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[1.12.x] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.14.3] [4th March 2023]


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10 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

@DaveyJ576 Are you using the release or dev version of MJ? The last couple of dev releases are related to RCS ullage for Realism Overhaul and trying to fix non-Real Fuels behaviour.

It doesn't seem to have helped though. The related code all needs to be gone over to root out the problem.

Ooops didn't see that there was a newer dev build  that Lamont just worked on for this.

Edited by Starwaster
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13 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

It doesn't seem to have helped though. The related code all needs to be gone over to root out the problem.

Ooops didn't see that there was a newer dev build  that Lamont just worked on for this.

I haven't tested it myself yet in stock, but earlier builds definitely had problems with turning RCS on proactively, which some of my space planes did NOT like.

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11 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

@DaveyJ576 Are you using the release or dev version of MJ? The last couple of dev releases are related to RCS ullage for Realism Overhaul and trying to fix non-Real Fuels behaviour.

I am using  The problem is intermittent, it doesn’t always occur, and not always on the same Maneuver Planner burn.  Sometimes, with MP engaged, I can manually move the spacecraft to the correct attitude and the main burn will occur.  The RCS stutter is such that the spacecraft doesn’t move under the guidance of MP.  Weird. Is this a bug? Should I uninstall MechJeb and reinstall?

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36 minutes ago, DaveyJ576 said:

I am using  The problem is intermittent, it doesn’t always occur, and not always on the same Maneuver Planner burn.  Sometimes, with MP engaged, I can manually move the spacecraft to the correct attitude and the main burn will occur.  The RCS stutter is such that the spacecraft doesn’t move under the guidance of MP.  Weird. Is this a bug? Should I uninstall MechJeb and reinstall?

If it's a bug in the plugin then reinstalling isn't going to do anything.

Try the latest dev build which is here:


If it still does it then maybe we need to take a look at your spacecraft design. Maybe your RCS placement isn't balanced. Or maybe you need to describe the problem differently because honestly I don't know what 'stutter' means. Does the RCS light keep going on and off? 

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1 hour ago, Starwaster said:

If it's a bug in the plugin then reinstalling isn't going to do anything.

Try the latest dev build which is here:


If it still does it then maybe we need to take a look at your spacecraft design. Maybe your RCS placement isn't balanced. Or maybe you need to describe the problem differently because honestly I don't know what 'stutter' means. Does the RCS light keep going on and off? 

I don’t know of any way other to describe it. The RCS fires and shuts off very rapidly, several times a second, in different directions, in such a way that it nulls out any motion. I can move the spacecraft manually, even with MP engaged, but the stuttering continues and the spacecraft does not move to the required position for the burn. 

These are all BDB spacecraft, so the RCS config is balanced.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've added mechjeb to my own carreer save. Previously to installing mechjeb, I was able to use all the SAS assists (Target, node, ext) on my probes, after installing mechjeb I am unable to use these more advanced options on these probe boddies. Even if I was able to use them previously on this save. I have the required Building upgrades to be able to do advanced SAS and have unlocked some of the mechjeb modules. I also have another mod active (Advanced SAS for all) wich would allow me to have advanced SAS on all probe boddies and control points but this seems to be overwritten by whatever mechjeb is overriding. Since I am new to using mechjeb I was only using it for some of its features, it might be possible that I've missed something that would prompt me being unable to use normal SAS (Note, I am still able to use the simple stability assist and prograde+retrograde on these probes using the SAS function, but I would like to be able to use the other features as well untill I learn more about mechjeb). Is it normal that those SAS options have disappeared?  Is it perhaps possible because I've added the mod to an already existing save that mechjeb doesn't recognise the building upgrades wich unlock advanced SAS and returned/overrides the "Advanced SAS for all" mod?

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@Superawesome4141 MechJeb isn't doing this, Advanced SAS for all is choosing to disable itself if MechJeb is installed.

Instead, I recommend using MechJeb's built in Smart ASS instead (from the MechJeb menu in flight) that becomes available on all command pods/control probes after you unlock flight control (45 science). It uses a separate UI and replacement SAS controller and once you get used to it, you'll find that Smart ASS is much more flexible than the stock SAS modes.

