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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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Try with Kerbal Alarm Clock, you can set a Raw Alarm at the moment you want.

would I need to know the exact time? I think it'd be nice to have a warp drive helper though that would kick the warp speed down as I got closer and I could set the alcubierre drive to "warp to X meters from target" - seems like if we have the tech to go faster than light, we should have the computer tech to control it thusly? :)

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I'm not sure, whether I should ask it here or in tweakscale thread, but here is my question.

Interstellar tanks support tweakscale and InterstellarFuelSwitch and when we change scale of them their masses are also scaled.

When I use InterstellarFuelSwitch for other tanks(for example stock ones) their drymass is calculated in two different ways. First time when I change their size with tweakscale and then when I switch their content type(and drymasses are different for the same fuel type before and after switch).

While trying these things found out that interstellar tanks have the same problem for scalling down from original 2.5 size and for some sizes scalling is quite strange. Powerscalling for cryostats still is not working...

PS In USI_NF_Mode.cfg there is still a small error



@powerRequirements =*= 0.002

Thanks for the finds, I will fix them. There is a bit of delay, same for cost, but to my knowledge they eventually get scaled correctly and recalculation. The only problem is that it isn't truggered after scaling. I suggest you report the problem in the tweakscale tread as well.

- - - Updated - - -

For some reason my radiators do not reach full temp. I Keep having my radiators reach like 1536/3500K but still overheat and everything shuts down.

I have meta-materials researched.

Could you make a screen dump?

Edited by FreeThinker
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On KerbalStuff, the mod has the CKAN tag, but it is not in CKAN. Are there any plans to add it to CKAN?

KSPI-E has recently been uploaded to CKAN under the name KSP Interstellar Extended. Make sure your refresh you plugin list

- - - Updated - - -

You're supposed to update dependencies whenever you can.

preferable also report on the board if any is out of date

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is there realfuels/modular fuel tanks compatibility? would be nice, so i don't have to rely on the interstellar tanks, which are somewhat inconveniently shaped at times(i would like a tank inbetween the medium and the ultra-short tank, for example)

also, i noticed a bug where i can't attach struts to the shortest interstellar fuel tank(like, i can attach the part, but it won't form a strut if i click on a tank afterwards)

oh, and do your radiators work for the stock heat system, too? because my thermal turbojets keep overheating at really low thottle when i use antimatter reactors(like, i can't go over 1/3 throttle).

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oh, and do your radiators work for the stock heat system, too? because my thermal turbojets keep overheating at really low thottle when i use antimatter reactors(like, i can't go over 1/3 throttle).

Are you using precoolers?

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is there realfuels/modular fuel tanks compatibility? would be nice, so i don't have to rely on the interstellar tanks, which are somewhat inconveniently shaped at times(i would like a tank inbetween the medium and the ultra-short tank, for example)

I've done some more work on my mm patch and hopefully it is now in line with interstellar tanks and as well don't break stock balance...

It adds interstellar fuels and cryostates to any tank, that can contain standard LFO, while preserves the ability to contain LFO and pure LF so you have much more freedom in building.

However currently there are two problems: I had not found a way to make these modules require specific techs, so they are available in career from the begining (but I don't think that you can find many uses for example for methane early game).

And the second one is weird behaviour of drymasses with tweakscalling tanks down so I suggest to avoid this.

For use it you need to save it like any_name_here.cfg and place into gamedata folder. And If you are playing with NFTe and want to scale down power requirements of cryostates - change the first coefficient in the patch

%power_mult = 1 // change this to 0.1 if you have NFTe or whatever coefficient you prefer; temporary solution

%LF = 0
%OX = 0
%totalCap = 0
%pureLF = 0
%mixHO_H = 0
%mixHO_O = 0
%mixMO_H = 0
%mixMO_O = 0
%mass1 = 0
%mass2 = 0
%cryo_powerReqKW = 0
%liquid_boiloff = 0

