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[1.2.2] Space 1999 Eagle Transporter 3 Pack v1.03


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I should have told you guys being new here that I am a modder also...

I make them for myself. I have not released any but I do know what I'm doing...

Here are a few examples of my work....

viper old:viper new:tie fighter:eagle one blue::eagle one 1:eagle one 6:eagle one 2::eagle one 5:

As you can see I have built my own Eagle one. 

I was only giving my test results after installing your Eagle..

The paint job is nice but its all been done before. 

By the way this version of my Eagle is for KSP 1.0.4 I never updated it I just through it in game data folder...

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Hi guys

I updated the main post with a Compatibility Issues section. If you are using the Community Resource Pack, please read it.

Also added Kottabos video and a small video showing how to launch the Eagle into orbit. I hope it helps.


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I installed on a fresh install of 1.2.2 with only visual mods loaded. No Community Resource Pack. Both the VTOL and Main Engines work perfectly and resources consumed correctly.

Driving the MoonBuggy around the Mun (or in any light gravity situation) I found something that would be helpful. The buggy needs a reaction wheel of some kind. Even at 5 m/s it is easy to tip. If it flips onto roof you are SOL.

Very nicely done!! I love this mod.


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On 2017-5-19 at 11:32 PM, Fr8monkey said:

That's how they worked in the show, I think.  Would be neat if the retracted all the way; but not a deal breaker.


For those that need help (like me), what would be the easiest way to re-doc with one of the pods? 2000+ hours in and I suck at pinpoint landings... 

First you need TCA (Throttle Controlled Avionics )  or you need to have a surname like Manley. 

Control from the top girder,  then use the hover control to put you sort of over the package.  

Then manually ease yourself down until you are right above it. Use RCS to move over the pod. 

And once it's fits inside the gap. raise the landing gear, and if you are lucky it will suck into position. 


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On 5/19/2017 at 9:47 PM, kpark said:

After attaching, retract the legs and use the move tool to push them into the pods so they are flush. When extended they sit at the same height as the legs on the rescue pod. Worked for me.

Yeah, I ended up doing this, but it lowers the craft quite a bit.

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On 21/5/2017 at 1:17 AM, kpark said:

Driving the MoonBuggy around the Mun (or in any light gravity situation) I found something that would be helpful. The buggy needs a reaction wheel of some kind. Even at 5 m/s it is easy to tip. If it flips onto roof you are SOL.

Yeah I did it but it was worse, so I removed it and reduced steering sensitivity.

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On 2017-5-22 at 10:32 AM, JonathanPerregaux said:

If only we could get the Mun to break away from Kerbin so we could have weekly adventures in space and visit planets outside the Kerbol system. According to the show, the delta-V requirement for such an event is surprisingly small... and also inexplicable.

That would be cool indeed.

Ok guys, I updated some stuff:

Version 1.02:
    - Changed Deuterium to LqdDeuterium, using Community Resource Pack definition and adjusted Isp accordingly to avoid conflicts. The fuel rate on the Eagle Main Engines should be 7.27 L/s.
    - Added some more ASL thrust to the Main Engines.
    - Fixed a problem with a collider on the Eagle Passenger Module, so now you can re-dock it to the ship.

Thanks for all your support.


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2 hours ago, MajorTom69 said:

That would be cool indeed.

Ok guys, I updated some stuff:

Version 1.02:
    - Changed Deuterium to LqdDeuterium, using Community Resource Pack definition and adjusted Isp accordingly to avoid conflicts. The fuel rate on the Eagle Main Engines should be 7.27 L/s.
    - Added some more ASL thrust to the Main Engines.
    - Fixed a problem with a collider on the Eagle Passenger Module, so now you can re-dock it to the ship.

Thanks for all your support.


MajorTom69, can you include a Module Manager fix so that the IRSU can convert ore into the resources the Eagle 2 uses?  Feel free to decide at what rate, but I need a way to refuel my transport on the Mun, at Moon Base Alpha... please?

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17 hours ago, Wren said:

MajorTom69, can you include a Module Manager fix so that the IRSU can convert ore into the resources the Eagle 2 uses?  Feel free to decide at what rate, but I need a way to refuel my transport on the Mun, at Moon Base Alpha... please?

To be honest, I don't know how to do that. Maybe if someone else can do it, I can include it in a next release.

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On 5/24/2017 at 10:05 AM, MajorTom69 said:

To be honest, I don't know how to do that. Maybe if someone else can do it, I can include it in a next release.

I bet if you asked the community resource people they can help you do it.  But basically, if I can't refuel on the Mun, there is no way to make this an operational part of my program, and I really want to use it :)

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Um... yeah, so hit a small snag... Rescue missions don't work so well when the guy you're rescuing can't get out of the Eagle Command Module since it doesn't have a hatch on it's own.

