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(1.2.2) (W.I.P.) Kerbal Galaxy Revamped, Volume 2


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The idea of Kerbol Genesis is a alteration of the stock system along with adding new stars, planets and moons that can be customized like a set of Lego bricks to make your own Galactic Neighborhood. @TheJangleMan has given me permission to use K.G.R. assets, so as such, I will use ALL of the assets, essentially creating K.G.R. Volume 2. Here is the current list of bodies. All bodies have names and descriptions, though these are subject to change. NOTE - When it comes to K.G.R. planets, I don't exactly know the orbits of the bodies, so bare with me if they aren't correct!

Kerbol (Sun, New Texture and Corona)

         Eternium - Eternium is anything but eternal, as this hot Jool is literally evaporationg away due to Kerbol's Solar wind. Supprisingly, there is a surface of Black Diamond with lakes of liquid hydrogen here - that is, if you can make it to the surface.

          Moho (Updated Textures and HeightMap) - Moho is a small rock slightly larger than our Mun that is in a binary orbit with Grorth. It is hot here and, frankly, quite uninteresting.

                   SilicaMoon1 "Grorth"  (In Binary orbit with Moho) - Grorth is cooler than Moho, but that doesn't mean its not hot here. Still as uninteresting as its brother, Moho.

                    Asteroid1 "Asluaphus" (Orbiting LaGrange Point) - Asluaphus is like the other bodies in the Moho System - BORING.

          Eve (New Maps and Description) - An Kerbin-like planet with an atmosphere that is not breathable to Kerbals due to low oxygen levels and unusually large amounts of argon. A long mountain range snakes its way around the planet, forming the backbone of several continents. There are Lakes of what is presumed to be Rocket Fuel here.

                    OceaniaMoon1 "Shamun" (%80 Water with craters, similar to Kerbol Star System's Laythe) - A small Kerbin-like satellite with a rich oxygen atmosphere. The moon is dotted with countless tiny islands made from impact craters. The plant-like organisms on Shamun are almost exclusively types of grass. They can reach incredible heights due to the strength of some species, while others would be barely noticeable in a microscope, if not for their spectacular colors. Shrubs, bushes and flowers are also fairly prominent, but fungi and trees are nearly non-existent. While their colors, shapes and in some cases their scents may be wonderful, none of these organisms have developed beyond a more basic form.

                    Gilly (New Maps and description) - Gilly is a tiny asteroid orbiting Eve. Gilly has the smallest gravity of any body in the entire Kerbol System.

          SuperOceaniaPlanet1 "Wioter" (%100 water) - Wioter has no landmasses to speak of, just barren, empty and cruel oceans. This planet isn't the most ideal place for life, but there are plenty of examples similar to this planet which do sustain life. Only time will tell if Wioter is a future home to new lifeforms.

                    DesertMoon1 "Skruwioter" (Similar to Tatooine from Star Wars: Episode 4) - When scientists realized that a proper landing in Water with a traditional lander wasn't possible, an intern shouted, "Screw Water!" A writer misinterpreted the exclamation as the name of Water yet in-named moon and wrote it down. It has stuck ever since. Sustaining life on its own isn't something this moon will be capable of in the near future, but the conditions are good enough to allow terra forming and the planet is rich in resources, which could make it perfect for a mining colony.

          Kerbin (Same as Stock, No Changes Here)

                    SpacePotato1 "Tromia E3LF" (Captured Asteroid that threatened Kerbin, but now resides at approx. 3-5 million meters above sea level) - Tromia E3LF made everyone scream a couple years back when it came barreling towards Kerbin. Now it resides in orbit, serving as a potential refueling base for KSC's Missions in the Kerbol System and Beyond.

                    Mun (New Text. and Height.) - The Mun has always been a presence both in Kerbin's sky and Kerbal's minds. However, when Kerbonauts arrived here, their dreams of a world filled with canals of cookies and cream ice cream were swiftly crushed. Bummer

                    Minmus (New Text. and Height.) - Minmus is also called, "That green thing you can see if you squint really hard." Minmus is mint colored, but doesn't taste like Mint ice cream at all.

