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[1.12.X] Feline Utility Rovers v1.3.4 (28. April 2022)


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6 hours ago, juanml82 said:

Question: how are the joints supposed to work? I put adapter-joint-adapter, unlock them and even though I turn to the sides but thing continues to remain rigid. Here's a screenshot of the rover I'm using to test. I tried to fill the ore container in the back, but still no results. I don't have KJR installed



Do you have steering enabled for the wheels behind the joints? The steering for those wheels has to be disabled. When steering is enabled the wheels steer in a way that keeps all the sections in line. Will add this hint to the KSPedia entries ;-)

If this does not help, what does the joint say about its state in the right click menu? If it is no parent or invalid then there is a problem.

Edited by Nils277
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Are you sure you have the adapters oriented correctly? The default orientation of the adapter is for the rear one. You have to rotate the front one 180° about the vertical axis (so the chassis section underneath the body rectangle forms a smooth attachment, not a jagged edge hanging out there).

Then for the hitch, do you have Main Rover -> Active Hitch -> Docking Adapter -> Passive Hitch -> Trailer?

Also, you're not auto-strutting are you?

And you don't have Spring maxed out? Because maxed out, it can actually slide a trailer's wheels along the ground to force it to straighten out, and you won't get much flexing.

Finally, if you have all wheels steering, they'll all steer about the center of mass, and you'll see very little flexing in the joints, almost none, because the wheels are all steering such that the joints don't need to flex. For stability, and for maximum joint flexing, I recommend only the front-most wheels (in that case, four) have steering enabled.

That... also isn't a very stable design. Once you unhitch that trailer, the crew compartment is going to want to drag its back end along the ground like a dog wiping its butt on the carpet. XD

I tend to put all crewed compartments in the main rover, and save the cargo for the trailer. So for example, Cockpit -> Science -> Bellows/Adapters -> Crew -> Utility -> Hitch -> Trailer with ore containers and/or cargo bays. That way each section has room for at least a front wheel pair, a rear wheel pair, and at least one underbody utility wedge.

Edited by FirroSeranel
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On 7/3/2017 at 3:37 AM, Nils277 said:

Do you have steering enabled for the wheels behind the joints? The steering for those wheels has to be disabled. When steering is enabled the wheels steer in a way that keeps all the sections in line. Will add this hint to the KSPedia entries ;-)

If this does not help, what does the joint say about its state in the right click menu? If it is no parent or invalid then there is a problem.

Steering for the wheels in the back is disabled, the status is "released". Still not bending.

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@juanml82 This is weird. Maybe the auto-struts from the wheels are causing trouble then. You can see them when pressing ALT + F12 and click on Physics, in this menu you enable "Visualize Autostruts". When one of the oragen lines from a wheel crosses the bellowed joint or the hitch then this is the cause. Can you post a picture of the autostruts?

Is be bellowed part not bending, or is also the hitch rigid?

can you also post an image with a better view on the hitch? I can't point the finger on it yet, but it looks like there is something missing.


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On 9/3/2017 at 4:41 AM, Nils277 said:

@juanml82 This is weird. Maybe the auto-struts from the wheels are causing trouble then. You can see them when pressing ALT + F12 and click on Physics, in this menu you enable "Visualize Autostruts". When one of the oragen lines from a wheel crosses the bellowed joint or the hitch then this is the cause. Can you post a picture of the autostruts?

Is be bellowed part not bending, or is also the hitch rigid?

can you also post an image with a better view on the hitch? I can't point the finger on it yet, but it looks like there is something missing.


I'm an idiot. I did have KJR installed. I removed and it works perfectly. It's really cool!

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17 hours ago, juanml82 said:

I'm an idiot. I did have KJR installed. I removed and it works perfectly. It's really cool!

Actually, there's a development version of KJR that works with the FUR's joints, as well as other flexible joints like the Claw.


Click "Clone/Download", then take the GameData directory only and copy it over. It works perfectly, and gives me KJR's realistic materials everywhere else, and KSP's stock joints made of condoms and bubble gum for joints that are supposed to flex. XD

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12 hours ago, nascarlaser1 said:

for really long bellowd joints (for like trailers) can I do adapter-joint-joint-joint-adapter or do I have to do adapter-joint-adapter-joint-adapter-joint-adapter?

Multiple joints between the adapters should be possible. The adapters are only there to prevent the autostruts from the wheels from blocking the joints. 

