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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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2 hours ago, Startlingzeus9 said:

I just updated all the near future packs, and was planning on building a new pack, but any mod I run in addition to the near future pack crashes on load up. is there a reason for this?

I think you may be launching the game incorrectly. The executable require TWO clicks to run, any other number and the executable will think you're mocking it and it will become upset.

On the other hand, it's far more likely that you are just running out of RAM. The 32-bit version of KSP is limited to 4gb(a bit less actually), so I'd recommend you go ahead and download the 64-bit version of KSP from the store.

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I had a migration problem 1.22 -> 1.3. The part 'adapter-25-multi-01' (Near Future Construction omni engine adapter) is renamed 'adapter-25-multi-1'. Search and replace in the .sfs did the trick, but it took some digging.

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A question about the VASIMR engines:

What is the relationship between the ISP and Thrust? They don't seem to be inversely proportional. I am trying to calculate and find the sweet spot, so I need the curve.

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1 hour ago, howkong said:

A question about the VASIMR engines:

What is the relationship between the ISP and Thrust? They don't seem to be inversely proportional. I am trying to calculate and find the sweet spot, so I need the curve.

The reason you can't easily find an underlying law is because engine performance doesn't scale linearly. Near Future approximates real life by using a function with an exponent to calculate the allowed thrust/power ratio for a given Isp. Depending on the engine technology, this value may or may not then be further modified by a second function, which optimizes it either for low-Isp or for high-Isp operation. In combination with the pre-set amount of power available on an engine, this results in a value for thrust. For the VASIMR, the final thrust value is as calculated at the 50/50 mark, but at each extreme (max thrust or max Isp), it's reduced by 10%. This is handled by a Unity float curve, and you can actually see the values in Module VariableIspEngine in the part configs.

If what I just told you exploded your brain, just take away this: the sweet spot is in the middle, and each extreme is 10% worse. :P The VASIMR is extremely versatile, but it is not the best at every job. Specialized engines don't have this 10% penalty. So if you want to run at high thrust all the time, the Hall thrusters and MPDTs are better at it; if you want to run at high Isp all the time, the gridded ion thrusters are the kings of that. VASIMRs and PITs are not optimized in either direction, but have special capabilities instead.

Edited by Streetwind
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apparently some patrs have been renamed. In my case the Mk3-9, the InlineCmdModule, an adapter and the UtilityContainer are nowhere to be found even since the peaces are there in the VAB. This besically inhibits some of my best craft to be loaded. Is it possible to have a changed name "conversion table" in order to fix this problem? Is it sufficient to seach and change in the Ship file to be back on track?

Thank you!

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3 hours ago, NightSky said:


apparently some patrs have been renamed. In my case the Mk3-9, the InlineCmdModule, an adapter and the UtilityContainer are nowhere to be found even since the peaces are there in the VAB. This besically inhibits some of my best craft to be loaded. Is it possible to have a changed name "conversion table" in order to fix this problem? Is it sufficient to seach and change in the Ship file to be back on track?

Thank you!

This should help. 2 pages back after the change happened, if you need to look through for follow up information.


On 6/18/2017 at 7:36 AM, Spacetourist said:

This is not a bug, the name of some parts has changed in the .cfg files.
If you want to retrieve your ships after the update, duplicate the .cfg files from the parts you are missing and rename them with the previous version names

Example with the Mk 3-9 Command Pod:
- Duplicate the file "command-mk3-9.cfg" and name it for example "command-mk3-9_legacy.cfg"
- Edit the created file and look for "name = command-mk3-9", change it to "name = mk3-9pod"
- To avoid confusing the parts in the VAB, also change "title = # LOC_NFSpacecraft_command-mk3-9_title" for example like that "title = Command-mk3-9 legacy"
- Finally save the new modified file

Do the same for all parties with the name modified by the update and you will retrieve your ships ...

