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[1.5.1] AoA Technologies - Maintenance & Development thread

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  On 3/17/2020 at 7:04 PM, Stone Blue said:

It *should* be... just make sure you have all the dependencies updated for 1.9.1... if you then have issues with something, please post back, with details, logs, and steps on how to reproduce any issues. Needless to say, back up your save(s) before installing/running on 1.9.1

oh, and as far as RPM, there is an "adopted" version by JohnnyOThan for 1.8.1+ that you should be using.


Okay. I just got scared that the game will crash

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...

[EXC 21:59:54.878] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    BDArmory.Modules.ModuleWeapon.GetInfo () (at <dadbcdf9b9ad46c1a220dccbea06d76f>:0)
    PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (AvailablePart newPartInfo, Part part) (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
    PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

I am gettting this error, stopping me from getting into the game. Has anyone ever encountered this?

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@coyotepunk05 I imagine AoA is *supposed* to be used with/supported by BD Armory, but that mod isnt even mentioned in AoA's OP... vOv

But that error you posted, seems to be thrown by one of the BD Armory plugins. And since AoA thread is kinda old & slow here, I suggest going over to the BD Armory thread, to see if they can help there.

But first, double chec you have the correct & most up-to-date version(s) of any BD Armory mods you have... I know several of the BDA mods have changed hands a few times since AoA was made/last updated.... vOv

Also, I suggest reading the OP on this thread, and learn how to post your logs correctly. Providing logs right off the bat, with a support request, will moar likely get you an answer, and quicker, too ;)

Then post here: (I believe this is the current, main) BDA thread:


Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 1/2/2023 at 3:39 PM, Stone Blue said:

@coyotepunk05 I imagine AoA is *supposed* to be used with/supported by BD Armory, but that mod isnt even mentioned in AoA's OP... vOv


As long as BDA+ supports legacy weapon and radar configs from BDAc it should be compatible. I've been using AoAtech since 1.3 and didn't run into problems with BDA/DBAc/BDA+


  On 1/2/2023 at 6:03 AM, coyotepunk05 said:

I am gettting this error, stopping me from getting into the game. Has anyone ever encountered this?


Check your BDArmory install. Since AoA tech is loaded first (due to it's folder name starting with "A") it may just be the first mod that triggered BDA problems. You might have a gamedata folder inside gamedata folder or have a messed up install with a mix of different versions of BDAc/BDA+.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello there.  I've been working on giving older mods the ability for recoloring using Textures  Unlimited.  Cheekily called TURDs, these patches to existing mods allow  completely custom color schemes.  I have a special instance of KSP for my development of these mods which has a minimal modlist, as I have to load KSP over and over and over to test things.  At present, it only has TexturesUnlimited, QuickExit, PartInfo(PAW), and ALL of the various TURD configs that have been released by myself and others, with two exceptions.  Sadly this mod, AOA Technologies, does not play well with this very limited modlist in 1.12.5.  I experience an immediate crash to desktop whenever loading.  I honestly did not even consider the possibility this mod was the problem- as you can see in this thread, there are reports of it being compatible with 1.12, and though its a bit out of date, there's a lineage of people confirming its compatibility with current versions that goes back a long ways.   Attempting to check KSP for corrupted files, reinstalling KSP, downloading AOA from different sources, and confirming the installation of dependencies did not change this instant-crash-to-desktop-when-loading issue.  Worst of all,  removing this mod and only this mod fixes the issue.

So a word of warning: this mod may not be compatible with version 1.12, or it has a pretty severe conflict with an existing mod.  Based off of the crash reports and the logs I suspect the conflict might be with AirplanesPlus, but it seems pointless for me to determine that with certainty, because if this mod isn't compatible with the existing TURD-supported mods, and specifically if it conflicts with AirplanesPlus (which has quite a few more parts and fulfills a similar role as a parts-mod), then it kind of flies in the face of the dream of maximizing the number of mods with TURD recoloring.  At this point I had 3 of the cockpit parts more-or-less set up for recoloring, all I needed was to load KSP to confirm the exact part-names using PartInfo and to have TU run its UVmap analysis thing to tell me all the filepaths for those files' textures, and use that information to finish the config files.. but unfortunately for the last ~48 hours I have been dealing with this rather than making progress.. I worried my graphics card had blown out at first, among other irrational fears.  

So the punchline is, although I wanted to make TURD configs for this mod, the reality is that it wouldn't really be a good use of my time or effort, sadly.  It's a nice mod, and I'd include caveats along the lines of "..if the mod author came back and updated it..." but it's been a solid FIVE YEARS since they posted, so I doubt that will happen.   So for now, my efforts to bring more color to this mod have been abandoned.

