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Does new planets mean weather?

Winter Man

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That\'s what\'s got me puzzled - it\'s been said that all the planets are coming in one big update in the past, how can we have a complete solar system without gas giants?

I don\'t see where the problem is... at some time in the past, Squad had planned to do one big update with planets, but obviously the plan has been adjusted. As long as there is nothing about an updated weather model in the 0.17 development thread, you may assume there will be no updated weather model in 0.17.

Weather update will come when weather update comes. Simple as that.

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Weather seems to me like it\'s going to take a rather large amount of time to program and implement. I wouldn\'t doubt if it would end up taking an entire update or two on its own.

I personally would rather see 10 weather-less planets at this point than one with half implemented weather.... but having 10 with weather sure would be great. :D

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  Rocketscienist said:

An atmosphere dont mean weather connected to it. kerbin hasn´t got weather too.

Would be cool, could land with a parachute on another planet.

I agree, in-code there\'s really no hard connection between atmosphere and weather. And I\'d rather see new planets :)

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  Gojira said:

Well, Nova DID say the Kerbol System would resemble the way ours is arranged, with 4 gas giants and four rocky planets.

And main planet with 2 moons?

  Rs2k said:

With the 1:11 scale going on the gas giants might be the same size as Earth. =P

I suspect that at some point (which is long way away), SQUAD will find a way to have 1:1 scale. BTW I KNOW there\'s no indicator of it now, and that Unity probably couldn\'t do it. It\'s just a guess based on how SQUAD works AFAIK. Some day, someone will say 'Guys I have an idea...'

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What kind of weather are we talking about? At the speeds that rockets and jets fly, the air might as well be standing still on earth-like worlds. Someplace where the air is fast but thin (Mars) or extremely dense and turbulent (Venus or Jupiter), well, you wouldn\'t want to linger in those atmospheres anyway. I\'d like animated clouds for the visual impact, but other than that I\'d be fine if other planets had still air like Kerbin, with varying densities.

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  Kerbalnaut said:

I dunno, i heard something about gas giants being in .17, or maybe im just mistaken.

Harv just has planets and moons being added listed, nothing too specific. If gas giants are added, that would mean that either an important update to the unity engine happened, or Squad found a workaround. I would set your hopes on just rocky planets for now, though.

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What kind of work around would be needed? It seems like all your would need to do would be to create a small rocky planet with a very large mass and put in a HUGE opaque atmosphere... then again I haven\'t really worked with Unity. It seems rather limiting.

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The atmosphere model right now is, on a scale of 1 to 10, about a 3. There\'s no such thing as an 'opaque' atmosphere. It\'s rendered behind everything but the skysphere, so some more work will have to be done for anything more.

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