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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Mark One Laboratory Extensions (M.O.L.E.)

Angelo Kerman

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  On 10/8/2017 at 2:52 PM, Quoniam Kerman said:

Is there any known incompatibility issues with other parts mods when using M.O.L.E mod? I tried to make it to work on the latest 1.3.1 KSP and it crashed.  Is any other mod required to have it not crash (Tweakscale, CRP, CTT)?

I took the whole M.O.L.E off my Game Data and the game worked fine again. (I did download your 1.3.1 compatible version btw)


Not that I am aware of, is anybody else experiencing this problem?

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  On 10/8/2017 at 4:12 PM, Angel-125 said:

Not that I am aware of, is anybody else experiencing this problem?



I know that this may not be a possibility, but I feel like more skylab-sized parts would be nice. The Skylab hab is my favourite and most-used part in this mod, but it's difficult to work around it when I'm making large stations. Thanks.

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This is to make early space stations, not state of the art gigantic ISSs.

However, shame I can't make it run because even if I'm terrible at orbital rdvs and docking (I actually hate it), I'd used the parts to make some Gemini like missions and process some science before unlocking the proper MPL. Also, having a Mk1 capsule extension is handy for early two men missions when you need a pilot and a scientist.


Edited by Quoniam Kerman
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  On 10/9/2017 at 3:44 PM, Kosmonaut said:


I know that this may not be a possibility, but I feel like more skylab-sized parts would be nice. The Skylab hab is my favourite and most-used part in this mod, but it's difficult to work around it when I'm making large stations. Thanks.


Take a look at the Bigby Orbital Workshop, it's a 3.75m sized station module. From the Snacks thread:


With the exception of the Apollo craft, all those parts come in MOLE.


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  On 10/12/2017 at 3:50 PM, Angel-125 said:

Take a look at the Bigby Orbital Workshop, it's a 3.75m sized station module. From the Snacks thread:

With the exception of the Apollo craft, all those parts come in MOLE.



Oh I know, I'm just saying the bigby is my favourite and more parts like it would be cool

Perhaps from Wherner Von Braun's 1969 mars plan 




Or NASA's 1971 plan



I know I go on your development threads (because I love them) and give a lot of ideas, so feel free not to listen to them, I'm just saying these would be super cool

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  On 10/8/2017 at 4:12 PM, Angel-125 said:

Not that I am aware of, is anybody else experiencing this problem?


I've had zero problems with MOLE on 1.3.1.  @Quoniam Kerman - are you running KSP on Windows? If so, and if you installed "over the top", you might try deleting all the WBI subdirectories and re-copying them in. (and verify the versions you downloaded) Most likely culprit would be a BARIS-related file, since that had the most changes recently across WBI mod versions. It's most likely a stale file that wasn't compiled under 1.3.1, and reinstalling should fix it.  If not, then try installing just the WBI mods in a clean secondary install of KSP.

And no, I haven't been doing software support as my main job for the last 20 years, why do you ask?  :wink:


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  On 10/12/2017 at 9:22 PM, Kosmonaut said:

Oh I know, I'm just saying the bigby is my favourite and more parts like it would be cool

Perhaps from Wherner Von Braun's 1969 mars plan 




Or NASA's 1971 plan



I know I go on your development threads (because I love them) and give a lot of ideas, so feel free not to listen to them, I'm just saying these would be super cool


You can do those with a combination of MOLE and DSEV. Next MOLE release will add a couple of parts to help launch the Bigby Orbital Workshop at the intended tech tier: a 3.75m decoupler, and a payload fairing with limited capability. Both are more expensive than the corresponding parts found at higher tech tiers. Beyond that though, you'd need DSEV to add additional parts- MOLE is designed for early space stations..

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  On 10/12/2017 at 10:51 PM, Angel-125 said:

MOLE is designed for early space stations..


That's true. I still haven't (after four and a half years) mastered rendezvous and docking, and so the idea and functionality of these parts really makes my game.

With big rockets, it's usually pretty easy to launch a bigby-mol combo.

Also, interesting tidbit: My great uncle worked with NASA to create the Solar Observatory on the real skylab. As a fellow space enthusiast and a future astronaut, I had the opportunity to talk to him once about his work while I was in Boston. When he died, I inherited a few things from him- an original print of the Sun from the X-Ray telescope he designed, a signed note from Ed Gibson of Skylab 4 thanking him for his work, and, the coolest one, a sheet with the signatures of all skylab astronauts (including two moonwalkers), and an american flag that flew on skylab from missions 2-4.

