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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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I understand about not wanting dependencies and keeping required mods low, but there's another old adage regarding reinventing the wheel.

Dangit has a breadth and depth of mechanics and is fully configurable in every possible way, from breakage frequency, an estimated lifetime, mean time between failures etc There's quite a bit of finished math there.

And as I understand it, it's an orphaned mod, with linux playing the part of foster-dad.  So it, at least appears to be, available.

I hope, whatever happens, that it's compatible with dangit.  And regarding mod bloat, it's all of 1.3 meg so it doesn't exactly break the bank.

But if you could basically take that and integrate it in a core fashion, or something with similar functionality, I'd be happy to use whatever you have integrated.

I quite like the idea of a part being liable to fail at any time. A new part may only have a small percentage chance of failing, but as in reality, sometimes things just get all fubarred and no amount of planning or maintenance can prevent it.

And on the flip side, an old part, like an old car - will find a way to break no matter how well you maintain it - or at least will statistically be more likely to.

Edited by Fergrim
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  On 12/3/2017 at 7:58 PM, notthebobo said:

Interesting discussion, it's nice to see how the game play thought processes differ amongst everyone.

My thoughts: if it would be analogous to Machinery, and Machinery would be retained but not consumed anymore, what would be the purpose of Machinery?  It seems like you're recreating how Machinery works today, where an engineer in a workshop ensures your base 's machinery stays topped off. I must be missing something.


Still need Machinery to act as deferred mass for non-expandable parts.

@Fergrim - Dangit is a completely different scope and well beyond what I'd have in mind for this.

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Just came back to KSP after a long break. Did a fresh install of KSP, downloaded the mods I like ( MKS included ) and started playing. Everything is running fine, but I noticed I am missing most of the parts for the MKS planetary base and space station inflatable parts. After trying a re-download and checking my installations, I noticed I am missing the "kolonization" file within the "UmbraSpaceIndustries" file. This is the only thing I have noticed that seems incorrect. I have re-downloaded, unzipped and looked through the files from both Spacedock and Github, but neither include the missing file. Is this why the parts aren't loading? Does this file come from a source I have failed to locate?

I have USI Kolonization Systems, Konstruction, Freight Transport Technologies, Karbonite/Karbonite+, USI Core, USI Tools, Community Category Kit and Commuity Resource Pack all installed.

Thanks in advance!

~Loyal Umbra Kerbonaut


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  On 12/3/2017 at 9:44 PM, mdragonr said:

Just came back to KSP after a long break. Did a fresh install of KSP, downloaded the mods I like ( MKS included ) and started playing. Everything is running fine, but I noticed I am missing most of the parts for the MKS planetary base and space station inflatable parts. After trying a re-download and checking my installations, I noticed I am missing the "kolonization" file within the "UmbraSpaceIndustries" file. This is the only thing I have noticed that seems incorrect. I have re-downloaded, unzipped and looked through the files from both Spacedock and Github, but neither include the missing file. Is this why the parts aren't loading? Does this file come from a source I have failed to locate?

I have USI Kolonization Systems, Konstruction, Freight Transport Technologies, Karbonite/Karbonite+, USI Core, USI Tools, Community Category Kit and Commuity Resource Pack all installed.

Thanks in advance!

~Loyal Umbra Kerbonaut


The Kolonisation folder isn't in the download (whatever it is). You probably can't find all the parts because the version of USITools bundled with the current version of MKS has the custom categories that contain most of the parts broken, replace it with the hotfix here.

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  On 12/3/2017 at 4:57 PM, voicey99 said:

It's not the permatourist bug, that was with tourist kerbals being recovered at KSC and appearing in the AC as tourists (see 3). If they can EVA, they are not tourists - the skill label in their portrait does not update after they change state, you will have to reload the vessel to see it.


Thanks for the reply. 

What's the "AC"?

What do you mean by "reload the vessel"?  I have closed and opened the entire game many times and they show up as tourist.


  On 12/3/2017 at 4:57 PM, voicey99 said:

Do you mean in the AC? They don't - they are supposed to be detouristified when they pass below 25km (?) on Kerbin, and if they don't and you recover them as tourists then it is the bug. Find their STATUS_DATA listing and change their OldTrait to whatever it was before, and do the same with their trait in their KERBAL listing. This fixes them.


Must be a bug because they landed on Kerbin and remained tourist.  I'll edit the persistence file. 

Thanks for your help.

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  On 12/3/2017 at 8:33 PM, RoverDude said:

Still need Machinery to act as deferred mass for non-expandable parts.


Don't MaterialKits already fill that role?  Yes they're typically described as " all that other stuff you need to fill in the inflated part" but couldn't they  just as easily be "all that other stuff you didn't bring along originally that is required to make this thing useful"?

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Quick question for RoverDude or anyone else who knows - 

Is there any kind of "Resource Tree" available anywhere for all the USI mods that display what resources are used or can be used to process from one into another? For instance, I'm just now experimenting with harvesting resource lodes (and really, mining anything but stock Ore). I understand that drills and Lode Sifters will basically pull out of the lode or out of the crust whatever I have storage for in my mining vessel or rover, provided there's any of it at all in the area. Fantastic. My first Minmus base has all kinds of stuff present, from basic Ore to ExoticMetals, Hydrates, Dirt, Substrate ... a veritable cornucopia hidden in the delicious green dessert. :) 

So of course, my next and most obvious question: for an initial/early colony base, which resources would I be best served in harvesting, and how do I then process that into something usuable for my colony?  If there's a good one-pager or blog post someone's written about this in a basic, Dick-and-Jane/nuts and bolts fashion, I'd appreciate it very much.


