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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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5 hours ago, TheKosanianMethod said:

I asked Adam Savage a question during his Reddit AMA yesterday AND HE ACTUALLY REPLIED!

*Proceeds to fanboy*

what was the question?

also, I shocked people by saying I knew nothing about rappers (random noise salad), and also by having the manufacturers of some space capsules memorized, it was Lynx (XCOR), Orion (NASA) Dragon (SpaceX) and a bunch others I forgot about already

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7 hours ago, NSEP said:

I just found out i can cycle, from my home to Amsterdam, in less than 2 hours.

You know what, i don't have time right now but Hell Yeah! Sign me up!

You know, that sort of reminds me of another thing.

I ride my bicycle to school now (I can get there in <5 minutes if I really need to) and I discovered something interesting: If I start in my driveway and push the pedals once, I can just keep riding without pushing until I reach the park, because the route is mostly downhill. However, then I get to a pretty big hill, at the top of which is the school.

Also I can get all the way from the school's bike rack to the park in one push if it's not windy.

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13 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

You know, that sort of reminds me of another thing.

I ride my bicycle to school now (I can get there in <5 minutes if I really need to) and I discovered something interesting: If I start in my driveway and push the pedals once, I can just keep riding without pushing until I reach the park, because the route is mostly downhill. However, then I get to a pretty big hill, at the top of which is the school.

Also I can get all the way from the school's bike rack to the park in one push if it's not windy.

Unfortunately and Fortunately, we don't have any slopes where or hills where i live. The land i live on is mostly artificial.

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16 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

You know, that sort of reminds me of another thing.

I ride my bicycle to school now (I can get there in <5 minutes if I really need to) and I discovered something interesting: If I start in my driveway and push the pedals once, I can just keep riding without pushing until I reach the park, because the route is mostly downhill. However, then I get to a pretty big hill, at the top of which is the school.

Also I can get all the way from the school's bike rack to the park in one push if it's not windy.

My journey to school is pretty hilly as well. I have to bike up a steep hill right at the beginning of my journey to school (not that long before it levels off though) then a bit of a level straight preceding a right turn which leads down a shallow hill. Then it levels off again before dipping down to a very short steep downwards hill, where I have to manage my speed since there's an intersection at the bottom of the hill. I continue straight past the intersection up a shallow hill, before going through an underpass, turning left. Then another underpass, a turn right, and then a fairly level straight all the way up the street adjacent to my school. Then I have to turn left onto the street my school is on, and bike uphill a bit before I reach the gate. 

So yeah, pretty hilly. 

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58 minutes ago, StupidAndy said:

hah, I ride a bus

In my country, you are considered less of a human being if you ride the bus to school and get sacrificed for the bicycle gods. Bicycles are a dominant species in my place, they outnumber the human population.

Jk lol.

How far away do you live from school?

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23 minutes ago, StupidAndy said:

A mile or two, but the people from my school are so overprotective so your "not allowed to cross the street to go home! you have to ride a bus!"

2 miles is 15 minutes by bike, not much. But without bicycle lanes everything makes everything alot more dangerous, and  there are bicycle lanes everywhere where i live.

The 'not allowed to cross the street' is 1st Grade Teacher - Level Paranoia, If something can happend, avoid it completely type of stuff. I say myself If something can happend, try to avoid the things that can happend or said more easily: Look left and right before crossing the street to go home.

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3 hours ago, NSEP said:

2 miles is 15 minutes by bike, not much. But without bicycle lanes everything makes everything alot more dangerous, and  there are bicycle lanes everywhere where i live.

The 'not allowed to cross the street' is 1st Grade Teacher - Level Paranoia, If something can happend, avoid it completely type of stuff. I say myself If something can happend, try to avoid the things that can happend or said more easily: Look left and right before crossing the street to go home.

