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The "Complain About Your School" Thread


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Hey kid, finals are soon. So, I decided I will give you homework every day! I know it is a lot. But you can do it during your classes because your doing nothing in them. (As of yesterday, we were still learning stuff in our science class).

I understand that that is going to be all the studying some are going to get, but I would much rather just use the book.

Edited by munlander1
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1 hour ago, munlander1 said:

So how did you do?

I did well I think, EXCEPT FOR ONE GODDAMN QUESTION!!! :mad:

So I got to the question, and just as I was about to read it, my classmate sitting at the other end of the table distracted me by asking to borrow my eraser. He then was incredibly noisy while erasing and after giving it back he started HUMMING! 

Obviously this was extremely irritating, and he wouldn't stop humming even when I asked him to. So because of this distraction, I accidentally solved the question as a quadratic equation (oh god I feel so stupid now) instead of factorising the expression.

I realized my mistake while going over my test, but by then the testing time was over and the teacher swiftly collected mine (and everyone else's papers) before I could change my answer. :( 

I have since sent an email to the teacher, kindly asking him to disregard the question/give me the benefit of the doubt. I even completed the question correctly in the email. 

Hopefully I get a positive response! 


*sigh* I feel stupid. Very stupid :P 

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19 hours ago, TheEpicSquared said:

I have since sent an email to the teacher, kindly asking him to disregard the question/give me the benefit of the doubt. I even completed the question correctly in the email

Has he responded?


This is not really a complaint about school, but just my situation. I am 99 percent sure I am sick today. With finals into Wednesday.

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38 minutes ago, MysterySloth said:

Image result for gold fidget spinner

OMG!!!!!1! ThEsE ArEE SOooooOO Col! TEy'rre Notannnnnoyinatall!!!!!1!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

-Every kid at my school


 I keep saying that they're only gyroscopes, but the people of my school would rather live in a fantasy world where they're all becoming NBA players rather than face the truth and prepare for it

wow, I hate people

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Just now, munlander1 said:

Don't know if you are serious or making a low key insult....


internet stuff I'm good at, but not social teams, and that's why I'm on the bad-ish team

and I am not all that good at analogies, but the school ones I'm good at, like the ones in English class

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On 5/21/2017 at 10:34 AM, StupidAndy said:

 I keep saying that they're only gyroscopes, but the people of my school would rather live in a fantasy world where they're all becoming NBA players rather than face the truth and prepare for it

wow, I hate people

SPEAK THE TRUTH! You WON'T be the LeBron James, or Stephen Curry. NFL? NOOO.

They legitimately don't think about college at all.

(P.S. I don't know who Mr. James or Mr. Curry are. I only know them because they're talked abou 24/7/365. I only watch hockey)

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