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[1.0+] CORE Solutions [19JAN16]


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1.7.0 is released!



-Revised Anvil IV and IV-L part properties. Upper stages now have higher Isp than lower stages (among other things).

-Completely re-modeled Anvil IV and IV-L.

-Removed SRB-065A-1. Rendered obsolete by Anvil IV revamp.

Also not mentioned in the change log are that I fixed the folder name to "parts" and I fixed the text in the 3m nosecone. I think that's all the bugs and typos but if you see anything you know where you can find me.

I also got around to making a better brand image for an intro and outro. It's my first animated render using Blender so it's far from good but it's a heck of a lot better than the last one I tried.

As always I suggest deleting previous CORE content before installing new content, including .craft files. Good luck and have fun!

Edited by Absolution
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Thanks for the awesome looking update!

I think you've come a long way and I really like the new Anvil IV stages. The emissive heat is really cool and makes it seem that much more polished. I know you have other projects, but does this mean that eventually you'll get around to adding those to the Anvil V and the SRBs?

Edited by shadowsutekh
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Thanks for the awesome looking update!

I think you've come a long way and I really like the new Anvil IV stages. The emissive heat is really cool and makes it seem that much more polished. I know you have other projects, but does this mean that eventually you'll get around to adding those to the Anvil V and the SRBs?

The next steps in my incremental improvements is to tweaks the models add emmisives to Anvil V. After that I will be taking another look at the SRBs. That will also include emmisives and possibly a remodel.

As for the high survival rates of the upper stage decoupler and booster that may be an artifact of early part developments. My early flights kept exploding under launch loads so I made their breaking forces very high. I never bothered to locate the debris to notice they were surviving reentry. I will look into that.

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As for the high survival rates of the upper stage decoupler and booster that may be an artifact of early part developments. My early flights kept exploding under launch loads so I made their breaking forces very high. I never bothered to locate the debris to notice they were surviving reentry. I will look into that.


The United Lands of Green request that you pay no mind to these claims of "super strong rockets" and "debris that just won't die."

In other news, getting to the moon is still possible with Anvil IV and Anvil V strap on boosters :D

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The new parts look great!


You said in the video that the textures and model are greatly improved and to be honest I never thought the old ones looked bad at all. I very much appreciate the minimalist design you use.

Oh and by the way love the new logo!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm just going to report this as it seems that outof evry 10 launches I have using either the 3 or 4 meter fairings, I tend to have it where the fairings don't tend to sperate correctly.. In some cases instead of "Peeling" away like they normally should, instead the fairings "Collapse" in on thiemseles.. And this happens either while I am in the atmosphere or even high in the upper parts (From about 38km to 69 km..

I've tested this numerous times, and it appears from my videos that the fairings might not have enough "Kick" to them or that there is some other bug that is making the fairings collapse in on themselves..

I would like to have others try to do this with either the 3 or 4 meter parts (Fairings and split nosecones on both levels) and see if this is an issue or not..

Thanks for your time, and let's keep up the excellent work..

(Also Any chance of seeing a revival on the Series I-II Rockets/ or if they are fully retired how about an ANVIL VI..?


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There are a lot of variable that go into the behavior of the fairings. How long did you make them? Do you see this behavior with both 3 and 4 meter versions?

Anvil I through III were made obsolete by the introduction of the "light" versions of Anvil IV and V so I don't think I'll have a reason to bring them back (Anvil II and V are almost identical). As it stands the active Anvil rockets fall into a nice envelop to deploy a very wide range of payloads. The only thing I could imagine doing is developing bigger SRBs for even larger payloads and maybe a 6m fairing diameter but that's all hypothetical. My attention is other projects right now. :)

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There are a lot of variable that go into the behavior of the fairings. How long did you make them? Do you see this behavior with both 3 and 4 meter versions?

To answer your question, Initially the first time I made a station, I used the 4 meter nose fairings and 5 of the half high 4 meter panels to cover th station, the first time It launched things went okay.,. But the sedond time, the ejection forces caused the fairings to collapse inwarsd and not outwards.. (And iI usually do my fairing seperations high in the atmosphere abvove 50 km (More like 60-70 km..)

I also tried it with 2 full length 4 meters panels and even tried ti in various configurations, and each time the result was the same..(The fairings didn't seperate outward, but rather inward..

Switched to the 3 meater fairings and again the same things happened.. didn't matter which way I configured the pannels the full panels seem to be the issue here, and not the half..(Maybe it';s the mass?) and the irony is that on the 3 meter fairings I had an 18 inch clearance, on the 4 meters it was over a meter and a hlf..

Now the only thing I can figure is that the station itself is wobbling around inside the fairings and this has happened before with the Anvil II when it was operational, but a lot of times after the first stage seperation occurred the wobbles and oscillations slowed down and there was really no issue..

But in the 4 meter there is hardly a wobble and yet I get these Implosions of the fairings rather than the Peel away funtion..