          TidallyLockedTerra1 "Huobos" (Rotation slowed by 2 moons, Hurricane at equator with temperate twilight zones and frozen night side) - Huobos's two moons slow down it's rotation so much that although it is millions of miles away from Kerbol, it is essentially tidally locked. One large continent stretches from the north pole to the south pole. Ecosystems range from tropical rain forest to arid grassland and frozen tundra. A large Hurricane is ever-present on it's Kerbol-Facing Side.

                    SilicaMoon2 "Frayalea" (Like Kerbins Mun, 180 degrees away in rotation from SilicaMoon3) - A lifeless rock with no atmosphere, about the size of Kerbin's mun. A few uranium deposits are the only sites of interest here, and there are only a dozen or so of them.

                    SilicaMoon3 "Strov" (Like Kerbins Mun, 180 degrees away in rotation from SilicaMoon2) - Similar to Frayalea, Strov is fairly uninteresting. Unfortunately, it doesn't even have deposits of Uranium to support interest here.

          Katney ([AKA Duna] Suffered Comet impact, now more temperate and more Kerbin-esque) - Katney, formerly known as Duna, recently suffered an impact from a comet, and has been transformed by it. What used to be a cold red planet is, well, slightly less so. Katney, named after Mark Katney (a famous Kerbonaut who survived being stranded on Duna for over a year), has a moderately-thick atmosphere with oxygen and water present at the surface due to a comfortable temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. While Katney currently holds no lifeforms, it may very well do so in the future. The conditions are near perfect, all it takes now is the right trigger and plenty of time. Perhaps an advanced species could help set things in motion with a failed lander with microbes accidentally spared from cleaning on board.

                    Ike (New Texture and heightmap) - Ike is a cold satellite of Katney that has no satellite's on or near it. Until you go there (wink-wink)!

                    SpacePotato2 "Brora 237" (Like Phobos) - Brora 237 is an uninteresting space potato orbiting Katney.

                    SpacePotato3 "Brora 238" (Like Demos) - Brora 238is an uninteresting space potato orbiting Katney.

          Dres (More Interesting with new maps) - Dres is a dwarf planet orbiting in Kerbol's Asteroid belt. There is no atmosphere here, but large canyons dot the surface. Resources are pretty much the only thing Dres is known and good for.

                    Comet1 "Gleshan 893" (Captured Icy Comet) - This blue comet is forever suspended over Dres. It saddens scientists that more people Know about Gleshan than Dres.

          Jool (Now a Green Dwarf Star due to an event similar to that which occur in 2010: Odyssey 2) - Jool used to be a Gas Giant until the Krakening. Millions of Monoliths swarmed Jools Atmosphere, increasing its denity enough until it began Nuclear Fusion. Oddly enough, Jool has retained its green color, and as such is the only known Green Star in existence.

                    Asteroid2 "Lah" (Large Captured Asteroid) - Lah is a tiny metallic rock orbiting in what used to be Jool's Asteroid belt. It is now the only asteroid left from before the Krakening.

                    Pol (Now more like Io, with volcanoes lava) - Pol used to be a calm moon until Jool began Nuclear Fusion. Pol heated up from the combination of Tidal forces and Jool's light. Pol is heavily volcanic, so although beautiful as this moon may be, life will of course never be possible here. But in terms of research, this moon has plenty of secrets and answers ready to be discovered. If nothing else, Pol at least makes for a gorgeous sight in the night skies of the planets around it.

                    Laythe (Less Water, More Land, Higher temp) - A oceanic moon with an oxygen-rich atmosphere, Laythe has warmed and dried up quite a bit. A layer of single-celled photosynthetic organisms covers the entire surface of the planet, giving it a uniform appearance and a vivid green color. These unicellular plants are so successful that the evolutionary process has largely stalled, however several more complex species of photosynthetic plant have also developed.

