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CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network); v1.28.0 - Dyson


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  On 4/4/2018 at 9:39 PM, Olympic1 said:

Latest version was blocked from indexing because of multiple .version files. I fixed it now and the latest version for 1.4.1 is available in CKAN.


Although note that if you have 1.3.1 marked as a compatible game version, you'll still have the problem of the backport installing instead, because the backport's version number is "BP-", which counts as a higher version than just "" due to the "BP-" prefix:


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Is there a way to produce more debug output? 

I currently try to install around 100 mods using a CKAN file on Ubuntu. Unfortunately currently a single not downloadable file seems to be able to block the whole downloading and installation process. CKAN creates the files in /tmp, downloads almost all of the mods and then gets stuck. There seems to be simultaneous downloading, but even the successful downloads get blocked by the faulty ones. Why not just move at least the successful downloaded mods into the cache for the next try??? 

Then at least it would be possible to narrow down the list for the not downloadable mods with a few tries. Currently you just have a bunch of randomly named files in /tmp where you not even can tell which file belongs to which mod.


Edit: Canceling doesn't seem to cancel the downloads. If your installation gets blocked by an unavailable file you can cancel and the gui reacts accordingly. But when you check the files in /tmp after doing this, you can see that the downloads suddenly continue.

Edited by Friedrich Nietzsche
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  On 4/5/2018 at 5:16 PM, Friedrich Nietzsche said:

Is there a way to produce more debug output? 


Yes:  https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/User-guide#logging

  14 minutes ago, Friedrich Nietzsche said:

I currently try to install around 100 mods using a CKAN file on Ubuntu. Unfortunately currently a single not downloadable file seems to be able to block the whole downloading and installation process. CKAN creates the files in /tmp, downloads almost all of the mods and then gets stuck. There seems to be simultaneous downloading, but even the successful downloads get blocked by the faulty ones. Why not just move at least the successful downloaded mods into the cache for the next try??? 


Agreed, that's how it should work. We addressed one case of this recently (to be included in a future release). It may or may not fix your issue depending on the exact error you're getting:

  14 minutes ago, Friedrich Nietzsche said:

Edit: Canceling doesn't seem to cancel the downloads. If your installation gets blocked by an unavailable file you can cancel and the gui reacts accordingly. But when you check the files in /tmp after doing this, you can see that the downloads suddenly continue.


Funny, I noticed this as well recently. As it happens, .NET's WebClient.CancelAsync function does... well, nothing.


I've looked into some ways to solve this, but they're fairly high risk, so I'm planning to hold off till after the next release in the hope that it'll be less buggy than the current one.

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So a bit of a feature request: It's cool that we can add "Compatible KSP versions" in the Settings menu, since most mods will continue to work between minor KSP patches, but would it be possible to set this on a per-mod basis, since some "incompatible" versions of mods seem to work just fine on newer versions of KSP, while many others don't.

It might also be good if we could manually force mods to update to a particular mod version from the Versions list for testing purposes.

Edited by Rohaq
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  On 4/5/2018 at 5:43 PM, HebaruSan said:

Yes:  https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/User-guide#logging

Agreed, that's how it should work. We addressed one case of this recently (to be included in a future release). It may or may not fix your issue depending on the exact error you're getting:

Funny, I noticed this as well recently. As it happens, .NET's WebClient.CancelAsync function does... well, nothing.


I've looked into some ways to solve this, but they're fairly high risk, so I'm planning to hold off till after the next release in the hope that it'll be less buggy than the current one.


Thanks for your fast reply!

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  On 4/6/2018 at 8:06 PM, HebaruSan said:

It's larger in scope. Try submitting an issue so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of the forum thread:


Done and done: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/2398

It also made me think that an "Install when compatible" feature would be useful for such an override feature so that the mod gets marked for install whenever a version appears marked as compatible with the installed version of KSP - but that feels a little like further scope creep. That said, it might be easier to do it all in one blast, since you'd be changing the mod data structure already if you added an override for the global "Compatible KSP Versions" list.

Edited by Rohaq
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@HebaruSan, just a note.  PlanetShine is now maintained by me.

forum link:  


Github Link to .version file: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ksp-planetshine/blob/master/PlanetShine/Distribution/GameData/PlanetShine/Plugins/PlanetShine.version


Would you be so kind as to update the index for this fine mod?  Please let me know if there is anything else you need.

Edited by Papa_Joe
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Hi, i have a brand new installation of Ksp 1.2.2 and ckan recognize my installation as a

My version of ckan is 1.24.0

Did i miss something ?


I launched KSP. And this is showing (windowsplayer x64) on the bottom right

Found the problem.

My Build64.txt was the problem. I replace it with:

build id = 01622
2016.12.06 at 08:30:17 CET
Branch: master

And voila... :)

Forgot to mention it was a steam version. Maybe the problem come from that.

Edited by corolor
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  On 4/11/2018 at 2:57 AM, corolor said:

Forgot to mention it was a steam version. Maybe the problem come from that.