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  On 10/12/2017 at 10:46 PM, panarchist said:

I've had zero problems with MOLE on 1.3.1.  @Quoniam Kerman - are you running KSP on Windows? If so, and if you installed "over the top", you might try deleting all the WBI subdirectories and re-copying them in. (and verify the versions you downloaded) Most likely culprit would be a BARIS-related file, since that had the most changes recently across WBI mod versions. It's most likely a stale file that wasn't compiled under 1.3.1, and reinstalling should fix it.  If not, then try installing just the WBI mods in a clean secondary install of KSP.

And no, I haven't been doing software support as my main job for the last 20 years, why do you ask?  :wink:



I didn"t download BARIS if that you want to know. I tried to delete the BARIS related files in the M.O.L.E but nothing changed; Is it obligatory to have BARIS as well for the mod to work?

Yes I use Windows 10, btw

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  On 10/13/2017 at 8:26 PM, Quoniam Kerman said:

I didn"t download BARIS if that you want to know. I tried to delete the BARIS related files in the M.O.L.E but nothing changed; Is it obligatory to have BARIS as well for the mod to work?

Yes I use Windows 10, btw


The only item you need is in the folder that is marked do not delete.

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Perhaps I didn't copy the Module manager dll file, it seems to be 2 ko heavier than the one I have (it contains something related to the mod, then?), is it coming from there?

Seems that was that (didn't include the dll file), ti seems to work fine now.

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  On 10/13/2017 at 1:22 AM, Kosmonaut said:

That's true. I still haven't (after four and a half years) mastered rendezvous and docking, and so the idea and functionality of these parts really makes my game.

With big rockets, it's usually pretty easy to launch a bigby-mol combo.

Also, interesting tidbit: My great uncle worked with NASA to create the Solar Observatory on the real skylab. As a fellow space enthusiast and a future astronaut, I had the opportunity to talk to him once about his work while I was in Boston. When he died, I inherited a few things from him- an original print of the Sun from the X-Ray telescope he designed, a signed note from Ed Gibson of Skylab 4 thanking him for his work, and, the coolest one, a sheet with the signatures of all skylab astronauts (including two moonwalkers), and an american flag that flew on skylab from missions 2-4.


That's pretty awesome! I've got a signed photo of Alan Sheppard (and some other memorabilia) from his Apollo 14 mission - my grandfather went to high school with him. Not quite as cool, though - I saw the Skylab test article at the National Air & Space Museum a couple of times, and had a minor obsession with Skylab when I was in Junior High. I haven't lofted the parts in MOLE yet for Skylab - I might put that on the list to do this weekend since I have some time to actually PLAY KSP this weekend.

  On 10/13/2017 at 8:42 PM, Quoniam Kerman said:


Perhaps I didn't copy the Module manager dll file, it seems to be 2 ko heavier than the one I have (it contains something related to the mod, then?), is it coming from there?


MM needs to be at least the same version or higher than the one in MOLE. The BARIS "do not delete" folder needs to be there. If you have older WBI mods co-mingled, then that might be an issue.My recommendation would be to delete the WildBlue directory and re-download the latest versions of the mods and reinstall. It's really easy on Windows to end up with a stale file. On Mac, copying the folder deletes the old one entirely, so it's much less an issue on Mac.

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No it works fine now, I was refeering to the general MM file, still the same version, but I didn't copy the one included in your directory as I then didn't see the necessity (thought it was a double the one included in every mod), yours obviously contains more parameters, so I just exchanged with yours and it obviously works fine now.   I don't have anyother mods of the Wild blue series others than M.O.L.E. And when I have a mod that gives me problems, I created a folder to tor unused mods for later checking.

The first time I didn't boter to compare your MM dll and the one I had in my GameData folder so I didn"t know I was missing something.

Thw a lot anyway.


How do the special MOLE experiments work btw? Do they work as extra experiments compared to stock ones? (so we get more science out of one trip?)

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  On 10/13/2017 at 9:51 PM, Quoniam Kerman said:

No it works fine now, I was refeering to the general MM file, still the same version, but I didn't copy the one included in your directory as I then didn't see the necessity (thought it was a double the one included in every mod), yours obviously contains more parameters, so I just exchanged with yours and it obviously works fine now.   I don't have anyother mods of the Wild blue series others than M.O.L.E. And when I have a mod that gives me problems, I created a folder to tor unused mods for later checking.

