Star B you would still remain in the SOI of A, unless you left the borders of A, then you would be instantly transferred to B.

It's very complicated, and not fatal. But extremely inconvenient, and immersion breaking.

BTW... @seanth?? You still here?

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On 5/6/2017 at 8:51 PM, daniel l. said:

Not much. If you're inside the SOI of Star A then even if you crossed into the space of Star B you would still remain in the SOI of A, unless you left the borders of A, then you would be instantly transferred to B.

It's very complicated, and not fatal. But extremely inconvenient, and immersion breaking.

BTW... @seanth?? You still here?

Yup. Still alive. Just juggling AFK stuff and trying to think about planet code :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Wolfdog said:

This mod is great, but i have no idea how to even get to the nearest star. Is it even possible? How do you guys set up your orbits on such a scale?

Simple, install @RoverDude's Alcubierre drive mod, then modify the part to be vastly more powerful.

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 I wish the fanbase would post more screenshots. It would be motivating to each other/everyone else who comes here and keep the hype train chuggin'. :ph34r: 

Also, be sure to carry lots of high efficiency conventional fuel along with that warp drive. Your orbital velocity is maintained after you stop warping so depending on where you end up, you could be suborbital or escaping, and powerless to fix it.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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35 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

 I wish the fanbase would post more screenshots. It would be motivating to each other/everyone else who comes here and keep the hype train chuggin'. :ph34r: 

Also, be sure to carry lots of high efficiency conventional fuel along with that warp drive. Your orbital velocity is maintained after you stop warping so depending on where you end up, you could be suborbital or escaping, and powerless to fix it.

To be honest though, I would prefer a form of non-cheatsy Hyperedit, where player's can teleport their ships from SOI to SOI, the jump costs power and is multiplied by distance.

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Just now, daniel l. said:

To be honest though, I would prefer a form of non-cheatsy Hyperedit, where player's can teleport their ships from SOI to SOI, the jump costs power and is multiplied by distance.

There are two mods I know of where you have to place a beacon in the other SOI the classical way, then you can target it and teleport between two beacons anytime possible. How close a beacon is to a planet matters too. Gravity or altitude can render it unusable.

This first one requires Karborundum (a super rare and super-powerful resource), and the cost or ship weight limits ranges with the tier of the beacon.

This one is straightforward and only uses gravity for its gameplay balance. And your ship contains a jump device that targets the beacon. If you are too close to a planet and under enough gravity you'll blow up if you try to jump (and you can measure the imbalance and see the explosion coming).


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3 hours ago, Brent Kerman said:

I'm just asking, How 'safe' is this mod? I'd really like it, but really don't want to break my game.

Assume it will break everything. Back up your saves, and then install to see what happens. If nothing, then you're good. If not... well you have your save!

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Daaamn, cool. Although I personally prefer hand-crafted content to procedural generation (and the systems generated do look kind of wonky,) this is awesome in that it proves it's possible to have multiple star systems in KSP without overly stressing hardware, at least. Although the craft to get anywhere are a different story. Maybe I'll try out interstellar after I've actually accomplished my interplanetary goals. (darn aero, darn science...)

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14 hours ago, Imma_Stabya said:

Does this mod still used the original terrestrials?

For now, yes. However, they will be planning to implement something for you to be able to add your own planets from other planet packs, as stated further up i'm pretty sure. Any semi-procedural planet work at all is right here:

On 3/29/2017 at 9:25 PM, daniel l. said:

Anyone who wants to try my procedural planet generator can extract this into your "To_Boldly_Go" folder. Just run the EXE and it will spawn a basic planet with procedural terrain into orbit around Kerbin.

Once spawned, you may have to adjust it's orbit via Kittopia or Hyperedit, as it sometimes spawns outside Kerbin SOI.

Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4w0bpcm7ijuvusi/PlanGen.zip?dl=0


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I'd certinly like to make Kargantua, from the Kargantua mod, be at the center of the cluster. I don't consider the cluster a galaxy, more like a small globular cluster held together in a black hole's SoI.

With all the really nice planet packs out there, it would be nice to procedurally plant other packs in their own stars. Also be able to chose which planets are used procedurally and which ones are to be fixed in their own system.

What is the furthest distance that KSP is capable of placing a star system? I'd like to place stars between the vicinity of .25c and 1c away. Maybe have planetary visual effect to see them from Kerbin? 

