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[1.12] KSP-RO - Realism Overhaul [16 May 2022]


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Hello all, i have noticed something weird when using RO engines, family LE-5.

When using throttable engines, LE-5A to LE-5B-3, i noticed that when you throttle up from minimum Throttle, the engine rpm jump from minimum to 74%, then you can use rpm between 74% and 100%. There’s no possible rpm use between 74% and minimum which is 5% for LE-5A and 3% for other engines, so engines are throttable from 74% to 100%, then you must jump directly to 3 or 5%: Is it a normal use? It is not that it looks like when reading engines datas

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@mnbvcxzWhat you actually should do is update RO to the latest version. It has a fix for the issue you encountered.

@gilflo That's how it's supposed to work https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/83f59f14add1d98d27e50e5d327c293e5a83d799/GameData/RealismOverhaul/Engine_Configs/LE5_Config.cfg#L199

Edited by siimav
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Hello guys, I have seen a lot of complicated google sheets about RO engines. I create mine to compare engine in the following ways so that I could design Huge launchers to send 50 Tons to 150 tons in low Moon Orbit:

-Thrust ASL and VAC given by 1kg of each engine

-What is the Total Mass of propellant drained in kg/s for 1 Ton of each engine

-What the Total Mass of Propellant drained in kg/s for 1 Ton of Thrust ASL/VAC given by each Engine

-Engine datas: Name and config, Engine Weight, HR and ISP ASL and VAC, Number of Ignitions, Type of propellant, Gimball or not, Pressure Feed Tank or not, minimum Throttle possible, 

The purpose is to optimise the weight of my launchers

Feel free to complete




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  • 1 month later...
On 1/28/2017 at 9:38 PM, Theysen said:

R E A L I S M   O V E R H A U L

KSP-1.12-orange  687474703a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e69  License-CC--BY--SA-yellowgreen





Realism Overhaul is a mod that makes Kerbal Space Program behave more like real life. If you're interested in seeing what it's like to fly rockets in the real world, this is the mod for you! Realism Overhaul does this by combining and configuring other mods, and mod and stock parts to perform as their real-life equivalents. You can expect things to be a little harder, and rockets to be a bit bigger, but the scenes far more epic, and the accomplishment that much greater.

Some of the most signfiicant changes include:

  • Engines have real sizes and performance values, and use real fuels. Most of them have limited ignitions and suffer from ullage.
  • Pods are as large as their real-life counterparts and weigh what they should.
  • Propellant tanks have correct dry mass ratios.
  • Solar panels don't produce massive amounts of energy, but they are lighter. Similarly reaction wheels aren't magically powerful anymore (though they still don't require momentum dumping).

















Contributors to Realism Overhaul:

A1Ch1, Raidernick, james3838, camlost, JandCandO, Sarbian, marcelocoelhorodrigues, NathanKell, hattivat, batuhan, Ravenchant, bax-, advice-dawgg, jean400, RedAV8R, jedi95, MedievalNerd, regex, Felger, Temeter, Replica17, veskenapper, ferram4, leudaimon, BevolJ, RezzyD, Agathorn, TheKosmonaut, TheVoid2, Theysen, Phredward, ChrisPBacon, Kibbick, Niemand303, AlimOncul, AjentK, pjf, rocketscience, John-Long-Silver, doktorjet, Ippo343, Dragon01, Probus, BryceSchroeder, Bsd0, asmi, Starman4308, stratochief66, StupidChris, OvidHamburg, awang, winged, rsparkyc, PhineasFreak, Zarbizaure, JoseEduardo, ctiberious, SirKeplan, Schnobs, pap1723, ec429, assassinacc, AntiClockwisePropeller, AlphaMike741, olympic1



RealismOverhaul Wiki





In the current state of the mod's development and future, accurate and proofed-to-be-working installation instructions can be found here:

Installation Guide

You can ignore the RP-1 part later on that page, if you do not intend to play a career mode.



No support is granted without providing logs and easy to follow reproduction steps. Also make sure to drop by the official discord server where active users can provide help! https://discord.gg/ZGbR6nv



Legacy / Manual Installation (expand)

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Original Installation: 


Pre-Packaged installation via CKAN

CKAN is an excellent tool for installing mods in an orderly fashion. We have prepared a set of installation packages for the mods in Realism Overhaul. Here follow instructions for how to install via CKAN (alternatively check out the CKAN User's Guide):

  1. Start out by creating a clean installation of KSP. (If you don't, beware the dragons!)
  2. Download the latest CKAN release here and install it accordingly (preferred to move the ckan.exe into the fresh parent directory of the new KSP installation folder).

CKAN offers you two modes of use. You can use the graphical user interface, as explained below, or you can use its command line interface. If you wish to do the latter, check out the CKAN user's guide for more information on the command line interfrace.