But i would recommend not to use too many, because the craft won't collide with itself which will make the whole thing unstable :wink:

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2 hours ago, Nils277 said:

Multiple joints between the adapters should be possible. The adapters are only there to prevent the autostruts from the wheels from blocking the joints. 

But i would recommend not to use too many, because the craft won't collide with itself which will make the whole thing unstable :wink:

ok thxs!.

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Hey @Nils277, I have a request.

I find myself often wanting an undercarriage block that serves as a hardpoint to mount outboard accessories. For example, in building this crane rover with USI Konstruction, I'd love to replace the highlighted Cubic Octagonal Struts with a piece that actually looks like it fits, to align the stabilizer legs with the outside edge of the rover.


It may seem odd, but I swear, this is about the fifth time I've found myself wishing for such a part.

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Hi, joints are not working for me, I have rear axle lock steering, unlocked joint, and Iam not using that KJR, also when I take a look in physic on autostruts, there are only 3 (I have 3 axles and both rear are locked) orange lines from left wheel to right wheel on every axle

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2 hours ago, DStaal said:

Just want to comment that I find it odd that the Freight Containers carry all kinds of resources, including Fertilizer and Dirt and such - but not Supplies.

Hmm, seems i have forgotten the supplies...will be added in the next release.


1 hour ago, 217blaster217 said:

Hi, joints are not working for me, I have rear axle lock steering, unlocked joint, and Iam not using that KJR, also when I take a look in physic on autostruts, there are only 3 (I have 3 axles and both rear are locked) orange lines from left wheel to right wheel on every axle

I can't say much about this at the moment. Can you post a screenshot of your craft with the autostruts visible? Maybe this helps solving the issue. :wink: 

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36 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

Hmm, seems i have forgotten the supplies...will be added in the next release.

Thanks.  Note that related, they don't hold Mulch either.  Though if you wanted to say that's intentional I'd believe you.  :wink:

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On 3/16/2017 at 3:07 PM, DStaal said:

Thanks.  Note that related, they don't hold Mulch either.  Though if you wanted to say that's intentional I'd believe you.  :wink:

"Mulching is a process of inbred fertilization which employs certain decomposed organic materials-- including, but not limited to animal sediment-- to blanket an area in which vegetation is desired. The procedure enriches the soil for stimulated plant development while, at the same time, preventing erosion and decreasing the evaporation of moisture from the ground."

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14 hours ago, Sebra said:

Why dataProcessingMultiplier of mobile laboratory is ten times lower than base one?


Because the Mobile Lab is way smaller than the stock Laboratory and therefore should be not as efficient as the stock lab. 

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It has scienceMultiplier and scientistBonus lowered slightly. It can be the price for convenience.

But dataProcessingMultiplier is ten times lower. If I'm not mistake processing rate becomes too slow to use it.

Can you show exact formula of data to science conversion?

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24 minutes ago, Sebra said:

It has scienceMultiplier and scientistBonus lowered slightly. It can be the price for convenience.

But dataProcessingMultiplier is ten times lower. If I'm not mistake processing rate becomes too slow to use it.

Can you show exact formula of data to science conversion?

Why would it be too slow to use? It just takes ten times more time to convert the data, which is very likely for a small mobile lab compared to a fully equipped stationary lab. 
You really just need more time to convert the data, which you can simply bridge with timewarp. I don' really understand what the problem there is.

There is no exact formular for the conversion of data to science. I just used a rule of thumb to lower the rate for the mobile lab.

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If I understand science right, short analysis quickly gives out small output, while long detailed - slowly give more output.

All three your labs are worse than base one. Except weight of course.

I understand Planet Base Laboratory has more equipment (even the telescope) and so can give more science from the same data, but the process consume more time and energy. From the other side Field Science (in the form of Mobile Lab) give faster but smaller profit. Planetary Hub can have base stats.

I would give slightly more scientistBonus to the lab with better scienceMultiplier to encourage higher levels.

I do not like timewarp in this case. Timewarp is even worse with any life support mod.

All above is my humble opinion only. I would not demand anything. You are the Author. :wink:

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1 hour ago, Sebra said:

It has scienceMultiplier and scientistBonus lowered slightly. It can be the price for convenience.

I just wanted to chime in and argue against using scienceMultiplier as balance in any way.  It has a very important problem, that means in effect it should never be varied from stock in my opinion:

It's completely non-discoverable in-game.

Nothing in the game even hints that it even *can* change.  So changing it is just pulling pranks on the player, because they don't know you've done anything.  Change the processing rate, change how much science it can hold, but the multiplier should be treated as a black box that the player can't account for.

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