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[0.24.2] Taverio's Pizza and Aerospace v1.7.1 (22/09)


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  Taverius said:
- v1.6.2

  • New RAPIER curves.
  • Mk2 node sizes back 1.
  • Fix broken floatCurve replaces.
  • Support MM patches changing ModuleEngines to ModuleEnginesFX.

Hopefully that should be all bugs squashed, 1.7 using TweakScale after I'm done with the new B9 release (so a few weeks at least).



2) (mainly @B9 news)



welcome back....












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I don't know if this has already been explained, but i'll ask anyways, would this affect other mods, in my case, SpacePlane+? I would love to use the two packs together, but only if the changes made to stock parts also affect the Spaceplane+ parts.

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  Endersmens said:
I don't know if this has already been explained, but i'll ask anyways, would this affect other mods, in my case, SpacePlane+? I would love to use the two packs together, but only if the changes made to stock parts also affect the Spaceplane+ parts.

I've been meaning to take a look at your pack. Its in my list of things to do when the next B9 release is done :)

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  Taverius said:
I've been meaning to take a look at your pack. Its in my list of things to do when the next B9 release is done

SpacePlane+ is not my mod, sorry if thats what i sounded like. I simply want to use the two mods together. The owner of SpacePlane+ is Porkjet, and the mod can be found here if you wanna take a peak. [thread=80796]SpacePlane+[/thread]

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carbon5985: If you are looking for the models, you will not find them. The small (and large) parts are just rescales of stock parts, so look in Squad/Parts/* for part2.cfg files (unless Tavarius changed the name).

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  taniwha said:
carbon5985: If you are looking for the models, you will not find them. The small (and large) parts are just rescales of stock parts, so look in Squad/Parts/* for part2.cfg files (unless Tavarius changed the name).

They're all in the MM files now.

In 'GameData\TVPP\Parts-Rebalance' there's several *-Extra-* files, those have the rescaled stock parts.

Obviously they need module manager, which is stated several times in the README, so if you removed the MM .dll I have nothing to say to you :)

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There is an error on this part- the 9x6 and 12x8 wing MM components of the file are not rescaling properly...


// --- general parameters ---

name = NTBI 3x2 Sloped Wing

module = Winglet

author = ac14

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = model.mu

scale = 0.1

// --- editor parameters ---

TechRequired = supersonicFlight

entryCost = 4500

cost = 365

category = Aero

subcategory = 0

title = 3x2 wing

manufacturer = NTBI Flight Manufacturing

description = A sloped aircraft wing, like you might find on airliners.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1

// --- node definitions ---

// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.051

dragModelType = override

maximum_drag = 0.02

minimum_drag = 0.02

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 15

breakingForce = 150

breakingTorque = 150

maxTemp = 3400

explosionPotential = 0.1

fuelCrossFeed = True

// --- winglet parameters ---

// dragCoeff will override the maximum_drag value

dragCoeff = 0.45

deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.38

MODULE:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch] {

name = FARWingAerodynamicModel

MAC = 1.19

e = 0.9

IsSmallCtrlSurf = 0

MidChordSweep = 19.26

ctrlaxis = none

b_2 = 3.763

TaperRatio = 0.386



+PART[NTBI?3x2?Sloped?Wing]:FOR[TVPPNew]:AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch] {

@name = NTBI 6x4 Sloped Wing

%rescaleFactor = 2.5

@entryCost = 13000

@cost = 1500

@title = 6x4 wing

@description = A large sloped aircraft wing, like you might find on large airliners.

@mass = 0.204

@breakingForce = 290

@breakingTorque = 290

@deflectionLiftCoeff = 5.5

@MODULE[FARWingAerodynamicModel]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch] {

@MAC = 2.38

@b_2 = 7.525



+PART[NTBI?3x2?Sloped?Wing]:FOR[TVPPNew]:AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch] {

@name = NTBI 9x6 Sloped Wing

@rescaleFactor = 3.75

@entryCost = 17000

@cost = 3200

@title = 9x6 wing

@description = A very large sloped aircraft wing, like you might find on very large airliners.

@mass = 0.459

@breakingForce = 440

@breakingTorque = 440

@deflectionLiftCoeff = 12.38

@MODULE[FARWingAerodynamicModel]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch] {

@MAC = 3.57

@b_2 = 11.288



+PART[NTBI?3x2?Sloped?Wing]:FOR[TVPPNew]:AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch] {

@name = NTBI 12x8 Sloped Wing

@rescaleFactor = 5

@entryCost = 25000

@cost = 5800

@title = 12x8 wing

@description = A HUGE sloped aircraft wing. Used for lifing buildings into the air.

