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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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Hi, loving your mod. Can't imagine playing without it anymore!

I have one problem though. It appears the .cfg patch made by KSPI to convert USI reactors is causing NRE with NearFuture Electrical, I get tons of - RadioactiveStorageContainer.GetResourceAmount when in launch scene.

This does not happen with native KSPI reactors or native USI reactors, only with the patch present. Any idea how to fix this?


EDIT: Fixed this by adding this in your config for MKS:

-MODULE[FissionGenerator] { }
-MODULE[RadioactiveStorageContainer] { }
Edited by spirokai
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  On 5/18/2016 at 5:41 AM, raxo2222 said:

3.75m Molten Salt at first, but it was bit too slow. But it was surprisingly effective, then radiator maximum temperature went above molten salt core rendering this reactor useless.


In my initial setup, I did the same but after ignition, wasteheat start to accumulate lineary because the maximum temperature was caped by the lowest core temperature. I dicided to remove this feature and rather accept the low core temperature reactor would become ineffective. It reactor has served its main purpose, beeing the lighter that start the real furnace. It can do the same after the furnace is switched off.

  On 5/18/2016 at 11:17 AM, spirokai said:

Hi, loving your mod. Can't imagine playing without it anymore!

I have one problem though. It appears the .cfg patch made by KSPI to convert USI reactors is causing NRE with NearFuture Electrical, I get tons of - RadioactiveStorageContainer.GetResourceAmount when in launch scene.

This does not happen with native KSPI reactors or native USI reactors, only with the patch present. Any idea how to fix this?


EDIT: Fixed this by adding this in your config for MKS:

-MODULE[FissionGenerator] { }
-MODULE[RadioactiveStorageContainer] { }

Thanks, obviously someone for got to remove them

Edited by FreeThinker
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  On 5/18/2016 at 5:15 AM, FreeThinker said:

Yes, you are unbalancing your game as you can now put tiny nozzle on a big reactor. The tiny nozzle is off course significantly lighter, which, gives you a big advantage which could be considered unfair.


Even when the radius matches I would get 44% with the unmodified Interstellar.dll but I never did test that in a stock install with just this mod. If I could reproduce the bug in that environment would you be interested in log files, etc.?

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  On 5/18/2016 at 12:13 PM, FreeThinker said:

In my initial setup, I did the same but after ignition, wasteheat start to accumulate linearly because the maximum temperature was caped by the lowest core temperature. I decided to remove this feature and rather accept the low core temperature reactor would become ineffective. It reactor has served its main purpose, being the lighter that start the real furnace. It can do the same after the furnace is switched off.

Thanks, obviously someone for got to remove them


Molten Salt is match - it burns until it burns out or put it in water - you cant turn it on without having kerbal on board.

AIM is lighter, that you can turn it on and off without kerbals.


  On 5/18/2016 at 8:53 AM, FreeThinker said:

The combination of Singularity Reactor + Antimatter Engine + Thermal Turbojet/Ramjet +  Warp drive + Quantum Vacuum Engine + Atmospheric Scoop / Aluminum mining, technically allows you to Go where no Kerbal has gone before by setting foot on the ground on every biome in the galaxy in a single grand tour. The only limiting factor is patience, human error and the almighty Kraken


I would prefer to have ship being 2 part:

Bigass QRS mothership with warp drive and AIM reactor serving as lighter, it would run on Hydrogen, Deut and He3 as reactor fuel.

It seems like H+D reaction runs longer than H+H - Hydrogen lasts much longer this way.

And there would be 2.5m spaceplane with ISRU, antimatter reactor with thermal turbo/ramjet and VASMIR.


Unless you can make single ship, that has all these features, can safely descend trough atmosphere and land, kerbals exiting and entering ship with ease.




Edited by raxo2222
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  On 5/18/2016 at 1:01 PM, raxo2222 said:

I would prefer to have ship being 2 part:

Bigass QRS mothership with warp drive and AIM reactor serving as lighter, it would run on Hydrogen, Deut and He3 as reactor fuel.

It seems like H+D reaction runs longer than H+H - Hydrogen lasts much longer this way.



