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[1.2.2] [Kopernicus] Ace's Galactic Expansion V0.1.3

Solar Ranger

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Welcome to the release Thread for Ace's Galactic Expansion

This is an interstellar planet pack for KSP

Please post your screenshots below!!

*Requires Kopernicus*


https://spacedock.info/mod/1258/Ace's Galactic Expansion?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E

Requires Ace's Stock System Overhaul


Thank you to

@MeerkatMan25 - Co-developer (MeerkatMan handles all creative stuff like science defs)

@Galileo for his brilliant advice

@StarCrusher96 for his star Corona and great advice

@The White Guardian for his great tutorials without which this would not be possible


Recommended you play with KSPI-E




Version 0.1.3 Changelog:

- AGE is now an addon for ASSO











All Rights Reserved 

Edited by AceCrafted
V0.1 Released
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It wasn't so long ago I myself began developing my own planet pack (Olei planet mod), and if you see the early screenshots they look like this!

There's limitless potential to cresting planets, and this is just the start of your awesome adventure.

I personally wish you luck and love to hear more from you.


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On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 9:54 PM, Gamel0rd1 said:


It wasn't so long ago I myself began developing my own planet pack (Olei planet mod), and if you see the early screenshots they look like this!

There's limitless potential to cresting planets, and this is just the start of your awesome adventure.

I personally wish you luck and love to hear more from you.


Thank you.

I have checked out ur mod page and I'm going to download it as soon as I get home tomorrow and play with it. You seem to be quite the expert so do you have any tips for the newbie that is me??

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5 minutes ago, AceCrafted said:

Thank you.

I have checked out ur mod page and I'm going to download it as soon as I get home tomorrow and play with it. You seem to be quite the expert so do you have any tips for the newbie that is me??

If you can draw yourself, if makes a great difference. 

(I can't, so... This is what I do):

I use After Effects to get my textures. I use the Fractal Noise effect to get a base layer. After that, I stack different noise layers on top and do a bit of smoothing by hand in Photoshop (paint.net, which is free, works fine too). Next, I polar distort the heightmap so that there's no pinching at the poles of the planet.

Finally, I use After Effect's colorama effect to get colours onto my planet, though it works the same as using LandClasses (colour by height)

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2 hours ago, AceCrafted said:

@Gamel0rd1How do you distort the poles to prevent texture pinching?


Version 0.2 is almost ready hope to have a release later today


This too was something I hated doing, but I figured it out with the help of the majestic Galileo!

  1. Open your Heightmap in Photoshop
  2. Go to filter > distort > polar coordinates, and choose Rect to Polar
  3. Use the lasso tool and select the pinching at the pole (circle where it begins to be distorted)
  4. Press shift + f5, then press OK. it will use the surrounding heightmap to try and fill in the poles seamlessly
  5. Go to filter > distort > polar coordinates, but this time use 'Polar to Rect'
  6. Flip the image vertically and repeat steps 1-5, then flip it vertically again. Job done!
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@AceCrafted I have reason to believe you are using slightly modified textures and cfgs that are taken directly from the mod "Kerbol Starsystem".



Purl (APP) (which is Naal but with way more contrast and different colors)



Naal (KSS)


Please do not use any property that belongs to @StarCrusher96 and create your own unique resources for your own mod. Thanks.

Edited by Greatness101
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Those textures are clearly different and I think you will find that in the latest version that had been released their were no KSS config either

This modding community really doesn't seem tobe made of very nice people ATM so my mod is deleted and I have currently stopped development 

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Look, we're just trying to make sure as much as you are that the mods made in this community stay as unique and creative as possible.

If you are right and we have falsely accused you of doing anything wrong, then we are very sorry and you have absolutely every right to be angry.

But that doesn't mean that Starcrusher and I are bad people, or that you should delete your mod on the basis that "everyone in the modding community is mean". We only want to clear things up and work out a solution, and make sure our hard work isn't being used by other people.

If you can show us that the mod very clearly did not infringe or take any property from Kerbol Starsystem, then by all means do it. We're all ears.


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Ok I should've stayed calmer but the mod is deleted since I would sooner start with a blank slate. In a later version that was deleted 2 days ago there were config and coronas for stars in the mod since it was the first star I had ever made i have spoken to starctusher about this and sorted it out. As for the texture I took inspiration from Naal I didn't copy it

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Taking inspiration does not mean merely changing the color, contrast and saturation, which is pretty obvious in that texture. 

Look, using someone else's work to jumpstart your mod is fine, but if that is the case, don't release your mod until you have replaced everything with original work. I know you were probably anxious to get something out there, but that's no excuse. I completely understand that there is only so many ways to skin a cat, an that some things will inevitably look the same from planet pack to planet pack but this was a pretty obvious recolor and cfg swipe.

im sure you have seen the big discussion about mod packs and repackaging mods. While that is solely focused on mod packs, it is also a lesson in licensing. When using a no derivative license like KSS does or GPP does, another modder cannot package ANY part of that mod. This goes for his star cfgs as well. 

Believe me, creating custom, unique, work is way more satisfying in the end. Don't piggy back off of someone else. Take the time to learn how to make textures and configs. As users, we already have KSS, we don't want another KSS or a highly inspired by KSS mod. We want original, new stuff! Users don't like redundancy.

 You may feel people are accusing you, but can you honestly say those accusations are baseless? I looked at the mod earlier today and I can say that they are not and I think you know that too. Like they say "where there is smoke, there is probably fire". So taking down the mod was a good move on your part. 

Start fresh, watch tutorials, make textures and learn from others. It takes longer, but it will help you understand the in's and out's, do's and don't's of what you are doing. You will enjoy your final product even more and so will everyone else. 

Edited by Galileo
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I admit I used some KSS stuff and for that I am very sorry. I am completely starting again and updates will be slower.

Just for future notice @StarCrusher96 has given permission for my to use and build on two of his star coronas. I am incredibly grateful for this.

To end does anyone know how I would go about deleting this thread?

Thank you and I am sorry to everyone 

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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