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Crossed Fingers - Space junk in the ocean


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Hello, good people of the forums. I'm NotAgain, and I've finally plucked up the courage to start a mission report on my mid-game career mode.


First, a little bit about my save:

I run more mods than I care to mention, but the major ones are

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This career's been going on since 1.1.2 came out.

I do things my own way. if you don't like it, there are a plethora of other mission reports out there, there's something for everyone.

I'm not the best pilot.

I'm addicted to screenshots, and caffeine, so you can expect (semi) regular updates, usually at least one per week.

I operate several different 'space agencies' in my save, courtesy of Kerbal Konstructs. They are all part of one central 'Kerbal Space Agency', but also operate independently. They each have their own Kerbonaut Corps, except for three.

I have weird naming schemes.

And, potentially most importantly, the glorious @DiscoSlelge is making some wonderful mission patches, which I hope to use on my crewed missions.


The Space Agencies are as follows:

The Kenairian Space Agency (KSA). The Kenairian civilian space agency, and the most prominent.

Launch site: KSC (Kape Kanaveral)

Naming schemes: Uncrewed: Girl's names, or acronyms. Crewed: Pubs (Bars)

Crewed spacecraft:

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Metkosmos. The Metarian civilian space agency

Launch site: KSC2 (Kaikonur Kosmodrome)

Naming Schemes: Uncrewed: Destination-specific random Russian stuff. Crewed: random Russian stuff and names from Tantares parts.

Crewed spacecraft:

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Metarian Army. Does what it says on the tin. And spies on you.

Launch site: KSC2 (Kaikonur Kosmodrome)

Naming Schemes: Uncrewed: Destination-specific random Russian stuff. Crewed: random Russian stuff and names from Tantares parts.

Crewed spacecraft:

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Elenvarian National Space Agency (ENSA). The Elenvarian space agency. May or may not work for the government.

Lanch site: Round Range

Naming Schemes: Uncrewed: Random Chinese stuff. Crewed: Random Chinese stuff.

Crewed spacecraft:

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Airnian National Space Exploration Bereau (ANSEB). The Airnian civilian space agency.

Lanch site: Great Ez Kape

Naming Schemes: Uncrewed: Acronyms. Crewed: Variations on the word Explorer.

Crewed spacecraft:

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The Orbital Access Alliance (OAA). A private space exploration firm.

Launch site: Central Lakes

Naming Schemes: Uncrewed: Elements. Crewed: Elements.

Crewed spacecraft:

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The University of Ken-Tech. A University. With a space program. (They're Kerbals. What did you expect?)

Launch site: KSC (Kape Kanaveral)

Naming Schemes: Uncrewed: Names of Tantares parts.


The National Airnian University for STEM Studies. Another University with a space program.

Launch site: KSC (Kape Kanaveral)

Naming Schemes: The word box in many languages.


The Scharvian Space Agency (SSA). What it sounds like. Its predecessor was infamous for developing the K-2 missile.

Launch site: KSC (Kape Kanaveral)/Goldpool International Kosmodrome

Naming Schemes: Purpose - specific German things.


Rocketplane Kerblar. Another private space exploration firm.

Launch Site: KSC (Kape Kanaveral)/Goldpool

Naming Scheme: Uncrewed: Mission-Specific. Crewed: Acronyms.

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Right. On with the (somewhat) exciting bit.


Half Mun Flight - 20


Mission: Deploy the Serena X and XI communtiactions satellites, and test the new RCS thruster placement.

Orbiter: KSS Dauntless (OV-7)

Crew: E1 Pepe Kerman (Commander), P1 Duddas Kerman (Orbiter Pilot), E1 Wensie Kerman (Mission Specialist), S1 Bob Kerman (Mission Specialist).

The Half Mun orbiter Dauntless launched on her 4th mission carrying the Serena X and XI communication satellites to orbit on a Prometheus - III 122K launch vehicle. The plan was to insert into a 160 x 160km equatorial orbit, deploy the satellites, which would use their own engines to enter eliptical orbits 90 degrees apart. But, of course, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. The payload release mechanism failed. so the orbiter came back with the satellites in the cargo bay. Despite the the payload rendering the orbiter hideously unstable in flight, mission pilot P1 Duddas Kerman sucessfully got the orbiter back to the Kape and deployed the emergency landing parachutes, saving the orbiter, payload and crew.

(OOC, I screwed up and forgot decouplers. My bad.)

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Edited by NotAgain
Minor SPaG errors, and messing up names.
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  On 4/23/2017 at 4:56 PM, PrathamK said:

You forgot Mechjeb and SCANSat.


