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Have we landed on the moon?


Home many of you believe we have landed on the moon?  

164 members have voted

  1. 1. With people, we have landed on the moon.

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    • You disagree with this.
    • You are in between on the matter.

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3 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

What's bad if NASA were by definition civilian, in fact military? What that flame is at all about?

I don't know if it survived the purge, but the argument was:

A. The military keeps secrets.
B. NASA is military.
C. By (A) and (B), NASA keeps secrets.
:. The moon landings were faked.

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razark wrote:





I don't know if it survived the purge, but the argument was:

A. The military keeps secrets.
B. NASA is military.
C. By (A) and (B), NASA keeps secrets.
:. The moon landings were faked.


Nope, it is one of the clues.not the only one, because , let's face it, yes nasa lies all the time.

seen those fake moon rocks yet? hilarious isn't it?


and nasa isn't yet able to put people pass the radiation ( van Allen Belt).


Nah, the moonlandings are really one big hoax.

But it is funny in a way to see people still believing nasa have send men to the moon,

Edited by ADreamerwithinADream
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7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

Nah, the moonlandings are really one big hoax.

If the moon landings were fake, how do you explain why there are hundreds of pictures of people on the moon?


7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

seen those fake mon rocks yet?

No, the only moon rocks I've seen are real ones.  I have also seen quite a few descriptions of simulated lunar regolith, however.  Not to mention papers about why it's bad stuff to be around.  But regolith isn't rocks, is it?


Speaking of around:

7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

and nasa isn't yet able to put people pass the radiation ( van Allen Belt).

The belts are limited in their north-south extent.  Aside from the fact they are nowhere near as dangerous as you imply, the lunar flights were planned to travel at the northern or southern extremes to get around them, but also to pass through them quickly to avoid the issues.  Besides that, if NASA can't put people past the belts, how do you explain that they did put two dozen men out beyond the belts?



7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

Nah, the moonlandings are really one big hoax.

Please address the video posted in http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155271-have-we-landed-on-the-moon/&page=10#comment-2953262!  Do you have any response to the fact that it would have been a more extreme task to fake the landings than to actually do it?



Simply put, you have once again failed to actually provide any evidence that the moon landings were faked.  You've consistently provided red herrings, or tried to sidetrack the discussion to fallacies.  Can you please provide some any support for your position before it collapses like a house of straw in a slight breeze?

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(rocket scientist????????????)




If the moon landings were fake, how do you explain why there are hundreds of pictures of people on the moon?

Duh? There aren't.They are very simply made somewhere else.


No, the only moon rocks I've seen are real ones

Fake rocks have been giving to musea by the astroNOTS, no dancing around that one,


"The belts are limited in their north-south extent.  Aside from the fact they are nowhere near as dangerous as you imply, the lunar flights were planned to travel at the northern or southern extremes to get around them, but also to pass through them quickly to avoid the issues.  Besides that, is NASA can't put people past the belts, how do you explain that they did put two dozen men out beyond the belts?"

I sincerely hope you see the circular reasoning in this.
Because you ASSUME they have been to the moon, you have to ASSUME they went to the belt.
So, you assume from the start they went through the belt. That is no proving anything.

But they didn't because it is impossible.
Even nasa stated lately that it can't pass the Belts.

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I must apologize.  I started my postings in this thread under the mistaken impression that your question was rather unwarranted and beyond ridiculous, especially in this particular forum.  I now regret that assumption.  It sadly appears that there is nowhere upon this globe that can escape the arguments of those who wish that which is was not.


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15 minutes ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

Even nasa stated lately that it can't pass the Belts.

[citation needed]

24 minutes ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

the marsrover which is obviously filmed on this earth,

[citation needed]

15 minutes ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

Fake rocks have been giving to musea by the astroNOTS, no dancing around that one,



Seriously though, you make claims which validity hinges on a contrived reality. If NASA consistently lies, then you would need dozens hundred of people to lie, consistently. Everyone from janitors to the Administrator. It seems easier to believe that the truth is, in fact, that those same hundreds of people in fact put together their heads and solved a bunch of problems.

