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Fish Technologies Stock Craft Repository

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Hello and welcome to the one, the only, Fish Technologies Stock Craft Repository! This will show all my up to date crafts, with downloads. I have separated my ships into category's, though some category's currently are just there as fillers until I'm next at my computer. (Disclaimer: a lot of these descriptions were written as kethane station descriptions, and don't make immediate sense in context. I'm just to lazy to uptdate them.)

Space Warships

Ships in this catagory uasually won't be designed to enter the atmosphere and land at any point. (Though I have dreams of a lightly armoured SSTO VTOL dropship)


EX-7 Hyperion Class Destroyer


jdhjZy5.jpgThe Flagship of Gaia Fleet, The Hyperion is the most powerful vessel in the F-Tech aresenal, packing 18 I-Beams In two reloadable and swappable missile pods, 6 individually mounted G3 Torpedoes, the main weapon of the Fleet, and the new experimental G4H Heavy torpedo, capable of tearing ships apart in one shot. And if it doesn't, There's a second one. :) It's experimental hull structure allows it to take  multiple hits and even lose entire sections and keep fighting. it has two escape pod located in rear bays capable of deorbiting and landing on atmospheric and very low gravity worlds. All in all, it should keep F-Tech secure against competitors and help HKA in their goals.

Parts:750 (sorry)

Mass: 143 tons fully loaded

Crew: 2

Delta-V: Don't know

Download: F-Tech EX-7 Hyperion


EX-11 Atlas Armoured Strike Fighter


kQcYgC0.jpgCommissioned by the Duna Initiative, The EX-11 was designed to work in conjunction with the EX-9, wherein the Eos would scout out and identify targets in sensor Stealth mode, and call in an attack squadron of Atlases, then reveal itself and engage from the back lines. The Atlas is one of the most resilient fighters of its weight class, due to its capital ship grade plating, and only weighs 14.9 tons. It carries 2 salvos of I-Beams that can be precision fired with the targeting iron sights, and 2 experimental G5L Light Torpedoes designed for use against lightly armoured targets. It may be suitable for carrier operations, as it is only 6 by 6 square metres. These fly in squadrons of 3, and due to their specialist abilities only 3 squadrons have been built, with one given to HKA to work with the Eos.

Parts: 135

Mass: 14.9 tons 

Crew: 1

Delta-V: don't know but built to be regularly refuelled.

Download: F-Tech EX-11 Atlas


EX-12 Ares


20TjNhh.jpgThe Ares is the smallest non-fighter ship in the EX line, weighing only 14.3 tons and clocking in at only 120 parts unloaded. Even so, it is fully armoured with capital ship grade plating. The key feature is its extreme versatility, it can fulfil the roles of anything from a Luxury Space yacht to a light freighter to a gunship, and swap between functions instantly. It accomplishes this by means of a centralised 1.25m docking port and a range of six stock modules. Due to the simplicity of the design, it is simple to create custom modules for extremely specific purposes, just start it of with a 1.25m docking port and make sure the profile isn't wider than a 1.25 part. Out of the box it comes weaponless, but I reccomend attaching atleast two G5L Torpedoes to the radial docking ports for protection. They won't stop anything bigger than a fighter, but you don't want to be engaging anything bigger than a fighter without the weapons modules. It features a targeting sight for lining up shots with the M3 9 I-Beams attachment, and any sort of precision heading adjustments.

  Reveal hidden contents

 Dropship Configuration

Transport Configuration

Deep Space Configuration

Light Freighter Configuration

Patrol Configuration

Warmonger Configuration



The file in the download is different in that it contains two subfolders. Download both. The folder entitled "Craft" contains the craft file, which should be pasted into your save as normal, and for the folder called "Payload Subassemblies," you should paste all its contents into the "subassemblies" folder in your save as normal.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q98oom6nhzxlpon/AADc7nLUt5wlT_XBlt2uxu8Ka?dl=0


EX-9 Eos Advanced Stealth Gunship


The EX-9 Eos is the first of a new generation of scout warship, placing as much importance on stealth and sensor systems as on weapons. With Thermally sealable Engines Pods:



(sorry Spartwo, the Ketan is just too cool) 

EC jamming flares and a 100% reliable planetary scanning system:


A prototype long range sensor-masking protocol, (I will keep it workings secret, but I reverse engineered it off the QSS Itself) it will make even locating and rendevousing with it hard. Even if you do, it is the first F-Tech Vessel to feature full light and heavy Kinetic Absorbsion plating and its thin design structure can cause phasing missiles to pass harmlessly through. Though it places more focus on stealth, it certainly dosent skimp on weaponry, featuring three bursts of I-Beams and four G3 Torpedos capable of subduing larger capital ships, all in all giving it an arsenal capable of rivalling an EX-2.


