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KSP Forums Cities: Skylines Collab. Open to all.


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  • Cargo/passenger train service now separated across the entire map
  • Patched several electric grid gaps, not sure how they got there
  • Added services to level up my commercial area
  • Reworked my subway stations and bus routes
  • Finally added a train station near my commercial. It almost works.


Save:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=893599323

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Save uploaded: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=893649346

Guess I had it longer than I planned. The trains have come to Bonnemotte! Trying to build vaguely realistic gradients - flat, basically - is time consuming. Oh and I cleared out my 'starter town', I'll redevelop its coastal area in future.

@ThaZeus feel free to plug into the Bonnemotte branch line where appropriate if you like. However I plan to in future run passenger and freight lines along the coastline too which will offer a more direct route.

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And uploaded http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894266595

Spent time building my city's ring road and amending the highway that now serves both mine and ThaZeus's city. No new zoning and not let the city run for any great time, but it lays the groundwork for me to expand and handle the traffic. Hopefully.

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I have the save tweaking a few things

- Some minor aesthetic tweak here and there
- Improved the rail network around Stranded city
- Reworked intercity bus & metro network to reduce congestion here and there
- Changed one of my highway entrance
- Added another unique building along the highway

New Save: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=895469871

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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I CLAIM THE SAVE, because someone has to.

The map is getting a fair bit matured and built-out. Maybe we need a new target or goal to pursue. If you spam your ideas in the thread, I may try them before uploading.

(Airports do not seem to attract passengers on this map, before anyone suggests that.)

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They don't? That's odd.

As for ideas, hmmm. We could go for Monuments perhaps, although sometimes they feel a bit game-spolingly overpowered. Most of them can go pretty much anywhere, but the Space Elevator in particular needs to go somewhere with good transport links. In fact, something to try: Is it possible to temporary build the requisite uniques, build the monument, then demolish the uniques so they're free for placement again?

Speaking of transport, a major transit hub somewhere might be nice. But I think it would place well in one of the central towns, ie not me or Hebaru. Unless we build it in a 'common' area outside the towns. Then again, the scale of the entire area might be a bit large for that to work well.

And I was thinking about some bay crossings. I'd more expect the towns on the bay to handle that though, but if you fancy building something spectacular then go for it. Watch out for the shipping lanes, ships sailing through bridges is ugly.

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  On 4/1/2017 at 9:36 PM, cantab said:

They don't? That's odd.


I previously tried plopping airports at various points on the map, and I never saw a plane or any vehicle drive in or out. I found some people saying that air routes have to be placed manually in custom maps, so it's supposedly possible to have a map without planes.

  5 hours ago, cantab said:

As for ideas, hmmm. We could go for Monuments perhaps, although sometimes they feel a bit game-spolingly overpowered.


True, but if the alternative is to run out of things to do, then what's really to spoil?

  5 hours ago, cantab said:

Most of them can go pretty much anywhere, but the Space Elevator in particular needs to go somewhere with good transport links. In fact, something to try: Is it possible to temporary build the requisite uniques, build the monument, then demolish the uniques so they're free for placement again?


I think I've done that on other maps, but we might as well wring gameplay out of placing them legit.

With the completion of the arboretum, my plans for my zone are just about completed (and its population is doubled).


It's got the Cathedral of Plenitude, and I added a few of the other uniques needed for the Eden Project elsewhere. I spent the majority of the time pointlessly overoptimizing the streets in my residential zone to try to reduce dead space and increase value.

Save:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=896605646

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I have the save./

I'll let somebody else take the save, I've got some TV to watch and haven't done anything worth uploading.

I have the save again, now that my TV has finished.

Love your forest city.


Edited by cantab
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And Save Uploaded http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=897341034

Screenshot 197

Anyone with metro lines you need to check them. I broke a subway tunnel to run a train tunnel, the one from Arbor to Squares, and didn't fix it promptly, oops! I put the tunnel back but I'm not sure if all the lines have re-discovered the route.

Decided I wanted a beach, so landscaped myself one. Which has promptly grassed over, go figure. Oh well it's good enough. Also built a coastal passenger line, a freight line, and did some highways. And added a small neighbourhood and industrial estate.

The Estuary Tunnel is a highway tunnel under the mouth of the river. I've done my end and I'll let the people on the other side of the river take care of completing it and linking it up.

@ThaZeus I've terminated those rail lines on the town border, so you can extend them as you see fit.

@HebaruSan there's a highway that stops south of my town after the stackabout. I've left that for you to join up to your highways if you like.

Edited by cantab
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I'll take the save !


I fleshed out my area a little bit more.  I added an industrial area on forest resource for some timber industry, but I immediately didn't have enough workers, and the places that had any were over-educated.  Anyone know how I should fix that?  Build more nearby residential without any schools around?