Edited by 0111narwhalz
Premature submit.
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7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:


(rocket scientist????????????)

Well, take it as you wish...






7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

There aren't.

Yes they are.
(Evidence equivalent to what you have provided: Cause I said so.)


7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

Fake rocks have been giving to musea by the astroNOTS, no dancing around that one,

Well yes.  However, real rocks have been given to universities, research institutions, museums, foreign dignitaries, and Alan Bean's paintings.


7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

I sincerely hope you see the circular reasoning in this.

Of course, you entire argument has been based on "I say so", without providing anything to back you up beyond one fallacious reference to someone that didn't understand what he was referencing in the first place.


7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

But they didn't because it is impossible.

Assertion provided without evidence.  Assertion rejected without regard.  If you wish your argument to be considered, please provide some any evidence.


7 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

So, I don't count that as an argument, ok?

Very good point.  But it wasn't an argument in the first place.  I was wanting to know how you address the posted video that provides quite extensive evidence that the technological capabilities of faking the moon landing were much lower than the technological capability of conducting an actual moon landing, and then doing it again 5 more times.



Ok, please answer a question.

If the moon landings were entirely faked, what happened on Apollo 13, and how does that fit your narrative?

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6 minutes ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

Why is that soo difficult for you to accept?

Because, over the multiple times you have been asked, you have yet to provide any evidence.


Aside from that, I have plenty of evidence that it did happen.

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9 minutes ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

1  no problemo

Uh - I just watched that video from end to end. I didn't see or hear any admission from a NASA engineer that 'they can't get past the van-Allen belts'. I did hear him discuss the Belts and mention that Orion had sensors to measure conditions within the Belts as part of it's first test flight. Oh - and I did see a bunch of snarky comments added in subtitles, with absolutely no indication that those comments were linked to NASA. 

I'm not convinced by your evidence.

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I predicted that you would complain that I was "involved in the conspiracy".

For the record, "Rocket Scientist" is actually a default KSP forum thing.  My actual job is making paperwork.


Re: Apollo 13

Apollo 13 suffered a failure on the outbound trip to the moon.  If NASA was so fully invested in lying about getting to the moon, why would they create an event that made them look incompetent at it?

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If there were no moon landings, why USSR stopped its own program?
Ok, N-1 was inviable. But there was much more simple project of lunar fly-by with Proton + LK-1. And there already were unmanned lunar probes.
It would be enough to photo the "landings" and show to all the world that they are empty.

So, a series of experiments is required.
1. Send a lunar defender and a lunar scepticist in straight spacesuits to prevent a murder into Van Allen belt and watch if they survive.
2. Drop a bomb onto one of the landing places and make a high-res film how the LEM debris will fly around.

Edited by kerbiloid
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some other things.


people always come up with the reflectors on the moon.

They are not really needed because the measurement have been done much earlier without reflectors.

and they are not put there on the moon by the astroNOTS. they have just been put there by unmanned vehicles.


and those tapes? weren't they lost?? even if they have them back by now it is ridiculous. The so

called most important thing in history and the tapes are gone. lol




yes, but it hasn't been done so far. so...

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Rather than posting videos, what is your response to the video posted earlier that demonstrates faking the landing would be harder than the actual landing, that I have asked you about twice before?  Can you please admit that you have no response to it, or at least acknowledge that you are dodging the issue intentionally?


6 hours ago, ADreamerwithinADream said:

and those tapes? weren't they lost?? even if they have them back by now it is ridiculous. The so

called most important thing in history and the tapes are gone. lol

You're arguing that the government is incompetent, and your evidence is that the government shouldn't be incompetent?

And you have the gall to accuse ME of circular reasoning?!?

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Although there have been some below-the-belt shots in this discussion, focusing entirely on them to the detriment of the discussion itself is...well...untenable, to say the least.

I propose that continuation of the discussion is in the form below:




Without the evidence, the assertion shall be disregarded, and not afforded a response. With evidence, the assertion must be addressed before another, conflicting assertion is brought forth.

Deal? :wink:

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