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11 hours ago, Eskandare said:

What is the furthest distance that KSP is capable of placing a star system? I'd like to place stars between the vicinity of .25c and 1c away. Maybe have planetary visual effect to see them from Kerbin? 

Quite far actually, TBG galaxies can extend as far outward as a lightyear IRL.

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Dearest Koogie,

I'm been pretty quiet lately, mainly becuase I've been working on other things. I certainly have _not_ been playing Factorio. Anyway, the end of the semester is here and I thought I'd send you something talking about the roadmap for getting to TBG 0.4

First, I wanted to point out that the latest branch on github is "Janet" (https://github.com/kjoenth/To-Boldly-Go/tree/Janet). All the planet related work will show up there and get merged into the main version as we go along. I encourage people that are interested to go ahead and jump in to help.

Here's the current plan for getting to 0.4:

  • DONE! Planet and "astroid" generation streamlining. We move all the planet generation code to a sub in a separate file like @bunjatec did for astroids, but we don't touch any of the "how". Just streamline things to remove the repetitive code. Again, thanks to @bunjatec.
  • 0.3.1: MOSTLY DONE! Planetary discs. Each star has a plane, and the planets orbiting it will be in that plane (with some variation). There can be a few planets with oddball orbits (rogue planets that were captured, but they will be rare. This will cut down on the crazytime looking systems. 
  • Spoiler
    • Yru9U1u.png
  • 0.3.2: MOSTLY DONE! Unique/custom planets. This will be the first release with unique planets being placed. Code for it can be worked on before this, but this will be the first official announcement. We should probably have some video tutorials showing how to do it. Planets still being placed using current semimajor axis calc system. If this is done correctly, it should be possible for people to download planet/star packs, edit a few text config files in TBG, and it will generate a procedural universe that has those planets/stars. The code for doing this is more-or-less already in place, but needs closer testing

And now the hard stuff:

  • 0.3.3: Better placement of planets. Start trying to have smarter placement of planets based on their qualities. Make sure planets are in locations that makes sense (habitable worlds in habitable zones, etc). This will be complicated, mainly because QBasic is not a language I am fluent in and I keep thinking in python and need to mentally translate it.
  • 0.3.4: Better placement of moons. Take the work done on planet placement and apply it to moons. Make sure there is some smarter calculation of relative mass of moon:parent so the moon isn't so be that you have a binary planet system.
  • 0.3.5: True procedural planets?  @daniel l.has some existing code for this, and I think it would be great to get it into the main code.

It sounds like some people are using other mods to travel to these stars. It might be time to include some things that will improve gameplay with telescope mods.

The biggest problem I am encountering is that I do all my work on Mac OS. The QB64 software lets me make a binary application that works on (at least) Mac OS 10.12, but I cant easily make a version for Windows. I need to get this worked out.



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MMMMHHHHHMMMMM So the recommended maximum number of stars is 200 ok ok understood *clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick* ahhhhh and there we have it 1600 stars generating.

my computer is soooooooo going to break! 

im so tempted to try it...

 |__   __|    |  _ \      | |   | | |        / ____|
    | | ___   | |_) | ___ | | __| | |_   _  | |  __  ___
    | |/ _ \  |  _ < / _ \| |/ _` | | | | | | | |_ |/ _ \
    | | (_) | | |_) | (_) | | (_| | | |_| | | |__| | (_) |
    |_|\___/  |____/ \___/|_|\__,_|_|\__, |  \_____|\___/
                                      __/ |
*****Derp***** v0.3
Creation Date: 15:27:22 06-04-2017
Generation Mode: c
Seed: 113 
Galaxy Type: 1 
Galaxy Age: 1 
Cluster Number: 0 
Planets: y
Asteroids: y
L to Y class (~Brown~): 178 
M class (~Red~): 178 
K class (~Orange~): 178 
G class (~Yellow~): 178 
F class (~Yellow-white~): 178 
A class (~White~): 178 
B class (~Blue-White~): 178 
O class (~Blue~): 178 
White Dwarves: 179 
 1602 Stars
 2732 Planets
 4085 Moons
 663 Asteroids
 9082  Total
Im going to do it... stand by for pic :wink: 

Edited by Sky strato
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