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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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2 hours ago, Nansuchao said:

Yes, for the Procedular One IFS doesn't work yet. For the others, you can use the StarlionIndustries mod. It's a series of .cfg that adds the Interstellar Propllants to every (almost) tank in game.

Well, I can switch fuels on other tanks. The problem is stock tanks do not have power requirements and you can store cryo fuels in them indefinitely without boiling off.


Another issue I noticed is with AM containers. Not only I can add AM to them in VAB(which defies the necessity to mine AM) but containers do not require any power to hold AM. Moreover, if click on start charging button container will  display that it is charging but will not consume any power in the process. The container will show: "no charging required", if I click on the button again.

I can also add He3 in VAB , which again makes mining rare resources pointless.

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5 minutes ago, Mine_Turtle said:

Well, I can switch fuels on other tanks. The problem is stock tanks do not have power requirements and you can store cryo fuels in them indefinitely without boiling off.


Another issue I noticed is with AM containers. Not only I can add AM to them in VAB(which defies the necessity to mine AM) but containers do not require any power to hold AM. Moreover, if click on start charging button container will  display that it is charging but will not consume any power in the process. The container will show: "no charging required", if I click on the button again.

I can also add He3 in VAB , which again makes mining rare resources pointless.

Yes, now you can select He3 and AM in the editor, that was a choice for sandbox players, it's your choice to mine them or not.

For the other issues, just @FreeThinker can answer.

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5 minutes ago, Nansuchao said:

Yes, now you can select He3 and AM in the editor, that was a choice for sandbox players, it's your choice to mine them or not.

For the other issues, just @FreeThinker can answer.

Anyone who has seen the inside IFS already knows the answer, which I'm intend to add universal Crygnic boiloff and maintenance based if resource specific heat to IFS

but in the mean time, I will a little script to that will add KSPI-E cryo storage for LqdHydrogen when KSPI is installed

Edited by FreeThinker
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14 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Anyone who has seen the inside IFS already knows the answer, which I'm intend to add universal Crygnic boiloff and maintenance based if resource specific heat to IFS

but in the mean time, I will a little script to that will add KSPI-E cryo storage for LqdHydrogen when KSPI is installed

What about AM containers? I believe I have a problem with them not requiring any power to hold AM.

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1 hour ago, Mine_Turtle said:

What about AM containers? I believe I have a problem with them not requiring any power to hold AM.

Note that will first use Megajoule power before it will use Electric Charge. An even then it has a emergency back battery

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4 minutes ago, gary85 said:

i have problem with intakes now , they work asymethric now and plane tilit in 1 direction . It happen on all planes i make.




Your plane seems asymmetric, from the point of view of the two engines. KSP is not so precise about symmetry, and FAR is severe on asymmetric designs. Can you try to put those engines straight?

I explain myself better. If the engines are asymmetrical, the intakes are too, so FAR calculates a different amount of air inside them and directly the TTJ push differently.

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3 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Regarding being able to select He3 and Antimatter in the VAB, I intended to make them cost high amount of Prestige

Besides, why cannot He3 be obtained on munar surfaces? From what I know its said to be present in the topmost regolith layer due to solar wind exposure. I would suggest a harvester, mounted on a driving rover, since drills wont make much sense.

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1 minute ago, Nansuchao said:

Your plane seems asymmetric, from the point of view of the two engines. KSP is not so precise about symmetry, and FAR is severe on asymmetric designs. Can you try to put those engines straight?

I explain myself better. If the engines are asymmetrical, the intakes are too, so FAR calculates a different amount of air inside them and directly the TTJ push differently.

i dont use far. but i wil try.

now they flicker realy fast up and down in flight , you wont see it on ss.

Edited by gary85
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54 minutes ago, gary85 said:

i dont use far. but i wil try.

now they flicker realy fast up and down in flight , you wont see it on ss.

I'm sorry I saw the KER UI and thought about FAR. 

What is the Delta/V on Vista for this ship? Can't you obtain a better result with another engine?

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You'd think I would check to see if my MM patches work before I post them, wouldn't you? Apparently not, because I found a bug in my own stuff.

Good news is that the adjustment I posted to the "rapier.cfg" works like a charm.

Bad news is that the parts I thought my MM config was patching, didn't get patched. The patches themselves are OK, I just messed up the part that tells MM if it can run a certain patch or not (used :HAS when I should have been using :NEEDS). Guess I'm rusty from not working with MM configs for a while.

Here's the fixed patch:

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating



		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

This time I checked it, and it's doing exactly what I wanted it to be doing.

Edited by SciMan
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3 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Note that will first use Megajoule power before it will use Electric Charge. An even then it has a emergency back battery

I have tried different setups with fully loaded AM container and warping for several days:

1. AM container on its own.

2. AM container with EC battery attached.

3. AM container with reactor and power converter.

In every case AM container did not consume any power or exploded.

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24 minutes ago, Nansuchao said:

I'm sorry I saw the KER UI and thought about FAR. 

