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[1.12.3] Spectra Visual Compilation 1.6.2 "Horizons" (26th July 2022)


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24 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Ah I see. I disabled the reflections on purpose because they were a bit of a framerate hog, as well as seeming rather hokie/gimmicky with craft appearing gigantic if you zoomed out. You can turn it on manually though if you go into GameData/Spectra/Spectra_scatterer/Scatterer_Settings.cfg, and setting whichever values you want to True instead of False.

Thanks! I did that!

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10 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Hm... I just got home and looking at that picture again, that's definitely not normal. Could you remove SVE-OPM and see if this still persists? I'm guessing this is a compatibility issue with that mod. My guess is that it messes with the settings for planet shadows, and removing it will fix this.

Ah good to hear its looking better!

Have you played with any other visual mods to compare? This is normal behavior for EVE cloud packs (And EVE/EVE-Redux are interchangeable, cloudpacks work the same for both, just more optimized in EVE-Redux).

I remember using EVE stock config and Astronomer's Visual pack before and had same results. I was always wondering how people get those cool clouds as I always would get thin film (flat cloud layer without particles).

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7 hours ago, Selphadur said:

I remember using EVE stock config and Astronomer's Visual pack before and had same results. I was always wondering how people get those cool clouds as I always would get thin film (flat cloud layer without particles).

Can you post pictures from your save demonstrating what you are seeing?

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Yeah, sure. Here you go. The Minmus Derp's comment explained what I meant. 


As you can see it's a flat thin layer (texture). There is not transition or particles. I really would love to have those particles as seen in many screenshots (like the ones in EVE Redux's first page).

P.S. For some reason it would not insert image from that link. Managed to get it working.

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On 2/9/2021 at 10:29 AM, The Minmus Derp said:

I think he's talking about something like that scene in into the warp where the plane flies through a really thin cloud layer


23 hours ago, Selphadur said:

Yeah, sure. Here you go. The Minmus Derp's comment explained what I meant. 


As you can see it's a flat thin layer (texture). There is not transition or particles. I really would love to have those particles as seen in many screenshots (like the ones in EVE Redux's first page).

P.S. For some reason it would not insert image from that link. Managed to get it working.

Ah gotcha. This a much thinner secondary layer of "cirrus" clouds; very high altitude very icy clouds. This layer I purposely disabled volume on, as the particles were barely visible to begin with because of how dim the layer is, and adding particles created  a significant FPS drop (anywhere from 5-20). Cloud layers are rather stupid with how they're drawn, and even if there are no particles drawn on screen, it still creates additional lag. My guess is is that it still draws the particles even when the texture is 100% transparent; it just makes cloud particles that are also 100% transparent. I.E. if you add a bonus cloud layer to the poles to simulate snow, it will cause a significant FPS drop all over the planet. Since there is only one layer on Kerbin with 3D volumetric clouds, if I were to enable it on this second one it would literally be doubling the number of particles. You can go visit EVE if you want a taste of what the performance is with multiple layers with 3D volumetric clouds :P

If you want though, you could add it back in manually by going into GameData/Spectra/Spectra_configs/EVE_atmoMain.cfg and copying these line from the main layer to the upper layer:


I don't think this would actually change the appearance in-game though. All it would do is lower your game performance.


Edited by Avera9eJoe
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On 2/9/2021 at 8:28 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

Can you post pictures from your save demonstrating what you are seeing?


2 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:


Ah gotcha. This a much thinner secondary layer of "cirrus" clouds; very high altitude very icy clouds. This layer I purposely disabled volume on, as the particles were barely visible to begin with because of how dim the layer is, and adding particles created  a significant FPS drop (anywhere from 5-20). Cloud layers are rather stupid with how they're drawn, and even if there are no particles drawn on screen, it still creates additional lag. My guess is is that it still draws the particles even when the texture is 100% transparent; it just makes cloud particles that are also 100% transparent. I.E. if you add a bonus cloud layer to the poles to simulate snow, it will cause a significant FPS drop all over the planet. Since there is only one layer on Kerbin with 3D volumetric clouds, if I were to enable it on this second one it would literally be doubling the number of particles. You can go visit EVE if you want a taste of what the performance is with multiple layers with 3D volumetric clouds :P

If you want though, you could add it back in manually by going into GameData/Spectra/Spectra_configs/EVE_atmoMain.cfg and copying these line from the main layer to the upper layer:


I don't think this would actually change the appearance in-game though. All it would do is lower your game performance.


I see. Thanks!


