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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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On 4/18/2016 at 1:37 PM, FreeThinker said:

Wel it's simple realy. Fission and Fusion reaction generate fission product with a lot of energy in the form of kinetic energy. In a magnetic nozzle, we use the generated high speed fission products and direct in one directtion generating very efficient propulsion (in the order of 1.500.000 s Isp ) This effectively allows you to travel anywhere using only fssion product. Of cource the thrust is very low but used in combination with high time acceleration is can basic propel you to other stars. BY mixing the highly energenic charged particles with ionised particles, you increase the Thrust at the expanse of Isp. Now all of this is already in KSPI , I just need a more realistic model with a small base and wide exit

I'm definitely unaware of this concept but would certainly like to attempt but i'm still not sure what i'm making exactly. I can surely put a magnetic nozzle on a open or closed-cyle nuclear rocket, but i get the feeling that wouldn't be accurate. Is there any refrence material on this? I'd think with a ISP that high i'd have at least heard of this by now. :D

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9 hours ago, JohnWittle said:

I feel bad leading you on a wild goose chase due to my ineptitude at windows. I can't move my current KSP install out of the way because it's "being used by another program", but I have no idea what program (not steam, not ckan) and I can't figure out the windows equivalent of unix's "lsof". So I deleted everything in the GameData directory except the "Squad" folder and started up KSP. Is that the same as a "clean install"? Probably not, but I couldn't delete my KSP directory even if I wanted to. So I might not be able to give you a clean install.

Nonetheless: Before first run


After first run:

With just the "squad" folder remaining, no bug. With all the KSPI folders, bug.

EDIT: For what it's worth, the bug occurs with all of the RCS thrusters except for the 5-way thrusters that came with a recent version of KSPI.

If this isn't happening to other people, don't feel the need to worry about it. It's probably a weird interaction between one of the non-clean files coming from the fact that I've had the same install since 0.25 playing wrong with the latest version of KSPI. And it's not a game-breaking bug; it doesn't affect the actual physics of the thrusters, just the animation.

That said, if you can tell me how to figure out what program is "using" my KSP install, so that I can move it and get a "real" clean install, I can get you that info as well. But it bothers me that the bug doesn't occur without the KSPI mod directories installed.

EDIT2: Oops. Very, very sorry. I noticed that the screenshot had ModuleManager2.6.21.dll, but that I remembered noticing that we'd upgraded to 2.6.22. I went back and checked. While I was debugging, deleting and executing and copying and executing and deleting and executing etc., I accidentally had an old KSPI.zip open. I went back to my downloads folder and grabbed the correct one, and everything works perfectly fine now, no bug at all. Sorry!!!!

That said, it'd be nice to know what was going on. Why on earth would anything in KSPI cause such a strange animation bug? Especially not RCSSounds?

Intresting, so the culprit was an old version of Module Manager.

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8 hours ago, SpaceMouse said:

I'm definitely unaware of this concept but would certainly like to attempt but i'm still not sure what i'm making exactly. I can surely put a magnetic nozzle on a open or closed-cyle nuclear rocket, but i get the feeling that wouldn't be accurate. Is there any refrence material on this? I'd think with a ISP that high i'd have at least heard of this by now. :D

Magnetic nozzles only work with reactors, with strong magnetic containment fields, like the NUclear Fission Fragment Reactor, The Tokomak / Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor and Antimatter Reactor.

Information about magnetic nzzole is fragmented, you have to gogle it for yourself

Edited by FreeThinker
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Well, it wasn't just an old version of ModuleManager. I was using KSPI_Extended_1.8.6.zip somehow in the mixup. I know I *started out* on the correct version, but as part of all of the deleting and recopying I opened the wrong window and poof. If I had to guess, the problem was caused by an interaction between the development branch of tweakscale; I was tired of waiting on them to add a particular patch to the dll, so I tried to self-compile (who knew how difficult compiling software was on windows!), so it was the only mod which didn't come from the KSPI folder.

I'm actually interested now, so I'm gonna try to hunt down exactly what was causing the bug.

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7 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Magnetic nozzles only work with reactors, with strong magnetic containment fields, like the NUclear Fission Fragment Reactor, The Tokomak / Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor and Antimatter Reactor.

Information about magnetic nzzole is fragmented, you have to gogle it for yourself

Didn't really know what to google before. My searches didn't turn up anything really useful. That was most of my problem. "fission fragment rocket" appears to have turned up some useful results finally. Should be a relatively simple mesh.

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45 minutes ago, SpaceMouse said:

Didn't really know what to google before. My searches didn't turn up anything really useful. That was most of my problem. "fission fragment rocket" appears to have turned up some useful results finally. Should be a relatively simple mesh.


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just tried out the new version myself (the github 1.1 dev version), ksp keeps hanging on load at parts wrappertank - x96 & x48

didnt see anything wrong in the cfgs at a glance, but its been a long time since i used kspie, not familiar with its modules any more.

deleting lets me load the game at least.

Edited by TK421d
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51 minutes ago, TK421d said:

just tried out the new version myself (the github 1.1 dev version), ksp keeps hanging on load at parts wrappertank - x96 & x48

didnt see anything wrong in the cfgs at a glance, but its been a long time since i used kspie, not familiar with its modules any more.

deleting lets me load the game at least.

That was just the first experimental compiled version, since then there have been many updates. You should download from the links I provide on the first page. They should work out of the box

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11 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Magnetic nozzles only work with reactors, with strong magnetic containment fields, like the NUclear Fission Fragment Reactor, The Tokomak / Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor and Antimatter Reactor.