  1. Launch the CKAN GUI by double-clicking the ckan.exe in your KSP directory
  2. Use the Filter to find Realism Overhaul
  3. Select Realism Overhaul to install
  4. Click Go To Changes
  5. Proceed through the menus to select your installation.
  6. Watch CKAN install Realism Overhaul and all the other mods for you
  7. Launch KSP. Enjoy!

Alternative: Manual Installation

If you don't like automation, there's always the old 'by hand' way:

  1. Start with a fresh, unadulterated, install of KSP.
  2. Download and install the required mods. Ensure you have the most up to date version and have followed their respective installation instructions.
  3. Download and install Realism Overhaul itself. To do so, download the zip archive and unzip all folders inside its GameData folder into your KSP/GameData folder.
  4. Launch KSP. Enjoy!











Career Mode - Realistic Progression One: 

If you are interested to take Realism Overhaul to a whole different level of playing KSP, you might be interested in the accompanying suite of mods. It integrates a completely new career system tailored for an early realistic space race and spreading into the modern ages - all at your own imagination and approach.

The working installation instructions can be found on the GitHub wiki page.




This mod was created by NathanKell and RedAV8R, Contributions by many others. If you were missed in the contributors list at the top of the post, PM Theysen and he'll add you).

Loading has failed due to an unhandled error

Failure in subsystem : Part compilation
Part: Apollo Service Module RCS Block (ROCapsules/PartConfigs/Apollo/ApolloRCS/ROC-ApolloRCS)

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RealismOverhaul.Harmony.PatchModuleRCS.GetInfo (ModuleRCS mod) [0x000cc] in <7d6df419398e436da7b4de0a18a9f8ac>:0 
  at RealismOverhaul.Harmony.PatchModuleRCS.Prefix_GetInfo (ModuleRCS __instance, System.String& __result) [0x00000] in <7d6df419398e436da7b4de0a18a9f8ac>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) ModuleRCS.ModuleRCS.GetInfo_Patch1(ModuleRCS)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) PartLoader.PartLoader.CompilePartInfo_Patch1(PartLoader,AvailablePart,Part)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext_Patch0(PartLoader/<CompileParts>d__56)
  at KSPCommunityFixes.Performance.KSPCFFastLoader+<FrameUnlockedCoroutine>d__62.MoveNext () [0x0006c] in <f263e6a8c2314b73b64c25bac280a0da>:0 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all.
I am in dire need of help. I recently decided to take on the challenge of using the space shuttle, specifically SOCK, in rp1. I even made Canadarm configs for use.
After countless hours, I'm in dire need of help with reentry and landing.
So far, I have been able to survive reentry, but even with the help of trajectories, I either over shoot or under shoot.
I don't want to mess around with KOS or anything like that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone, thank you very much for your hard work. I've never been able to go back to stock KSP after playing with RO.

I've run into a bit of a pickle and I am hoping someone can help me out. I've noticed that whenever I place several engines on a single tank with symmetry  they induce a torque on the vessel. I've tried it even with a very simple craft (probe core, tank, rcs thrusters and engines). If I have the same craft with just one engine on the center node (same engine) it flies straight and true.  I also use RCS build aid and it says 0.0 torque for engines when using several with symmetry. Is this intended behavior (for example variations in thrust due to manufacturing imperfections)? Or is something wrong with my install? I just tried this with a fresh install in 1.12.5 where I installed RO and its dependencies with ckan. I also saw this behavior in 1.12.3 on an RP-1 install. I can get a mod list, craft file and log if needed.

Any help is appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/8/2024 at 4:33 AM, Alex1234567890 said:

What is the least hardware requirements for RO?(Stock parts only)

Unless you add EVE and Scatterer, there won't be a noticeable difference in graphics as RO just changes the planet sizes. You would still have the same problems that stock KSP has with 3 digit part counts.

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5 hours ago, GuessingEveryDay said:

Unless you add EVE and Scatterer, there won't be a noticeable difference in graphics as RO just changes the planet sizes. You would still have the same problems that stock KSP has with 3 digit part counts.

is that replying to my question?

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11 minutes ago, Jebs Piloting Skills said:

no its 2 parts. thats it. 2 parts. a fuel tank and an engine. thats it

also i have those installed and through ckan.

the parts are a 1.25 fuselage ang the x-11 

Ah, wrong user, sorry. Hope someone comes by and helps with the solution.

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22 hours ago, Alex1234567890 said:

Tested it,but....Command pods can be flown unmanned?

well from what i know the d2 can, which is really helpful cuz i didnt know that radiation poisoning was a thing in kerbal and all of my kerbals died from it when trying to enter a worm hole 

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16 hours ago, Jebs Piloting Skills said:

hey can we get some support for the tantares mods and bluedog design bureau because i would like those parts back in their own mods

There are already some configs for them if I am not mistaken  last time I checked unless it is changed.

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