A) I don't use MJ. I've never found a reason to. I'm sure I will, but today is not that day.

B) I'll add SCANSat to the list. I do use it. I forgot.

  On 4/24/2017 at 11:21 AM, xendelaar said:

What's happening in the picture with the drogue chutes? I looks like it's going to smash its nose into the ground.


It basically is. That's the Half Mun's emergency landing system. With the satellites in the cargo bay, the orbiter wasn't behaving properly, and I managed to get it to the KSC, but couldn't hold it stable enough to land. The 'chutes are usually for braking, but they're good enough for emergency landings. It dropped to 3.7 m/s. The orbiter was fine, but thanks for your concern.

  On 4/23/2017 at 8:18 AM, UnusualAttitude said:

Neat little shuttle.


What's this!? A compliment from the mighty @UnusualAttitude? AWESOME!

You guys can probably expect an update tomorrow. I have a couple of uncrewed launches done and ready for upload.

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Smotritel - 1

Mission: Launch the Smotritel - 1 Spy Telecommunications Observation Satellite.

Launch Vehicle: R-7a

The first flight of the Metarian Army Smotritel programme went as close to perfectly as any first flight could. The experimental antenna from ProbesPlus that was flown as a scientific payload failed to do anything exept deploy, but these things happen. The satellite entered an 85 x 85km polar orbit and deployed its equipment, able to listen in on any communication originating anywhere on Kerbin.

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With a little hope I'll have an update for you lot tomorrow. In the mean time, you might as well try to guess what this is/where it's going.


The answer will (hopefully) be posted tomorrow. If not, then a more detailed image.

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Blue Anchor - Black Lancer VIII (Part 1)

Mission: Launch Henton and Ludvey to Munar orbit to test out the cis-munar capabilities of the Blue Anchor Block IV CSM by rendezvousing with Munar Surface Operaions Control and then moving to a different orbit, where it will stay nine days before returning to Kerbin. This is your introduction to the Black Lancer 2.

Launch Vehicle: Black Lancer 2

And yes, this is the answer to yesterday's question.

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Vak 4

Mission: Launch the Vak 4 test satellite into orbit to test out the mauevering system that'll be used on Vak 5.

Launch Vehicle: Saine 2.1

This is the National Airnian University for STEM Studies' third attempt at launching this mission, and sixth attempt at launching a Saine family rocket, which have a 20% success rate.

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Blue Anchor - Black Lancer VIII (Part 2)

After leaving Henton and Ludvey in Munar orbit together for nine days, we come back to two annoyed, but remarkably non-homicidal Kerbals.

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Kerbin Outbound's Fuel Tank

Mission: Something that I've been putting off for a while. Launching a huge fuel tank up to Kerbin Outbound Station, partially fuelled to, A) complete an old contract and, B) to provide a low-orbit fuel depot.

Launch Vehicle: Firedance IV

This is your introduction to the Firedance IV. Prepare yourselves.

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Only one launch for you lot today, as I have several chapters of economics to take notes on.

Smotritel - 2

Mission: Launch the Smotritel - 2 Telecommunications Observation Satellite.

Launch Vehicle: R-7a

This was practically a carbon-copy of Smotritel - 1, with a minor edit as to the useless antenna. The experimental antenna from ProbesPlus that was flown as a scientific payload on Smotritel - 1 was removed, as it did nothing but add weight. The satellite entered an 85 x 85km polar orbit, just like its predecessor, and deployed its equipment, able to listen in on any communication originating anywhere on Kerbin, just as intended.

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Sorry about the long wait, guys, I've had a trying week. So here, have a few launches.

Katie - XXI

Mission: Go and complete a Munar ore scanning contract.

Launch Vehicle: Muo 2

In a desperate attempt to sort out my cashflow problems, I took a contact to scan the Mun for ore. In an attempt to make it fairly profitable, I had to make it fairly small and put it on a fairly cheap launch vehicle. So this happened.

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Kerbin Outbound's new docking adaptor.

Mission: Launch the new CADS adaptor for Kerbin Outbound

Launch Vehicle: Black Lancer 1

After realising that I hadn't put a single CADS docking port on the entirity of Kerbin Outbound, I realised this was needed. Seeing as that's the type of port that the new Eleanor Advanced (Eleanor A) re-supply ship uses, it's kinda useful. This mission adds three of them.