A bit like this with a feeder thing in the middle thinner spokes and lots of magnets?
(Through this together real quick)

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18 minutes ago, SpaceMouse said:


A bit like this with a feeder thing in the middle thinner spokes and lots of magnets?
(Through this together real quick)

That looks like an excellent first start. Now can you make the nozzle shaped mode like the following picture (only the black nozzle part)



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1 minute ago, FreeThinker said:

That looks like an excellent first start. Now can you make the nozzle shaped mode like the following picture (only the black nozzle part)



I was actually using that pic as a reference. I can definitely do just the nozzle.

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32 minutes ago, SpaceMouse said:

I was actually using that pic as a reference. I can definitely do just the nozzle.

I don't mean to butt in (as I'm not an expert on either rockets or 3D models), but that model looks spot on to me as it is!

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So for some reason several nodes in the tech tree are completely empty. Most of the reactor nodes have nothing in them, as well as the science outposts and long term science nodes. I've tried re-installing the mod (several times), but nothing has worked so far. I don't know if its something wrong with the mod or just me installing it incorrectly. Any help would be appreciated.

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I seem to be missing something here. I have looked over as many tutorials on this mod as I can, first on the list being the wiki/github and the first post on this thread. I'm having trouble getting started and understanding how I'm expected to power some of the first nuclear engines. They say they require liquid fuel. Their reactors also require Uranium though? According to the first post, the resource is technically called EnrichedUranium? How am I suppose to power these engines if their is no way to store the enriched uranium? I can't find a single fuel tank that allows for uranium storage? Am I expected to mine it or mine ore and convert it offworld, and then somehow deliver it to the ship just to power an engine? This can't possibly be the case...

A little help please?

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6 hours ago, ss8913 said:

so tweakscale is included with KSPIE now?  or do I still need to install tweakscale separately?  KSPIE's tweakscale folder appears to have all the DLLs and stuff already though?

I will probably remove Tweakscale from the package as soon as an official Tweakscale for KSP 1.1 is released

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1 hour ago, KocLobster said:

A little help please?

All reactors, including those built into closed-cycle engines like the NERVA and the Nuclear Lightbulb, already come with storage for the nuclear fuel. Those 2.00 units of enriched Uranium that fit into a NERVA should last you for months (many years if you deactivate the reactor when not needed). There are storage containers for various kinds of nuclear fuel in the "Nuclear Fuel Systems" node though. Think of it as the reactor containing the Uranium rods currently in use (which last very long by themselves already) and the containers storing spares.

Regarding the propellant, liquid fuel is only one option. Right off the bat you can also use liquid hydrogen. Even better options become available as you advance through the tech nodes. I found Ammonia to be a great work-horse propellant until you can use the really advanced options later on.

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7 hours ago, TacticalToaster said:

So for some reason several nodes in the tech tree are completely empty. Most of the reactor nodes have nothing in them, as well as the science outposts and long term science nodes. I've tried re-installing the mod (several times), but nothing has worked so far. I don't know if its something wrong with the mod or just me installing it incorrectly. Any help would be appreciated.

Even if some nodes may seem empty, that doesn't mean they don't have any benefit. Every node KSPI-E adds, upgrades exisitng parts. For instance, Exotic Nuclear propulsion does not introduce any new parts, byt most nuclear engines recieve a performance boost from it (especialy the Gas core Reactors)

3 minutes ago, MaxRebo said:

All reactors, including those built into closed-cycle engines like the NERVA and the Nuclear Lightbulb, already come with storage for the nuclear fuel. Those 2.00 units of enriched Uranium that fit into a NERVA should last you for months (many years if you deactivate the reactor when not needed). There are storage containers for various kinds of nuclear fuel in the "Nuclear Fuel Systems" node though. Think of it as the reactor containing the Uranium rods currently in use (which last very long by themselves already) and the containers storing spares.

Regarding the propellant, liquid fuel is only one option. Right off the bat you can also use liquid hydrogen. Even better options become available as you advance through the tech nodes. I found Ammonia to be a great work-horse propellant until you can use the really advanced options later on.

Correct except that the NERVA reactor uranium performance will decrease significantly faster than the MOlten Salt Reactor which are ment for long term power production whil the Solid Core Engine is ment for engine burns. It should be adequate for this but if you would hook it up the a thermal electric generator, it will not last very long and poison itself with anticides

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5 hours ago, KocLobster said:

I seem to be missing something here. I have looked over as many tutorials on this mod as I can, first on the list being the wiki/github and the first post on this thread. I'm having trouble getting started and understanding how I'm expected to power some of the first nuclear engines. They say they require liquid fuel. Their reactors also require Uranium though? According to the first post, the resource is technically called EnrichedUranium? How am I suppose to power these engines if their is no way to store the enriched uranium? I can't find a single fuel tank that allows for uranium storage? Am I expected to mine it or mine ore and convert it offworld, and then somehow deliver it to the ship just to power an engine? This can't possibly be the case...

A little help please?

Notice The First Nuclear Power Reactor is basicly the easiest power reactor as it has a build in thermal electric generator. All you need to do to make it functional is add sufficient amount of radiators

Edited by FreeThinker
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Hi Everybody,


i noticed a Problem with Interstellar Extended Fueltanks when they are changed in size. They seem to be physically fixed in the space and not able to move by any acceleration.

I would provide an image to demonstrate the behaviour, but as this i my first post with a new generated account, i'm not able to upload an image before my accound is approved by a moderator.

Best regards




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