 If you can get past it's defences and punch through it's armour, it will seperate into two Fully Armoured segments, each with two G3 Torpedos and capale of sustaining power and movement with 4 Ion Engines that can run at full power. (Any parallels you are seeing between this and Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons are completely unfounded. :D)



With all these features at 40 tons and only 350 parts, it truly is the Dawn of a new class of vessels. (heh. See what I did there, cos Eos is the Greek goddess of the dawn and its funny haha)

Action Groups:
1: Propulsion Systems
2: Short-Range EC Flares
3: Planetary Scanner
4: Rear Docking Port
5-8: G3 Torpedos
Abort: Data dump and Emergency Engines

Downlo- Actually, I think I'll keep this one to myself. :)

EX-5 Oceanus Class Assault Carrier


The first of a new fleet of vessels, the Oceanus was constructed using the funds earned after the GMI tax was lifted. Due to the previously unthinkable scale of the ship, it was assembled in orbit. (Translation: doesn't come with a lifter, sorry.) It carries 3 EX-3 Recon fighters and is powered by 8 LV-N nuclear motors. This vessel was not gifted to HKA and answers to F-Tech, though it has been assigned to work in conjunction with HKA's space navy and its crew defer to Commander Cadmus for most military operations.

Parts: 720

Mass: 189t

Crew: 4 pilots (rotating around 3 fighters) one engineer and Admiral of the F-Tech fleet Gilad Kerman. 

Delta-V: Don't know, will edit in later.

Download: F-Tech EX-5 Oceanus

EX-6 Chronus Escort Picket


The Cronus was designed to be a cheap but effective escort to the heavyweights of Gaia Fleet. To lower the cost as mining operations hadn't quite started bringing in big profits yet, it uses a experimental chassis design in which it uses a large, angled plate to deflect shots impacting the top, and Multiple layer thick plates to protect the internals on the bottom. It carries four heavy torpedos, and though its armour isn't going to stop a bomb, it will protect it against a respectable amount of unguided fire. Being remotely controlled by technicians aboard the Hyperion and Oceanus, it can be thrown into battle without risk of kerbal life.

Parts: 250

Mass: 46 tons

Crew: none

Delta-V: don't know

Download: F-Tech EX-6 Chronus

EX-3 Class Recon Fighter



(Disclaimer: currently the picture and download for the EX-3 are slightly outdated. I will uptdate this and post the newer links as soon as I can.)

 The EX-3 was developed as a long range assassin style fighter, capable of taking out capital ships with its twin heavy torpedos. It also packs 4 i beams for lightly armoured targets. A modified variant is also available with the canards removed for carrier use.

Mass: 17t

Parts: 125

Crew: 1 with drone Co-Pilot

Delta-V: don't know

Download: (currently doesn't have launching stage, will uptdate soon) https://www.dropbox.com/s/9owe6b2d7ho9uhm/F-Tech EX-3 BL.craft?dl=0

EX-2 Multi-Purpose Automated Strike Vessel 



Extremely versatile, the EX-2 is designed to be able to elimate a wide range of targets and has 3 different weapon types to accomplish this. The drone pilot means it can be thrown into combat with reckless abandon, and with the option of remote control it does not suffer from glitches.

Mass: 44.5t

Parts: 250

Crew: None

Delta-V: don't know exactly, around 2000m/s

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2tivsrsgu9rytl/F-Tech EX-2.craft?dl=0

WARNING: every ship down from this in this category is outdated, bordering on obsolete. They're fun to play around with, but if you want to test some warships or something like that I wouldn't use them.

Paradox Class Patrol Picket


lyLnJtX.jpgThe oldest ship in the F-Tech fleet, the Paradox class is designed from the ground up to eliminate smaller, lightly armoured targets and as such does not have any guided weaponary. This puts it at a disadvantage against larger vessels but even so one shot from its 6 I-Beam missiles could potentially cripple an capital ship. It also has dual klaws for scavenging weapons severed from destroyed hulks of ships, a feature unique to F-Tech's fleet. All this combined means the Paradox is perfect for defending your planet while you jaunt over to Duna to rescue an employee. :wink: Action groups are in the description.