Oh, and I'll introduce you to the Eleanor A tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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Eleanor A - I

Mission: Resupply Kerbin Outbound

Launch Vehicle: Firedance IIIB

I suppose that I should introduce you guys to the Eleanor A resupply vessel. It's the product of a little bit of long-overdue logical thinking about my process of re-supplying my space stations. I realised that I could increase my cost-effectiveness by approximately 20 to 30% by using a significantly larger resupply ship. Thus, the Eleanor Advanced was conceived. It's bigger than any resupply vehicle before it, carrying 12 tons of supplies to orbit. That's half the ship's mass.

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  On 4/21/2017 at 5:20 PM, NotAgain said:

I have weird naming schemes.



  On 4/25/2017 at 12:28 PM, NotAgain said:

Smotritel - 1


I'd say. Not quite as confusing as when I was trying to use Algonquin/Lenape/Delaware names for spacecraft, but close. I still can't remember what some of them are.... смотритель? That I'd remember. Clever use.

Rock on, it's what makes different mission reports unique. 


  On 5/1/2017 at 12:04 PM, NotAgain said:

I got a contract to build a space station for around 100,000 credits .... and it had to have 2000 units of LF aboard.


You got conned. Me too. It always goes something like this: Contract looks all nice and cushy, pays a couple million, then in the fine detail says "must support 836 kerbals with 900,000 units of monoprop and 10,000 units of liquid fuel." Way I see it, that's just Jeb punching random buttons in the contract generator. 

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  On 5/8/2017 at 9:37 PM, UnusualAttitude said:

Do you have any long-term goals or projects in mind for this?


Yes, a few.

- The Greenwood programme aims to put Kerbals on Duna's moons in Year 10, and on Duna in Year 12, and establish a Duna base around Year 25.

- The Aeronaut programme is a nascent SSTO programme. Game bugs and SSTOs are not a good combination.

- The new Muttles will seriously open up access to Kerbin's moons for science and tourism.

- The Wind Flower class Interplanetary Transfer Ships will support the Greenwood Programme and other ones (flying to Eve's moons, Asclepius, Dres and Vastin). Expect the first module of the first ship to be launched in early/mid summer.

Overall, I want to go everywhere I can. In a (somewhat) professional manner.

  On 5/8/2017 at 9:37 PM, UnusualAttitude said:

And how is Letayushchi coming on? :)


It's an expensive programme to run. My save actually is a couple of weeks ahead of the mission report, and we're having serious cashflow problems, so you can expect some approach and landing tests soonish, but Letayushchi Kirpich 0 (the uncrewed test flight) will probably be a couple of months. I'll try and keep you guys entertained in the mean time.


Oh, and:

TWO of my favourite storytellers like this!? That's AWESOME!

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Double update for you guys today!

Explorer - Matchstick III

Mission: Launch P0 Netha Kerman into sub-orbit on ANSEB's first crewed spaceflight.

Launch Vehicle: Matchstick I

ANSEB is rather behind the curve when it comes to progress in space, having started flying a lot later than most agencies (late Year 5). This is the agency's first attempt at crewed spaceflight. The Block 1 Explorer Spacecraft (and its launcher) don't have a great safety record, with E-M I crashing into the sea less than 30 seconds after liftoff, and the first stage failing to decouple on E-M II until a few seconds before landing. Nevertheless, Netha climbed into her souped-up tin can, and was fired, screaming, into the cosmos.

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Grace - III Operations

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Hey, look! Another double bill!

Smotritel - 3

Mission: Launch the Smotritel - 3 spy satellite.

Launch Vehicle: R-7a

This is the third time you lot have seen a Type 1 Smotritel launch, so I shan't bore you with too many details. 

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Lauren - I

Mission: Launch the Lauren - I Moho probe.

Launch Vehicle: Firestorm I

It's occured to me that I ought to do something a bit more exciting for you guys once in a while, so here's an interplanetary probe.

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Just one mission for now, as I have an English essay to get on with.

Explorer - Matchstick IV

Mission: Launch E0 Neilnand Kerman into sub-orbit on ANSEB's second crewed spaceflight.

Launch Vehicle: Matchstick I

In order to prove that E-M III wasn't a one-off, ANSEB have decided to fire another Kerbal into space.

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I'll give you lot a brief look at the beginnings of the previously-mentioned Wind Flower Class Interplanetary Transfer Vehicle.


This is the core component of the upcoming Wind Flower Class spacecraft, the Command Module. It incorporates the spacecraft's bridge, its communications array, its auxillary batteries and solar arrays, the Vehicular Airlock, and the Crew Recreation Facility.

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Evera 2

Mission: Land on Eve. And take some pictures.

