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Scott Manley's Galileo Modlist


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Scott Manley's latest video series looks like its going to be a good one!  I'm really pumped and would like to play along with my own campaign game.  Can anyone figure out what mods he is using or is there already a link to it?

Here is a link to the video:


Edited by Probus
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He's pretty good about posting his mod lists once it's set and he feels out what will work and what won't.  I'm pretty sure the question he gets asked most in the world right now is "What's your mod list in the new series?".

While I am also quite excited about a new full KSP series, I would advise patience until episode 2 comes out, which will Shirley, contain a list of the mods he uses, and you'll only be one 20 minute episode behind.  

Good luck (excited little girl squeal)!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/14/2016 at 1:20 AM, Probus said:

Scott never released his mod list.  Or did I just miss it?


If you watch the episodes, you'll hear him say "I will release a mod list when I have decided on what mods I want to stick with".

If he has not released a mod list yet, one can only assume that he isn't satisfied with his selection just yet.

Edited by Streetwind
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmm, shame the folder names don't always line up with the mod names to any great degree and some mods are multiple folders etc, a concise list of what mods and where to get them would be nice, I know about 75% of those but "OLDD" "OPM" etc eludes me.

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  On 1/11/2017 at 6:17 PM, KriLL3 said:

Hmm, shame the folder names don't always line up with the mod names to any great degree and some mods are multiple folders etc, a concise list of what mods and where to get them would be nice, I know about 75% of those but "OLDD" "OPM" etc eludes me.


OPM is out planets mod no idea what OLDD is

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  On 1/11/2017 at 6:17 PM, KriLL3 said:

Hmm, shame the folder names don't always line up with the mod names to any great degree and some mods are multiple folders etc, a concise list of what mods and where to get them would be nice, I know about 75% of those but "OLDD" "OPM" etc eludes me.



  On 1/11/2017 at 9:49 PM, Leafbaron said:

OPM is out planets mod no idea what OLDD is


OLDD is the mod Docking Camera (KURS Style) which is docking cameras or a movable camera in a window. Pretty cool, but I can't see the point of it much for Scott's videos unless he was to video edit a mission from multiple angles.


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Would be awesome if someone that is more familiar with the mods around could make a list of "confirmed" mods scott uses by looking at the gamedata folder. I myself only know maybe half of those? Some I tried looking for but cant be sure if they are correct or not. 

Pretty please :D ?

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  On 1/12/2017 at 12:17 PM, code99 said:

Would be awesome if someone that is more familiar with the mods around could make a list of "confirmed" mods scott uses by looking at the gamedata folder. I myself only know maybe half of those? Some I tried looking for but cant be sure if they are correct or not. 

Pretty please :D ?


Working on it, here is AVC's readout of mods:

Toolbar - 1.7.13
USI Tools - 0.8.9
B9 Part Switch - 1.5.3
B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40.10
Community Category Kit - 1.2.1
Community Resource Pack - 0.6.5
CommunityTechTree - 3.0.3
Contract Configurator - 1.22.2
Contract Pack: Unmanned Contracts - 0.3.27
CustomBarnKit - 1.1.10
Easy Vessel Switch - 1.2
EditorExtensionsRedux -
Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.6
Firespitter - 7.5.1
GalileosPlanetPack - 1.0.2
RasterPropMonitor - 0.28
Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.2
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.4
KronalVesselViewer - 0.0.6
KSP-AVC Plugin -
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.3
NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE -
NearFutureConstruction - 0.7.2
NearFutureElectrical - 0.8.2
NearFuturePropulsion - 0.8.2
NearFutureSolar - 0.7.1
Outer Planets Mod - 2.0
Radio Free Kerbin - 1.2
RealChute -
ReentryParticleEffect -
RetractableLiftingSurface - 0.1.1
RoverScience - 2.2
SCANsat -
Science Relay -
SETI-ProbeParts - 1.2.2
SXTContinued - 0.3.5
TimeControl - 2.5
ToadicusToolsContinued - 0.22
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.3
Alternate Resource Panel - 2.9.1
Transfer Window Planner - 1.6
TweakableEverything - 0.1.18
TweakScale - 2.3.3
USI Core - 0.3.6
Asteroid Recycling Tech - 0.9.6
USI Exploration Pack - 0.7.1
Freight Transport Tech - 0.6.5
Karbonite - 0.8.5
Konstruction - 0.1.9
USI-LS - 0.5.16
Malemute Rover - 0.2.5
MKS - 0.50.11
Unmanned before Manned - 1.2.2
EVAParachutesAndEjectionSeats - 0.1.12
VaporVent - 1.1.2
VesselViewerContinued - 0.8.3
[x] Science! - 5.4

