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Steal the cookie game


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While you plug him into the matrix you get sucked in and drop the cookie. I take the cookie and send it in a rocket with a solar system escape trejectory.

While you plug him into the matrix you get sucked in and drop the cookie. I take the cookie and send it in a rocket with a solar system escape trejectory.

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i use an osciloscope du don't care about the matrix, you can find in many weird place, brains (ant, elelephant, bird whatever), electronics, may be even trees

some osciloscope you can find in some very weird place that can more or less deal with the cookie there ways

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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3 minutes ago, RandomGuy1824 said:

You didn't have enough fuel and plumet towards Kerbin. I take the cookie from your dead body. My dead cookie.

Well, you certainly would not want a cookie that got up and walked away on its own, would you? Dead cookie... mah!

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2 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

Well, you certainly would not want a cookie that got up and walked away on its own, would you? Dead cookie... mah!

Don't you finish a hot dog before eating it?
Then why should he eat a cookie alive?

Attached the dead cookie to a defibrillator.
Wow! It wakes up!
Noone's cookie.

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I grab the cookie off the ground and look around for traps, seeing none I run away with the cookie and hide it in my bunker 25 kilometers beneath Kerbin and behind 17 layers of tungsten alloyed with steel 1 meter thick walls surrounding a room with a polonium 210 atmo so no one can ever touch it again, my over protected cookie, oh and don't forget about the bomb I placed in the cookie, and laser protected security, and motion sensors which release cyborg bears, and no one can ever turn it off, not even me.... My super over protected cookie, honestly why am I going through this for a cookie?

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I tied MysticM3ch on a chair, took off his shoes and socks and started to tickle his feet with a plume and asked how to get the cookie from his impossible bunker...
after 3min of tickles torture he says the bunker was just a bluff and the cookie is inside his bag... :P

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