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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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Submitted for your approval and possible inclusion in the mod. It is a much more powerful reaction stabilizing wheel, designed to take advantage of the power available by nuclear reactors. I integrated it in the tech tree under the same node as the AI core.


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Is there any possibility to remove "waste heat" mechanics, to replace it with the stock heat mechanics? In my case, I have to use Interstellar radiators for waste heat, and heatcontrol mod radiators for cooling my LV-N and Vista. I think 2 "overheat" mechanics simultaneously is just ridiculous.

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Submitted for your approval and possible inclusion in the mod. It is a much more powerful reaction stabilizing wheel, designed to take advantage of the power available by nuclear reactors. I integrated it in the tech tree under the same node as the AI core.


I'm not sure about adding new part that have little to do with KSPI technology except the high power required. I think I rather integrate it with an existing part, like the Probe Core, which reaction wheel is kind of weak

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I think the Probe Core might need some upgrades, specificly better integration with RemoteTech and MechJeb. I want to make it autonomous perhaps act as command station, not requiring a link with KSC or onboard kerbals. It supposed to be an highlyly intelligent computer. It should allow deep space exploration.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Is there any possibility to remove "waste heat" mechanics, to replace it with the stock heat mechanics? In my case, I have to use Interstellar radiators for waste heat, and heatcontrol mod radiators for cooling my LV-N and Vista. I think 2 "overheat" mechanics simultaneously is just ridiculous.

If you're cool with not having heat pumps and having everything explode a lot. Stock heat mechanics are odd, to say the least.

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Update on the chargedparticle RCS thrusters - good news is they work, and they're powerful. Bad news is, they're a little TOO powerful for either the stock SAS or Mechjeb2 to deal with accurately. Will have to tone them down; the vernor thrusters which have a thrusterpower of 10 or so seem to also have this problem, so I may be SOL here.

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Errr you just completely killed the thermal turbo jet btw with 2x1.25m RAM air intakes I'm getting anywhere from 18kn to 32kn at with a 1.25m fusion reactor and 1.25m turbojet, and looking at it further it seems like the turbojet is completely broken even without a reactor it generates thrust.


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Errr you just completely killed the thermal turbo jet btw with 2x1.25m RAM air intakes I'm getting anywhere from 18kn to 32kn at with a 1.25m fusion reactor and 1.25m turbojet, and looking at it further it seems like the turbojet is completely broken even without a reactor it generates thrust.


Good find. This is actually a bug that has been in KSPI since 1.0 version. These are actually the stock default setting for this engines. Cutting the flow was enough to solve the problem.

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Good find. This is actually a bug that has been in KSPI since 1.0 version. These are actually the stock default setting for this engines. Cutting the flow was enough to solve the problem.

Errr well I know the engines were working before with power and now they only have those stock default settings they don't work anymore with reactors, frist I thought you had just nerfed them into the ground, but with the VAB window on the engine I could see it was supposedly supposed to be putting out 323.5kN obviously with optimal air intake.


Tbh though the nerf's that you have done have been excessive to the thermal turbojet as far as I saw before this happened by what I mean is the overheating which only allows you to run them at full throttle for like 5 - 10 seconds, and its not like if you run them at even 1/3 they overheat still with almost exactly the same deltaV produced.

I like the concept of overheating on the engines but last time I had the engines working the execution was horrendous. dude I'm really not having a go here this is just a suggestion but implementing things when massive components are missing seems counter productive like the reactors not starting off electric charge when your missing capacitors or this when you hadn't tied engine overheating properly into the waste heat system.

if this was still WIP then you can say its a work in process I'm adding things and there gonna be half finished but Beta means your bug testing and carrying over some half finished features, implementing something half finished is not bug testing and its not fixing a already existing feature so its not Beta.

Edited by etheoma
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Turbo engines don't show their true power until they start to fly. If you would fly with them (with precoolers), you will notice that they are actualy much more capable that they were. They especialy perform at higher altitude. In the past the Isp was reduced with High Core temperature engines like the fusion engines, resulting in higher thrust as sea level, but they would perform horible once you gained any height.

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Turbo engines don't show their true power until they start to fly. If you would fly with them (with precoolers), you will notice that they are actualy much more capable that they were. They especialy perform at higher altitude. In the past the Isp was reduced with High Core temperature engines like the fusion engines, resulting in higher thrust as sea level, but they would perform horible once you gained any height.

They are producing the same thrust with no reactor or with a reactor unless you have removed the reactor from the equation which if so just remove it from interstellar because the stock engines are better because you can actually take off from the ground with them with a cargo and the plane necessary to take off with the cargo and I was using the pre-coolers.

Also weather I am moving or not.


It will take a while to encode in a quaulty which you will be able to see the numbers but it never went above 36.5kN and the speed was upto 100m/s its the same without a reactor and the reactor is on and producing power the orignal video was longer but got cut up for some reason and it showed the reactor being on.

Every time I have been certain something is a bug without adding that did you change that it has been a bug so if you could stop doubting me every time I post a bug that would be great.

Edited by etheoma
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They are producing the same thrust with no reactor or with a reactor unless you have removed the reactor from the equation which if so just remove it from interstellar because the stock engines are better because you can actually take off from the ground with them with a cargo and the plane necessary to take off with the cargo and I was using the pre-coolers.

Also weather I am moving or not.


It will take a while to encode in a quaulty which you will be able to see the numbers but it never went above 36.5kN and the speed was upto 100m/s its the same without a reactor and the reactor is on and producing power the orignal video was longer but got cut up for some reason and it showed the reactor being on.