@LF = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$
@OX = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$

@totalCap = #$LF$
@totalCap += #$OX$
@pureLF = #$totalCap$
@totalCap *= 5

@mixHO_H = #$totalCap$
@mixHO_H *= 0.8
@mixHO_O = #$totalCap$
@mixHO_O *= 0.2

@mixMO_H = #$totalCap$
@mixMO_H *= 0.557
@mixMO_O = #$totalCap$
@mixMO_O *= 0.443

@mass *= 0.165
@mass1 = #$mass$
@mass1 *= 1.2
@mass2 = #$mass$
@mass2 *= 5

@cryo_powerReqKW = #$totalCap$
@cryo_powerReqKW *= 0.001875
@cryo_powerReqKW *= #$power_mult$

@liquid_boiloff = #$totalCap$
@liquid_boiloff *= 0.66

name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
resourceGui = LFO;Liquid Fuel;Liquid Hydrogen;Liquid Helium;Hydrolox;Methalox;Liquid Oxygen;Liquid Methane;Liquid Ammonia;Hydrazine;Liquid Nitrogen;Liquid CarbonDioxide;Liquid CarbonMonoxide;Water
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;LqdHydrogen;LqdHelium;LqdHydrogen,LqdOxygen;LqdMethane,LqdOxygen;LqdOxygen;LqdMethane;LqdAmmonia;Hydrazine;LqdNitrogen;LqdCO2;LqdCO;Water
resourceAmounts = #$../LF$,$../OX$; $../pureLF$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../mixHO_H$,$../mixHO_O$; $../mixMO_H$,$../mixMO_O$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$
basePartMass = #$../mass$
tankMass = #$../mass2$;$../mass2$;0;$../mass1$;$../mass1$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$
volumeMultiplier = 1
massMultiplier = 1
displayCurrentTankCost = true
hasGUI = true
availableInFlight = true
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true

name = FNModuleCryostat
resourceName = LqdHelium
resourceGUIName = LqdHelium
powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$
boilOffRate = 0
boilOffTemp = 4.222
boilOffMultiplier = 1
boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$
boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5

name = FNModuleCryostat
resourceName = LqdHydrogen
resourceGUIName = LqdHydrogen
powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$
boilOffRate = 0
boilOffTemp = 20.271
boilOffMultiplier = 1
boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$
boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5

name = FNModuleCryostat
resourceName = LqdNitrogen
resourceGUIName = LqdNitrogen
powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$
boilOffRate = 0
boilOffTemp = 77.355
boilOffMultiplier = 1
boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$
boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5

name = FNModuleCryostat
resourceName = LqdCO
resourceGUIName = LqdCO
powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$
boilOffRate = 0
boilOffTemp = 81.65
boilOffMultiplier = 1
boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$
boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5

name = FNModuleCryostat
resourceName = LqdOxygen
resourceGUIName = LqdOxygen
powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$
boilOffRate = 0
boilOffTemp = 90.188
boilOffMultiplier = 1
boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$
boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5

name = FNModuleCryostat
resourceName = LqdMethane
resourceGUIName = LqdMethane
powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$
boilOffRate = 0
boilOffTemp = 111.66
boilOffMultiplier = 1
boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$
boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5

name = FNModuleCryostat
resourceName = LqdCO2
resourceGUIName = LqdCO2
powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$
boilOffRate = 0
boilOffTemp = 220
boilOffMultiplier = 1
boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$
boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5

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Freethinker, something I would love to see is a way to pump heat/cooling around. Like a heat pump. A part may be necessary or when building a ship KSPI could just assume there is a heat pump system built in as part of the finished ship. The vista engine seems to overheat no matter what I do. I put four huge radiators on a small ship and still over heated it despite the radiators not reaching full temperature. Perhaps a crossover could be made between stock heat and waste heat as well. I just think realistically with the tech in kSPI active cooling and moving heat through ships should be a feature.