                    Tylo (Now more like 2nd Eve with thick atmo. AND high G-force ASL) - Tylo is every Kerbonaut's Nightmare, and Jedidiah's Dream Moon. While life will never be possible on Tylo, it does offer a unique sight in the night sky of the rest of Jool's nearby moons. Its colors and violent weather here occasionally makes the night quite magical on those planets, especially those with an atmosphere.

                    TerraMoon2 "Flov" (Like Kerbin but colder and more land) - Flov is essentially a smaller Kerbin. It has the same land to water ratio, but has no life present at the surface.

                              DesertSub-Moon1 "Meylia" (Like Duna but brown, more atmo and water) - Meylia has huge sandstorms that cover its surface. Although extremely violent, this sub-moon holds many resources which could be of the utmost importance to Kerbalkind. With the right technology, battling the elements on Meylia shouldn't be too much of a challenge.

                    Vall (Now like a melted Europa but with land and red plant life) - A small Kerbin-like moon with an oxygen-rich atmosphere. The entire planet is covered by one enormous ocean. There are only a few small islands where forests of red fungus-like organisms grow.

                              SilicaSub-Moon1 "Crufater" (Like Kerbin's Mun but much smaller and Minmus gravity ASL) - A small lifeless rock with an extremely thin nitrogen atmosphere. Its surface is pitted with large impact craters. No indigenous lifeforms exist here, and the only interest in Crufater is its Metalic Crust.

                    SilicaMoon5 "Rarus" (Like Smaller Tylo) - This Silicate based moon is cratered on all sides. It's obvious life on Rarus is impossible, but this moon does hold the key to whether or not life will exist on the other Joolian moons around it. Rarus shields some of the other moons from an asteroid field which Jool comes into contact with every few decades. When this happens, small pieces are scattered through the Jool system, but the vast majority are caught by Rarus. Those pieces that do get scattered are usually not big enough to destroy the other moons, while at the same time potentially holding the right materials or even lifeforms to begin the process of life on those other Joolian moons

          IceGiant1 "Cryria" (Purple and Yellow Uranus with 4 separate rings) - Cryria is a Highly Tilted Ice Giant orbiting past Jool. A large storm resides at the equator here, and a septagon cloud formation present at both the north and south poles.

                    SpacePotato4 "Trion" (Ring Herder) - Trion is a small red space potato that herds Cryria's 1st and 2nd rings.

                    FormingTerra/SilicaMoon1 "Protonus" (Hot planet with primordial soup being fromed from 2nd and 3rd Rings No life yet, but the materials are there.) - Protonus is a warm moon forming in-between Cryria's second and third rings. It is kept relatively warm by its atmosphere, which is mostly composed of carbon dioxide, and bombardment from the rings above. This is a damp, boggy world, prone to excessive rain and seasonal flooding. A relatively flat surface prevents water from pooling into large oceans and instead keeps the water table high. There are a number of small seas however, which are fed by wide, shallow rivers - a product of the planet's active weather system. It is possible that these sea's have a mixture of Primordial compounds in them, but no scientist knows for sure.

                    Space Potato5 "Kepard" (Ring Herder) - Kepard is a yellow space potato herding Cryria's 3rd and 4th rings.

                    IceDesertMoon1 "Drars" (Colder than Duna, Blue sand) - A cold, blue desert moon with a nitrogen atmosphere. While oxygen levels are too low for Kerbal respiration, the availability of precious metals at or near the surface makes it an ideal candidate for mining operations.

                              Comet2 "Kaprilles 923" (Captured Icy Comet that could deliver IceDesertMoon1 Water) - This small white comet is mostly flat and is made of about 90% water. It is slowly falling back down to Drars's surface.

                    SilicaMoon6 "Fregatis" (Like Ike/Dres) - Fregatis has what KSC scientists call, "Dresitis" - the sickness of being a boring body surrounded by interesting bodies.

