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How do I copy old parts over to the current version?


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I have my first save from somewhere in the .20s and all my colony vessels have the old radial liquid fuel "Thud" engines. The new model floats off the side of the lander. I want to have the old vessels keep their original engines by simply copying the part over but that isn't working. Do I need to rename something? Thanks.

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You actually should not copy the old part at all. The part name did not change, as you discovered yourself when you found that the Thuds are still there when you load a craft. If you copy over the old part, all you'll get is two parts with the exact same internal identifier, and that breaks stuff. Additionally, the old part will lack significant parts from newer game mechanics, such as directional attachment nodes, or data on how it should interact with vessel heat or the contract system. And then there's the fact that the performance numbers will be off for the new aerodynamics model. It's just a bad idea overall.

Instead, you should patch your current Thud with Module Manager.

First, determine whether or not you want to keep the new model. If you don't care for it at all, then you can just use the normal @PART[ ] syntax to replace the model of the new one with the model of the old one. If you want to keep the new one, first create a clone via +PART[ ] and assign that one a different, unique internal identifier. You now have two identical Thuds. Finally, patch the one that has the original internal identifier to use the old model.

In order to change the model, you need to modify the mesh field near the top of the config, giving it a path to a place where you have stored the old model. This should now let you load an old existing design and have the Thuds show up in their original look.

If you want to continue building with the classic Thud, though, you may or may not have to dive into the config and change other stuff as well, to make it match up with the old model. Depends on whether or not it looks off if you place it in the editor.

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On 12/13/2016 at 3:15 AM, Streetwind said:

You actually should not copy the old part at all. The part name did not change, as you discovered yourself when you found that the Thuds are still there when you load a craft. If you copy over the old part, all you'll get is two parts with the exact same internal identifier, and that breaks stuff. Additionally, the old part will lack significant parts from newer game mechanics, such as directional attachment nodes, or data on how it should interact with vessel heat or the contract system. And then there's the fact that the performance numbers will be off for the new aerodynamics model. It's just a bad idea overall.

Instead, you should patch your current Thud with Module Manager.

First, determine whether or not you want to keep the new model. If you don't care for it at all, then you can just use the normal @PART[ ] syntax to replace the model of the new one with the model of the old one. If you want to keep the new one, first create a clone via +PART[ ] and assign that one a different, unique internal identifier. You now have two identical Thuds. Finally, patch the one that has the original internal identifier to use the old model.

In order to change the model, you need to modify the mesh field near the top of the config, giving it a path to a place where you have stored the old model. This should now let you load an old existing design and have the Thuds show up in their original look.

If you want to continue building with the classic Thud, though, you may or may not have to dive into the config and change other stuff as well, to make it match up with the old model. Depends on whether or not it looks off if you place it in the editor.

Thanks for replying but I am rather dumb when it comes to module manager. How do I end up with a KSP 1.2 install with the current thud engine and the old one? I don't care if it had bad aerodynamics or something I just care about the look and attaching it to rockets. Thanks and sorry lol

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Well, no guarantees that this works, since I'm not at home and type this from memory... but it should work.

Create an empty .txt file, paste the following into it, change the mesh path as appropriate, move the file to anywhere inside GameData, and change the extension to .cfg. Then make sure Module Manager is present. Comes shipped with most mods, but can be downloaded individually too.

	@name = newRadialLiquidEngine1-2

	@mesh = file path to the old model goes here
	@title = Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine **LEGACY**

Doesn't look all that hard to do, does it now? :wink:  I recommend everyone to go and learn how Squad's config files and Module Manager work. It's super easy, and opens up so many possibilities of tweaking the game to your liking!

Edited by Streetwind
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Just now, Vanamonde said:

Since your question involves making a small modification to the game, the place to ask is the modding subforum, where people who do that sort of thing hang around. And so, your thread has been moved. 

Ok thanks. Will remember for next time.

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14 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Well, no guarantees that this works, since I'm not at home and type this from memory... but it should work.

Create an empty .txt file, paste the following into it, change the mesh path as appropriate, move the file to anywhere inside GameData, and change the extension to .cfg. Then make sure Module Manager is present. Comes shipped with most mods, but can be downloaded individually too.

	@name = newRadialLiquidEngine1-2

	@mesh = file path to the old model goes here
	@title = Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine **LEGACY**

Doesn't look all that hard to do, does it now? :wink:  I recommend everyone to go and learn how Squad's config files and Module Manager work. It's super easy, and opens up so many possibilities of tweaking the game to your liking!

