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So what song is stuck in your head today?


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OK... classic movie soundtrack time again... I watched this one so many times as a kid it's opening theme has got it's own permanent spot in my brain...

And after just watching it (again) it's looping around my head really, really bad.

Oh, the actual music track doesn't start until about halfway through this... but it's too good to just chop in half.


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OK, Jim's watching old, campy monster movies again... and I've been waiting for this one all day... theme song firmly embedded deep in my brain... the 1970 "House of Dark Shadows." :0.0:

(Not, I repeat... NOT... the remake... this is the one with the original cast)

This is one theme song I can almost guarantee anyone my age will still remember with a fond shudder...


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Vision performed by 茶太 from the My Sound Life - Square Vision Album.  I played it on stream last night on Twitch.  It is one of the few songs that 茶太 performs in english.  I have just woken up with it in my mind,

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7 hours ago, LordFerret said:

Oh and someone mentioned Beck? OMG. No.

This is Beck..........


Oh... wow.... I just got up a little while ago, and I'm only on my first cup of coffee...

And I hear you posting this???

You, sir... have just set the mood for my whole day! Thank you!!!  :cool:

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