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[1.12.3] Spectra Visual Compilation 1.6.2 "Horizons" (26th July 2022)


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  On 4/18/2018 at 6:51 AM, Galileo said:

Don’t know about your first issue, but the aero effects are a stock issue. It’s in 1.3.1 and is more noticeable in 1.4.x due to the new exaggerated effects.


Gotcha, never noticed it in 1.3.1. Wish they'd fix it as its quite annoying. 


The other issue I mentioned having was the terrain seemingly disappearing once past a certain altitude in orbit. Kerbin ends up looking like a water planet. Not sure if its Scatterer related or what.

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  On 4/18/2018 at 1:41 PM, Tiptonian said:

Gotcha, never noticed it in 1.3.1. Wish they'd fix it as its quite annoying. 


The other issue I mentioned having was the terrain seemingly disappearing once past a certain altitude in orbit. Kerbin ends up looking like a water planet. Not sure if its Scatterer related or what.


It is scatterer related is and is caused by a bad cfg. Do you happen to disable scatterer eclipses?

i used to have an issue like this with SVE and it turned out to be people disabling the eclipses. I forget what parameter needs to change. It’s been so long since I have seen the issue.

Edited by Galileo
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  On 4/18/2018 at 1:59 PM, Galileo said:

It is scatterer related is and is caused by a bad cfg. Do you happen to disable scatterer eclipses?

i used to have an issue like this with SVE and it turned out to be people disabling the eclipses. I forget what parameter needs to change. It’s been so long since I have seen the issue.


Thanks for the help. I just checked and eclipses are enabled so I'm not sure what's going on. I'll mess around with the config file and see if I can figure it out.

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  On 4/18/2018 at 1:59 PM, Galileo said:

It is scatterer related is and is caused by a bad cfg. Do you happen to disable scatterer eclipses?

i used to have an issue like this with SVE and it turned out to be people disabling the eclipses. I forget what parameter needs to change. It’s been so long since I have seen the issue.



  On 4/19/2018 at 10:36 PM, Tiptonian said:

Thanks for the help. I just checked and eclipses are enabled so I'm not sure what's going on. I'll mess around with the config file and see if I can figure it out.


Hm, so there's something I need to change in Spectra's configs? I've never noticed any issues with terrain disappearing above a certain altitude so I'm afraid I don't know exactly what's going on. What height do you see the bug occur?

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  On 4/19/2018 at 11:27 PM, Avera9eJoe said:


Hm, so there's something I need to change in Spectra's configs? I've never noticed any issues with terrain disappearing above a certain altitude so I'm afraid I don't know exactly what's going on. What height do you see the bug occur?


I'm not sure. I know I had launched something to a circular 175km orbit and the land had disappeared. I'll try to get a video of it tomorrow.


Edit: Was actually able to get one tonight. Effect starts around 1:00. 

Edit 2: Apologies for the apparent jumpiness of the video. Don't usually record, so may have some settings not configured.

Edited by Tiptonian
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  On 4/20/2018 at 11:13 PM, Tiptonian said:

I'm not sure. I know I had launched something to a circular 175km orbit and the land had disappeared. I'll try to get a video of it tomorrow.


Edit: Was actually able to get one tonight. Effect starts around 1:00. 

Edit 2: Apologies for the apparent jumpiness of the video. Don't usually record, so may have some settings not configured.


Ah, I'm getting this bug too, scatterer ocean level bug from what i know.

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  On 4/18/2018 at 1:59 AM, Tiptonian said:

I am also having this same issue.


Edit: Also, any idea why this could be happening?

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When vessels reenter the atmosphere they are becoming somewhat transparent. You can see through the capsule to the tanks underneath. Seems like a shader issue of some sort?


Hm.... that looks like it might actually be the atmosphere becoming too thick to see through, not the water enveloping the land. I made some last minute changes with the atmosphere configs and my guess is that's what's causing problems. I"ll fix it when I've next got time.

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@Tiptonian@Avera9eJoe I think it's a typo in the skyExtinctionMultiplier on point 6 for Kerbin. It is defined as 0.0600, but I believe it should be 0.6000 (based on point 5 being 0.7000 for Kerbin, and all other planets having a final skyExtinctionMultiplier of 0.7000 or more).

You can temporarily fix it until Spectra is updated by editing Spectra\Spectra_scatterer\Planets\Kerbin\atmo.cfg and changing the skyExtinctionMultiplier value to 0.6000 (line 178).

I've also discovered an issue with Duna, running on 1.4.3 (just the atmospheres and clouds due to Kopernicus not being updated yet). It may be down to me skipping Kopernicus (although I think that's just needed for ground textures and scatter), but the day/night "colour blend" on Duna is quite harsh:

I divided the cloudColorMultiplier, cloudScatteringMultiplier and cloudskyIrradianceMultiplier values by 10 and it looks much better, but at the cost of vibrancy:

Is there a better way to fix this? None of the other atmospheric planets have this issue, and after trying various things in the configs I've not found another setting that changes this.