This mod has a MiniAVC.dll file in it, so you'll have to manually remove it or have ZeroMiniAVC installed.  Turns out that was my issue.  I have resumed work on making TURD recolors for this mod. 

Edited by UncleMateo
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  On 9/1/2024 at 4:59 PM, UncleMateo said:

I suspect the conflict might be with AirplanesPlus


That's impossible: both of these mods contain only parts and their config files, no dll and no MM patches, so there is no way one of these mods can affect anything outside of it's own folder. And there are no parts with the same name or resource definitions with the same resource name (there are no resource definitions at all).  Some third-party mod is causing the issue. Maybe there is a MiniAVC.dll hidden somewhere or you have a messed up  Firespitter or BDarmory install. Or having another GameData folder inside the GameData.


  On 9/1/2024 at 4:59 PM, UncleMateo said:

"..if the mod author came back and updated it..."


This is a parts-only mod, how is it supposed to be "updated"? cfg files retyped in a newest version of notepad?  The only way parts-only mods can be outdated are missing textures or broken behavior of PartModules like wheels or lights because there were several changes in KSP how lights and wheels work. Airplane plus  had been having landing gear issues since KSP v 1.4 switced to another version of Unity that changed the landing gear behavior. But it is not the reason of KSP not loading or crashing.

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  On 9/1/2024 at 5:44 PM, Manul said:

That's impossible: both of these mods contain only parts and their config files, no dll and no MM patches, so there is no way one of these mods can affect anything outside of it's own folder. And there are no parts with the same name or resource definitions with the same resource name (there are no resource definitions at all).  Some third-party mod is causing the issue. Maybe there is a MiniAVC.dll hidden somewhere or you have a messed up  Firespitter or BDarmory install. Or having another GameData folder inside the GameData.


This is a parts-only mod, how is it supposed to be "updated"? cfg files retyped in a newest version of notepad?  The only way parts-only mods can be outdated are missing textures or broken behavior of PartModules like wheels or lights because there were several changes in KSP how lights and wheels work. Airplane plus  had been having landing gear issues since KSP v 1.4 switced to another version of Unity that changed the landing gear behavior. But it is not the reason of KSP not loading or crashing.


 Seems the problem was in the AOA Technologies folder all along.  And indeed you're right that the configs in a part-mod couldn't cause this.

AOA Tech itself has a MiniAVC.dll

At this point I haven't really had to worry about MiniAVC in about a year, I had mostly forgotten about it.  Most mods that aren't completely abandoned have gradually removed that cancer.  (And yes, I would indeed count that as an update, to remove the broken miniAVC files, albeit a less necessary one when ZeroMiniAVC exists)

I've now added ZeroMiniAVC to my barebones install to compensate.  Work will now resume on making recolors for this mod.  Thanks for the insight.  Were it not for your response, I would have moved on.  Appreciate your detailed reply.  I'll go ahead and edit my previous post accordingly.

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  • 2 weeks later...


This mod is now recolorable through TexturesUnlimited!  I've got recolors for this mod and 8 others (so far) here: 

NOTE: I almost forgot! The 'High Dome Cockpit' won't work without the Stock TURD configs, it's the one and only dependency for any of my recolors so far.  The thread for that is below:


Edited by UncleMateo
Forgot to note something!
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  • 3 months later...

Hey all, sorry for the necro. I noticed the drone cores are lacking Kerbnet functionality, so I took it upon myself to write a patch for them which I shall post it here for anyone who is interested.

Just create a file called AOA_Kerbnet.cfg and add this to it.

  Reveal hidden contents

I based it off of the Stock Mk2 Drone Core, keeping the FOV in line with that and the Stock SAS nosecone. The detection rating for the two Falkens and the KQ-05 are balanced neatly between the two stock aero parts, given their tech tree positions (I didn't want to undermine the high tech  position of the Mk2 core).

With the KQ-05 FLIR however... I doubled the non-enhanced FOV (better then the other aero parts but nowhere near the high end probe cores) and then gave the detection the same boost over the Mk2 core that the Mk2 has over the stock SAS nosecone, which ends up being double the other AOA cores as well, but still not 100%. That is exclusive to the stock rover.

The reasoning being it IS a high tech surveillance drone with a fancy camera, but hopefully not so overpowered as to undermine other Kerbnet capable parts. 

Feedback is welcome.

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