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Voyage - The Final Warning (Chapters 34-36 And Epilogues)

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Three Planets.

Two large, one small.

Two Species.

One on a path to destruction, one on the road to the stars.

One chance.

One chance for a future.



Prologue: This is Planet Earth

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Okay, the dramatic prologue is over!

Hey, I'm Ultimate Steve, and you may have seen me around here before, from my (many) posts, or maybe from my other mission reports, Project Intrepid and Nightmares. (BTW this is completely separate from Project Intrepid, which will continue.) This is my third mission report/dramatic story, Voyage - The Final Warning.

A few things to note:

  • This story takes place in a fictional universe where Kerbin and Earth both exist in the same galaxy.
  • There is also 85 other species in the same galaxy (including a few from the Magellanic Clouds).
  • Also, in this parallel universe, the game "Kerbal Space Program" does not exist.
  • The story will primarily be told from the perspective of a teenager from America named Ethan. There will also be scenes told as flashbacks in Italics, but if italics are too hard on anyone's eyes I can change that if people want me to. All you have to do is ask, I can divide the text up another way. :D
  • All of the parts are stock, and the mission (I know what you're thinking, "What mission?") will be done without cheating that actually affects the mission. I may use HyperEdit for special effects, as well as Kaboom! I also use KER and KAC although those won't play a big part in the story.
  • I'm going to somewhat exaggerate the problems we have on our planet for a bit, so please, don't take offense!
  • Any and all feedback is appreciated!
  • I was originally going to call this story "Odyssey," but I realized that there are at least two other active mission reports with "Odyssey" in the title.
  • The mission in this story was originally not going to be a mission report, but then I realized it would be nice as one. Some of the screenshots will have to be reconstructed, as I had no real reason to take many screenshots early on.




Chapter One - The Earth is (not) a Sphere

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Edited by Ultimate Steve
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I have never hear of ANY story like this, this is one of the most original Ideas I have ever heard. you are second on my list of favorite authors, first of course is CatastrophicFaliure:blush:

Edited by Alpha 360
"Kouston, we have several problems, but that doesn't matter so we want to continue on with the mission."
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Wow... thanks for all of the kind words and support! It really means a lot to me, thanks!

@Alpha 360, thank you especially!

Oh, yeah, and here's chapter two. :D




Chapter Two - Pinch me, I'm Dreaming

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Someone should launch some adapters. There's no guarantee that they'll all use the same size docking ports. 

Also, what about launch failures outside the humans' control? Do they get a backup rocket?

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Again, thank you all for the kind words! I wasn't expecting such a response!

  On 5/1/2017 at 11:13 AM, KAL 9000 said:

Someone should launch some adapters. There's no guarantee that they'll all use the same size docking ports. 

Also, what about launch failures outside the humans' control? Do they get a backup rocket?


For your first question, yeah. Someone should. Either that, or everyone will think someone else did, and nobody will! :D

As for your second question, I suppose if the rocket gets Krakened or something (Hmm, I wonder how the humans will explain that!) then they would get another try if it's truly a freak of the universe. But, otherwise, nope. They will have "simulators," though.


If at any time I offend anyone, please let me know and I can change the story. I promise that my intent is not to offend anyone.



Chapter Three - Follow the Leader

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Edited by Ultimate Steve
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I was literally rolling on the floor laughing while I was reading the part where the humans were trying to figure out how the Kerbal's parts work! :D 

  On 5/2/2017 at 3:16 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

"I... think this is a jet engine, but I'm not sure."

"Ethan, look on this side. The plaque literally says "J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine." Manufactured by the C7 aerospace division. Stationary thrust, 120 kilonewtons. Hey, they converted their values into metric for us! How thoughtful!"

"Hmm. What does this do?" I pressed the button marked "reverse thrust." A giant cone moved backwards and the contraption made a strange sound. "Uhh... I think I might have broken it."