For the old name you will find them in the .cfg files of Near Future Spacecraft for KSP 1.2.2

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I edited my ship files directly with the new names. I attempted to load each red ship from the VAB/SPH and noted the part names the game could not find. Then figured out their replacement names. In retrospect, a matrix would have been great for that, as I kept going back and forth figuring out what the old/new names were.

It's laborious, but holds up in the long run. It's good practice to fully delete and then re-copy NF folders in gamedata when there are new versions. Unfortunately, this would wipe out any cfg files you created.

Edited by JonathanPerregaux
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Minor quality of life update:

NF Construction 0.8.3

  •  Updated bundled B9PartSwitch to 1.9.0
  •  Updated MM to 2.8.1
  • Stack symmetry on 2.5m multi-adapter can now take advantage of new B9PartSwitch functions



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3 hours ago, TheHolyInquisition said:

Is there a way for the nuclear rockets to not be made into nuclear reactors? I don't really want to have to mess around with warming up, radiator unfurling, etc. when I'm trying to prep for a burn.

Don't install the NFE integration extra from Kerbal Atomics?

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*Alpha Centauri secret project completion sound*

I've just finished off a new mod. It's called Near Future Launch Vehicles and is now ready to be released into the wild. Fly little birdie, fly!


NF Launch Vehicles is designed to offer better, larger options for getting your stuff into into space. To that end, you get a lot of new toys. 

  • 5m size parts, based on an eclectic set of concepts including but not limited to the Russian Energia and the Blue Origin New Glenn. This includes tanks and a bunch of support components, like adapters, cluster mounts, decouplers and even a giant docking port.
  • 7.5m size parts, based somewhat on the SpaceX ITS. You'll get a full set of fuel tanks, adapters and clustering tools, plus the usual decouplers, fairings and drone cores.
  • Kerbalizations of the SpaceX Raptor, Raptor Vacuum, Blue Origin BE4, and NASA/AR RS-18. These methalox engines push the boundaries of LF/O engines and are meant as late-game upgrades to your rocket arsenal. No new fuels! They're all surface-attachable and designed for clustering.
  • More support parts, like a heavy radial decoupler, specialized aerodynamics control thrusters, several heavy RCS blocks, and a new model of RCS based on the ULA IVF concept, which works as a combined fuel cell, battery and RCS.

Full Screenshot Gallery

Of course, everything plays great with NFT, Kerbal Atomics and CryoEngines. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Testing has been pretty smooth but there are probably still issues. Raise them on git or here and I'll get to them when I can.

Get it in all the usual places.

Note the starting version number - 1.0. This pack is pretty much in its finished state and you can see the rest of the roadmap in Git. Here's a list of things I will certainly not be doing:

  • 5/7.5m engines - clustering is the name of the game in this concept
  • Highly specific things like ITS landing legs, cockpits, etc
  • 3.75m parts - yes the lineup is sparse, not really interested in backfilling though.



Edited by Nertea
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1 hour ago, Nertea said:

I've just finished off a new mod. It's called Near Future Launch Vehicles and is now ready to be released into the wild. Fly little birdie, fly!

Awesome!  Just installed, and looking forward to having enough science to unlock these.  :wink:  The huge tanks might be intended for huge launch vehicles, but I suspect I'll be using them for orbital fuel depots too.

BTW, looking through stuff in the tech tree, I noticed that the NR-12800 fuel tank shows a #LOC tag in its description field.

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5 hours ago, Nertea said:

Note the starting version number - 1.0. This pack is pretty much in its finished state and you can see the rest of the roadmap in Git. Here's a list of things I will certainly not be doing:

  • 5/7.5m engines - clustering is the name of the game in this concept
  • Highly specific things like ITS landing legs, cockpits, etc
  • 3.75m parts - yes the lineup is sparse, not really interested in backfilling though.



No plans for larger SRBs to match the larger tanks, then?

A new mod out of left field. Awesome work!

Edited by ev0
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