I mean this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen really.. It's kind of odd, and the only thing I can figure is that possibly the ejection forces could be the issue.. other than that, I'm totally stumped as to why this is happening..

Anvil I through III were made obsolete by the introduction of the "light" versions of Anvil IV and V so I don't think I'll have a reason to bring them back (Anvil II and V are almost identical). As it stands the active Anvil rockets fall into a nice envelop to deploy a very wide range of payloads. The only thing I could imagine doing is developing bigger SRBs for even larger payloads and maybe a 6m fairing diameter but that's all hypothetical. My attention is other projects right now. :)

Well at least the Anvil 3 was the workhorse of my spacestation lifting capabilites.. and I probably will use the 4 to lift those 30 tonne payloads into orbit.. Still it's a fine piece of work..

other that the fairing issue I have no problems with the Anvil Rockets (and considering I use the new MechJeb 2 (2.0.9) the rocket handles quite nicely with SStaging and seperation...

so would I use this? Absolutely.. the only issue I can't figure out is the "Implosion of the fairings rather than the explsoion to peel the fairings aparty smoothly..

I'll do more investigation on this with each launch to see what the issue might be..


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...maybe a 6m fairing diameter but that's all hypothetical.

What would be really cool is a fairing side with CORE Anvil textures that works with the Procedural Fairings mod. Would really just need the one side-piece, and I think it'd just be a matter of making the texture and a config file that references it, everything else needed is in that mod already.

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To answer your question, Initially the first time I made a station, I used the 4 meter nose fairings and 5 of the half high 4 meter panels to cover th station, the first time It launched things went okay.,. But the sedond time, the ejection forces caused the fairings to collapse inwarsd and not outwards.. (And iI usually do my fairing seperations high in the atmosphere abvove 50 km (More like 60-70 km..)

Firstly are you using the latest version of my fairings? They haven't changed much, if at all, for a while so you are probably good but it never hurts to be sure while bug hunting.

Otherwise, I am getting an idea and I think you may be right about the ejection forces. With such a long length of panels there is quite a lot of mass for the ejection mechanic to fight against. Also, the ejection force only acts on the nose cone and under normal circumstances that's what causes the fairing to "peel" away. If the mass is overloading the ejection force that could be a reason for the behavior you describe. It might not be enough to kick it away from the ship and then aero-drag causes the nose to fall into the ship (even at high altitudes).

Or maybe I misunderstand what you are describing. If you could take some screen shots or a short video that would greatly help. I'll try out a few things on my end.

And, of course, it's always possible my fairings are simply bugged. :)

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I have found a way to make the anvil fairings work with FAR

you just need to ad the work fairing into the part title "title = PFC-404-1 fairing"(part file extract)

the PFC-404-1 is now recognised as a fairing by FAR and I have tested it

Easy enough. I'll incorporate that soon. Thanks for figuring that out! :)

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Just installed this mod, and rockets looks great! However when it comes to functionality, I've got two issues with it:

1. PLF is not FAR-compatible and so rocket spins out of control as soon as I start gravity turn. This can be easily fixed by renaming PLF parts so they would contain word "fairing" in their names.

2. Looking at engine stats leaves me no peace - upper stage engines have larger Isp then lower ones. In reality it's usually is the other way around, and the reason is simple enough - there is much less atmosphere where upper stage burns, and so expansion ratio can be far greater without compromizing the thrust.

The fairing problem was solved back in May. Absolution, do you need more coffee?

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The fairing problem was solved back in May. Absolution, do you need more coffee?

Check out a few posts after that. I put "fairing" in their "name" and it did not work. The actual solution was to put "fairing" into their "title" which is a completely different line in the cfg. :)

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What would be really cool is a fairing side with CORE Anvil textures that works with the Procedural Fairings mod. Would really just need the one side-piece, and I think it'd just be a matter of making the texture and a config file that references it, everything else needed is in that mod already.

I second this. I have deleted the PLF files due to too many mods, but I really like the looks of them. A procedural fairings version would be super cool.

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I second this. I have deleted the PLF files due to too many mods, but I really like the looks of them. A procedural fairings version would be super cool.

I can't disagree that such a system would be greatly helpful. However, I don't support other mods by policy. This is to protect my efforts and prevent a third party from breaking my mods as a result of a compatibility quirk. That said I do have plans on unofficially supporting FAR and there is always the possibility of expanding unofficial support to other mods. I wouldn't keep my hopes up though. I've got lots of stuff planned for CORE to keep me busy.

We just have to see how the future turns out. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
What diameter payloads do these rockets hold? I'm looking for a 3.75 m medium lift rocket for a Duna mission Im running.

Anvil comes in two flavors:

2m rockets capable of lifting up to ~20 tonnes w/ your choice of 2 or 3m fairings.

4m rockets capable of lifting up to ~36 tonnes w/ your choice of 3, 4 or 5m fairings.

You could, of course, experiment and combine Anvil in ways I never considered for some scary lifting capabilities... assuming your Kerbalnauts have a thrill for uncertainty. :)

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