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[1.9-1.10] Global Construction


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13 hours ago, allista said:

No, only that these resources are also put into the kit along with the stuff needed to build parts.

The UI window of the assembly workshop has the buttons to close assembly spaces. At some point this was also fixed by automatically closing the gates when you press the "create empty kit" button, but I don't remember when exactly.

Oh, and @terrendos, you can share the logs obtained after you've tried to spawn a container. It'll help in case this is a bug.


Okay, well, that button doesn't seem to do anything for me. When I press it, nothing happens. I can try to build something without the doors closing, but I can't Finalize any build because the doors are open. I attached a screenshot.


I'd be happy to paste logs, but I don't know where they would be generated. This isn't causing a crash or anything, it's just that nothing happens. This is a station I cheated into orbit for testing, but I don't know how that would be relevant.


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Is there anywhere with a written/screenshot step by step guide to building things with this mod?

I watched the videos and couldn't really follow/didn't see the same things going on in my game.  I managed to build a couple of things in orbit, but I think it was by accident more than anything else that I got it to work a little bit, and I feel like an utter moron, so I hope someone can help me.

Even after watching the videos, I don't know what parts to attach to what, whether I need DIY kits already preloaded before launch, and if so, where they should be attached so that I can actually, you know, build the stuff in them in orbit.  I'm sure I'm missing some really obvious basic things here...

This is what I assembled, and I can't figure out what I did wrong.  There''s another DIY container attached on the other side of the Orbital Workshop, by the way.


Edited by starkllr
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4 hours ago, starkllr said:

Is there anywhere with a written/screenshot step by step guide to building things with this mod?

I watched the videos and couldn't really follow/didn't see the same things going on in my game.  I managed to build a couple of things in orbit, but I think it was by accident more than anything else that I got it to work a little bit, and I feel like an utter moron, so I hope someone can help me.

Even after watching the videos, I don't know what parts to attach to what, whether I need DIY kits already preloaded before launch, and if so, where they should be attached so that I can actually, you know, build the stuff in them in orbit.  I'm sure I'm missing some really obvious basic things here...

The videos in https://www.youtube.com/user/allistau pretty much covers the how-tos.

From your screenshot, I see that the DockableKitContainer is docked using the wrong end.  The stripes on the side of the kit serve a purpose.  They tell you which end is which.  Note that one end of the stripe has a D in a triangle.  That's the "Construction Dock" end - or "Dock", for short.  Which means the other end is the "Transport Dock" end. 

So when moving it around, your SpaceCrane should be docked to the Transport end.  In your screenshot, it is docked to the Construction end.  So if you flip the Kit around so that the Construction end - the one with a D - is docked to your Workshop, then the Kit should be ready for construction, assuming that the kit has been assembled.

Edited by bcqJC
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Can someone using GC in KSP 1.10 x64 confirm that they can add a vessel to a Ground Kit Container in the VAB?  I can Select a part or sub-assembly from the container PAW, but when trying to Select a vessel, the Stock KSP load menu comes up and neither Load nor Merge has any effect.  Is there a GC loading GUI that's supposed to appear, like there are for parts and sub-assemblies?

EDIT: Nevermind.  I see someone caught this earlier as GitHub Bug #77.

Edited by KSPrynk
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On 7/11/2020 at 3:30 PM, KSPrynk said:

Can someone using GC in KSP 1.10 x64 confirm that they can add a vessel to a Ground Kit Container in the VAB?  I can Select a part or sub-assembly from the container PAW, but when trying to Select a vessel, the Stock KSP load menu comes up and neither Load nor Merge has any effect.  Is there a GC loading GUI that's supposed to appear, like there are for parts and sub-assemblies?

EDIT: Nevermind.  I see someone caught this earlier as GitHub Bug #77.

I think this may be part of a stock 1.10 bug, where the merge button in the construction buildings doesn't work.

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42 minutes ago, BigFatStupidHead said:

Now that this is updated to 1.10

This is actually a second release for 1.10 :D

43 minutes ago, BigFatStupidHead said:

orbital containers not deploying, or subassemblies not being oriented properly in orbital containers with their open nodes towards the D side

Sounds frightening. But I've not encountered anything like it.

A save file with reproducible issue would help a lot with debugging.

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On 7/24/2020 at 2:31 PM, allista said:

A save file with reproducible issue would help a lot with debugging.

I shoved my savegame up to my github.

The only mod needed to load the orbital station is https://spacedock.info/mod/2384/Stockish Project Orion.