"Hey, look at this cool thing!" Evelina was now on the other side of the aisle in the "ground" section. "Rove-max model XL3. Hmm. Wait, it says something on the back of this... "The RoveMax Model 3 was developed in total secrecy by Kerbal Motion's R&D team over the course of a year and a half. When it was finally revealed to the company's chairman, he stared in shock, screamed 'WHY', and subsequently dropped dead on the spot." Uhh... Okay, then. Ooh, what's that!" Evelina then ran over to the next section, utility, and proceeded to observe the plaque in front of another pallet. "Mark sixteen parachute. Manufacturer: Found lying by the side of the road? What? That sounds, uh..."

She kept running around, with that grin on her face. Like a kid in a candy shop, or like a space nerd at the Kennedy Space Center, or, well, like an engineer in a rocket parts warehouse.

Then, something exploded over in the coupling section. It was really loud and echoed for quite a long time. Whatever it was shot up towards the rock ceiling, hit it, and knocked out a few of the lights. But then it fell downwards. It was heading straight towards Evelina.

"EVELINA!" I ran towards her. She was engrossed in reading another plaque, and had jumped at the explosion but had not looked up. Just as the thing was about to hit her, I slammed into her and knocked her out of the way. The thing - whatever it was - slammed down in front of us with a very, very loud noise. All was silent for a few seconds.

"Excuse me, but did I just almost die?"

"Yep. Now, we're even."

"Oh, so that's what a "hydraulic detachment manifold" does!" shouted a voice from across the hangar.

I shakily stood up and offered my hand to Andrea, who took it and started giggling again. Soon, we were both laughing our heads off.


Well, 45 minutes later we were done collecting all of the part information. Some of the nine, uh, I'll call them "commanders" from now on, decided to write down some of the funnier quotes they heard.

"But that's impossible! A 2kn ion drive?!?!? What sorcery is this?"

"What drugs are these reaction wheels on? These are impossibly powerful!"

"What is this, an engine for ants?"

"This yellow sewer pipe is pure magic."

"Why is this command pod so darn heavy?"

"An actual NERVA? I am in HEAVEN!"

"Dude, don't touch that! It's radioactive!"

"Bro, you've got that song stuck in my head now!"

"I have no idea what we're ever going to use this micronode for."

"What the heck would you need RCS thrusters this powerful for?"

"These aliens have force fields, but can't figure out how to make a battery that will last for more than half an hour. Logic!"

"Mystery goo? Can I drink it?"



  On 5/2/2017 at 3:16 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

7. Every part had a terrible mass fraction, but had electromagnet fields for radiation protection and nanocamera suspension (neat!), extreme structural integrity, and the ability to transfer fuel through itself, which was the neatest thing ever, and made in-orbit refueling simple enough.


So is every part made of hydrogenated boron nitride nanotubes with carbon nanotubes in between them which generates a magnetic field? :) 

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  On 5/2/2017 at 5:06 AM, max_creative said:

So is every part made of hydrogenated boron nitride nanotubes with carbon nanotubes in between them which generates a magnetic field? :) 


I'll admit, the solution in my head was much lower tech and less cool than yours, so if it's alright with you, this is my new explanation. :D

Way cooler than "solid iron parts with embedded copper coils."


  On 5/2/2017 at 12:17 PM, KAL 9000 said:




  On 5/2/2017 at 12:47 PM, Shadow Wolf56 said:

I want MOAR!!!:cool:



  On 5/2/2017 at 11:31 PM, TotallyNotHuman_ said:



Coming soon! :D

I wanted to get chapter four out yesterday, but life happened. It's about half-ish done.

I probably would be farther along, but I subconsciously went off on a five page tangent that has nothing to do with space exploration whatsoever. Also, I realize that it's more of a fanwork than a mission report at this point, but I promise, that will change really soon! (Around part 6 or 7, if I don't go off on another long tangent.

So, it should be done by the end of today, unless something else comes up again!


EDIT: I have to mow the lawn. Drat!