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Follow up regards the Duna "colour blend" as I've found part of the issue.The Duna-atmoScatterer-blue layer for EVE is defined twice. Once in EVE_atmoMain.cfg and again in EVE_atmoScatterer.cfg. I believe only the latter should be defined?

Removing the one from EVE_atmoMain.cfg partly fixed the issue by reducing the intensity. This gives results similar to adjusting the cloudColorMultiplier value in scatterer. However, the harsh blending is still present. Strangely, opening EVE config, ensuring the layer's textures are enabled and hitting apply seems to fix the issue entirely while retaining the rather nice blue hue. I've tried saving via EVE after hitting apply, but the issue reoccurs when I restart the game. I think it goes beyond my limited knowledge on EVE/Scatterer. Hopefully some of what I've tried will help you narrow it down further.

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  On 4/28/2018 at 2:20 PM, Fourjays said:

Follow up regards the Duna "colour blend" as I've found part of the issue.The Duna-atmoScatterer-blue layer for EVE is defined twice. Once in EVE_atmoMain.cfg and again in EVE_atmoScatterer.cfg. I believe only the latter should be defined?

Removing the one from EVE_atmoMain.cfg partly fixed the issue by reducing the intensity. This gives results similar to adjusting the cloudColorMultiplier value in scatterer. However, the harsh blending is still present. Strangely, opening EVE config, ensuring the layer's textures are enabled and hitting apply seems to fix the issue entirely while retaining the rather nice blue hue. I've tried saving via EVE after hitting apply, but the issue reoccurs when I restart the game. I think it goes beyond my limited knowledge on EVE/Scatterer. Hopefully some of what I've tried will help you narrow it down further.


Hm... Did you make any manual changes to the EVE clouds/atmo with the GUI? I have the configs set up so that if the game detects Scatterer, it uses the blue glow config found inside EVE_atmoScatterer.cfg. If it does not detect Scatterer, it uses the stock .cfg file with an alternate blue glow config. If you reload the EVE configs via the EVE GUI it breaks it though and copies both glow configs to the main file. Could that be what's happening?

Also though, I don't usually run Scatterer so it's possible I missed a mistake before releasing the newest version. I've got the previous releases downloaded so when in doubt I can revert back. Thanks for the updates.

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  On 4/28/2018 at 11:42 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

Hm... Did you make any manual changes to the EVE clouds/atmo with the GUI? I have the configs set up so that if the game detects Scatterer, it uses the blue glow config found inside EVE_atmoScatterer.cfg. If it does not detect Scatterer, it uses the stock .cfg file with an alternate blue glow config. If you reload the EVE configs via the EVE GUI it breaks it though and copies both glow configs to the main file. Could that be what's happening?

Also though, I don't usually run Scatterer so it's possible I missed a mistake before releasing the newest version. I've got the previous releases downloaded so when in doubt I can revert back. Thanks for the updates.


Just done a fresh download of Spectra (from Spacedock) to check I didn't save via EVE earlier. The blue config is definitely defined in both atmoMain and atmoScatterer in the fresh download.

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Since le last release 1.4.3 i have a issue with the visualisation of the ground on Duna. Now, impossible to see the texture of the ground.

I checked one by one and the guilty is Spectra. I'm sad because i love Spectra, i think it's the best mod for KSP.

So do you know this problem and how to solve it ? I hope a new release of Spectra to fix it



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  On 4/30/2018 at 5:23 PM, mustard said:

Since le last release 1.4.3 i have a issue with the visualisation of the ground on Duna. Now, impossible to see the texture of the ground.

I checked one by one and the guilty is Spectra. I'm sad because i love Spectra, i think it's the best mod for KSP.

So do you know this problem and how to solve it ? I hope a new release of Spectra to fix it




Hm... I'll take a peak. Is the terrain just solid orange? Which link did you use to download KSPRC?

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  On 4/30/2018 at 6:29 PM, mustard said:

Oups, i forgot to install KSPRC ....

I just download it and check it .... it's ok. I'm so sorry for my mistake.


:D good to hear that fixed the problem - it's the easiest mistake to make since it's not listed in the same step as dependencies.

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Hey Avera,


could you think of anything that just makes my Kerbin look like your "scatter-less" pictures, but jool, duna & co look like the normal ones?
Scatterer is working, judging on the ocean shaders.

Im on 1.4.3 with scatterer 0.331b.

Also was wondering why you disable godrays & stuff in your config?

Edit - well, found that this godrys enabled mess things up with the scatterer atmo settings...

took me 3h -.-

Edited by Speadge
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  On 5/1/2018 at 2:34 PM, Speadge said:

Hey Avera,


could you think of anything that just makes my Kerbin look like your "scatter-less" pictures, but jool, duna & co look like the normal ones?
Scatterer is working, judging on the ocean shaders.