Updated the save with a modless station. And this time I made sure the upload actually commited. Go me!


Thanks for taking a look!

Edited by BigFatStupidHead
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Hi all,

I updated to GC to 2.6.4 but I still can't load anything into the kits in the SPH/VAB. When I select a vessel, the stock load screen comes up and the load button does nothing.
When I try to load an assembly it brings up the custom load menu, clicking a listing there does something... i loads the assembly in the editor (in full, the parts/model are visible). The kit doesn't change, the stats don't update and all the game functions disable. I can't exit, save, create a new vessel or exit in any way.

KSP version 1.10. Logs:



I think my older version of AT_Utils might have caused that. I managed to load a vehicle after updating.
However, upon launch game crashed. Updated logs:


2nd Edit:
Hmm, deployed ok this time.

Edited by DefenderX1
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Hi I'm trying to use the part printer in orbit around kerbin to print specialized parts so I can configure my already attached DIY kits. Problem is, it instantly fills up my machinery storage and stops printing. I even have enough storage for 2500 machinery. So I'm sitting there clicking "Jettison Tank Contents" ten times a second to get any specialized parts. Anyone have a fix for this? I just want the specialized parts.

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6 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

Hi I'm trying to use the part printer in orbit around kerbin to print specialized parts so I can configure my already attached DIY kits. Problem is, it instantly fills up my machinery storage and stops printing. I even have enough storage for 2500 machinery. So I'm sitting there clicking "Jettison Tank Contents" ten times a second to get any specialized parts. Anyone have a fix for this? I just want the specialized parts.

Can you not just turn off the machinery storage tanks? You know, with the little button that's beside it?

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9 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

Hi I'm trying to use the part printer in orbit around kerbin to print specialized parts so I can configure my already attached DIY kits. Problem is, it instantly fills up my machinery storage and stops printing.

Huh? That should be two different converters. The "Part Printer" does not produce machinery, the "Replicator" does. (see config).

If you "vent" your Machinery, the replicator will use up SpecializedParts and MaterialKits to produce more. You probably don't need that much Machinery storage, anyway, as it's not being consumed by the assembly (unless you build another assembly).

So, stop the "Replicator" and let the "Part Printer" run.

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11 hours ago, HansAcker said:

Huh? That should be two different converters. The "Part Printer" does not produce machinery, the "Replicator" does. (see config).

If you "vent" your Machinery, the replicator will use up SpecializedParts and MaterialKits to produce more. You probably don't need that much Machinery storage, anyway, as it's not being consumed by the assembly (unless you build another assembly).

So, stop the "Replicator" and let the "Part Printer" run.




As you can see my replicator is inactive and my part printer keeps having the error "machinery full" to make any specialized parts I keep having to jettison tank contents. And I do have materialkits on the other parts of my station. Transferring them directly to the assembly line did not fix anything.

Edited by Xithyl515
To clarify
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8 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:




As you can see my replicator is inactive and my part printer keeps having the error "machinery full" to make any specialized parts I keep having to jettison tank contents. And I do have materialkits on the other parts of my station. Transferring them directly to the assembly line did not fix anything.

Wow :0.0:

This looks bizarre. Part Printer resource converter is not configured to produce machinery at all, let alone in this quantity.

Could you share your OrbitalAssemblyLine.cfg and the Player.log?

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2 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

I will send them when I get home, but how do I access my player.log?

Anyways, I can confirm this; which means you've found yet another regression bug in squad's codebase, since nothing has changed in ModuleResourceConverter configuration since 1.9 :confused:

Edited by allista
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20 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

As you can see my replicator is inactive and my part printer keeps having the error "machinery full" to make any specialized parts I keep having to jettison tank contents. And I do have materialkits on the other parts of my station. Transferring them directly to the assembly line did not fix anything.

Ok, found what is wrong and worked around by re-configuring the converters.

Thanks again for the report!

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2 hours ago, allista said:

Ok, found what is wrong and worked around by re-configuring the converters.

Thanks again for the report!

how do I fix it myself so I can continue playing with the mod?

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32 minutes ago, Xithyl515 said:

how do I fix it myself so I can continue playing with the mod?


