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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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[quote name='Kreole']I'm having an issue with the NBrcs5block ... I'm setting the fuel to Hydrazine for each thruster individually, but when launching it's defaulting to monoprop. I take a quick look at each thruster in persistant.sfs during the flight and sure enough fuelmodename for each block has changed back to monoprop. I'm sure I could edit persistent in mid flight... but that bugs me! Also, I see the option to switch fuel types while launched/orbiting but it has no effect live.. is it supposed to?



You can only use Hydrazine if the part where the NBrcs5block is mounted has cross feed. Only monoprop is universal cross feed. The option to switch fuel types while launched/orbiting only let you select between available fuel types. Edited by EnigmaG
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[quote name='EnigmaG']You can only use Hydrazine if the part where the NBrcs5block is mounted has cross feed. Only monoprop is universal cross feed. The option to switch fuel types while launched/orbiting only let you select between available fuel types.[/QUOTE]

I'll double check that I have cross-feed enabled in any/all ports between the fuel and the thrusters and report back. I'm pretty sure I do, as I have my hydrazine tanks co-located with my liq fuel/ox and I'm getting fuel to my verniers co-located with the 5-way rcs.

Maybe there is a mod that will graphically show fuel feeds/flow ... that would be kewl.
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As I'm still learning how modding works in KSP, pls forgive my ignorance. I've tried every combination of mounting a hydrazine tank such that any resisto-jet would have access to the fuel, verified that every port has cross-feed enabled... and no joy.

I went ahead and modified the persistent (after quitting the game of course) setting fuelmodename to Hydrazine. After restarting, it had switched back to mono-propellant. Additionally I cannot select alternate fuels for the resisto's even if I have that fuel on board.... I checked the ship craft file and as it sits in the hangar, the fuelmodename is hydrazine, so it's changing sometime after leaving VAB and launching.
Most likely something I've messed up somewhere... i dunno.
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[quote name='Nansuchao']Can you post a picture of your ship?[/QUOTE]

Not sure it's worth it given the size and stuff... my problem is in the basic design where I'm using octogirders (from NearFuture Const) to attach X11 sphere's radially. In testing, the only resource that I can get to fuelcrossfeed when using the X11 is liquid CO2, no matter where or what I attach the X11 to. Nothing else will.

In my design, the only resource I use in the X11's are hydrazine and oxygen. Both resources show totaled accurately in IVA. Whether or not oxygen actually would flow from them I don't know because I haven't tested draining my Kerbal's core oxygen supplies... but i will do that lol....

So it seems to me that somehow, somewhere, the only resource allowed to flow from an X11 is liq co2.... Edited by Kreole
Kerbal Syndrome
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[COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]I'm having issues with getting a reactor to run at full capacity and / or getting my generator efficiency up. Here's a pic of the setup:
[COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]The generator isn't running at full capacity for a start (not sure how to ramp that up... I thought putting a load on the system via a transmitter might do that, no go), so its core temp is low, but the temp is still very high compared to the radiators' temperature (radiators upgraded, currently at 412K compared to the generator's 7439K). I know it's not an upgraded generator yet, but I'm pretty sure I should be getting much higher efficiency than this in atmosphere. Any help would be appreciated![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]Edit: Upgraded the generator to KTEC. As expected, it doubled it to a whopping 11% efficiency, getting 20MW out of a 2GW reactor. Still can't figure out why my reactor won't run at full capacity, and why my efficiency is so low.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='EnigmaG']@ Kreole
1. Do the rcs5block work mounted on the hydrazine tank?

2. You can try to add "fuelCrossFeed = True" to the parts.


Works great mounted to any fuel tank that can hold hydrazine except the x11. The x11 part definition already has fuelcrossfeed = true. If I remember correctly, the default is fcf = true if not over-ridden anyway which has me scratching my head unless something in 1.0.5 broke that.