Every time I have been certain something is a bug without adding that did you change that it has been a bug so if you could stop doubting me every time I post a bug that would be great.

Look I know it is obnoxious, but I want you to remember HE DOES THIS FOR FREE. Post bugs, but be respectful of someones time and talents that they share.

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They are producing the same thrust with no reactor or with a reactor unless you have removed the reactor from the equation which if so just remove it from interstellar because the stock engines are better because you can actually take off from the ground with them with a cargo and the plane necessary to take off with the cargo and I was using the pre-coolers.

Also weather I am moving or not.


It will take a while to encode in a quaulty which you will be able to see the numbers but it never went above 36.5kN and the speed was upto 100m/s its the same without a reactor and the reactor is on and producing power the orignal video was longer but got cut up for some reason and it showed the reactor being on.

Every time I have been certain something is a bug without adding that did you change that it has been a bug so if you could stop doubting me every time I post a bug that would be great.

Next patch will include a balance fix which should allow you to fly

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Version 1.1.19 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.2

Released on 2015-06-11

  • Fixed ghost thrust for Thermal nozzle/turbojet
  • Upgrade Large fusion reactor available at Advanced Fusion with x2 power Base Power, and double again with Exotic Reactions
  • Increased Power output non-upgraded Small Reactor by 50%
  • Increased power output non-upgraded AIM reactor by 50%
  • Improved thrust of Turbojet in Lower atmosphere
  • Added Improved Science Lab, Converter and Container to KSPI Science Lab

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Next patch will include a balance fix which should allow you to fly

Erm well wiping the hole KSP install and reinstalling KSP and just KSPIE seems to have fixed it what ever the problem was... Sorry for what I said before I hadn't slept in like 40 hours.

I don't know what went wrong I removed the Warp Plugin folder before updating and it was working before but w.e. Humm just dragging in the mods from my old install minus everything to do with KSPIE seems to have broken it again it seems like a conflict with something, it wasn't conflicting before.

I am slowly re-adding the mods in sets of 3 - 5 then I will just remove one by one the last five that I installed got a lot of mods.

Seems like I suspected but didn't want to be ture its B9 that was incompatible well I managed to fix it it was actually hotrockets which was contained in B9 that was incompatible and there is a hotrockets 1.0.2 version so all I had to do was install that and overwrite the old files from B9.

Tbh I think Hot rockets should be default for KSPI as far as I have seen so far the FX are better in my opinion. apart from the Atlas Thruster which doesn't get any effects.

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I just had a thought for integrating (partially) the stock heat system with KSPI:

- A stackable part that 'consumes' temperature, and converts it into thermalpower, based on a reasonable formula, with the rate falling to 0 as the temp. falls below some threshold (like KSPI radiator temp.). This could then be used normally by a regular thermal-power consuming generator. Alternatively, it could be made as a single part. In either case, it would make sense to enforce a need to have the radiators directly (surface) attached to this part. This waste-heat RTG method is at least sci-fi plausible, in fact I saw this very thing in a certain work I read once. I will not say the name, as I do not know how to do spoiler tags, and it might constitute a spoiler.

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Tbh I think Hot rockets should be default for KSPI as far as I have seen so far the FX are better in my opinion. apart from the Atlas Thruster which doesn't get any effects.

I prefer to keep it optional and not mandatory. I already have a lot op depandancies. There are still some Hotrockets issues with scaling, offset and output. For instance, if you don't connect a thermal turbojet to a reactor you no longer get any thrust but you still see an exhaust, which might confuse some people. I'm hoping somone with more experience with hotrockets can help me!

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Reporting more small fusion reactor power instability with KSP Interstellar 1.1.19, which is going to space center and back kills the reactor:


The probe is connected to the spaceplane and its fusion reactor is running



The fusion reactor can self sustain



Then I returned to space center and then I return back to my probe, which is KSS Orcrist Probe



Then the reactor fails

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Good find, seems this is an existing issue. In the mean time, perhaps You could restart using the Charge Jumpstart Button. It requires some external power source to charge the capacitators to initiate a jump start. Even a small solar collector will do

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FreeThinker, do you think to upgrade the old Interstellar Tech Tree to 1.0?

Actually, stock tree it's too easy, other tree mods are too dispersive or still unbalanced.

The old Interstellar tree was a very good compromise.

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FreeThinker, do you think to upgrade the old Interstellar Tech Tree to 1.0?

Actually, stock tree it's too easy, other tree mods are too dispersive or still unbalanced.

The old Interstellar tree was a very good compromise.

You definitely should try Community Tech Tree mod

@FreeThinker I want to thank you for great job done on this mod. Unfortunately Im not programmer, and can't provide any help.

I assume that Fractals wiki is outdated, so it mostly useless for Interstellar Extended, and I need some more explanation on these beautiful engines: Magnetic Nozzle and Vista

In case of reactors - chart in top post is pretty explanatory, but not for engines(

I cant get, how to power up Magnetic Nozzle correctly, even with antimatter reactor it gives ridiculous thrust (7-9kN) There is something I'm doing wrong, I think =(

And my headache is a lovely Vista. It overheats in atmosphere, that's ok, I can take it, but even 10-15 seconds burn in orbit near Kerbin makes it explode. I tried Heat Management mod which has heatsinks, Heat Control mod and some other stuff. It is all useless!

So please tell me, how to use Vista properly? How to handle that insane overheating? There must be the way to cool it down

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