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[1.12.x] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.14.3] [4th March 2023]


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Has anyone been experiencing this glitch where when trying to land on a body like the mun, time warp would skip mechjeb and would move the landing site 1/4 around the body. Then mechjeb will try and land like nothing had changed.  (until it time warps again). Are there any mods that conflict with mechjeb? I do have Better Time Warp but it doesn't seem to change the issue.

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Not sure why but I can't change the turn end altitude in ascent guidance. I remember it being editable but it's also been over a year since I've fired up KSP, and this is a new install with all up to date mods. Is there a way I can make it editable again or is it locked permanently at 68 km? I'm playing with JNSQ so it's presenting a bit of a problem.

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On 1/17/2022 at 7:48 AM, TaintedLion said:

... allowing solid rocket motors to shut off but not restart ...

I didn't quite understand - what's the problem? If you don't need a solid-fuel accelerator, separate it and let it fly wherever it wants!

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1 hour ago, vipAvoS said:

I didn't quite understand - what's the problem? If you don't need a solid-fuel accelerator, separate it and let it fly wherever it wants!


Bluedog has a mechanic for their solid fuel engines called SafeSolid, where you can shut down the engine at any point during the burn, but once you turn it off you can't restart it. I was wondering if the autolaunch and maneuver executor could have this integrated so it will shut down the motor.

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19 minutes ago, InfinitY1012 said:

Hey, sorry if asked before;

Been using this mod for a while, wondering if you could add the Auto-stage feature to the Maneuver planner. Too often do I forget I need to stage in-between and end up having to quickload or revert.

Appreciate your time


Hi, in mechjeb menu : Utilities you can choose Autostage or autostage one.

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Is anyone else having a problem on 1.12.3 with the settings window not working at all and the delta-v stats window being completely missing? I've tried mechjeb 2.12.3 from several different download sources as well as mechjeb 2.12.0 from the github page and all have the same problem.


Edit: well actually I seem to have found the solution. Using mechjeb version from this page seems to be the thing that finally fixed it for me.

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Hi !

I play Kerbal for a while in career mode. I install Mechjeb maybe since the beginning (of the game) noticing it quite practical for launching or to create and execute node maneuvers.   For this step, I also notice that using Mechjeb do not permit the kerbal pilots to receive experiences …Well, Ok to play like that. (career mode).
There was a new update of the game that introduce the EVA Construction mode… and now I have noticed that the MechJeb part attached on an other part was not modifiable which also constraints the other part and so not removable … 

So now maybe it is a problem to keep the MechJeb for the game : Have you some advises ? What are the rules to obtain experiences for the pilots ? (relation between kerbal abilities and the use of MechJeb during a fly…… I think to have a Mechjeb part but deactivated seems to have the mod not actived… and the experience goes to the kerbal pilot … when ? ! at the landing ? ). Is there a way to delete a MechJeb part in a particular vessel ? (I have three of them on a vessel mumech.MJ2.AR202, a "Kerbal engineering System", a "ER-7500 computer flight unit" [I don't know the utilities of the last two…].

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I cry every day that I can't double click on the top bar of any window in MechJeb2 and not have it minimize to just show the top bar with the name and close button, namely because it feels like such an intuitive feature that's missing and I find myself doing it anyway all the time.  Unless I'm an idiot and the feature is in some settings somewhere...  The amount of GUI rather not there at all or all up in my face hurts me.  :(

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On 1/27/2022 at 7:34 AM, kerbolyte said:

Hi !

I play Kerbal for a while in career mode. I install Mechjeb maybe since the beginning (of the game) noticing it quite practical for launching or to create and execute node maneuvers.   For this step, I also notice that using Mechjeb do not permit the kerbal pilots to receive experiences …Well, Ok to play like that. (career mode).
There was a new update of the game that introduce the EVA Construction mode… and now I have noticed that the MechJeb part attached on an other part was not modifiable which also constraints the other part and so not removable … 

So now maybe it is a problem to keep the MechJeb for the game : Have you some advises ? What are the rules to obtain experiences for the pilots ? (relation between kerbal abilities and the use of MechJeb during a fly…… I think to have a Mechjeb part but deactivated seems to have the mod not actived… and the experience goes to the kerbal pilot … when ? ! at the landing ? ). Is there a way to delete a MechJeb part in a particular vessel ? (I have three of them on a vessel mumech.MJ2.AR202, a "Kerbal engineering System", a "ER-7500 computer flight unit" [I don't know the utilities of the last two…].

Not enough data to understand what is happening to you. But MechJeb has absolutely zero to do with pilot experience. I for one use MechJeb all the time. Have never had any issues with pilot experience.  Do note that pilot experience doesn't update until the pilot is back at the space center, though there is a game option to change that. It has nothing to do with MechJeb, however. Not sure what leads you to the guesses about MechJeb interaction with pilot exxperience, but I'm confident you are being mislead.

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Any reason why Mechjeb is not creating the proper interplanatary node for the DV required?  For example, I'll do a porkchop plot to Duna from Kerbin with lowest DV selected, and it shows something like 1058 DV.  However, when I hit create node, it will create a node with 2 or 3 thousands delta V instead.  Sometimes it create the node properly with the correct DV but then others its not right at all.