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  On 12/4/2017 at 1:03 AM, notthebobo said:

Don't MaterialKits already fill that role? 


A full tier lower (Matkits are used to make machinery).  All MKS parts have machinery as a mass deferment for the complex bits.  Expandable parts use the simpler MatKits for the expansion process (which is assumed to be mostly bulkheads and panels and such).

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  On 12/4/2017 at 5:53 AM, AReallySadPerson said:

Does this work with TAC, LLL, and EVA?


If you mean TAC-LS, then MKS works best with USI-LS, because both mods are developed by RoverDude.

LLL is only a part pack as I found.

EVA is some mod or do you mean Extra-Vehicular Activity?

Please, make your question specific enough in the future to understand what you're asking for.

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  On 12/4/2017 at 12:48 AM, Rocketmanreturns said:

Thanks for the reply. 

What's the "AC"?

What do you mean by "reload the vessel"?  I have closed and opened the entire game many times and they show up as tourist.


AC is the Astronaut Complex. By reload, I mean switch away from it e.g. to the Tracking Station and back so it reloads it.

  On 12/4/2017 at 5:53 AM, AReallySadPerson said:

Does this work with TAC, LLL, and EVA?


It has a patch to work with TAC-LS (less well than USI-LS). I've got no idea what the other mods on that list are (LLL = Lack Luster Labs aka SXT?).

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  On 12/4/2017 at 5:53 AM, AReallySadPerson said:

Does this work with TAC, LLL, and EVA?


There's a patch for TAC-LS included, though some parts are not as useful because TAC lacks some of the breadth of USI-LS.  LLL parts are fine, but I am not aware of any configs for them for MKS.  And yeah... what do you mean by EVA? :wink:

Also.. I hope you feel happier soon.

@Rocketmanreturns - if you're not on the 1.3.1 versions, you may have some old bugs that have since been fixed.

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  On 12/4/2017 at 9:24 AM, RoverDude said:

There's a patch for TAC-LS included, though some parts are not as useful because TAC lacks some of the breadth of USI-LS.  LLL parts are fine, but I am not aware of any configs for them for MKS.  And yeah... what do you mean by EVA? :wink:

Also.. I hope you feel happier soon.

@Rocketmanreturns - if you're not on the 1.3.1 versions, you may have some old bugs that have since been fixed.


my bad I meant KAS and KIS, sorry for the confusion



I need to KMS

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  On 12/4/2017 at 1:27 PM, DStaal said:

Still unclear on what you mean by 'works with' - but yes, many MKS parts have KIS inventory and the Konstruction parts even work as KIS helpers.  Many of the 'Ranger' line of parts are designed to be deployed via KIS as well.


I meant Compatible  or at least doesn't make the game explode when I use it. Sorry about that

Edited by AReallySadPerson
I needed to apologize for my stupidity
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  On 12/4/2017 at 1:30 PM, AReallySadPerson said:

I meant Compatible  or at least doesn't make the game explode when I use it. Sorry about that


Very few mods are really incompatible with each other in KSP.  Some don't make sense together, but in general unless there's a specific warning you can assume two mods will co-exist.

Note there *is* a specific warning for trying to combine MKS (or USI-LS) and Kerbalisim.

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  On 12/4/2017 at 2:04 PM, DStaal said:

Very few mods are really incompatible with each other in KSP.  Some don't make sense together, but in general unless there's a specific warning you can assume two mods will co-exist.

Note there *is* a specific warning for trying to combine MKS (or USI-LS) and Kerbalisim.


Alright thank you

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I'm attempting to come up with some mod-integration patches for SSTU that adjust resources and modules whenever MKS is installed, but I've run into a bit of a snag on setting up the NEEDS block.

Is there a specific Module-Manager NEEDS[XXXX] block that I can use that will properly detect when MKS is installed? 

  • It seems like I'm unable to use the folder name as MKS is a subfolder of the UmbralSpaceIndustries outer folder.
  • Was not able to locate any information on the forum when searching for 'MKS ModuleManager NEEDS' (either through google or forum search tool)
  • Searched through the USI-LS, MKS, and OSE-Workshop configs/patches, but none of them appeared to be setup with NEEDS blocks that I could use as examples.
  • It looks like KolonyTools might be a usable trigger?  (e.g. NEEDS[KolonyTools])
  • Any others that I may have overlooked?  Is there a specific NEEDS setup for MKS that is preferred?

Thanks in advance, and hopefully this information will be of use to others as well.

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  On 12/4/2017 at 9:57 PM, voicey99 said:

Use NEEDS[KolonyTools] for DLL detection. Also make sure to run the patches through the Balance Guidelines as well.



  On 12/4/2017 at 10:16 PM, DStaal said:

And NEEDS[USILifeSupport] for USI-LS DLL detection.  That covers the major two, though most (if not all) of the other USI mods are also individually selectable via either DLL or they have a FOR.


Thanks guys, much appreciated.  Was exactly the information I was looking for.

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