Parts: 175 fully armed (not including launching stage)

Mass: 38.5

Crew: 2

Delta-V: sorry don't know exactly but around 2000m/s

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cxnul1nucb3a0rg/F-Tech Paradox Patrol Picket.craft?dl=0


  Quantum Leap Class Frigate



The Quantum Leap is built to fulfil multiple roles, with 8 I-Beams ideal for taking out fighter and light patrol vessels, and 4 guided heavy missiles designed to disable larger capital ships. Heavy armour means it can absorb most I-Beam shots with only superficial damage, and LV-N engines mean it can travel longer distances than heavier warships. All weapons are reloadable with docking ports. Action groups are in the description.

Parts: 350 fully armed (Not including launching stage)

Mass: 61.2

Crew: 2 crew 4 passengers/prisoners

Delta-V: not sure exactly, around 2000m/s

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s1gf49a6gqd4tak/F-Tech Quantum Leap Frigate.craft?dl=0

Paradigm Shift Class Battlecruiser



The  Paradigm Shift was designed To be used in the long run, every weapon can be swapped or reloaded, making it the most versatile vessel in the F-Tech fleet. It carries 2 RSC drones designed to reload the weapons pods and, in the worst case scenario could be used as guided missiles. Action groups are in the description.

Pats: 535 fully armed (not including launching stage)

Mass: 117.2 (not including launching stage)

Crew: 4 Crew, space for 8 passengers/prisoners

Delta-V: Don't know exactly, about 1500m/s

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tfrrc9lhkw3d8kj/F-Tech Paradigm Shift Battlecruiser.craft?dl=0

Alot more will be added soon.

Planes, Helicopters and SSTOs

Extraction Helicopter

Please read this crafts post for full flight manual and detailed overview.


Parts: 90

Mass: 7.77 tons

Crew: 1

Delta-V: Infinity and beyond! But only in atmo.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4jiyhgdu65b6c6z/Extraction helicopter.craft?dl=0

Work in progress

Ships in this catagory are still being built and tested, and therefore (mostly) won't have downloads.

EX-7 Hyperion


The EX-7 Hyperion has just finished construction and has now entered the testing phase. If you have any suggestion or anything, please post them!

The images somehow got corrupted slightly, I just went through and replaced them all.


Edited by MiffedStarfish
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@Sgt Doomball don't suppose I could get its craft file? Anyway, I will be ready with the shadow hunting death bringing knife wielding god of war. I don't mind other people having my craft, as long as they don't use them. Also, do you have pics? Or an estimate of the time you will be ready to battle?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, my name is Siphon, and I had a question. I'm planning on doing a KSP series on youtube, on my channel "Siphon Rayzar", and I was wondering if I could use you're ships as the ships of the Kerbal Government. In my series, I would have my own ships, and some ships I've made for a couple of other factions, but I was wondering if I could use you're ships for my Government faction, to differentiate them from the rest.

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Thanks! I built them solely for the purpose of looking cool, just turning them on makes me feel like I'm in Star Wars. :D

@Siphon117 Sure, just give me credit for them. Be warned, a few downloads are outdated, I'll uptdate them all later. This series sounds interesting, I'm looking forward to it.

Edited by MiffedStarfish
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Ah, thank you. I was looking around for stock warships, and you're happened to look quite interesting. do you have a youtube account for me to link to, or would you rather I link to this thread?


Edit: I noticed you don't have a download for the Stealth Gunship. Are you going to keep that one purely to yourself? I don't mean to be rude, but what was the point of showing it off if you won't let other people play with it as well. I'm just curious.

Edited by Siphon117
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I have a download, on a different post, that was just a joke. :) Linking this page is fine, I don't have a YouTube account, but could you possibly have something like "kerbal government ships built by MiffedStarfish" in the videos? It doesn't really matter if you can't though.I will uptdate all the downloads tomorrow.

Edited by MiffedStarfish
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Ok @Siphon117, here is the complete folder of all up to date F-Tech spaceborne warships. I also included a light ore freighter without weapons and a small, space only two kerbal shuttle, as I had them lying around and they fit in with the F-Tech aesthetic. All the warships are labeled EX, and all the civilian ships are labeled CV.


Edited by MiffedStarfish
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@MiffedStarfish Your newer EX-7 tanked a single Javelin, not bad for a small flagship.


But my flagship survived 3 volleys* of your rockets; the rockets are highly inaccurate and most usually miss. But when they do hit, the ship suffers minimal damage.


*3 volleys because more would be useless; they'd go off-course.

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  On 5/10/2017 at 6:47 AM, MiffedStarfish said:

The I- Beams are outdated and inaccurate, I'll have to uptdate that.  And a forty ton EX-9 tanked a javelin intact, Its not too hard.


How then, would you fare against 9 ore tanks, glued together, headed your way (accuracy issues when fired from ship).

Edited by Joseph Kerman
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