Adding some of the dlc to the gameplay might spice things up. Perhaps if we choose to do another city or map.  The After Dark tourism and leisure options are fun, plus:


Criminals will now be taken to Prison from Police buildings. Taxi service will help citizens and tourists travel around the city. Cargo hubs are harbors that accept cargo trains straight to the terminal. International airport is a huge airport, allowing much more traffic than the previous airport and has a metro station attached to it. Bus terminal allows citizens to transfer to other bus lines in the terminal building.



It's $15, which is a little pricey.  Maybe when the new dlc hits the older ones will go on sale.

Indeed, hopefully we can continue playing after the new update, and take advantage of some of the new stuff.  

Edited by klesh
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Been reading about the new Cities update Colossal Order are working on. Some really great features coming, a lot obviously inspired by popular mods but it's nice to have them stock. Of particular interest for our project is being able to set passenger train stations to not have intercity trains, so no more of those orange things flooding our network!

And on a lighter note, if you need some inspiration for your metro systems:


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after dark bring lot of cool thing true, the terraforming tool, bycycle, road with bus line and bycyle line, shore park and yup tourism and leisure policies and of course daynightcycle.
(somehow terraforming and bus road should be in the vanilla game, but well it's been added later, but checks the links for the details, i don't remind exactly)

Everyone made lot of cool thing, doing some modeling and vanilla asset lately my side so i prolly don't use much the save in the next few day, as i want to polish my asset & aside loading it to see what everyone is doing ; )

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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And Uploaded http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=897907595

I had to disconnect the passenger rail network from the outside connections, because the tracks were just flooded with orange outside trains with about 1 or 2 people on them. I deleted two rail segments in Arbor and one in Thrintunville to do this. This does mean tourists won't be able to arrive by train; if that concerns you I suggest making a separate station and rail line for tourist trains. The freight network is not affected.

Besides that, slow growth on my part, I've added only a few hundred homes and some shops and offices. The area between the walls and the ring road isn't big and it's challenging terrain.

Have a sunrise:


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  On 4/3/2017 at 8:06 PM, cantab said:

I had to disconnect the passenger rail network from the outside connections, because the tracks were just flooded with orange outside trains with about 1 or 2 people on them. I deleted two rail segments in Arbor and one in Thrintunville to do this. This does mean tourists won't be able to arrive by train; if that concerns you I suggest making a separate station and rail line for tourist trains. The freight network is not affected.


Yeah, separating local/international traffic is another common suggestion for dealing with congestion. I'll probably try setting up an international station or two at the periphery to allow tourists to transfer over to local trains. Maybe with an exclusive shuttle bus just for them.

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  On 4/3/2017 at 8:13 PM, HebaruSan said:

Yeah, separating local/international traffic is another common suggestion for dealing with congestion. I'll probably try setting up an international station or two at the periphery to allow tourists to transfer over to local trains. Maybe with an exclusive shuttle bus just for them.


as said early on it's because this:


(blablabla "The Expert(s)"  brought you graciously the explain ^^ )

this is an old weird "source" choice behaviour between car traffic and train traffic actually: the way each spawn , hoppefully the incoming free update will help a bit with that setting the amount of vehicule (( but matter imo is kinda about the spawning/despawning process and interval between each for train and metro (and also plane and boat, but thoose two use another littl' routing variation as there their paths are not editable dynamicaly in the cities but in the map editor only) network in comparison to cars))

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  On 4/3/2017 at 8:06 PM, cantab said:

I deleted two rail segments in Arbor


That one move led to possibly my most satisfying project so far:


Each of the external train connections in my corner now terminates at this roundabout, where passengers can transfer to and from the local tracks, board the subway, ride a bus to two of my subdivisions, or simply people-watch and enjoy the scenery. Each station reports weekly traffic at least in the low hundreds, and each time a train arrives, a crowd makes its way across the elevated walkways. If I could install plaques, there would be one about the central rock formation representing the different areas of the city.

I slapped the Transport Tower on there as well because it seemed fitting. Not shown: cargo now passes under this in a long tunnel.

Save:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=898023915

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  On 4/4/2017 at 1:21 AM, UnionPacific1983WP said:

I added in the town of Railville. Marked the borders, hopefully I did that correctly. The pink and purple lines were on the rail lines under the town, so I moved the lines up to the surface as they go through town, and stop at the station. I also added a freight station on the freight track, with industry on the freight side and residential on the passenger side. No one wants to move in yet, apparently... This is the same map that my own metropolis, Shoreside, with 262,000 people, is on, and it was strange to build in a different version of it. Railville is at the corner of where "Lake Lachoca" and "DINGDINGDINGDING City" (guess why I named the latter one that) meet in Shoreside.


Can you please enable the European district style and start again from the previous save? Whole zones of buildings disappeared.

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