Combining a SSTO + Mothersip is of cource the most effective combination. Know that the SSTO reactor can also act  as the lighter, which saves on mass

Notice that the next version, the QRS will also produce small amounts of antimatter, which will be ideal for powerering the AIM reactor.

Edited by FreeThinker
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I cannot get the labs to generate science via research.  I've tried everything I can think of; they have more than sufficient power, two scientists (with minimal stupidity), and are in low orbit:. zip, nada... zero sci/day.  I even tried a clean install with nothing added except this mod to make certain there were no conflicts.  Can anyone offer any suggestions other than bang my head against the desk... the latter hasn't helped any.  :/


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  On 5/18/2016 at 3:25 PM, Leopardmadcat said:

I cannot get the labs to generate science via research.  I've tried everything I can think of; they have more than sufficient power, two scientists (with minimal stupidity), and are in low orbit:. zip, nada... zero sci/day.  I even tried a clean install with nothing added except this mod to make certain there were no conflicts.  Can anyone offer any suggestions other than bang my head against the desk... the latter hasn't helped any.  :/



Is your lab upgraded? The first one you unlock isn't different than the stock one. Feed it with data, start research and harvest science.

the upgraded one allows you to create (very slowly) science from magic.

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  On 5/18/2016 at 3:33 PM, Nansuchao said:

Is your lab upgraded? The first one you unlock isn't different than the stock one. Feed it with data, start research and harvest science.

the upgraded one allows you to create (very slowly) science from magic.


It is called scanning, not reseaching. In the past , before Stock reseach was introduced, it used to called Reseached, but I renamed it to scanning

Edited by FreeThinker
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  On 5/18/2016 at 1:26 PM, FreeThinker said:

Combining a SSTO + Mothersip is of cource the most effective combination. Know that the SSTO reactor can also act  as the lighter, which saves on mass

Notice that the next version, the QRS will also produce small amounts of antimatter, which will be ideal for powerering the AIM reactor.


So Mothership would be only containing 23rd century tech then - quantum vacuum engines, QSR reactor, Warpdrive and generous amount of Antimatter, Hydrogen, Deut and Helium 3.

Also is there possible SSTO design, that can go into depths of Jupiter, and come back to orbit?

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  On 5/18/2016 at 5:00 PM, raxo2222 said:

So Mothership would be only containing 23rd century tech then - quantum vacuum engines, QSR reactor, Warpdrive and generous amount of Antimatter, Hydrogen, Deut and Helium 3.

Also is there possible SSTO design, that can go into depths of Jupiter, and come back to orbit?


You can achieve this partially with a very high TWR and very high Delta/V plane.

This would be a beautiful challenge. @Free Market, what do you think about? The first Interstellar challenge.

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  On 5/18/2016 at 5:08 PM, Nansuchao said:

You can achieve this partially with a very high TWR and very high Delta/V plane.

This would be a beautiful challenge. @Free Market, what do you think about? The first Interstellar challenge.


So thermal turbojet for atmospheric flight (low DV because of low ISP) and thermal ramjet for upper atmosphere (low thrust because high ISP) teaming with antimatter reactor, and VASMIR for final circularization.

I wonder, if size of ship would matter.

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  On 5/18/2016 at 5:32 PM, raxo2222 said:

So thermal turbojet for atmospheric flight (low DV because of low ISP) and thermal ramjet for upper atmosphere (low thrust because high ISP) teaming with antimatter reactor, and VASMIR for final circularization.

I wonder, if size of ship would matter.


Remember that to survive a Jool reentry you need to slow down a lot before touch the atmosphere, so, more than size, weight will be your enemy. Less is better.

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  On 5/18/2016 at 1:26 PM, FreeThinker said:

Combining a SSTO + Mothersip is of cource the most effective combination. Know that the SSTO reactor can also act  as the lighter, which saves on mass

Notice that the next version, the QRS will also produce small amounts of antimatter, which will be ideal for powerering the AIM reactor.


Haven't tried the mothership idea with QSR but... I'm getting 55k dV now with @FreeThinker's suggestion of using both thermal turbojet and thermal ramjet nozzles.. using plasma-beam upgraded antimatter reactors, charged particle generators... and a folding 3.75m warp drive or two, built into the SSTO itself.  Mothership seems somewhat unnecessary.