          IceGiant2 "Brao" (Like Saturn but Blue and Orange [I'm an Auburn fan, War Eagle!], and 2 rings) - Brao may look calm due to it's colors, but it is anything but. Brao has the most ferocious winds in the entire Kerbol System, and has Hurricanes larger than Kerbin, Eve, and Katney combined.

                    FormingSilicaMoon2 "Kunia"(Like Stock Pol, but HOT) - Kunia is a forming volcanic world. Obviously this moon cannot sustain life, as the conditions here are far too violent and change too often. Perhaps when things have calmed down in a few million years life will begin to appear, but right now we can only study Kunia for more information about how moons-and planets-are formed.

                    Methania/SulphuriaMoon1 "Eynope" (Like Titan, but Blue surface and Purple Atmosphere) - This odd Moon was all a scientist said when it was first viewed. Eynope has Gail-force winds and a surface with liquid Sulphur. Life is obviously impossible on this planet and will always be impossible. The conditions are too violent and anything that reaches the planet's surface is destroyed in its violence. A violence that is strangely beautiful, yet eerily frightening.

         Eeloo (New Texture and Heightmap, Binary, Like Europa) - Eeloo is one of the most Distant bodies in the Kerbol System. There are large underground reservoirs of liquid water, heated by geothermal vents here. Occasionally this water erupts onto the surface and freezes in the cold vacuum, covering the planet with tiny ice crystals.

                  IceBallMoon1 "Ulia" (%70 of Eeloo, like Pluto) - Ulia is an ice-ball in a binary orbit with Eeloo. Although Ulia's surface is almost entirely covered in ice, it is so far away from Kerbol it could never naturally heat up. With conditions as extreme as these, the chances of sustaining life on this planet are virtually none-existent. Even if Ulia has calmed down after millions of years, it would probably still take terraforming to introduce any form of life.

Abbandon - A small yellow-white star, Abbadon is relatively similar to Kerbol.

         Aphrodite -  Aphrodite is a Valentina's favorite planet. Because she very like pink color.

         Violetta - When scientists has discovered this planet, they thought that it is more one analog of planet Eve, which they find near other stars every day. But later spectral analyzing has shown that on the this planet there is oxygen. And the purple color is likely to cause single-celled purple algae floating in the atmosphere of this planet.

         Nix - This dry planet has no signs of life. But its atmosphere contains oxygen! That is really strange...

         Icy - Aptly named, Icy is the coldest body in the Abbandon System. Although there is a thick Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere here, Icy remains just that.

          GasDwarf1 "Evis" (Tiny Jool, but Red) - A tiny gas giant orbiting just inside Abbandon's habitable zone, Evis is designated a "Gas Dwarf" due to it's odd mixture of composition and size. It has two large moons; one is essentially just a lifeless rock, but the other is similar in many ways to our home planet, Kerbin.

                  SilicaMoon4 "Glapanides" (Like Kerbin's Mun) - Glapanides is a rocky moon of Evis. Unfortunately the conditions on this moon make it impossible to sustain life, which is a shame as it's in a good enough position to do so.

                  TerraMoon1 "Taonov" (%50/50 water and land) - A large rocky moon with high gravity and a thin atmosphere. The atmosphere only extends about 2 miles above sea level, and many mountain tops are exposed to the vacuum of space. Native flora live in the deep valleys between mountain ranges. Many of these valleys are isolated, causing an interest amount of biodiversity.

Erevate - A relatively large red dwarf star, Erevate allows planets to sustain life much closer to it than Kerbol.

         Eden - Eden is a green dry planet without oxygen in its atmosphere. But when scientists tried to find life on it, they miraculously discovered unicellular life under ice caps of this planet.

                  Helios - This Moon is covered In seas filled with green algae. Perhaps the microbial life from Eden is not unique to that world? Scientists at KSC seem to think so.

         Sehera - Sehera is a very hot and dry planet named after the Kerbal god of the Sun. Its yellow soil contrasts with its green atmosphere.