If you would like Smart ASS to be unlocked from the start node, then that can be done using a ModuleManager patch:

	%MechJebModuleSmartASS { %unlockTechs = start }

You can also add an empty folder to GameData and name it "MechJebUnlocked" to enable all MechJeb features from the start.


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14 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

@Superawesome4141 MechJeb isn't doing this, Advanced SAS for all is choosing to disable itself if MechJeb is installed.

Instead, I recommend using MechJeb's built in Smart ASS instead (from the MechJeb menu in flight) that becomes available on all command pods/control probes after you unlock flight control (45 science). It uses a separate UI and replacement SAS controller and once you get used to it, you'll find that Smart ASS is much more flexible than the stock SAS modes.

If you would like Smart ASS to be unlocked from the start node, then that can be done using a ModuleManager patch:

  Hide contents
	%MechJebModuleSmartASS { %unlockTechs = start }

You can also add an empty folder to GameData and name it "MechJebUnlocked" to enable all MechJeb features from the start.


Thanks for the response! The main issue I had was trying to figure out how to let mechjeb point me in my maneuver node direction instead of executing it, I've looked in Smart A.S.S but could not find it. But you were indeed correct about Advanced SAS for all disabling itself if it detects mechjeb (@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[MechJebCore]]:Final), I've disabled this check so now I can learn about mechjeb in parts rather than needing to learn it in its entirety before I can continue doing my missions.

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3 hours ago, Superawesome4141 said:

The main issue I had was trying to figure out how to let mechjeb point me in my maneuver node direction instead of executing it, I've looked in Smart A.S.S but could not find it.

It's the big NODE button on the first row (KILL ROT is the equivalent of basic stability assist).

HaTmYE4.jpegThe buttons on the OBT mode panel are pretty direct substitutes for the stock SAS modes (when orbit is selected on Navball).

SURF gives similar functions for surface mode, but with more options for specifying offsets to the vector. And for horizontal or vertical alignment.

TGT is for target mode. TGT+ and TGT- are the point at/away from target. RVEL+/RVEL- are stock target relative prograde/retrograde and PAR+/PAR- align your crafts axis parallel to your target's (very useful for docking)

ADV is for various alignments relative to celestial bodies (useful for pointing solar panels at the sun for example or having a space station's cupola module always point down towards the body it is orbiting for cinematics/roleplay)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/5/2022 at 7:15 PM, easterlywave said:

BUG report:

When I use Ascent Guidance and Smart A.S.S , my rocket start to roll and lost control.

This bug appear all the time I launch.



all the mod in gamedata→https://1drv.ms/t/s!Av3iukGYy2izpRpo6F7Ox002AdO3?e=ZKXvIr

problem solved,  it's not MJ, it's FAR's problem

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, everyone! Long time, no see. I'm afraid I have fallen a bit behind on MJ developments. I note that https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/

-  is returning a server not found error. Did it get moved to GitHub or something, or is that just a temporary server down thing? I note that user Starwaster posted a link to the Jenkins site about 6 weeks ago...

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58 minutes ago, El Sancho said:

Hello, everyone! Long time, no see. I'm afraid I have fallen a bit behind on MJ developments. I note that https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/

-  is returning a server not found error. Did it get moved to GitHub or something, or is that just a temporary server down thing? I note that user Starwaster posted a link to the Jenkins site about 6 weeks ago...

Hopefully just a transient DNS failure. Try again periodically. Pinging @sarbian just in case! (Sarbian, I choose you!)

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1 hour ago, Starwaster said:

Hopefully just a transient DNS failure. Try again periodically. Pinging @sarbian just in case! (Sarbian, I choose you!)

Actually, I transferred the domain to a new provider since the old one doubled their price.  This takes a few days and you never know when it is done and when you have to push your config...

Anyway, it is fixed!

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5 hours ago, RunaDacino said:

What does "Electric Limit" do in utilities? I see it pop-up when using Near Future electrical engines. Is it an engine cutout at the % power left?

If engines with electrical requirements don't have enough electricity then it kicks in. It's not NF specific though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trying to add RSS sites to Mechjeb's LandingSites, but I can't seem to get it to actually take. Anyone have knowledge/tips they could give to help figure it out so I could use the MechJeb landing systems with it?

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