The first time I didn't boter to compare your MM dll and the one I had in my GameData folder so I didn"t know I was missing something.

Thw a lot anyway.


In theory, MM is consistent across all the mods that use it, so long as version numbers are the same. There may have been something wrong with one or the other.

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@Angel-125  I'm still playing with the 1.3.0 version so I don't know if you've fixed this already, but I have a couple of things about the Coach "pancake" tanks.

  • Please add decals to them :)
  • The smaller Coach can hold 4 MOLE experiments when reconfigured to store Science.  OK, but the "double Coach" also only holds 4.  Shouldn't the 2x tank be able to hold 8?


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  On 10/17/2017 at 2:28 PM, Geschosskopf said:

@Angel-125  I'm still playing with the 1.3.0 version so I don't know if you've fixed this already, but I have a couple of things about the Coach "pancake" tanks.

  • Please add decals to them :)
  • The smaller Coach can hold 4 MOLE experiments when reconfigured to store Science.  OK, but the "double Coach" also only holds 4.  Shouldn't the 2x tank be able to hold 8?



Next update will increase the experiment storage on the Coach 500 to 8. I also have a couple of extra parts needed to properly launch the Bigby Orbital Workshop- it correctly shows up in the tier below the 3.75m stock fairings and such, but I realized that you didn't have the gear needed to launch it.:


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  On 10/17/2017 at 5:22 PM, Angel-125 said:

Next update will increase the experiment storage on the Coach 500 to 8. I also have a couple of extra parts needed to properly launch the Bigby Orbital Workshop- it correctly shows up in the tier below the 3.75m stock fairings and such, but I realized that you didn't have the gear needed to launch it.:


Upon further review, it seems like the Science! capacities of the big and little Coaches are switched.  The small has 8, the big has 4 :)

Thanks for the new parts.  I haven't launched the Bigby yet for just this reason (plus serious lag at the MOLE station already).

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  On 10/17/2017 at 6:11 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Upon further review, it seems like the Science! capacities of the big and little Coaches are switched.  The small has 8, the big has 4 :)

Thanks for the new parts.  I haven't launched the Bigby yet for just this reason (plus serious lag at the MOLE station already).


That doesn't sound right, I just checked the Coach 225 and it has 4 experiments....

As for the lag, try turning off all the science labs and see if that helps. If not, try turning off the hab module converters.

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  On 10/20/2017 at 5:16 AM, Bombaatu said:

Just a heads-up: I was able to do an orbital survey using a Den-Eye in a retrograde equatorial orbit of Kerbin. Apparently the Den-Eye doesn't check to see if you're in a polar orbit.


I'm using stock part modules for the surveys, not sure what I can do.

Meanwhile, MOLE 1.9.0 is now available:

New Parts
- Bigby Decoupler (Specialized Construction): This expensive Size 3 decoupler was built to help launch the Bigby Orbital Workshop.
- Bigby Fairing (Specialized Construction): This fairing was specially built to help launch the Bigby Orbital Workshop.

New Experiment
- Gravioli Wave Experiment: You'll need a DenEye telescope and Bigby Solar Observatory along with a MOLE lab to look for gravioli waves in the cosmos.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- Moved the IA-375 Interstage Adapter to Specialized Construction.
- The Coach 500 now stored up to 8 science experiments.
- WBT Update

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I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm trying to get started using the MOLE lab and some experiments, and I'm not sure how to get it to work. The KSPedia article seems to be out of date, describing a "Manage Operations" button that doesn't seem to be visible in the VAB

I have Kerbalism installed, so I'm wondering if there might be a conflict between the two.

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  On 10/22/2017 at 11:30 PM, John Nowak said:

I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm trying to get started using the MOLE lab and some experiments, and I'm not sure how to get it to work. The KSPedia article seems to be out of date, describing a "Manage Operations" button that doesn't seem to be visible in the VAB

I have Kerbalism installed, so I'm wondering if there might be a conflict between the two.


MOLE doesn't support Kerbalism, sorry. Try using MOLE in a stock game, and be sure to install everything that comes with the download.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Angel-125There seems to be a problem with the Fulcrum Engine researching in my game. It appears on the tech tree at Heavier Rocketry, well past most of its upgrades. I have CTT and SETI's Unmanned Before Manned installed. It doesn't look like those mess with the MOLE parts. The cfg file says the Fulcrum should be in advRocketry, but it's not. I've removed the file for now, I'm stumped.

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