Here is ckan output:

	"kind": "metapackage",
	"abstract": "A list of modules installed on the default KSP instance",
	"name": "installed-default",
	"license": "unknown",
	"version": "2017.",
	"identifier": "installed-default",
	"spec_version": "v1.6",
	"recommends": [
			"name": "ModuleManager"
			"name": "MiniAVC"
			"name": "PartAngleDisplay"
			"name": "CommunityResourcePack"
			"name": "CommunityCategoryKit"
			"name": "TextureReplacer"
			"name": "AsteroidDay"
			"name": "USI-ART"
			"name": "FirespitterCore"
			"name": "Karbonite"
			"name": "USITools"
			"name": "MalemuteRover"
			"name": "UKS"
			"name": "Konstruction"
			"name": "USI-LS"
			"name": "B9-PWings-Fork"
			"name": "B9PartSwitch"
			"name": "USI-EXP"
			"name": "USI-FTT"
			"name": "USI-Core"
			"name": "CommunityTechTree"
			"name": "VesselView-UI-RasterPropMonitor"
			"name": "SCANsat"
			"name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core"
			"name": "VesselView"
			"name": "EditorExtensionsRedux"
			"name": "ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads"
			"name": "KAS"
			"name": "Toolbar"
			"name": "KIS"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator-UnmannedContracts"
			"name": "UnmannedBeforeManned"
			"name": "CoherentContracts"
			"name": "KSP-AVC"
			"name": "SETI-ProbeParts"
			"name": "ContractConfigurator"
			"name": "SpacetuxSA"
			"name": "EasyVesselSwitch"
			"name": "FogOfTech"
			"name": "JettisonFuel"
			"name": "Kopernicus"
			"name": "KittopiaTech"
			"name": "ModularFlightIntegrator"
			"name": "KVVContinued"
			"name": "MinAmbience"
			"name": "RadioFreeKerbin"
			"name": "ReentryParticleEffect"
			"name": "RetractableLiftingSurface"
			"name": "ScienceRelay"
			"name": "xScience"
			"name": "TimeControl"
			"name": "ToadicusToolsContinued"
			"name": "AlternateResourcePanel"
			"name": "KerbalAlarmClock"
			"name": "TransferWindowPlanner"
			"name": "TriggerAu-Flags"
			"name": "TweakableEverythingCont"
			"name": "TweakScale"
			"name": "SXTContinued"
			"name": "FirespitterResourcesConfig"
			"name": "VaporVent"
			"name": "EVAParachutes"
			"name": "KerbalKrashSystem"
			"name": "DraggableNavball"
			"name": "NavballDockAlignIndCE"
			"name": "AGExt"
			"name": "LandingHeight"
			"name": "ModActions"
			"name": "RealChute"

Some mods are part of the Galileo pack, (some are in the "optional mods" folder, some are part of  outer planets mod etc, some are bundled with one or more mods (texture replacer, modulemanager etc) Main problem is the Diazo and UmbraSpaceIndustries folders, Diazo is a modder and all his mods go in that folder (look him up on spacedock) not sure which mods of his SM uses, Similar problem with USI, Roverdude has released a lot of mods under the USI umbrella, unsure which SM uses, probably safest to go with all of them.

Personally to that list I add trajectories (shows where you'll end up when landing in atmo) mechjeb (I prefer it over kerbal engineer) and rasterpropmonitor (gives you working MFDs in cockpits)

Edited by KriLL3
Personal mod snuck in
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Its unfortunate, because that list of mods creates such a great looking game.  The clouds in particular are great.  There is no way I am going to put that much effort into making the game look, frankly, like a game should in 2017 right out of the box.   You need art work desperately, Squad.

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  On 1/12/2017 at 7:50 PM, klesh said:

Its unfortunate, because that list of mods creates such a great looking game.  The clouds in particular are great.  There is no way I am going to put that much effort into making the game look, frankly, like a game should in 2017 right out of the box.   You need art work desperately, Squad.


There aren't that many visual enhancement mods in Scott's list. The main ones are obviously EVE and SVE plus some extras: PlanteShine, Distant Object, ReentryParticleEffect. You can find them all on CKAN.

Edited by Raphaello
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Yeah I don't get where the effort is. Download mods, install, play. Seems doable for anyone with the attention span to succeed at all in KSP, let alone post KSP stuff here that's interesting enough to get 500+likes. But suit yourself?

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