Replace the OrbitalAssemblyLine.cfg with this one


    name = OrbitalAssemblyLine
    module = Part
    author = Allis Tauri

        model = GroundConstruction/Parts/Workshops/Assets/OrbitalAssemblyLine
    rescaleFactor = 1.0
    scale = 1.0

    node_stack_top    = 0,  4.82626, 0,  0,  1, 0,  2
    node_stack_bottom = 0, -4.82626, 0,  0, -1, 0,  2
    TechRequired = metaMaterials
    category = Pods
    subcategory = 0
    title = Orbital Assembly Line
    manufacturer = AT Industries
    description = This state of the art factory is designed specificaly for zero-G conditions. It can rapidly produce everything required to assemble a new DIY Kit, but it requires an assembly space to hold the container.

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

    entryCost = 700000
    cost = 450000
    mass = 11.7

    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.25
    minimum_drag = 0.25
    angularDrag = 2.5
    crashTolerance = 5
    breakingForce = 200
    breakingTorque = 200
    maxTemp = 2000
    fuelCrossFeed = True
    bulkheadProfiles = size2, size3
        name = Placeholder
    CrewCapacity = 4
    vesselType = Station

        name = SingleVesselAssemblyWorkshop
        KitParts = DIYKit,OrbitalKitContainer2
        SelectedPart = Dockable Kit Container
        workshopType = ORBITAL
        name = ModuleCommand
        minimumCrew = 1
            rate = 0.03
        name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
        minimumCrew = 1
        multiHop = False
        name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
        EnhancedSituationMask = 7
        EnhancedMinimumFoV = 175
        EnhancedMaximumFoV = 179.5
        MinimumFoV = 5
        MaximumFoV = 10
        AnomalyDetection = 1
            Mode = Biome
            Mode = Terrain

        name = ModuleDataTransmitter
        antennaType = RELAY
        packetInterval = 0.35
        packetSize = 4
        packetResourceCost = 24.0
        requiredResource = ElectricCharge
        antennaPower = 1000000
        antennaCombinable = True
        name = ModuleGenerator
        isAlwaysActive = true
           name = ElectricCharge
           rate = 3
        name = ModuleTankManager
        Volume = 23
            TankType = Components
            CurrentResource = SpecializedParts
            Volume = 1
            TankType = Components
            CurrentResource = MaterialKits
            Volume = 1
        name = ModuleResourceConverter
        ConverterName    = Part Printer
        StartActionName  = Start Part Printer
        StopActionName   = Stop Part Printer
        ToggleActionName = Toggle Part Printer
        Efficiency = 1
        AutoShutdown = true
        GeneratesHeat = false
        UseSpecialistBonus = true
        SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
        SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
        Specialty = ConstructionSkill
        EfficiencyBonus = 1

        // the conversion from masses to units is broken since 1.10
        //ConvertByMass = true
            ResourceName = MaterialKits
            Ratio = 25 // 0.025 t / 0.001 t/u
            ResourceName = ElectricCharge
            Ratio = 2.5
            ResourceName = Machinery
            Ratio = 95
            ResourceName = SpecializedParts
            Ratio = 4.63 // approx: 0.0175 t / 0.00378 t/u
            DumpExcess = false
        name = ModuleResourceConverter
        ConverterName    = Replicator
        StartActionName  = Start Replicator
        StopActionName   = Stop Replicator
        ToggleActionName = Toggle Replicator
        Efficiency = 1
        AutoShutdown = true
        GeneratesHeat = false
        UseSpecialistBonus = true
        SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
        SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
        Specialty = ConstructionSkill
        EfficiencyBonus = 1

        // the conversion from masses to units is broken since 1.10
        //ConvertByMass = true
            ResourceName = MaterialKits
            Ratio = 60 // 0.06 t / 0.001 t/u
            ResourceName = SpecializedParts
            Ratio = 5.3 // approx: 0.02 t / 0.00378 t/u
            ResourceName = ElectricCharge
            Ratio = 2.7
            ResourceName = Machinery
            Ratio = 95
            ResourceName = Machinery
            Ratio = 15.873 // appros: 0.06 t / 0.00378 t/u
            DumpExcess = false
        name = USILS_LifeSupportRecyclerSwapOption
        CrewCapacity = 4
        RecyclePercent = 0.79
        ConverterName = Life Support
        tag = Life Support
        StartActionName = Start Life Support
        StopActionName = Stop Life Support

            ResourceName = ElectricCharge
            Ratio = 9
        name = USI_SwapController
        name = USI_SwappableBay
        bayName = Bay 1
        moduleIndex = 0
        name = USI_Converter
        UseSpecialistBonus = false

        name = ElectricCharge
        amount = 5000
        maxAmount = 5000
        name = Machinery
        amount = 100
        maxAmount = 200



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