          IceGiant3 "Aurilia" (Green and Yellow, Smaller than Jool but bigger than GasDwarf1) - Aurilia is a Calm and serene Ice giant at the farthest reaches of the Kerbol System. Its Green and Yellow atmosphere reminds Kerbals of the once gas giant Jool.

                  IcyTerraMoon1 "Luspadus" (Tidally Heated, VERY cold) - A moon with a nitrogen and chlorine atmosphere, Luspadus is tidally heated by Aurilia and has a small ocean around it's Equator. This moon is currently devoid of life, but there's an abundance of resources, many of which are usually quite rare on Kerbin. Life is certainly possible on Luspadus, as the conditions are right, so this moon is a prime destination for any Kerbal colonization in the future.

                  SilicaMoon7 "Cloebos" (Like Dres) - Cloebos is another moon suffering from "Dresitis"

                  IceDesertMoon3 "Suspore" (Like Duna but Brown) - Suspore is a Katney-like moon orbiting Aurilia that is extremely cold.

                  Comet4 "VL-624" (Captured Comet) - VL-624 is rarely shown or talked about, but it's surface is truly - alien.

Gargantua - Gargantua is a massive, rapidly spinning black hole and the largest black hole in the Kerbal Galaxy.

         Pantagruel - A tiny white dwarf star orbiting Gargantua.

         Miller's Planet - Miller's Planet is a water world with extreme tides; Troughs measure mere inches, whereas Peaks can be miles high.

         Mann's Planet - Mann's planet is a icy world with multible layers - one of which has life. Unfortunately this data is a lie, and this planet is barren.

         Edmund's Planet - Edmund's planet is a dry but hospitable world that could be Kerbalkind's future home.

BrownDwarf1 "Faetis" (Like Wolf 359, Replaces Nim) - Faetis is a brown dwarf - a mix between gas giant and star. It has bands of Nuclear fusion in its atmosphere, but it is not a star. It is the largest planet in the Abbandon System.

         OceaniaMoon2 "Ailiv" (%70 water, %30 Land) - Ailiv is a oceanic moon with huge storms. Extreme weather conditions and violent tectonic plate movement make this planet unsuitable for any life. But this planet is still fairly young, so perhaps once it has aged and calmed down a bit, life might find its way to this world.

         Super-TerraMoon1 "Theobos" (3-5x Kerbin size and GeeASL) - A large rocky moon that is about 4 times larger than Kerbin with high gravity and an atmosphere of mostly Carbon Dioxide. The planet is known for its many active volcanoes, crushing atmosphere, and a surface temperature enough to melt some probes, and certainly Jedidiah. Supercomputers at KSC were fed data from Theobos to calculate possible missions for brave Kerbonauts. After a few seconds, they all said, "Do not land here."

         IceDesertMoon2 "Athion" (Colder than Duna, Yellow/Orange) - Athion is a tidally heated desert moon with water. Surprisingly, life hasn't managed to find its way on this moon. The conditions are perfect however, so all it takes now is time and the right trigger.

         Asteroid3 "Oblars 738" (Captured Asteroid) - Oblars 738 is another uninteresting red asteroid.

         Comet3 "Smiri"(Large Captured Comet) - Smiri is a blue-green comet orbiting Faetis. There might be frozen microbes underneath the surface of the ice here.

Oblok - One of the largest stars known, Oblok is a beautiful blue giant star.

         Lava/DesertPlanet1 "Krush" (Binary Planet with Clone that share atmosphere, new maps and orbits) - Scosucury is a tiny ball of rock in a binary orbit with Scadulea. Scosucury's surface is practically equivalent to Kerbin's Mantle, both in temperature and geological makeup.

                    Lava/DesertPlanet2 "Krush-B" (Binary Planet with Clone that share atmosphere, new maps and orbits) - Scadulea is made of the same materials as Scosucury, but Scadulea is slightly smaller.

         Aelion - A large gas giant that very similar to Pre-Krakening Jool, except for its color.