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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  On 5/3/2017 at 7:03 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

I'll admit, the solution in my head was much lower tech and less cool than yours, so if it's alright with you, this is my new explanation. :D

Way cooler than "solid iron parts with embedded copper coils."


Although also BNNTs are really light and BNNT parts wouldn't make sense if you look at the parts weight in game, so maybe they're just iron. :( Or maybe Kerbol just makes no radiation and it's the only star in the universe. Because we don't see any solar flares or auroras, right? Also, if they were solid metal with a magnetic field then ships would stick together without docking ports. The magnetic field also might mess up the antenna a little bit. I DON'T KNOW! ASK GUS! HE'S THE GUY WHO PUTS THE ROCKET TOGETHER! OR ASK ROCKOMAX! OR KERBODYNE! :/ 

  On 5/3/2017 at 7:03 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

Coming soon! :D


MOAR!!! :D:D:D 

  On 5/3/2017 at 7:03 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

I wanted to get chapter four out yesterday, but life happened. It's about half-ish done. 


What's a life? :) 

  On 5/3/2017 at 7:03 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

So, it should be done by the end of today, unless something else comes up again!



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Note 1: Some of this is copy-pasted from google drive, so the formatting is a bit weird for some of it.

Note 2: This chapter doesn't have much to do with KSP, so bear with me for a while. It will become an actual mission report soon, I promise!




Chapter Four - Dusty, Old, Out of Tune Spinet

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Special thanks to the reddit user Wisear, as that is his sheet music. I was originally going to write it out myself, but this chapter had already taken long enough, so, thanks, Wisear!

Also, thanks to the owners of all the videos I linked, as well as all of the stuff I referenced. No copyright infringement intended. :D



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  On 5/4/2017 at 2:17 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

The most interesting thing that has come from the engineers so far was some sort of reaction wheel powered centrifuge. I should add one of those to the Mun's amusement park.



  On 5/4/2017 at 2:17 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

Dear John,





  On 5/4/2017 at 2:17 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

"Nuclear accident? Like an act of war?"

"No, silly. My ancestors never even considered using nuclear devices as weapons. The accident was this giant spaceship that hit Kerbin."

"Ah. That would make sense."


I blame Project Intrepid! That totally wasn't my fault! :D 

  On 5/4/2017 at 2:17 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

"What is this called, it sounds AWESOME!"

"It's called "The Final Countdown." Some people love it, some people hate it."


I'm one of those people who love it. IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!!! 

  On 5/4/2017 at 2:17 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

But it's biggest problem was that it wouldn't fit inside of the fairing. Until I said that, none of the engineers appeared to notice.


Are you sure the engineers are Humans and not Kerbals? Humans never forget that kind of thing. Kerbals forgot that, and struts, and fins, and aerodynamics, and a few dozen other things pretty much every single launch. :P 

  On 5/4/2017 at 2:17 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

I heard another large explosion that shook the entire warehouse. I quickly undid the complicated locking mechanism Oliver had devised and exited to see the long arm of the rocket powered merry-go-round (Or is it merry-go-centrifuge?) firmly embedded in the wall of the hangar. You could actually see another hangar through the hole - wait, was that team two?

"Nothing to see here!" announced a Kerbal from over the loudspeakers as they removed the arm. A large metal panel appeared out of nowhere, obscuring our view of the other team. I later learned that the rocket centrifuge was undergoing a (thankfully) unmanned test.


Something tells me that you've already somehow made the rocket powered merry-go-round part of your actual Jool 5 attempt... Maybe a rocket jet propeller merry-go-round for Laythe? :cool: 

  On 5/4/2017 at 2:17 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

In other news, I got messages back from Andrea and John. Andrea told me how much she had missed me, and that she had indeed found her family and Winter. John was all like "This is all a hoax, you idiot. This is a government conspiracy to make us believe in aliens. Even your message was a fake scam!"

Plbbh. I'm not wasting any more of my time on convincing him the Earth is round.



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