I tried this and it didn't work. What did I do wrong? Thanks for helping me by the way.

    @name = newRadialLiquidEngine1-2

    @mesh = model.mu
    @title = Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine **LEGACY**

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On 12/13/2016 at 2:15 AM, Streetwind said:

You actually should not copy the old part at all. The part name did not change, as you discovered yourself when you found that the Thuds are still there when you load a craft. If you copy over the old part, all you'll get is two parts with the exact same internal identifier, and that breaks stuff. Additionally, the old part will lack significant parts from newer game mechanics, such as directional attachment nodes, or data on how it should interact with vessel heat or the contract system. And then there's the fact that the performance numbers will be off for the new aerodynamics model. It's just a bad idea overall.

Instead, you should patch your current Thud with Module Manager.

First, determine whether or not you want to keep the new model. If you don't care for it at all, then you can just use the normal @PART[ ] syntax to replace the model of the new one with the model of the old one. If you want to keep the new one, first create a clone via +PART[ ] and assign that one a different, unique internal identifier. You now have two identical Thuds. Finally, patch the one that has the original internal identifier to use the old model.

In order to change the model, you need to modify the mesh field near the top of the config, giving it a path to a place where you have stored the old model. This should now let you load an old existing design and have the Thuds show up in their original look.

If you want to continue building with the classic Thud, though, you may or may not have to dive into the config and change other stuff as well, to make it match up with the old model. Depends on whether or not it looks off if you place it in the editor.

Why would you use MM to do this if it's your game and files  ? It would be better to just edit the files because they will have to just to get MM to work in the first place and if it's around ksp .20 the file structure , I don't think was the same then so you can't target stuff with MM but has you said you would have to copy the part and re-write it all so really you would be better to just edit the cfg you have in the first place :wink:


EDIT- Best I could tell it was around .90 it was changed so just a little edit was needed if anyone else wants it you will have to goto  KSP/GameData/Squad/Parts/Engine    // and delete the liquidEngineMk55 folder then unzip this folder and open it to you see the GameData folder copy it to your KSP install and you should have both and have fun  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Test Parts/Old MK-55 %26 New MK-55.zip


Edited by Mecripp2
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9 hours ago, MeCripp said:

Why would you use MM to do this if it's your game and files  ? It would be better to just edit the files because they will have to just to get MM to work in the first place and if it's around ksp .20 the file structure , I don't think was the same then so you can't target stuff with MM but has you said you would have to copy the part and re-write it all so really you would be better to just edit the cfg you have in the first place :wink:

Because it's never a good idea to edit the base files if you don't have to. This applies to all games, not just KSP - it's just best practice. If you break something, or even if a flipped bit screws up a file at random, you need to do a Steam verify or reinstall, and you lose every single edit that you made. You can't even back them up properly because a.) they're all over the place, if you even remember where you made all your edits; and b.) you won't know if one of them didn't cause the problem in the first place, so restoring the edits might break your game all over again.

If you instead use Module Manager, your changes are all in one place. You can easily back up and restore them, a Steam verify won't touch them, you can quickly comment out lines to check if they caused an error you're seeing, and so on and so forth. Then there's the fact that as soon as you start installing mods that utilize Module Manager, you could run into a situation where your edit to a base file screws up something a mod is doing, so you just killed your install's mod compatibility. With Module Manager, you can decide for yourself how you want your tweaks to interact with tweaks made by mods, preserving compatibility. Finally, your MM tweaks work across 99% of KSP updates, while base file edits get deleted when applying an update.

And what do you mean with "can't target stuff"? Of course you can target a model file. It's a file on your harddisk. This isn't something MM- or KSP-specific. It's literally just a file path, like C:\Games\KSP\GameData\Squad\etc\etc. :wink:  If the model format itself wasn't compatible with modern KSP, then editing the base files wouldn't make it work either.

Also, I never said "rewrite it all". I said you have to change the internal identifier. It's one line of text. The exact same line of text you would have to change if you wanted to have two base cfg's for the Thud side by side. Like you did in the download you're offering.


12 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

I tried this and it didn't work. What did I do wrong? Thanks for helping me by the way.

You only wrote "@mesh = model.mu". You need a whole file path there, not just a file name. If you write just the name, you tell KSP to "look in the same folder this config is sitting". Meaning it finds only the existing new model of the new Thud, not the old one. If you want it to find the old model of the old Thud, you need to explicitly tell KSP where that old model can be found, with a path starting with the drive letter. Something like "C:\Kerbal Space Program\Old Files\Blah\model.mu".