For now I'm just gonna re-design my station to simply use sphere tanks for water and o2... which is a hell of a lot of work... ugh.
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[quote name='EnigmaG']
Gravity interfere with Gas Core.[/QUOTE]

I've put it in orbit, and the generator is now running at 100%, but my generator efficiency is still at 10% with 16 radiators. Still getting 20MW out of a 2GW reactor. The helper in the VAB says I should be getting more like 25-30%. Radiators are running at 1690K and my reactor is at about 16000K. There *has* to be a way of getting more than 20MW beamed from this setup, especially with the insane core temp of the gas reactor.
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[quote name='soupmeister'][COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]Still can't figure out why my reactor won't run at full capacity, and why my efficiency is so low.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
just don't use GasCore for electric power generation(has 0.2 multiplier for that probably because there is no way to use generators with such core design without big heat losses), especially in gravity(through ground)/acceleration.
it's good now only for slow accelerating (1-2m/s) very big payloads (using thermal nozzle) in space. (for example: asteroid towing)
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I've played KSP for over 300 hours when it was in alpha and beta mode, then took a long break. I'm getting back into it and decided to include KSPI and KSPI-E into my mods. Unfortunately I decided to do this right as version 1.05 came out. KSPI-E is difficult enough to learn on it's own, but even with the 14 November fix I'm still having some issues. I'll try to list the major ones here and hopefully someone can address them in a helpful way. I hope I'm not the only one having these issues...

-No matter how many, or what size, radiators I put on my reactors my waste heat builds up to critical levels after only a few orbits. I'm still only using the first generation fission reactors, but even when I have 4 or more huge radiators on my satellite the waste heat ramps up fast. I've tried mounting the radiators to the reactors, and the generators. The radiators do respond to waste heat, they start glowing, and they change their rate of heat dispersion as they get hotter, but they never reach a point where they get rid of heat faster than it accumulates. I've tried this with pretty much all of the fission reactors and generators with similar results, though different rates of waste heat generation.
-Some reactors and generators just won't mount to parts. Only one side will mount to anything, will the other side won't mount. This makes it impossible to build a rocket (or nearly so).
-I see in many tutorials that while in the assembly building people use a tool to evaluate if they will be able to dissipate waste heat effectively or not. I do not see this at all. Am I just clueless as to where it is, or is this feature gone now? All of these tutorials were using the alpha and beta games.
-My game crashes every time I try to revert a flight, or go back to the space center. 9/10 times this won't lose data, but sometimes whatever flight I was conducting is just gone with a loss of all the resources I used to create it. This only started happening after I loaded the 14 November fixed KSPI-E. Is this happening to anyone else.
-My KSPI parts are showing up as duplicated in the assembly building. There's always the part I researched and bought in the research tree, and an identical one that is shown as available, but needs to be purchased for 0 money. If I do purchase it it looks like an exact duplicate of the part I already have, and then shows up again later as being unpurchased. I've been ignoring these parts, but they are certainly symptomatic of something going wrong.

Tonight I think I'm going to wipe all of the KSP files from my computer and reinstall everything from scratch to see if this fixes most of these issues. I had KSPI loaded up and then overwrote those files with the KSPI-E ones. Should I not bother doing that? Is it not necessary and causing some of these issues? My other big mod is Station Science. I have a maybe one other small mod still loaded that I'm not sure I even use (can't remember which one it is right now). Does KSPI-E have known mod compatibility issues?

Also, this is just me not knowing how to really use KSPI-E yet, when you shut down a reactor how do you turn it back on? Does this require a kerbil EVA?
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[quote name='soupmeister'][COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]I'm having issues with getting a reactor to run at full capacity and / or getting my generator efficiency up. Here's a pic of the setup:
[COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]The generator isn't running at full capacity for a start (not sure how to ramp that up... I thought putting a load on the system via a transmitter might do that, no go), so its core temp is low, but the temp is still very high compared to the radiators' temperature (radiators upgraded, currently at 412K compared to the generator's 7439K). I know it's not an upgraded generator yet, but I'm pretty sure I should be getting much higher efficiency than this in atmosphere. Any help would be appreciated![/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]Edit: Upgraded the generator to KTEC. As expected, it doubled it to a whopping 11% efficiency, getting 20MW out of a 2GW reactor. Still can't figure out why my reactor won't run at full capacity, and why my efficiency is so low.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