Launch Vehicle: R-5a

This, and Evera 3 and 4, are Metkosmos' first attempt at putting a spacecraft on the surface of Eve. The Type 2 Evera consists of a lander, outfitted with several instruments, which will parachute - land on the Purple Marble, and a support orbiter, which will provide communications for the lander. The orbiters also have a camera array aboard, capable of imaging stuff in the visible, ultraviolet, and infrared spectrums. Metkosmos are the only agency ever to successfully send a probe to Eve, with the Evera 1 mission, from several years ago.

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Evera 3

Mission: Land on Eve. And take some pictures.

Launch Vehicle: R-5a

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Evera 4

Mission: Land on Eve. And take some pictures.

Launch Vehicle: R-5a

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Cassiopea 2

Mission: Orbit and land on Eve.

Launch Vehicle: Daleth 2

Cassiopea 2 is The University of Ken-Tech's second attempt at probing Eve. Their first was launched at the same time as Evera 1, but was lost to a Kraken attack about 30 days after launch. The University have decided to try and fly a tiny lander on this mission too.

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Elizabeth - I

Mission: Enter a polar orbit around Eve and map it. Complete an Eve Ore scanning contract, too.

Launch Vehicle: Muo V 211

Considering their reputation for spaceflight firsts, the KSA have been remarkably slow to launch an Eve mission. I have no idea what they've been doing. But, finally, they're rectifying the situation, and sending a GEB (General Exploraion Bus) orbiter mission. This will be the GEB 3 mission, with GEB 1 being the Katie - XX Minmus Sample return mission, and GEB 2 being the Rose - I Dres orbiter mission that's currently cruising to its target.

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Elizabeth - II

Mission: Go and investigate Eve's second and third moons, Neith and Gilly.

Launch Vehicle: Firestorm - I 412

Along with their Eve mapping mission, the KSA want to go and have a closer look at Eve's two minor moons, discovered by Evera 1 (Aden, Eve's first moon, was discovered long before Kerbalkind reached space). Little is known about these bodies, as they've only been subjected to one flyby each, by Evera 1. Elizabeth - II will attempt to enter orbit around both.

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EOTER (Eve Orbital and Terrain ExploRer)

Mission: Land on, and orbit Eve.

Launch Vehicle: Matchstick II - CES

EOTER is to be ANSEB's second interplanetary mission (its first was DOEX, a Duna orbiter). It is comprised of a Solar/Radioisotopic powered mini-lander carrying a tiny compliment of intruments, and an equally tiny orbiter. This is also the first flight of a Matchstick II, and the first use of the Cryogenic Exploration Stage (CES). This starts off the process of Kerbal - rating the Matchstick II for orbital Explorer missions.

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StrutCo - 1

Mission: Enter orbit around Eve, then Aden (Eve's first moon).

Launch Vehicle: Black Lancer 1A

StrutCo - 1 is set to be the first ever commercially owned interplanetary spacecraft. It is also set to be the first ever Argon fuelled spacecraft. And the first ever spacecraft to orbit Aden. That's an impressive number of firsts.

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Wow. That was actually gruelling to do. Those last two updates took over two days to put together in the midst of exams.

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Georgia - XV

Mission: Launch a little science sat on a shoe-string budget.

Launch Vehicle: Etoh

So, after all those Eve launches, we're pretty tight for cash, but I didn't want to wait out the whole transfer to Eve (when we'll make a fair amount of cash off of contracts), so I built Georgia XV, a little solar-observation satellite to alleviate the atmosphere of boredom around the KSC and net us a little science. I challenged myself to build a scientific mission on a VERY tight budget. This ended up costing (if memory serves) less than :funds:6,000.

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Blue Anchor - Black Lancer IX

Mission: Launch Kerbin Outbound Expedition 2 to relieve Expedition 1.

Crew: E1 Eliti (Commander) P0 Trizy (Crewkerb)

Launch Vehicle: Black Lancer 1A

So, after we had to give them a fifty day mission extension because we just couldn't prepare BA - BL IX in time, we finally have the crew ready to relive Janzy and Nelrim as crew of the station. Let's fly.

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Blue Anchor - Black Lancer VI Return

Mission: Return Kerbin Outbound Ex-1 to Kerbin

Crew: P1 Janzy Kerman, E1 Nelrim Kerman

After 476 days in LKO, and two more days training up the next crew bringing the grand total up to 478 days, it's high time two of our most experienced Kerbonauts, and our only ones to spend more than a year in space, return home.

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*Yes, that is an admiring nod to @UnusualAttitude.

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