What is the Delta/V on Vista for this ship? Can't you obtain a better result with another engine?

maybe but i like this setup :) thermal for atmosphere , warp for warp :) and vista for vacum. i got 20km deta-v and whole craft weight 95 t or 105t with all droptanks ( got 35km )

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17 hours ago, Mine_Turtle said:

3. I have fuel switch installed, and while I can change propellants for stock fuel tanks(oscar-b fuel tank to be specific) it does not show EC consumption to avoid boil off. I assume its is the problem with part description.

It does now

Version 2.0.5 for Kerbal Space Program 1.1.2

Released on 2016-05-12

  • Fixed compatibility with Tri fuel tanks
  • MM scripts adds Cryogenic maintenance and boil-off for LqdHydrogen when KSPI-E is installed
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FYI. to anyone having issues with negative mass parts (part of your ship starts to float for no reason)

i figured out the cause. it IS a problem with tweakscale. if you use any other version besides the one provided with KSPI you will have issues.
go into gamedata/tweakscale and copy the "patches" folder. then delete tweakscale and install the one that comes bundled with your version of KSPI. replace the patches folder (you need this for other mods that use tweakscale, like OPT ).

Your plane seems asymmetric, from the point of view of the two engines. KSP is not so precise about symmetry, and FAR is severe on asymmetric designs. Can you try to put those engines straight?

I explain myself better. If the engines are asymmetrical, the intakes are too, so FAR calculates a different amount of air inside them and directly the TTJ push differently.

I thought it was just me! it's not far. i've been having this issue with atmospheric kspi engines as well and i don't use far.
The problem is that if there's not enough air for all engines (plus some extra), the flow will favor one engine, giving it full power as long as it can. this always seems to be the rightmost engine. the solution for the time being is to add more intakes. try some mk2 inline ones for Suicidal Insanity: they work wonders on ssto's.

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9 hours ago, TheTaleteller said:

Besides, why cannot He3 be obtained on munar surfaces? From what I know its said to be present in the topmost regolith layer due to solar wind exposure. I would suggest a harvester, mounted on a driving rover, since drills wont make much sense.


Lunar He3 has very low abundance, 1.4 to 50 ppb (parts per billion). it's not worth mining. a better option might be to add He3 as a by product of D-D fusion: extract D on Kerbal, ship to orbital power stations, do whatever you do with He3.

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2 hours ago, Dangerous_Beans said:


Lunar He3 has very low abundance, 1.4 to 50 ppb (parts per billion). it's not worth mining. a better option might be to add He3 as a by product of D-D fusion: extract D on Kerbal, ship to orbital power stations, do whatever you do with He3.

Well, He3 Abundance is theoretical for both our Mun as for Kerbal planetary bodys. In reality we also wont be able to mine nuclear raws at the given rates. I am not only thinking about the Mün, but other barren worlds like Moho as well. Getting fuel around Kerbin is rarely a problem, on the outer System we got Jool which is fine, but there is nothing on the inner worlds.

Personally I like to colonize my system building shipyards around other worlds by utilizing local resources.

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28 minutes ago, TheTaleteller said:

Well, He3 Abundance is theoretical for both our Mun as for Kerbal planetary bodys. In reality we also wont be able to mine nuclear raws at the given rates. I am not only thinking about the Mün, but other barren worlds like Moho as well. Getting fuel around Kerbin is rarely a problem, on the outer System we got Jool which is fine, but there is nothing on the inner worlds.

Personally I like to colonize my system building shipyards around other worlds by utilizing local resources.

useful He3 abundance on Moho, Mun and Dres would make that easier, though I like the idea of certain resources being rare in some places. forces diversification if you don't want to ship things around.

use metal oxide hybrid engines to launch things off Moho, then microwave beam powered VASMIR engines in space, with big fission reactors for power. further out use magnetic nozzels and He3 fusion. Kerbin ends up as a central station where the two systems meet.

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7 minutes ago, Dangerous_Beans said:

useful He3 abundance on Moho, Mun and Dres would make that easier, though I like the idea of certain resources being rare in some places. forces diversification if you don't want to ship things around.

Rarity is not the only mechanism of challenge possible. For obtaining He3 from surface harvest, it would require to land a pretty massive rover, with adequate equipment and power. You would be required to actively drive it for harvesting, making it a new gameplay mechanic for otherwise mostly useless vehicles.  We could also imagine He3 to be more common on poles, since abundance is higher in darker and bumpy regions. I see it more like an addition to gameplay than just another way of getting resource.

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I see a different way of collecting He3, and it doesn't involve the surface of a planet at all.

I'm sure you're aware of the fact that the Sun's "solar wind" is mostly charged particles, right? The Moon has He3 in it's top layer of regolith because it's been deposited there by the solar wind. This ends up meaning that the Moon (and by extension, the Mun) would be one of the worst places in the solar system to get He3. It would be much easier to collect He3 on Moho's surface.

However, there's an even easier way to collect He3 around the inner planets of the solar system. Setting up a craft with a large scoop using a magnetic field created by a superconducting coil) in close orbit around the Sun would allow direct collection of He3 from the solar wind, and doesn't involve moving kilotons of regolith to get a few kilograms of He3. Basically the same idea as the antimatter collector, but the rate of collection depends only on the craft's distance from the Sun and the size of the magnetic field coils. Because the coil is a superconductor, the only power required while in use is to keep the superconductors cooled, but that would be minimal (less than 100kw).

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