GasCore reactors works only with Thermal Generator, not with Charged Particle Generator.
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[quote name='soupmeister'][COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]I'm having issues with getting a reactor to run at full capacity and / or getting my generator efficiency up. Here's a pic of the setup:
[COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]The generator isn't running at full capacity for a start (not sure how to ramp that up... I thought putting a load on the system via a transmitter might do that, no go), so its core temp is low, but the temp is still very high compared to the radiators' temperature (radiators upgraded, currently at 412K compared to the generator's 7439K). I know it's not an upgraded generator yet, but I'm pretty sure I should be getting much higher efficiency than this in atmosphere. Any help would be appreciated![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4D5763][FONT=verdana]Edit: Upgraded the generator to KTEC. As expected, it doubled it to a whopping 11% efficiency, getting 20MW out of a 2GW reactor. Still can't figure out why my reactor won't run at full capacity, and why my efficiency is so low.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

I am pretty sure the power need is low so the reactor is not ramping up, try activating the microwave transmission option and see if you can get more power out.... Also there was something with gas core reactors think they might have reduced power in a gravity well.
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I'm trying to get KSPI-E and RealFuels/RO to work together.

The current fuels patches work fine.
However, neither mechjeb, nor KerbalEngineer, are able to calculate deltaV or thrust... or Isp correctly.

Second problem is that all nuclear thermal rocket engines, whatever the fuel or reactor size, only have one Isp and one thrust rating. For example, the Molten Salt reactor paired with a second level thermal rocket nozzle will produce 500kN@1000isp whether it is running on LqdHydrogen or kerosene.
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Thanks for the help on the previous problem, everyone. The issue was indeed that the Gas Core is throttled way down for thermal power with the generator. I'd have never figured that out by myself... which brings me to......

TL;DR: Where are all these numbers coming from? Why does nothing add up?!

Now I'm getting to play with (and get a headache with) a whole new set of toys. I got the magnetic nozzles and am trying to make them work. Now, I understand that they are intended to be a very low-thrust solution, especially at this tech level, but once again I'm having issues getting my generator to work properly. As you can see from the screenshot, I am using a dusty plasma to generate particles and electric to power the nozzle. I believe the reactor isn't running at 100% because the magnetic nozzle is only requesting 256MW CP, though I'm not sure why the magnetic nozzle is capped at that. Any hints there would be welcome. I see that the Dusty Plasma has 45% efficiency when used with magnetic nozzles, but 256 is not 45% of any of the numbers that I see, nor are any other values!

Even more puzzling is that my generator thinks that 31% of 657 MW is 12 MW. The GUI shows that 40 MW is being requested, so it's not being limited by demand. Also, I'm not sure where that 40 MW number is coming from. Regarding magnetic nozzles, the table in the OP of this thread states that the magnetic nozzle needs 1% of its charged particle energy in electrical, so the (seemingly arbitrary) 256 MW CP should mean that it requires just 2.5MW in electrical charge.


Again I've spent a good few hours going around and around trying to figure this stuff out. When I've got it all figured out I'm going to make some Youtube tutorials and / or bang some time into the Wiki so others don't have to go through this! Thanks again everyone, you're awesome.
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[quote name='soupmeister']Again I've spent a good few hours going around and around trying to figure this stuff out. When I've got it all figured out I'm going to make some Youtube tutorials and / or bang some time into the Wiki so others don't have to go through this! Thanks again everyone, you're awesome.[/QUOTE]
Great hear to someone is finally creating some updated tutorials. Perhaps I will put them on the main page. Edited by FreeThinker
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[quote name='FreeThinker']Great to someone is finally creating some updated tutorials. Perhaps I will put them on the main page.[/QUOTE]

I am honestly quite surprised at the lack of attention for this mod when it comes to that stuff. Scott Manley's series doesn't really get into the really technical aspects, he just shows him doing cool stuff (as always). And there is one tutorial series I've found, but it's old, and the guy is just doing a lot of guess-work during the tutorial. I've been looking for an excuse to do some recording with my new rig, so I think this is a good opportunity.

With all that said, any input on my problems with the generator / nozzles? ;)
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[quote name='soupmeister']Thanks for the help on the previous problem, everyone. The issue was indeed that the Gas Core is throttled way down for thermal power with the generator. I'd have never figured that out by myself... which brings me to......