But I don't know where you have saved it, so I can't give you the solution here. Only you know where you saved the old model.

You can also try @MeCripp's download if this is too complicated for you, but beware the potential downsides of base file edits that I mentioned above.



EDIT: Oh, I just remembered something else, @MeCripp: you do not actually have a license to distribute the assets in your download. Which is another reason why Module Manager configs are great, and dealing with base files is troublesome. So yeah, might want to take that link down.


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4 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Because it's never a good idea to edit the base files if you don't have to. This applies to all games, not just KSP - it's just best practice. If you break something, or even if a flipped bit screws up a file at random, you need to do a Steam verify or reinstall, and you lose every single edit that you made. You can't even back them up properly because a.) they're all over the place, if you even remember where you made all your edits; and b.) you won't know if one of them didn't cause the problem in the first place, so restoring the edits might break your game all over again.

If you instead use Module Manager, your changes are all in one place. You can easily back up and restore them, a Steam verify won't touch them, you can quickly comment out lines to check if they caused an error you're seeing, and so on and so forth. Then there's the fact that as soon as you start installing mods that utilize Module Manager, you could run into a situation where your edit to a base file screws up something a mod is doing, so you just killed your install's mod compatibility. With Module Manager, you can decide for yourself how you want your tweaks to interact with tweaks made by mods, preserving compatibility. Finally, your MM tweaks work across 99% of KSP updates, while base file edits get deleted when applying an update.

And what do you mean with "can't target stuff"? Of course you can target a model file. It's a file on your harddisk. This isn't something MM- or KSP-specific. It's literally just a file path, like C:\Games\KSP\GameData\Squad\etc\etc. :wink:  If the model format itself wasn't compatible with modern KSP, then editing the base files wouldn't make it work either.

Also, I never said "rewrite it all". I said you have to change the internal identifier. It's one line of text. The exact same line of text you would have to change if you wanted to have two base cfg's for the Thud side by side. Like you did in the download you're offering.


You only wrote "@mesh = model.mu". You need a whole file path there, not just a file name. If you write just the name, you tell KSP to "look in the same folder this config is sitting". Meaning it finds only the existing new model of the new Thud, not the old one. If you want it to find the old model of the old Thud, you need to explicitly tell KSP where that old model can be found, with a path starting with the drive letter. Something like "C:\Kerbal Space Program\Old Files\Blah\model.mu".

But I don't know where you have saved it, so I can't give you the solution here. Only you know where you saved the old model.

You can also try @MeCripp's download if this is too complicated for you, but beware the potential downsides of base file edits that I mentioned above.



EDIT: Oh, I just remembered something else, @MeCripp: you do not actually have a license to distribute the assets in your download. Which is another reason why Module Manager configs are great, and dealing with base files is troublesome. So yeah, might want to take that link down.


As it has been said many times on the forums that you can use  squads parts and have you seen older ksp cfg ?

3 minutes ago, MeCripp said:

As it has been said many times on the forums that you can use  squads parts and have you seen older ksp cfg ?

And here you don't really know what your talking about


4 hours ago, Streetwind said:

And what do you mean with "can't target stuff"? Of course you can target a model file. It's a file on your harddisk. This isn't something MM- or KSP-specific. It's literally just a file path, like C:\Games\KSP\GameData\Squad\etc\etc. :wink:  If the model format itself wasn't compatible with modern KSP, then editing the base files wouldn't make it work either.

In short yes you can I still use a mod from KSP .16 or .19 don't remember what it was but still pack it around but yes sometime parts you have to run back through unity

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1 hour ago, MeCripp said:

As it has been said many times on the forums that you can use  squads parts and have you seen older ksp cfg ?

You can use stock KSP assets in your mods. As in: you can distribute part configs that load the Squad models and textures from the Squad folder on the end user's harddisk. But I'm fairly sure I have never seen any official post stating that people have permission to redistribute the assets themselves, which is something completely different. Of course, I might be wrong! If you can get me a link, I'll eat my words :)

And yes, I have seen part configs from really old versions. It doesn't matter though, because you're not interacting with part configs from old versions in any way here. You're patching the up-to-date 1.2.2 config of a part to load assets file that were shipped with an older version of KSP. You don't need the config from that old version for anything. Just the assets.


1 hour ago, MeCripp said:

And here you don't really know what your talking about

Neither do I, because you accidentally quoted yourself, not me...

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