                  Phoenix - The main feature on this scorched world is the large lakes of molten rock. Phoenix is a world dominated by volcanic and tectonic activity. Volcanoes regularly dot the surface and erupt constantly.

                  Sunflower - Sunflower is very close to it's neighbor moon - Phoenix. Due to gravitational stress from it, the surface of this strange world tends to crack and split.

Opete - Opete is a medium sized star.

         Poseidon - A large blue gas giant, Poseidon is a calm planet orbiting Opete.

                   Hypat - Hypat is a large desert moon orbiting Poseidon.

Osiris - Osiris is a Neutron Star. Neutron stars are the densest and smallest stars known to exist in the universe; with a radius of only about 30 km, they can have a mass of about two times that of Kerbol.

         Ida - Ida is a small rocky planet orbiting Osirus.

         Isus - Isus is a large blue ice giant bombarded by its rings and Osiris.

                  Rocko - This moon is being ripped apart by Isus.

                  Volco - Volco is a small silicate moon orbiting Isus.

Polaris - A hot, bright star nearing the end of it's life. Rumors abound that it was once very much like Kerbol before it flared up and began to die.

         Pandora - A very hostile planet with acidic seas and atmosphere consisting of nitrogen, the thick atmosphere of Pandora hides most of its ground.

         Ryla - A large gas giant that is primarily composed of hydrogen with a substantial amount of helium. It is believed to have a rocky core roughly 2000 km in diameter but otherwise has no defined surface. Surrounding the planet is a thick planetary ring system that orbits around the equator, likely as a result of two large moons colliding with each other.

                  Hoth - Small moon of Ryla. Hoth can provide one of the most beautiful views in the whole galaxy!

                  Cite - Cite is a young rocky planet with a diameter around the size of Eve. It is a heavily cratered world with many impact sites over 100 km in diameter. Smaller impact sites were probably much more numerous in the past but they have since eroded away. Water covers roughly a quarter of the surface, with most of it located in craters, thereby retaining the majority of Cite's habitation near them. Life is quite abundant on Cite, only the vast expanses of desert seem devoid of fauna.


If you would like to help code or texture, please comment here and I will PM you a Discord Server link and we can talk.


Now working with me:

Nansuchao, Artyomka15, TheCanineCraver


Thanks to @TheJangleMan for giving permission to me to use K.G.R. assets in this pack.


Thanks to the creator of fantasynamegenerators.com for an AMAZING Online R.N.G. (Random Name Generator) and R.D.G. (Random Description Generator).

Edited by TrooperTK_0421
Changing Planet Names and Adding Additional Team Members
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1 hour ago, Nansuchao said:

Do you have any experience with Kopernicus?

I'm currently learning through modifying other planet packs and watching TheWhiteGuardian's tutorials. Little experience, but I'm learning. I mainly need help with some of the more advanced functions and texturing the bodies.

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If anyone else would like to help me, it would be greatly appreciated. I need help with some advanced planet creation, trouble-shooting, texturing and brainstorming new bodies. I'd you would like to help, comment here and I will PM you so we can talk. Thank you very much!

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8 hours ago, SAS123 said:

Hmm... I'll have a look into this. You have alot of planets to work on but as soon as i relearn how to make procedural planets again, i may be able to help.



That's fine. I know, it's a LOT of bodies, but at this point I've run out of places to go in Kerbal Space Program, and that is counting other planet packs. I really enjoy some planet concepts that I have yet to see in other planet packs, like a Terra planet that has an Atmospheric Density equal to that of water ASL, meaning that you could swim in midair, or two planets that are so close they share an atmosphere. I doubt these would be possible without inviting the Kraken, but it's worth a shot.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/29/2017 at 6:18 AM, Artyomka15 said:

Well, its the second attempt of recreating my old planet pack without my permission or even notifying me of this...


I don't mind at all, but if you doing something with someone's work, you should ask for permission first.


I'm sorry @Artyomka15, I didn't know that KGR used your mod pack! So sorry!