Also while I have been looking for bugs I really haven't found any that weren't already mentioned and now fixed. I haven't had a chance to really test out all the parts ands features do to time constraints. But I assure you there are folks looking and I know I really appreciate the hard work you have put into this. It's turning out to be better than the original once you get the idea of the direction you are going.

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Are you using precoolers?

do they work in space? because i have no issues keeping the jets cool in atmosphere(until iget to like 15 km altitude, at which point i switch to hydrazine), but in space, i can't throttle to more than 2/3 throttle(with fusion) or 1/2 throttle(with antimatter).

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do they work in space? because i have no issues keeping the jets cool in atmosphere(until iget to like 15 km altitude, at which point i switch to hydrazine), but in space, i can't throttle to more than 2/3 throttle(with fusion) or 1/2 throttle(with antimatter).

Hm... just tested in sandbox standard sizes - it takes minutes for overheat at full throttle with antimatter and hydrazine.

Can you show your setup?

Edited: Also there are already at least two mods about heat control - Nertea's Heat control which is bundled with NFTe, but I suppose works perfectly without it and Heat management by Randazzo.

Edited by Khalkion
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Notice, overheating is a not a bug, it's a feature. It scales with the maximum thrust and ISP, lower ISP generating more heat. The fastest way to overheat is Antimatter (which has a lot of power) with a low ISP fuel, which isn't surprising as the amount of thrust it generates is very high, enough to generate some much G force, that you Kerbals are more likely to die (with deadly reentry) before your engine blows

Edited by FreeThinker
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is there realfuels/modular fuel tanks compatibility? would be nice, so i don't have to rely on the interstellar tanks, which are somewhat inconveniently shaped at times(i would like a tank inbetween the medium and the ultra-short tank, for example)

also, i noticed a bug where i can't attach struts to the shortest interstellar fuel tank(like, i can attach the part, but it won't form a strut if i click on a tank afterwards)

oh, and do your radiators work for the stock heat system, too? because my thermal turbojets keep overheating at really low thottle when i use antimatter reactors(like, i can't go over 1/3 throttle).

To a certain extend, yes, KSPI-E actually maintains the mod support for RealsFuels. Also many of the resource found in Realfuels can now be used in KSPI-E

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Edited: Also there are already at least two mods about heat control - Nertea's Heat control which is bundled with NFTe, but I suppose works perfectly without it and Heat management by Randazzo.

I am aware of them both but is it really necessary to install a new mod and clutter the VAB with more parts if we have radiators with KSPI-E. And too put 2 different kinds of radiators - 1 for "waste heat" and 1 for "heat" is just dumb.

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well, i fly a fly a 70 ton shuttle on 2 1.25m antimatter reactors. "only" has a TWR of about 5 at surface. or about 200+ at kerbinsynchronous orbit altitudes. and it overheats and explodes within seconds. might be because i have just as much radiation capacity as i need? or should i put solar panels(aka "heat radiators" from stock) on the reactors/engines? also, maybe you could do some more integration into the stock heat system? like, the reactor heats the engine up when it is activated, and exhaust cools it down?

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Notice, overheating is a not a bug, it's a feature. It scales with the maximum thrust and ISP, lower ISP generating more heat. The fastest way to overheat is Antimatter (which has a lot of power) with a low ISP fuel, which isn't surprising as the amount of thrust it generates is very high, enough to generate some much G force, that you Kerbals are more likely to die (with deadly reentry) before your engine blows

I understand it is not a bug. What I was saying is there should be a way to move heat around to radiators. Like a heat pump. Currently the only thing there is to reduce heat are radiators, and they a passive way to reduce heat. I think in reality ships with the kind of tech KSPI offers would have active cooling and heat pumps to move more heat away from heat generating parts to heat reducing parts. Parts would still heat up, but systems could be devised by the player to cool the vista, for example, which is basically useless to me know as it explodes doing what it excels at, long burns. And of course the system would use electricity, have mass, use a coolant, something along these lines.