Probably steam messing up with your install files. I can only recommend for steam users to keep original KSP folder stock and copy whole KSP game outside of Steam/ProgramFiles. That way you will know for sure what version KSP is, less likely that steam will mess up your moded game, and you will always have latest "mod friendly" version of KSP while waiting for favorite mods to update for latest version of KSP. And stock game still can be up to date trough steam, just copy latest main game folders elsewhere  when you deceide to update everything, mods and KSP to higher version.

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There's a problem with the current CKAN install of USI LS (v, Max KSP version 1.4.9). When I install it and its dependencies manually it all works. When I let CKAN install USI LS doesn't work - the green box doesn't appear in the toolbar in the space center view nor in VAB/SPH.

I've tried this multiple times with no success using completely new installs of KSP to avoid any conflicts. 

Please take a look if you have time.

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  On 4/12/2018 at 2:28 PM, Tyko said:

There's a problem with the current CKAN install of USI LS (v, Max KSP version 1.4.9). When I install it and its dependencies manually it all works. When I let CKAN install USI LS doesn't work - the green box doesn't appear in the toolbar in the space center view nor in VAB/SPH.

I've tried this multiple times with no success using completely new installs of KSP to avoid any conflicts. 

Please take a look if you have time.


The metadata for that mod and all of its dependencies is maintained by the mod author; the CKAN team can't change it. Sounds like there's some difference between the bundled dependencies and the corresponding standalone releases.

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CKAN Release v1.25.0 "Wallops" is released!

File:NASA Wallops Flight Facility, 2010.jpg

Changes since 1.24.0


  Reveal hidden contents


  • The auto-update function in previous releases may fail trying to upgrade to this version. In that case, you will need to download it manually and replace your previous copy.
  • You don't need to download AutoUpdate.exe. This is used internally by CKAN when a new version is released.
  • Windows users must have .NET 4.5 installed. SImply download the ckan.exe file and either store it in your game directory or somewhere in your filesystem that you have non-admin write access. Never run the CKAN client as Administrator!
  • libcurl is no longer used by CKAN for Linux or Mac. If you experience problems downloading, please contact us
  • Mac/Linux/Mono users: please use the new cert-sync tool, to update mono's certificate store.
  • Mac Users: You should only need to download and install the CKAN.dmg
  • The .deb file is for automated installation on Debian-based Linux distributions - Use dpkg-install/apt-get/apt to install the .deb file and you will then be able to run CKAN with just ckan instead of mono ckan.exe. All required libraries should be pulled in as dependencies.
  • This release of the CKAN has not been tested on Mono releases prior to 5.0.1. We highly recommend upgrading to the latest stable release of Mono from mono-project.com You will need the equivalent of the mono-complete package for your OS.

News and appreciations

  • With this release we're adding support for the Making History DLC, mostly thanks to @Olympic1. Mods can include Making History as a dependency or any other relationship type, and we allow files to be installed in the Missions folder, so mods can include custom missions.
  • @HebaruSancontinues to be a powerhouse of coding talent as well as a very active metadata editor. You've all seen his regular contributions in the thread here, I'm sure!
  • New contributor DasSkelett has been doing some great work with small improvements to the GUI!
  • huge thanks to everyone who has posted an issue at https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues, they really do help us to make the CKAN better for everyone!
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@HebaruSan, due to multiple requests for a KSP 1.3.1 specific version of PlanetShine, I  have distributed a version specific release.

Of course this throws off the latest release tag in GitHub, so I wanted to give you a heads up on the specific GitHub release tags and version files for each version.

KSP 1.3.1 version release tag:  https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ksp-planetshine/releases/tag/
KSP 1.4.x version release tag: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ksp-planetshine/releases/tag/

KSP-AVC Version files:
KSP 1.3.1:  https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ksp-planetshine/blob/ksp131recompile/PlanetShine/Distribution/GameData/PlanetShine/Plugins/PlanetShine.version
KSP 1.4.1:  https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ksp-planetshine/blob/master/PlanetShine/Distribution/GameData/PlanetShine/Plugins/PlanetShine.version

Note that the KSP 1.3.1 version is built against a different branch in the version file links above

Thanks!  Hope this helps!

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On installing CKAN I recieved a message saying it needs permission to create a new url handler. I pressed yes, but could someone explain what this means and whether I should have pressed yes or no? Thanks for your help.

Edited by Captainfisher
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  On 4/16/2018 at 6:01 AM, Papa_Joe said:

@HebaruSan, due to multiple requests for a KSP 1.3.1 specific version of PlanetShine, I  have distributed a version specific release.

Of course this throws off the latest release tag in GitHub, so I wanted to give you a heads up on the specific GitHub release tags and version files for each version.


Thanks for the info, it looks like the new version was indexed as expected:


  On 4/16/2018 at 8:34 AM, Captainfisher said:

On installing CKAN I recieved a message saying it needs permission to create a new url handler. I pressed yes, but could someone explain what this means and whether I should have pressed yes or no? Thanks for your help.


It's trying to add support for URLs of the form ckan://PlanetShine to your system. I don't think it's used very often, so it doesn't much matter what you click.

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