Would still be exceptionally nice if there was some kind of warp-drive calculator or interface.  ie, for using Kerbol's gravity to match velocity vectors to the destination, so you don't arrive at Tekto with a 25km/s circularization burn.  I know the concept and I can usually eyeball it but since you can't know the exact relative angles between Kerbin's and Sarnus's point-in-time orbital vectors, you have to just eyeball it.  And that doesn't take into account inclination differences at all.

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  On 5/18/2016 at 3:47 PM, FreeThinker said:

It is called scanning, not reseaching. In the past , before Stock reseach was introduced, it used to called Reseached, but I renamed it to scanning


Just to be clear, this is the Science Lab (found under Specialized Science Tech in the tech tree) we are talking about, not the stock Mobile Processing Lab?  There is no 'Scan' option available, and no upgrades are listed in my tech tree.  :/


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Found a few bugs while playing recently. Using KSPI-E 1.8.18.

The antimatter collector doesn't show up in the VAB or SPH unless you search for it. I expect the problem involves the "category" node and possibly some FilterExtensions issues with the same thing.

Found a couple of bugs in the MM patches supplied with KSPI-E 1.8.18.

The MM patch file that turns the USI/MKS reactors into KSPI-E Molten Salt Reactors has a problem with core temperature definitions that renders most of these reactors functionally useless. The patch file is WarpPlugin/Patches/MKSReactors.cfg.

Here's the problematic core temperatures:

0.625m USI reactor:
        coreTemperatureMk1 = 14
        coreTemperatureMk2 = 18
        coreTemperatureMk3 = 22
        coreTemperatureMk4 = 28

1.25m USI reactor:
        coreTemperatureMk1 = 111
        coreTemperatureMk2 = 140
        coreTemperatureMk3 = 175
        coreTemperatureMk4 = 220

2.5m USI reactor:
        coreTemperatureMk1 = 688
        coreTemperatureMk2 = 873
        coreTemperatureMk3 = 1092
        coreTemperatureMk4 = 1375

3.75m USI reactor (note this is not the similar looking Molten Salt Reactor included with KSPI-E):
        coreTemperatureMk1 = 2064
        coreTemperatureMk2 = 2619
        coreTemperatureMk3 = 3276
        coreTemperatureMk4 = 4125

The only core temperature definitions that look reasonable are the ones from the 3.75m USI reactor. These reactors all use the same technology, so it doesn't make much sense to give them all different core temperatures, does it?

Fixing this involves adjusting the core temperatures to more sane values, I looked thru the GitHub repo and I think this may have been an issue since this patch was added.


For the second bug I found in the patch files, the one that puts the intake pre-cooler module and sabre heating module into the relevant parts from the Mk2 Expansion mod disappeared.
Missing file is WarpPlugin/Patches/Mk2Expansion.cfg.

The contents of that file should be this:

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating



		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating


Edited by SciMan
found and fixed bugs in this post
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  On 5/18/2016 at 3:33 PM, Nansuchao said:

Is your lab upgraded? The first one you unlock isn't different than the stock one. Feed it with data, start research and harvest science.

the upgraded one allows you to create (very slowly) science from magic.


I say this only because I had the same problem back in the day - you did bring science to it and push the yellow button to 'store data' in the lab?  and the lab is showing a non-zero amount of data, and the researching function is turned on?

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  On 5/18/2016 at 6:47 PM, SciMan said:

Found a few bugs while playing recently. Using KSPI-E 1.8.18.

The antimatter collector doesn't show up in the VAB or SPH unless you search for it. I expect the problem involves the "category" node and possibly some FilterExtensions issues with the same thing.

Found a couple of bugs in the MM patches supplied with KSPI-E 1.8.18.

The MM patch file that turns the USI/MKS reactors into KSPI-E Molten Salt Reactors has a problem with core temperature definitions that renders most of these reactors functionally useless. The patch file is WarpPlugin/Patches/MKSReactors.cfg.