I suppose I could leave him up there til I unlock the grabber arm and then try to bring the entire module back down to Kerbin.  Oh, wait, I'm also running TAC life support, so he's only got a few minutes.  Derp.


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16 hours ago, Fr8monkey said:

Couldn't you just load him into the Cargo/passenger pod and do a crew transfer?  Or use the little ladder if no pod...?

No... see, he's the one being rescued.  He has to get OUT of the Eagle Command Pod (with no life support, floating dead in space), then EVA over to the Eagle I sent up to get him.  No hatch, no exit.  No exit, no rescue.

If I had the grabber arm on the Eagle, I could possibly bring the whole pod back to the surface before his suit LS runs out... but I don't.  Plus, as soon as you get within range of the target on a rescue mission, the life support clock starts ticking, and I think you've only got 30 minutes.  Even if I had the node unlocked for the grabber, not enough time to build, launch, retrieve, and land.

All the guys in the rescue Eagle can do is smile and wave through the porthole as Whatsisname Kerman asphyxiates :)

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Ok, i see.  Would a transfer to the forward service pod then exit work?  IDK...  I haven't got to that point in career yet.  I make sure to put a docking port on the bottom of the pods...

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No, he's not actually in the Eagle.  He's the object of a rescue mission (maybe those contracts are tied to TAC LS?).  He's in an Eagle Command Module/Pod.  By itself.  Not attached to anything at all.  The mission is to go up and rescue him.  These missions put a kerbal in a random part that has crew capacity, usually with a long deadline, but as soon as you fly a ship within range, the part loads and becomes "active", with no electricity, food, water, or O2; essentially, the rescuee has what's in his suit and that's it.  Limited time to get him to life support.

If he can't get out of the part, and the rescuers can't dock with or grab the part, he's kinda screwed.  No, not kinda... he's just screwed.

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12 minutes ago, hiram13pm said:

If he can't get out of the part, and the rescuers can't dock with or grab the part, he's kinda screwed.  No, not kinda... he's just screwed.

This is a problem with several part mods and how they interact with rescue contracts. So of course somebody wrote a mod...


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18 hours ago, hiram13pm said:

No... see, he's the one being rescued.  He has to get OUT of the Eagle Command Pod (with no life support, floating dead in space), then EVA over to the Eagle I sent up to get him.  No hatch, no exit.  No exit, no rescue.

The Eagle Command Module was intended to be used with the Service Module attached to it and I forgot the rescue contracts case, so you're right, we need a hatch or those contracts will be impossible to fulfill. Thanks to point that out. Soon an update...

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On 5/28/2017 at 10:22 AM, MajorTom69 said:

The Eagle Command Module was intended to be used with the Service Module attached to it and I forgot the rescue contracts case, so you're right, we need a hatch or those contracts will be impossible to fulfill. Thanks to point that out. Soon an update...


I've been playing with this a lot the last week... the Transporter has really become a workhorse for my entire program :) 
I did do a few tweaks, ala genericeventhandler in an earlier comment, though not quite as extensive.  I suck at MM scripts, so I just edited the parts directly.  Bumped up the main engines, changed to Liquidfuel and Monoprop (so I can refuel), added a 1.5 degree gimbal to the mains.  Added some TAC life support supplies to the engineering section, equivalent to one of the 1.5m in-line containers... otherwise the crews asphyxiate before they can make it to Minmus, lol.

The gimbal on the main engine is more for the custom payloads I've been hooking up... bundles of KIS/KAS containers, a mining rig with an ore tank, big ol' batteries, drills, etc... She's just *slightly* off balance stock, but some packages can be REALLY off balance.  Like it's impossible to stay on your node vector for more than a couple of seconds, so the gimbal helps a lot.  Still uses those RCS thrusters like mad, though... which I kinda like.

Some additional attachment points inside the rescue pod would be cool... I've got one in my subassemblies list that has a package with a ton of extra life support, recyclers, etc., for long duration missions.  Took it on a fly-by of Duna & got home with no problems (haven't landed yet, I need to get a science lab in orbit first :wink: ).

All in all, an awesome mod.  I used to watch this show as a kid... I was lucky enough to live in one of the few TV markets where an independent station aired it on weekends & after school when it was syndicated in the US in the late '70s.  Hats off, man.  I love this thing.

Edit:  Oh yeah, PS... a hatch on the Command Module would also be nice because one of the packages I put together fits pretty tight in there... so close, in fact, that it blocks the Fore & Aft hatches.  I had a communications satellite I took up, and nobody could go EVA until I detached it, since both hatches were obstructed.

Edited by hiram13pm
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