@mass = 0.816

@breakingForce = 590

@breakingTorque = 590

@deflectionLiftCoeff = 22

@MODULE[FARWingAerodynamicModel]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch] {

@MAC = 4.76

@b_2 = 15.05



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The only thing I can think of that would cause that is if you do an ingame database reload.

ModuleManager does not support it, and you'll get only the base ones. In this case, you'll only get the base part, not the rescales of it.

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Ok... I found another bug- In the location:

ksp-win-0-23-5\KSP_win\GameData\TVPP\Parts-New\NTBI\Ctrl x1

The part-file has a mistake- This:

+PART[1mControlSurface0]:FOR[TVPPNew]:AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch] {

@name = 0.5mControlSurface

@rescaleFactor = 1.25

@entryCost = 4200

@cost = 780

@title = 1 Meter Control Surface

@description = A 1m long control surface

Should be:

+PART[1mControlSurface0]:FOR[TVPPNew]:AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch] {

@name = 1.0mControlSurface

@rescaleFactor = 1.25

@entryCost = 4200

@cost = 780

@title = 1 Meter Control Surface

@description = A 1m long control surface

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@Taverius: removing/replacing stock mk2 parts with some with nodes on different locations is a very bad idea IMHO as ALL stock mk2 compatible mods become more or less useless/unusable (and potentially all mkX parts if you do the same with mk3 parts) !

Like Spaceplane Plus or my inline air intakes (which doesn't provide any alternative connections scheme like a mk2-> 1.25m diameter adapter).

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  Justin Kerbice said:
@Taverius: removing/replacing stock mk2 parts with some with nodes on different locations is a very bad idea IMHO as ALL stock mk2 compatible mods become more or less useless/unusable (and potentially all mkX parts if you do the same with mk3 parts) !

Like Spaceplane Plus or my inline air intakes (which doesn't provide any alternative connections scheme like a mk2-> 1.25m diameter adapter).


I'd ported the node move from stupid_chris' Stock Rebalance because it does make sense to have the stack node in line with the part's CoM.

Mk2/3 suffer from being the very first things C7 ever did as a modeler, and Squad not being interested in improving them.

Unfortunately that requires patching all mods too. I'll probably revert that and leave just the CoM stuff.

  Joshwoo69 said:
uh... pics are broken?

Works for me? :)

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  Taverius said:

I'd ported the node move from stupid_chris' Stock Rebalance because it does make sense to have the stack node in line with the part's CoM.

Mk2/3 suffer from being the very first things C7 ever did as a modeler, and Squad not being interested in improving them.

Unfortunately that requires patching all mods too. I'll probably revert that and leave just the CoM stuff.


It's unbelievable and also quite a poor excuse, how it can be possible such bad parts can have been included as-is as stock :huh: and NEVER FIXED ! I'll never understand that...

AFAIK CoM is in fact what the modeler decide by putting his/her part at any origin. These low nodes on mk2 fuselage parts can make sense if fuel is stored more in the bottom, as there are also fuselage, which mean full of nothing + structural parts + wires and insulation material. Center of the volume is not always the CoM.

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  Justin Kerbice said:

It's unbelievable and also quite a poor excuse, how it can be possible such bad parts can have been included as-is as stock :huh: and NEVER FIXED ! I'll never understand that...

Quality of content is not a priority for Squad as they run to feature completeness. Plus Harv isn't interested in planes.

  Justin Kerbice said:
AFAIK CoM is in fact what the modeler decide by putting his/her part at any origin. These low nodes on mk2 fuselage parts can make sense if fuel is stored more in the bottom, as there are also fuselage, which mean full of nothing + structural parts + wires and insulation material. Center of the volume is not always the CoM.

CoM of Mk2/Mk3 is way below any arguable center of mass of the part.

  Hellbrand said:
any chance we can have surface attach enabled for the Delta deluxe winglets? the stock one has it now why not these?

I'll take a looksee, surface attach on winglets is disabled (mostly, Squad isn't consistent in anything) because parts attached to moving colliders do not themsleves move, which can leave you to things handing magically in mid-air if you stick it to a control surface.

Arguably the Delta-Deluxe has a small enough moving part that on its better to have it on than off, so I'll make a note.

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