Sorry everyone for not updating for so long, but I've had so much school work I haven't had a lot of time to work on this XD. I still am trying to recreate the KGR pack along with all new planets and systems, so don't count me out yet!

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I must say I'm hyped about this whole revamped volume 2 thing, I used the revamped volume 1 version and realized it had to many bugs and issues(MAJOR issues).If I knew more about kopernicus myself I would already be helping you, but sadly I'm a newbie at kopernicus too(Even though I have made 2 body's of my own, kinda as practice).This mod has always been kinda the holy grail in planet packs for me, I mean what other planet pack do you know of that has a black hole :confused:.Anyway,cant wait for this mod to come to life again(for a 3rd time :/),if I learn more about modding I might be able to help. I wish you the best of luck.


P.S. Plz keep this mod alive so that there doesn't have to be a Kerbal Galaxy Revamped Volume 3 :P.

P.S.S. Plz make this mod compatible with Interstellar Adventure Revived,OPM,Other_Worlds,and ExtraSolar.

P.S.S.S. I'm not that big of a fan of all the stock planets being changed,it somewhat renders ksp wiki useless(as far as the planets go),and may destroy craft already on celestial bodys.Might I suggest,making a seperate version containing only the new planets(and moons,and suns of course),along with the full version in the download when this mod is released(you're more likely to plz everybody this way).

P.S.S.S.S. You also might wanna add Distant Object Enhancement compatibility.

P.S.S.S.S.S. Posted prematurely due to accidental pressure applied to TAB :P.

P.+S.e+6 Plz keep Krush,and Krush-B's name as I think they are creative(and I like them:wink:).Plz may the sun not be a black hole in this version.

P.+S.e+7 ENOUGH P.S.es

Edited by The CanineCraver
Accidently Pressed TAB
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16 hours ago, The CanineCraver said:

I must say I'm hyped about this whole revamped volume 2 thing, I used the revamped volume 1 version and realized it had to many bugs and issues(MAJOR issues).If I knew more about kopernicus myself I would already be helping you, but sadly I'm a newbie at kopernicus too(Even though I have made 2 body's of my own, kinda as practice).This mod has always been kinda the holy grail in planet packs for me, I mean what other planet pack do you know of that has a black hole :confused:.Anyway,cant wait for this mod to come to life again(for a 3rd time :/),if I learn more about modding I might be able to help. I wish you the best of luck.


P.S. Plz keep this mod alive so that there doesn't have to be a Kerbal Galaxy Revamped Volume 3 :P.

P.S.S. Plz make this mod compatible with Interstellar Adventure Revived,OPM,Other_Worlds,and ExtraSolar.

P.S.S.S. I'm not that big of a fan of all the stock planets being changed,it somewhat renders ksp wiki useless(as far as the planets go),and may destroy craft already on celestial bodys.Might I suggest,making a seperate version containing only the new planets(and moons,and suns of course),along with the full version in the download when this mod is released(you're more likely to plz everybody this way).

P.S.S.S.S. You also might wanna add Distant Object Enhancement compatibility.

P.S.S.S.S.S. Posted prematurely due to accidental pressure applied to TAB :P.

P.+S.e+6 Plz keep Krush,and Krush-B's name as I think they are creative(and I like them:wink:).Plz may the sun not be a black hole in this version.

P.+S.e+7 ENOUGH P.S.es

Thanks for the comment. I haven't been able to properly start working on this yet, as I've been really busy with school to begin actual coding. Hopefully I will start within the next 2 weeks and finish a test version before April. I plan to -hopefully- keep this updated so a Volume 3 isn't necessary :D. As for compatibility, it's a simple fix any user can do (as this is how I learned the basic mechanics of Kopernicus). The reason why no other planet packs work with KGR is the fact that the "sun" is the black hole, thus re-pairing Kerbol to orbit the "sun" makes it a planet to the games code, the planets are moons, etc. The way to fix it is to go into the .ini file for a body, and change the body it orbits from = Sun, to = Kerbol. This should fix any problems with planets orbiting EXTREMLY close to the black hole instead of around Kerbol. (And make sure to put other mods later in the load list than KGR!) Also I plan to make two versions of the mod - one with stock bodies and one with my modifications to them. (Though I REALLY think you should try my Green Dwarf Star Joolian System! :wink:) And I'll probably leave Krishna and Krush-B, but -maybe- change maps (unless you want me to leave them the way they are).


