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Yeouch, this 2014 quote from the NASA administrator has...not aged well:


"Let's be very honest again," Bolden said in a 2014 interview. "We don't have a commercially available heavy lift vehicle. Falcon 9 Heavy may someday come about. It's on the drawing board right now. SLS is real. You've seen it down at Michoud. We're building the core stage. We have all the engines done, ready to be put on the test stand at Stennis... I don't see any hardware for a Falcon 9 Heavy, except that he's going to take three Falcon 9s and put them together and that becomes the Heavy. It's not that easy in rocketry."


Edited by zolotiyeruki
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15 minutes ago, zolotiyeruki said:

Yeouch, this 2014 quote from the NASA administrator has...not aged well:


Was about to say pretty much the same thing, lol.

It's hard to believe it now, but back then landing an orbital rocket was just a cool trick in KSP.

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That article also rightly mentions the fact that ULA was actually out in front in this area. It's been part of their cislunar architecture for a long time. Since they don't think in terms of investing in this tech on their own, it languished. It's this sort of thing where Musk and Bezos both improve the situation, because they will spend money on things without the government paying for it (to be fair, at a certain level public companies can't, they have stockholders to answer to).


4 minutes ago, mikegarrison said:

Well, he was right. Musk eventually admitted that the original idea of just bolting three Falcon 9s together turned out to be flawed, and Falcon Heavy has a lot less commonality with Falcon 9 than SpaceX intended.

True, but I bet if someone had followed up asking Bolden to give the number of flights (in either direction) of FH vs SLS, he'd have said that SLS would have flown X times by the time FH ever flies, not the opposite, that FH will have flown Y times by the time SLS ever flies (Y is likely 4-5 I would think at this point, there's one next year, right?).

Edited by tater
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It's a well-known problem in many industries that sometimes new products can cannibalize the market for older products. Products tend to lose money at first and then become more and more profitable as they age, because all the initial learning curve and investment has been completed. But product lines also age in the market, and eventually they become less attractive to buyers. So it's a balancing act between letting your product go stale versus killing it off too soon while it is at the height of its profitability.

I'm not saying that's what happened in this case, but it's a common scenario where one part of a company is trying to introduce something new while another part of the company sees that new thing as a competitor.

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One thing people in the "old space vs new space" war often forget is that few of the "new space" technological ideas are really new. Maybe the way they run the business is new, but reusable rockets, transferring propellants, etc, ad nauseum have been staples of space planning for decades. Since there were not powerful market forces pushing them towards making them, they waited for their customer (the government) to pay them for it to go past white papers.

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7 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Yes, and they are containers, you see one is open. I guess they painted them while to not heat up so much. 

D'oh! Spot check failed :D And to think - we thought one needs at least a barn to build a spaceship. Well, nope - all you need to do, is to stack some containers around - and you are good to go :P

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Curiouser and curiouser...


Guess there’s no SSO flights that can’t RTLS planned at Vandy any time soon, but... weren’t they already working on a second barge at Florida?



could it perhaps be heading for Boca?

Also, disagreeable valve:


Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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2 hours ago, Raven Industries said:

The progress on Starhopper sort of reminds me of how quickly structures like the Empire State Building went up. It also reminds me that building a spacecraft takes less time than building a local freeway intersection...

Well that intersection has WAY more lives depending on it and needs to be used more than a couple of times. It also probably cost more.

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SpaceX plans to increase the Falcon launch frequency to 20 launches per year from LC-39A and up to 50 launches per year from LC-40 by the year 2024."

:o Great googamooga! Plus 24 Starship launches... that’s more than a launch every four days!

No wonder they’re relocating the other drone ship...

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29 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

:o Great googamooga! Plus 24 Starship launches... that’s more than a launch every four days!

No wonder they’re relocating the other drone ship...

I guess that frequency will be to get starlink flying.

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Page 169 of the PDF I linked above has some interesting Raptor data.


The nominal operating condition for the Raptor engine is an injector face stagnation pressure (Pc) of 3669.5 psia and a somewhat fuel-rich engine O/F mixture ratio (MR) of 3.60. The current analysis was performed for the 100% nominal engine operating pressure (Pc=3669.5 psia) and an engine MR of 3.60


2Table 1: Raptor Nozzle Characteristics

Throat Radius (in)4.362

Downstream radius of curvature (in)1.309

Tangency angle (deg)32.0

Nozzle lip exit angle (deg)6.0

Nozzle exit diameter (in)51.226

Nozzle throat to exit length (in)60.06


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