The planner seems buggy in general.  A lot of times I'll get a failed messaged with something like "Ejection optimization failed...".  


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On 1/28/2022 at 5:38 PM, rmaine said:

Not enough data to understand what is happening to you. But MechJeb has absolutely zero to do with pilot experience. I for one use MechJeb all the time. Have never had any issues with pilot experience.  Do note that pilot experience doesn't update until the pilot is back at the space center, though there is a game option to change that. It has nothing to do with MechJeb, however. Not sure what leads you to the guesses about MechJeb interaction with pilot exxperience, but I'm confident you are being mislead.

Thanks rmaine for your answer ! I did not really read the wiki . I was persuaded that kerbal experience depended on each competence domains. And for pilots with a MechJeb in a vessel, the MechJeb was the pilot so no values for kerbal inside, no stars to earn :rep: :rep: :rep: … That I desperate to check during the recovering of a crew.

Nothing to do…  

Everything for experience is in this article , depending only (that I experimented) in situation to be in orbit, plant flags etc. And not necessary to wait for a recovering, the labo (Mobile processing lab) can do the job…

I am not against the MechJeb , even if I think that to use some engines (like the vector) it is quite impossible to pilot without it in some configurations(…). But with the new rules to perform construction in EVA, the MechJeb part is not removable and that is a hard thing to manage is you want recycle every things in space.

But maybe it also is in development.

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4 hours ago, kerbolyte said:

...the MechJeb part....

MechJeb (and Kerbal Engineer) can be used partless.  I have my own ModuleManager file to add the MechJeb module to Command parts.  There's also this mod.


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23 minutes ago, Biggen said:

Anyone else having issues with engine fluttering/stuttering?  I'll have MJ execute a node and instead of the engines running at full power it turns them off and on several times a second.

Unbalanced craft (misaligned center of thrust vs mass)?

Had that issue myself last night ...


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2 hours ago, Curveball Anders said:

Unbalanced craft (misaligned center of thrust vs mass)?

Had that issue myself last night ...


Hmmm.  I’ll have to check in VAB to be sure. I can hold the maneuver node steady with SAS and execute it manually with no issue. 

Edit: Just checked. Com and Cot are aligned perfectly.

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3 hours ago, Biggen said:

Anyone else having issues with engine fluttering/stuttering?  I'll have MJ execute a node and instead of the engines running at full power it turns them off and on several times a second.

Make sure your control point is correct.  If the engines thrust vector isn't aligned with what the control point considers "fore" then you can get this stuttering

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So it seems to be an issue for me when I use radial engines and ship design.  If I don't have the the COT behind the COM (or on top of it) in the VAB, I get the fluttering.

Here is a simple ship example when the problem happens:  




This is a simple test design for an asteroid puller tug.   So I can move the engines down behind the COM and that seems to work.  But the issue will be when I latch onto a asteriod, the COM will move behind the engines again.

Also, is it normal for MJ to disable SAS when I have it execute a Maneuver Node?  I've noticed SAS is turned off when its doing this.


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4 hours ago, Biggen said:

Also, is it normal for MJ to disable SAS when I have it execute a Maneuver Node?  I've noticed SAS is turned off when its doing this.

I believe so... It literally turns off stock's SAS functionality, and uses its own. IMHO, this is a good thing... I know if it didnt, and I didnt manually turn of stock SAS, any user input for SAS, would completely screw up and interfere with whatever MJ was doing on its own

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On 6/20/2017 at 2:33 PM, Gordon Dry said:

Could it be that "launch into plane of target" is not working on ascent guidance?

RSS: Earth -> Moon

There is an inclination set but not "used" anyway - launch goes straight to east.

@sarbian I also have this issue. I've tried versions,, and dev release #1107. I'm running KSP version

I am trying to intercept a vessel in an inclined orbit from launch (circularization in same plane and direction first). I select the target, and then the buttons for launch to rendezvous and launch into plane of target appear, but they always have 0 degrees in the text boxes (the inclination of the target is 137 degrees).

I have tried launching via the buttons anyway (leaving the zero), changing the zero to the correct inclination, and even putting the inclination into the top text box for launches that don't have targets. It seems to ignore them and just launch straight East no matter what.

Without a target selected, I can input an inclination into the top box, and that does launch to the given inclination, but for my goal, I have to eyeball the right time to launch. The timewarp for launching to a target seems to be pretty much random or some arbitrary constant amount of time, not at all related to my target's orbit. I have the same issue if I select a different target or the Mun or Minmus (I suppose it does work, so to speak, in the case of the Mun, having inclination 0 -- lol). I have a log -- how should I share it?

Thanks. :)

Edit: The log is of just one attempt, but I can replicate the others if you'd like and share that log instead.

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12 hours ago, xionix4 said:

how should I share it?

The preferred way to share logs is to use a file-sharing service such as Dropbox. You upload the file, and the service will give you a link which you paste into a comment on the forum.

I use Dropbox, it is free for such low-level usage.

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2 hours ago, softweir said:

The preferred way to share logs is to use a file-sharing service such as Dropbox. You upload the file, and the service will give you a link which you paste into a comment on the forum.

I use Dropbox, it is free for such low-level usage.

If you have a Gmail account, you should also have GoogleDrive, which aslo works... and is also free ;)

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