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I understand it is not a bug. What I was saying is there should be a way to move heat around to radiators. Like a heat pump. Currently the only thing there is to reduce heat are radiators, and they a passive way to reduce heat. I think in reality ships with the kind of tech KSPI offers would have active cooling and heat pumps to move more heat away from heat generating parts to heat reducing parts. Parts would still heat up, but systems could be devised by the player to cool the vista, for example, which is basically useless to me know as it explodes doing what it excels at, long burns. And of course the system would use electricity, have mass, use a coolant, something along these lines.

I second that idea. maybe even something complex, like some kind of coolant routing system where you have to tell the coolant how to flow through parts? a bit like doinga bus line in cities:skylines?

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I second that idea. maybe even something complex, like some kind of coolant routing system where you have to tell the coolant how to flow through parts? a bit like doinga bus line in cities:skylines?

It could be very complex like that, yes. Or something that simply assumes your final design integrates a system to "move" heat around. Unfortunately I know nothing about modding other than how to use other people mods, so im not much use except to make suggestions.

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Done some more tests... something wrong with scalling.

Default size rocket and reactor can burn for 12+ minutes easily (40k+ delta-v...).

1.25 reactor + rocket - overheats quickly... very quickly.

3.75 reactor + rocket - overheats nearly as normal in atmosphere and veeery slow in vac. (so slow, that first few minutes after escaping the atmosphere and switching to hydrazine it is actully cooling).

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Done some more tests... something wrong with scalling.

Default size rocket and reactor can burn for 12+ minutes easily (40k+ delta-v...).

1.25 reactor + rocket - overheats quickly... very quickly.

3.75 reactor + rocket - overheats nearly as normal in atmosphere and veeery slow in vac. (so slow, that first few minutes after escaping the atmosphere and switching to hydrazine it is actully cooling).

This explains why people were reporting overheating, while others are not. I have calibrated overheating at 2.5m but did not test at different sizes. The mass must somehow affect heating in way I did not anticipate. Now that I think about, I think I understand why. They smaller the nozzle , the relatively heavier it become compared to it's thrust, mass scales with surface area, thrust with volume. Since heaver things generate more heat, the smaller thrusters overheat faster. To fix it, I need to compensate for relative mass, or make the mass of the nozzle grow with volume, instead of surface

Edited by FreeThinker
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I looked at the heat management system mod - it is just a bunch of MM patches using stock stuff. I am going to knock together a similar thing that will tack those modifications onto the KSPI radiators.


Uploaded to KerbalStuff:


I added an ablative shielding module to the circular radiator, and gave it 1 unit of LqdNitrogen. It will ablate the LqdNitrogen and cool itself if it rises above 300 kelvin. use fuel lines from a LqdNitrogen tank to supply it. To turn it off, lock the LqdNitrogen resource on the radiator.

Edited by ABZB
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I cannot seem to get good performance with the dusty reactor/magnetic nozzle. Propellant is hydrogen. Even with a very expensive setup I'm only looking at 10K dV, whereas Kerbal Engineer predicts ~45k dV. I'm probably doing something obviously wrong, although a search of this thread didn't find anything useful.

Pics: http://imgur.com/a/a9Ken

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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I cannot seem to get good performance with the dusty reactor/magnetic nozzle. Propellant is hydrogen. Even with a very expensive setup I'm only looking at 10K dV, whereas Kerbal Engineer predicts ~45k dV. I'm probably doing something obviously wrong, although a search of this thread didn't find anything useful.

Pics: http://imgur.com/a/a9Ken

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

what does mechjeb say VAB versus launched?

It is most likely working off of the 'default' ISP in the .cfg, 32000/36000 ASl/Vac. The ISP once launched is a function of that .cfg ISP and the specifics of the reactor setup. the dusty plasma supplies the lowest ISP of all the relevant reactors, I think.

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