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3 hours ago, Misguided Kerbal said:

@Avera9eJoe is this a known bug?


All of Duna's scatter is textureless. My landing site is directly on the equator, nowhere near the poles. I'm on 1.9.1, and as far as I can tell no other bodies are affected like this. How can I fix this?

This looks normal to me; if you zoom out farther do you see the scatter come in on the distant peaks? Duna has very little atmosphere, so I made the scattering level reflect that. Does Duna look normal from orbit?

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25 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

This looks normal to me; if you zoom out farther do you see the scatter come in on the distant peaks? Duna has very little atmosphere, so I made the scattering level reflect that. Does Duna look normal from orbit?

Yep, you can see the scatter fine:


All of is still textureless, though the breaking ground surface features are fine. Here is it from orbit:



Completely normal and fine, except for the white scatter.



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Hey, I love your compilation. But one thing that bugs me the most is this weird this I see on Minmus.

I've created a video below demonstrating what happens.

1. The shadow side of the glow flips to a pitch-black shell when the sun sets below the horizon of the current view. When below the altitude limit for the glow, it just makes the sky pitch black. :(:( 

2. When you zoom out far enough, the glow clips into the terrain. It's almost as if the reference center of the glow is offset from center of Minmus. It looks ugly at high altitudes.

3. (?) At any point, only half of minmus has the glow active (Not really a bug, I'm presuming it's some optimization thing, I just noticed it)

Edit (2021/03/13):

Figured it out. The sky going pitch black was a side-effect of TUFX postprocessing. Simply fixed it by removing TUFX. Thanks for the help!

Edited by FlyrFliCatiPi
Fixed the issue eariler. Adding info on fix.
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3 hours ago, FlyrFliCatiPi said:

Hey, I love your compilation. But one thing that bugs me the most is this weird this I see on Minmus.

I've created a video below demonstrating what happens.

1. The shadow side of the glow flips to a pitch-black shell when the sun sets below the horizon of the current view. When below the altitude limit for the glow, it just makes the sky pitch black. :(:( 

2. When you zoom out far enough, the glow clips into the terrain. It's almost as if the reference center of the glow is offset from center of Minmus. It looks ugly at high altitudes.

3. (?) At any point, only half of minmus has the glow active (Not really a bug, I'm presuming it's some optimization thing, I just noticed it)


Hey there! I sadly can't look at that video in depth right now, but it looks like you've modified KSP's visuals in other ways that aren't default, which could have a negative effect on things. Secondly, please do not mess with the EVE GUI with Spectra. I did some special manual edits with the configs to allow them to work dynamically if Scatterer is or isn't installed, and if you press 'save' in the in-game GUI it breaks things. Thirdly, if you do ever change things in the GUI, you have to reload your game to see the correct visualization. It doesn't load things properly until you exit and reboot, so you might be reviewing effects that aren't fully loaded.

The sky being pitch black is definitely not intended. I've never seen this myself before and no one has ever reported it either. Do you have any other unusual visual packs installed? Or perhaps it's maybe DistantObject that is dimming the stars?

As to your note about the glow only being visible on half the planet, that isn't meant for performance- it's just the way that EVE draws glow. It's natural, too, as it wouldn't be visible on the back of the planet since there isn't any sunlight to cause it to scatter and reflect.

When you say the glow clipping into the terrain, do you mean the fog, or the haze effect around the planet? The fog particles clipping into the terrain can't be fixed as they are simply 2D textures, so they will always face the camera, and clip into things when the camera angle changes. If you mean the hazy glow, then it's probably clipping because KSP does weird things with scaled space and planets actually get bigger the farther away you get. It might be causing the glow to go into the terrain? Sadly this isn't fixable.

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Hey there! I sadly can't look at that video in depth right now, but it looks like you've modified KSP's visuals in other ways that aren't default, which could have a negative effect on things. Secondly, please do not mess with the EVE GUI with Spectra. I did some special manual edits with the configs to allow them to work dynamically if Scatterer is or isn't installed, and if you press 'save' in the in-game GUI it breaks things. Thirdly, if you do ever change things in the GUI, you have to reload your game to see the correct visualization. It doesn't load things properly until you exit and reboot, so you might be reviewing effects that aren't fully loaded.

I wasn't messing with any of the settings and saving them. I was just turning stuff on and off to diagnose.


The sky being pitch black is definitely not intended. I've never seen this myself before and no one has ever reported it either. Do you have any other unusual visual packs installed? Or perhaps it's maybe DistantObject that is dimming the stars?