Well where i live, Either you use a bus or yer parents take u in their car

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i was thinking, it's fascinating/terryfing/helpfull/dangerous how you can bind over time some stuff so deep in some beings way of thinking that there for a large part not even able to figure out to what point some of thoose thing are totally outdated and silly

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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10 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

Welcome to the forum, @milkface! I hope you enjoy it here!


Also today I dropped a rubber mallet on my foot and then said "I just dropped a sledgehammer on my foot" forgetting that it was called a rubber mallet.

Thank you very much! (I'm milkface, I didn't realise that I had already made an account here 2 years ago).

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23 hours ago, NSEP said:

The 'not allowed to cross the street' is 1st Grade Teacher - Level Paranoia, If something can happend, avoid it completely type of stuff. I say myself If something can happend, try to avoid the things that can happend or said more easily: Look left and right before crossing the street to go home.

sadly its not elementary school paranoia, which wasn't completely stupid, some to most of it was

also I made a youtubes thing:


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On 9/18/2017 at 8:55 AM, NSEP said:

Im just going to say it here: Ipads and School? No.

Why? Its good training for life in the modern professional world, riddled with IT failures and the complete impossibility of any business-grade tele-meeting (skype, telephone conferences etc.) to ever work as it should under any circumstances.

Srsly, is there anyone who works, or has ever worked, at a company that didnt have these issues on a regular basis?

We can put boots on the Moon, Mars if we really tried, but I cant have a conference call without electronic jamming being screamed into my ears, or follow a skype presentation without my slides being minutes behind real-time?

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7 hours ago, p1t1o said:

Why? Its good training for life in the modern professional world, riddled with IT failures and the complete impossibility of any business-grade tele-meeting (skype, telephone conferences etc.) to ever work as it should under any circumstances.

Srsly, is there anyone who works, or has ever worked, at a company that didnt have these issues on a regular basis?

We can put boots on the Moon, Mars if we really tried, but I cant have a conference call without electronic jamming being screamed into my ears, or follow a skype presentation without my slides being minutes behind real-time?

Training and playing with computers and learning stuff about them is a thing from a few years ago, Ipads are user friendlier than regular computers and there really is nothing to learn, everything there is right in front of you, and there is nothing new to learn on school specifically, i could learn how a smart electronic device works in less 30 minutes, these things have bubbly bubbles and icons that have a clear representation of what they do on.

Problem with when a school system being shut down is that students start to freak out because we are not really used to a system where everything could fail. We are new to this stuff. And all we learn from it is that the internet is really fragile and could turn everything upside down with one typo in the code.

Just look at today's toddlers, my cousin knows how to properly switch from app to app and watch the YouTube videos he likes, yet he is only 3 years old and did not have school yet. Learning how to deal with smart devices is as easy as counting from one to three.

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1 hour ago, TheEpicSquared said:

I just realized that the Falcon 9 is taller than probably 90% of the buildings in the city that I live in.

There is only one single building in the city where i live that is higher than a Falcon 9. Falcon 9 is bigger than you would expect.

Its hard to imagine some rockets are bassicly flying skyscrapers.

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1 hour ago, TheEpicSquared said:

I just realized that the Falcon 9 is taller than probably 90% of the buildings in the city that I live in.

My school is either the tallest or second tallest building in my town. At first glance it has three really tall stories, but if you really dig into it you can find that it has a basement and an addition that goes below the basement. I don't know the exact height, but even with generous measurements it would probably take three or four of them to match the height of the Falcon.

Also somebody wore an inflatable T-rex costume to school today.

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56 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

My school is either the tallest or second tallest building in my town. At first glance it has three really tall stories, but if you really dig into it you can find that it has a basement and an addition that goes below the basement. I don't know the exact height, but even with generous measurements it would probably take three or four of them to match the height of the Falcon.

Also somebody wore an inflatable T-rex costume to school today.

My school is small, most buildings don't even have basements here.

Oh i love inflatable costumes. They way the bounce around when you move is so hilarious.

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