EDIT: NOT Krishna, KRUSH :mad:! Stupid mobile Autocorrect!

Edited by TrooperTK_0421
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Thank you for the reply, and I would like you to leave Krush and Krush - B the same, plz, as they are very much unique(intentional bad English).I also would like to be on your development team, I can't build full blown epic planets(or moons) yet, but I can brainstorm, and once I'm good enough, I can help program.

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15 hours ago, The CanineCraver said:

Thank you for the reply, and I would like you to leave Krush and Krush - B the same, plz, as they are very much unique(intentional bad English).I also would like to be on your development team, I can't build full blown epic planets(or moons) yet, but I can brainstorm, and once I'm good enough, I can help program.

Sure! I'll PM you 2-3 Discord Server Invites, as that's where I talk with other members. Also @The CanineCraver, I plan to make my Planet pack compatible with yours that's in WIP. (I visited your mod page, it looks wonderful)

17 hours ago, Artyomka15 said:

@TrooperTK_0421 It's ok)


Btw, can I join the dev team?)

(I ment to put this above the other quote!)

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6 hours ago, Artyomka15 said:


 I just made new Kerbin and post-Krakened Jool


Link to the album: http://imgur.com/a/lJPn2


Hope you like it :D 

This. Is. Amazing.  I've barely been able to learn Kopernicus and texturing software due to school, but your work astounds me.  Can you pm me a test file of this so I can try it out? Also I think I'm going to have to learn how to code from you, as that's better than anything i've created over the past week. PLZ join the discord and send me this stuff, as well as walk me through how you created this stuff! I wasn't even considering changing Kerbin, but now I REALLY want to!  Is KSC moved away from the ocean and the equator?

P.S.: I made the Post-Krakening Joolian system beauty shot as my desktop background XD

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15 hours ago, TrooperTK_0421 said:

This. Is. Amazing.  I've barely been able to learn Kopernicus and texturing software due to school, but your work astounds me.  Can you pm me a test file of this so I can try it out? Also I think I'm going to have to learn how to code from you, as that's better than anything i've created over the past week. PLZ join the discord and send me this stuff, as well as walk me through how you created this stuff! I wasn't even considering changing Kerbin, but now I REALLY want to!  Is KSC moved away from the ocean and the equator?

P.S.: I made the Post-Krakening Joolian system beauty shot as my desktop background XD

Can I... Be part of the Development team...

I mean, I myself have my own mod to do. But I think that if I helped this mod I can get better at Kopernicus! So can I help :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I know I haven't posted on my thread in a while, but don't be alarmed! Progress has been going great on the pack, with content from several Forums and Discord members! In the next few days, I'll collect some beauty shots using the stock ion probe and post them here (along with hopefully updating the main thread)! If you would like to aid in the creation of this mod, comment saying so or send me a PM! If you would like to participate in testing the Alpha files, join the KGR Volume 2 Discord! ://discord.gg/rpb3hwH

Edited by TrooperTK_0421
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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

This seems to be a bit dead, does anyone have the source code so I could pick this up again and maybe get it working with 1.3?

Edit: Never-mind, I seem to have the mod saved to my PC, if the author of this thread sees this, would it be okay for me to take this on? I'd like the source if possible as I don't actually have the source. I'll try getting it working for 1.3 though.

Edited by JacobTheFoxx
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  • 1 year later...

Hello, look, I have already done a mod remaster, adding improvements and new things, I had not seen this thread before this, but in the end I did not infringe the license, my question is, you would not think it would be a good idea to put the address  of the new thread?  people are taking it well, and everything is going well.  regards!

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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