Thanks! I didn't see anyone complaining about this anywhere else, so I thought I'd ask here. It's unlikely that it is DistantObject, as I've switched the sky-dimming off in that one. I'll shuffle some of my other visual mods on/off to see what's causing this.


If you mean the hazy glow, then it's probably clipping because KSP does weird things with scaled space and planets actually get bigger the farther away you get. It might be causing the glow to go into the terrain? Sadly this isn't fixable.

Oh, okay, thanks again.


P.S. Love what you've done to Duna and Eve! Can't wait to get to the Jool system in my career mode. Do you plan to expand Spectra for the Outer planets mod (OPM)?

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4 hours ago, FlyrFliCatiPi said:

P.S. Love what you've done to Duna and Eve! Can't wait to get to the Jool system in my career mode. Do you plan to expand Spectra for the Outer planets mod (OPM)?

Thank you :D Those two planets were the most difficult to nail down by a landslide, so I'm glad you appreciate them :) sadly I don't have plans to add it to OPM simply because I don't use any planet packs myself :/ if I were to do a patch for a planet pack though, it would definitely be OPM.

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings, I've been using this mod and have some questions.

First is why doesn't Mun get eclipsed by Kerbin? I mean, it still gets light by the Sun like in Stock:


Kerbin doesn't cast a shadow onto the Mun



This is a very rough put image but i hope you all get the idea, Kerbin is eclipsing the sun, but there is still light on the Mun ground



Now this part is probably more for the Scatterer forum thread, but still I'll ask here; I have tried to set this options on but they seem to do nothing and reset every time I close and open the game, anything in particular or a bug?

Changing "Fourier grid size" to any of the other 3 values always gets reset, same for "Sky reflections"


And same for "Long-Distance terrain shadows"


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  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Dodge said:

Is it possible to turn it down a bit? I prefer the natural color of the ground, the cast is covering too much of a area in my opinion. 

It is possible, but its a bit annoying to do since the save button in the Scatterer GUI doesn't actually save. I can walk you through it though:

1. View Kerbin in-game and press Alt+F11 to pull up the Scatterer GUI:



2. Press the 'right' arrow at the top of the GUI to select Config point 1 (the upper-most config point):



3. Locate 'Extinction Tint (scaled+local)' and 'Extinction Thickness (scaled+local)':

Mess around with these values and press 'Set' to make the changes visible in game. Once you get values you like, remember them but do not press ' Save atmo'. This doesn't actually save, and instead might be breaking things unseen.


4. Open the Scatterer config for Kerbin's atmosphere, located at 'Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Spectra\Spectra_scatterer\Planets\Kerbin\atmos.cfg' and scroll down to config point 1 (The last item/item with an altitude of 250000):

Replace the values of 'extinctionThickness = 2.5' and 'extinctionTint = 1.5' with the variables you want, then press save to make these changes permanent. [note, do not mess with skyExtinctionTint, this is something else]


Done! You have now changed the extinction tint and thickness of the top most config point of Kerbin, changing the red-ness on the planets extinction. I hope this helps?

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12 hours ago, HafCoJoe said:

It is possible, but its a bit annoying to do since the save button in the Scatterer GUI doesn't actually save. I can walk you through it though:

1. View Kerbin in-game and press Alt+F11 to pull up the Scatterer GUI:



2. Press the 'right' arrow at the top of the GUI to select Config point 1 (the upper-most config point):



3. Locate 'Extinction Tint (scaled+local)' and 'Extinction Thickness (scaled+local)':

Mess around with these values and press 'Set' to make the changes visible in game. Once you get values you like, remember them but do not press ' Save atmo'. This doesn't actually save, and instead might be breaking things unseen.


4. Open the Scatterer config for Kerbin's atmosphere, located at 'Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Spectra\Spectra_scatterer\Planets\Kerbin\atmos.cfg' and scroll down to config point 1 (The last item/item with an altitude of 250000):

Replace the values of 'extinctionThickness = 2.5' and 'extinctionTint = 1.5' with the variables you want, then press save to make these changes permanent. [note, do not mess with skyExtinctionTint, this is something else]


Done! You have now changed the extinction tint and thickness of the top most config point of Kerbin, changing the red-ness on the planets extinction. I hope this helps?

It works, thank you!

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On 4/12/2021 at 7:00 AM, Henninggg said:

Eve looks a little weird for me? Other planets looks fine.


I think this bug is caused by Scatterer having updated and changed a few things without me pushing an update to Spectra; I'm hoping to get an update out when I have the time/energy

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