Im on 1.4.3 with scatterer 0.331b.

Also was wondering why you disable godrays & stuff in your config?

Edit - well, found that this godrys enabled mess things up with the scatterer atmo settings...

took me 3h -.-


You could remove the atmosphere configs for Kerbin if you want - you'll need to remove two "atmo.cfg" files, one from Scatterer/configs/planets/Kerbin and one from Spectra/Spectra_Scatterer/planets/configs/Kerbin.

EDIT: Hmmm in hindsight it's not actually that simple... You'll also need to copy the "Kerbin glow blue" module from EVE_afmoStock.cfg" config in Spectra/EVE to "EVE_atmoMain.cfg" in the same location, that way the glow is applied when it still senses Scatterer.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Hey Avera,

Not sure if you maintain the CKAN index as well, but there's a conflict with the default install and Planetshine.

  • If you have Planetshine already installed via CKAN, Spectra refuses to install because of a config conflict.
  • If you install Planetshine at the same time as Spectra (by selecting the Spectra PS config), Spectra fails to install because it tries to override the icons in the Planetshine folder that PS already installed.
  • If you install Spectra without PS installed, the Plugins folder for PS is not included (effectively disabling the mod), but the configs are there.
  • The last scenario is if you install Planetshine after Spectra, in which case now PS fails to install

Installing Both simultaneously:

About to install...

 * PlanetShine (cached)
 * Spectra v1.1.7 (cached)

Module "PlanetShine" successfully installed

Oh no! We tried to overwrite a file owned by another mod!
Please try a `ckan update` and try again.

If this problem re-occurs, then it maybe a packaging bug.
Please report it at:


Please including the following information in your report:

File           : GameData/PlanetShine/Icons/ps_disabled.png
Installing Mod : Spectra v1.1.7
Owning Mod     : PlanetShine
CKAN Version   : v1.24.0

Your GameData has been returned to its original state.


Installing PS after Spectra is already installed:

About to install...

 * PlanetShine (cached)

Oh no! We tried to overwrite a file owned by another mod!
Please try a `ckan update` and try again.

If this problem re-occurs, then it maybe a packaging bug.
Please report it at:


Please including the following information in your report:

File           : GameData/PlanetShine/Icons/ps_disabled.png
Installing Mod : PlanetShine
Owning Mod     : Spectra
CKAN Version   : v1.24.0

Your GameData has been returned to its original state.


Planetshine folder after Spectra (without PS being previously installed):


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  On 5/3/2018 at 5:17 PM, Tourman said:

Hey Avera,

Not sure if you maintain the CKAN index as well, but there's a conflict with the default install and Planetshine.

  • If you have Planetshine already installed via CKAN, Spectra refuses to install because of a config conflict.
  • If you install Planetshine at the same time as Spectra (by selecting the Spectra PS config), Spectra fails to install because it tries to override the icons in the Planetshine folder that PS already installed.
  • If you install Spectra without PS installed, the Plugins folder for PS is not included (effectively disabling the mod), but the configs are there.
  • The last scenario is if you install Planetshine after Spectra, in which case now PS fails to install

Installing Both simultaneously:

About to install...

 * PlanetShine (cached)
 * Spectra v1.1.7 (cached)

Module "PlanetShine" successfully installed

Oh no! We tried to overwrite a file owned by another mod!
Please try a `ckan update` and try again.

If this problem re-occurs, then it maybe a packaging bug.
Please report it at:


Please including the following information in your report:

File           : GameData/PlanetShine/Icons/ps_disabled.png
Installing Mod : Spectra v1.1.7
Owning Mod     : PlanetShine
CKAN Version   : v1.24.0

Your GameData has been returned to its original state.


Installing PS after Spectra is already installed:

About to install...

 * PlanetShine (cached)

Oh no! We tried to overwrite a file owned by another mod!
Please try a `ckan update` and try again.

If this problem re-occurs, then it maybe a packaging bug.
Please report it at:


Please including the following information in your report:

File           : GameData/PlanetShine/Icons/ps_disabled.png
Installing Mod : PlanetShine
Owning Mod     : Spectra
CKAN Version   : v1.24.0

Your GameData has been returned to its original state.


Planetshine folder after Spectra (without PS being previously installed):




The CKAN file was uploaded by someone else that got my permission, though I doubt it's up to date :/ Thanks for the info though

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  On 5/9/2018 at 8:42 PM, The-Doctor said:

Can you hand me the craft file for the spaceplane in the trailer to give it a go?


Sure :) 

  On 5/9/2018 at 10:21 PM, The-Doctor said:

A hurricane on Duna? :D 


Hm.... that'd be pretty cool though Duna doesn't really have enough of an atmosphere to support one :/

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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