TL;DR: Where are all these numbers coming from? Why does nothing add up?!

Now I'm getting to play with (and get a headache with) a whole new set of toys. I got the magnetic nozzles and am trying to make them work. Now, I understand that they are intended to be a very low-thrust solution, especially at this tech level, but once again I'm having issues getting my generator to work properly. As you can see from the screenshot, I am using a dusty plasma to generate particles and electric to power the nozzle. I believe the reactor isn't running at 100% because the magnetic nozzle is only requesting 256MW CP, though I'm not sure why the magnetic nozzle is capped at that. Any hints there would be welcome. I see that the Dusty Plasma has 45% efficiency when used with magnetic nozzles, but 256 is not 45% of any of the numbers that I see, nor are any other values!

Even more puzzling is that my generator thinks that 31% of 657 MW is 12 MW. The GUI shows that 40 MW is being requested, so it's not being limited by demand. Also, I'm not sure where that 40 MW number is coming from. Regarding magnetic nozzles, the table in the OP of this thread states that the magnetic nozzle needs 1% of its charged particle energy in electrical, so the (seemingly arbitrary) 256 MW CP should mean that it requires just 2.5MW in electrical charge.


Again I've spent a good few hours going around and around trying to figure this stuff out. When I've got it all figured out I'm going to make some Youtube tutorials and / or bang some time into the Wiki so others don't have to go through this! Thanks again everyone, you're awesome.[/QUOTE]

I am unsure but I think part of the reason you are having odd numbers is possibly your magnetic nozzle and reactor are different sizes.... I know it does not make a ton of sense, but I think that can affect your performance. I have to be honest though that I have never built this combo.

Edit: after a quick test I am fairly certain it was a size missmatch as my build works great

[url=http://postimg.org/image/pw1d468xt/full/][img]http://s8.postimg.org/61fbi1tqd/image.png[/img][/url] Edited by Profit-
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Man the Advanced Science Lab is hilariously good. I loaded it up with 10000 data around Jool from a Vall and Bop landing expedition and I'm getting 250 science a day out of it. Timewarp four or five days, transmit, repeat ad infinitum. Really easy to get to warp drive that way! :cool:
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[quote name='HerrGeneral']Man the Advanced Science Lab is hilariously good. I loaded it up with 10000 data around Jool from a Vall and Bop landing expedition and I'm getting 250 science a day out of it. Timewarp four or five days, transmit, repeat ad infinitum. Really easy to get to warp drive that way! :cool:[/QUOTE]

The basic science lab is also like that, but it works on a slower scale, you can do basically the same on mun just will take 10 days rather than 1. the real issue is the data produces too many science points should be like 3 data for 1 science and instead it is like 1 data for 3 science. You can actually get warp flight from the mun with the basic science lab if you take all the samples.

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='gary85']Can thermal turbojet run on sth different than liquid fuel?[/QUOTE]

By default it runs on atmosphere.
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I am using KSP-I for the first time. I can't seem to get any of the reactors to work. I am using these mods:
MechJeb,Tweak Scale, SCANsat, RealChute, WaypointManager, Sounding Rockets, Modular Rocket Systems, and Adjustable Landing Gear.

Whenever I put a reactor on a vessel I get no heat. I've tried with and without generator, heat-sinks, and thermal rockets. Nothing seems to work. I don't get the thermal manager window in the VAB that I have seen reference to in some tutorials. It looks like many people are using the mod fine with 1.05. Is there something that I am missing? I also don't get the reactor shutdown/ startup option in EVA. I've used an engineer, scientist, and pilot. Any ideas to try and help me figure this out would be appreciated.
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[quote name='EnigmaG']I have a problem, "Gas Core Reactor" and "Large Molten Salt Reactor" do´t work with "Thermal Turbojat" or "Thermal Rocket Nozzle" anymore (sandbox mod). No thrust, no fuelflow. All other Reactors a ok.
New installation do´t help ( KSP Interstellar Extended only).[/QUOTE]
Damn i found the problem, i tried to start at full throttle and choked the Reactor. Sorry to have bothered you FreeThinker. Totally my fault.
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