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kerbal Space Program in school

Guest doughbred

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While my inclination would be to say yes as long as you aren\'t charging any kinds of fees, I would still [email=info@kerbalspaceprogram.com

]email Squad directly.

I\'m sure they would love to hear how their program is useful to you.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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Guest doughbred

it\'s a very short demonstration. the kids don\'t play it, the teacher makes a rocket before school starts, and he shows it to the class using his projector.

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I have used the early demo versions when covering the physics of spacecraft. Which reminds me - time to get the Computer guy at my school talking to Harv. I want to negotiate some arrangement so that we can have 0.16 running in a computer lab!

The game was fantastic when we only had a planet and gravity. Imagine how good it will be now that we have the Mun, Minimus and Kerbol actually working!

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I\'m a currently in my last year of high school right now and I\'ve found KSP, more so the forums has been very educational.

It\'s been very good for the circular motion for physics and has greatly expanded my knowledge about orbits and delta v.

Any other high schoolers using ksp?

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I\'m a currently in my last year of high school right now and I\'ve found KSP, more so the forums has been very educational.

It\'s been very good for the circular motion for physics and has greatly expanded my knowledge about orbits and delta v.

Any other high schoolers using ksp?

Sadly not here, but I am just a freshman. What grade is astronomy/orbital physics in? I would love to make a presentation to a teacher with KSP!

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I know some people at my school who have KSP (such as Guppy10). They showed KSP to their teacher, and now all that they do is pre-flight, orbital mechanics, and space stations. I personally am a senior at the school, so I know a thing or two about orbital mechanics (I do Physics, you know). Just the other day I got a space station into orbit for them.

Edited by blackout11c
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Orbital mechanics tends to be either a senior- or graduate-level course at most universities, so unfortunately you have a few years to go...

In other words, there is nothing stopping you from learning the physics and math beforehand :)

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Sadly not here, but I am just a freshman. What grade is astronomy/orbital physics in? I would love to make a presentation to a teacher with KSP!

You'll most likely have a physics class which will involve a little bit of this stuff( Plus it's good for getting used to screwing around with equations and learning variables) but you won't get an orbital mechanics class unless you go to uni and major in something like aerospace engineering or astrophysics, (though I guess you could pick it up as an elective)

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I thought Squad mentioned something about the game being used in an educational setting during the Farlands or Bust live stream. I don't see any reason why a modern physics lesson couldn't incorporate KSP at some point. At least for getting kids to understand why it takes so much energy to achieve orbit and how we navigate through space.

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For all those not at uni:

If you want some lectures about mechanics, try these (high school maths needed).


Lecture 22 is very good for KSP!

(Now I just need to make a good rocket)

Don't you need equations to make a rocket that can have enough fuel/lift to get to the desired location too?

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I'm a senior this year, and I also participate in Academic Decathlon, and it just so happens that the Science subject this year is space exploration. The leg up this incredible game has given me in this completion is awesome, not to mention I'm having a "blast" learning! I have been torn between theoretical physics and aerospace engineering as a future career, but this game has brought out my true passion for rockets!

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