Here's the problematic core temperatures:

0.625m USI reactor:
        coreTemperatureMk1 = 14
        coreTemperatureMk2 = 18
        coreTemperatureMk3 = 22
        coreTemperatureMk4 = 28

1.25m USI reactor:
        coreTemperatureMk1 = 111
        coreTemperatureMk2 = 140
        coreTemperatureMk3 = 175
        coreTemperatureMk4 = 220

2.5m USI reactor:
        coreTemperatureMk1 = 688
        coreTemperatureMk2 = 873
        coreTemperatureMk3 = 1092
        coreTemperatureMk4 = 1375

3.75m USI reactor (note this is not the similar looking Molten Salt Reactor included with KSPI-E):
        coreTemperatureMk1 = 2064
        coreTemperatureMk2 = 2619
        coreTemperatureMk3 = 3276
        coreTemperatureMk4 = 4125

The only core temperature definitions that look reasonable are the ones from the 3.75m USI reactor. These reactors all use the same technology, so it doesn't make much sense to give them all different core temperatures, does it?




No they doesn't, they shouldn't differ more than a few hundred degrees at most, not thousands of degrees.

My guess is  someone didn't  fully understand I meant by coreTemperature, I though it was pretty obvious. anyway, thanks for spotting the problem

Edited by FreeThinker
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  On 5/18/2016 at 5:49 PM, Nansuchao said:

Remember that to survive a Jool reentry you need to slow down a lot before touch the atmosphere, so, more than size, weight will be your enemy. Less is better.


Or coat whole spaceship with substance, that can survive 3000 K with ease.

What about increasing skin heat resistance of all parts to 3000 K with last techs on tree?

Edited by raxo2222
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  On 5/18/2016 at 7:20 PM, ss8913 said:

I say this only because I had the same problem back in the day - you did bring science to it and push the yellow button to 'store data' in the lab?  and the lab is showing a non-zero amount of data, and the researching function is turned on?


Ah no... I was under the impression that it was more like the 'Scanning' feature.  Is there any documentation on how to use this other than the old KSPI reference manual?  Because the research feature is undocumented.  Does it work the same way as the mobile processing lab, where you get an increased fraction for transmittal?  And is the scanning feature upgrade available under "Scientific Outposts"... I have nothing listed there?

Also is there a way to scroll down in the VAB item descriptions?  Because now everything just scrolls to the next item rather than the description.

Thanks for the help BTW.  I have a million dinero science station in orbit of Minmus, and at the moment it's useless.  :(


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  On 5/18/2016 at 7:58 PM, raxo2222 said:

Or coat whole spaceship with substance, that can survive 3000 K with ease.

What about increasing skin heat resistance of all parts to 3000 K with last techs on tree?


That isn''t such a bad idea, the only problem is that we lack some good high tech metallurgic technologies

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  On 5/18/2016 at 6:32 PM, Leopardmadcat said:

Just to be clear, this is the Science Lab (found under Specialized Science Tech in the tech tree) we are talking about, not the stock Mobile Processing Lab?  There is no 'Scan' option available, and no upgrades are listed in my tech tree.  :/


Sorry About that, I will fix it for next version. Note the scanning option should become available with "Scientific Outposts". It should give you a reason to create science outpost on exotic would . In generate, the harder it is to reach , the more research can be gathered. At least this is the idea.

Edited by FreeThinker
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  On 5/18/2016 at 8:21 PM, raxo2222 said:

What techs are related to radiator max temp upgrades?

Maybe we could use these.


Indeed, we could allow the radiator max temperate follow radiator temperature, that way, if you radiators max temperature increases, the maximum part temperature should follow. If you put the same part in a space place, it would effectively do the same.

  On 5/18/2016 at 6:47 PM, SciMan said:

For the second bug I found in the patch files, the one that puts the intake pre-cooler module and sabre heating module into the relevant parts from the Mk2 Expansion mod disappeared.

Missing file is WarpPlugin/Patches/Mk2Expansion.cfg.

The contents of that file should be this:

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating



		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating

		name = FNModulePreecooler

		name = ModuleSabreHeating



Weird, I can't see any difference with the existing code. Are you sure this is the fixed MM script?

  On 5/17/2016 at 10:58 AM, Aghanim said:

Now it would be very great if there is some sort of integration with B9 Aerospace HX parts so that there will be matching parts to the huge black hole reactor


Well I'm open for suggestions. Perhaps someone can help me by create a set of MM script to integrate existing B9 parts with KSPI-E technology

Edited by FreeThinker
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