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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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So, is there any place where people share ship part configuration files or screenshots?

I've played through a couple games with KSPI and you'd think I could actually design ships with it now, but I feel like I could use some better ideas. I basically just use Water + Thermal Nozzle for launch, Liquid Fuel + nerva for circularization and the beginning of insertion, then the closed-cycle gas turbine engine with liquid fuel for all subsequent maneuvering. But surely there are more creative and efficient setups that I'm just not aware of (in particular, I haven't even *begun* to think about how I'd build a spaceplane utilizing KSPI). Does anyone have any interesting ideas/part files they'd share, especially regarding spaceplanes? Or, can anyone point me in the direction of some pre-existing discussion on the topic?

Edited by JohnWittle
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I'm having an issue with this mod.  When the game is loading and module manager is patching files, the loading hangs up on "AntimatterReactors/AntimatterReactor/TweakableAntimatterReactor".  I have tested with a clean KSP install as well as both the CKAN and .zip versions and the problem persists.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

Edited by skiparay
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hey i think there is a bug, when warping my vessel speeds up unnaturally, led too some wierd stuff happening when docking: nfTv0yt.png

(the text is my observations before i realized what was going on)

here is ksp.log: https://gist.github.com/a8b676281bd01deddd0261fdd2ce6b3d

i think it may have too do with persistent thrust , i had a daedalus engine. also, the radiation effect doesent do anything too kerbals on EVA. i had 2 kerbals i wanted too dispose of (there only job were too rendevous the lander too dock with the daedalus transfer vehicle/mothership, then i didnt care where they went) so i moved them over too the daedalus, disengaged the radiation safety, and fired it up, and it did nothing too the kerbals. 

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59 minutes ago, 123nick said:

hey i think there is a bug, when warping my vessel speeds up unnaturally, led too some wierd stuff happening when docking: nfTv0yt.png

(the text is my observations before i realized what was going on)

here is ksp.log: https://gist.github.com/a8b676281bd01deddd0261fdd2ce6b3d

i think it may have too do with persistent thrust , i had a daedalus engine. also, the radiation effect doesent do anything too kerbals on EVA. i had 2 kerbals i wanted too dispose of (there only job were too rendevous the lander too dock with the daedalus transfer vehicle/mothership, then i didnt care where they went) so i moved them over too the daedalus, disengaged the radiation safety, and fired it up, and it did nothing too the kerbals. 


First up. Were you aware the persistant thurst of the deadalus also works as long as the engine is enabled?

Redarding the Deadly effect you need to understand 2 things. It's old code which might not work anymore, second it is based on probability, you simply might have been lucky. In the future I hope to replace it by a more accurate ray cast system. Ideally it will not only be able to Kill Kerbals  but also destroy radiators and electrics.

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52 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:


First up. Were you aware the persistant thurst of the deadalus also works as long as the engine is enabled?

Redarding the Deadly effect you need to understand 2 things. It's old code which might not work anymore, second it is based on probability, you simply might have been lucky. In the future I hope to replace it by a more accurate ray cast system. Ideally it will not only be able to Kill Kerbals  but also destroy radiators and electrics.

oh, so regardless of throttle? i mean, i didnt check if detuerium and Helium-3 where being consumed. i couldve been wrong about it, it just seemed that, without any FX and etc, that it was just getting accelerated wierdly.


edit: i have completely removed persistent thrust from the ksp gamedata folder, and the issue still occurs. and it also happens when the daedelus engine is off. infact,  i think it even happens when im not controlling the vessel, but just within proximity too it and time warping in a nearby vessel.

edit2: but DT and He3 is still being consumed when timewarping. does ksp-IE have any of the functionality of persistent thrust within itself? like, bundled with?

edit3: not allowing the consumption of the fuels (:sVPp2If.png) for the daedalus engine seems too work on stopping it from working in timewarp.

edit4: the ksp.log file: https://gist.github.com/544b1f35b8a445d0f444b617b264236d 

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5 hours ago, 123nick said:

edit: i have completely removed persistent thrust from the ksp gamedata folder, and the issue still occurs. and it also happens when the daedelus engine is off. infact,  i think it even happens when im not controlling the vessel, but just within proximity too it and time warping in a nearby vessel.


Lol, I tested it myself and it appears your correct, as long as the vessel is in physic range, it will accelerate, the vessel which is attached to the engine, which can lead to some fun unexpected effects. It will be fixed in the next version

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5 hours ago, 123nick said:

edit2: but DT and He3 is still being consumed when timewarping. does ksp-IE have any of the functionality of persistent thrust within itself? like, bundled with?

Yes it has a build in persistent thrusts

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4 minutes ago, raxo2222 said:

Why there are 2 magnetic nozzles in game? Shouldn't one be hidden?

This happens in KSPI catalog.

Yes, but this part is still in flux. Also note technically there are 2 types of magnetic nozzle.  those with and those without a plasma afterburner. The plasma burner effective allow you to increase thrust at the cost Isp.

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2 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Yes, but this part is still in flux. Also note technically there are 2 types of magnetic nozzle.  those with and those without a plasma afterburner. The plasma burner effective allow you to increase thrust at the cost Isp.

So which one has afterburner?

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Can we have > 2.5m version of electric engine?

Only ATILLA can be resized to up to 5m BTW really can engine pump trough it 1.28 TW of power (5m version)? Wont it just melt in millisecond?


Here is screenshot of all 10 standalone reactors with generators and engines:

All sizes are 5m, otherwise as big as allowed.



This guy pretty much cant fly


Added to tech demo engines with internal reactors. Added thermal/charged particle generators where applicable.


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On 7/16/2016 at 11:43 AM, FreeThinker said:

Yes, but the engine will have the serious limitation that your not allowed to use it in atmospheres except inside gas giants. Even though it will use water as a open cycle, It will still produce about 2% Wasteheat from leaked neutrons. Which you need to get rid of using radiators.

Although the orginal desiign state it stores the nuclear salt water in borated tubes. It seems to me it could be stored more efficiently if you keep the water and uranium salt separated until you need it.

There's a really good reason that it's a Very Bad Idea to store the uranium separate from the water.

From the Atomic Rockets webstie:


Breach the fuel tubes and you'll have a runaway nuclear chain reaction on your hands. Inside your ship.

Lots of FUN (Fissioning Uranium Nuclei), but nobody's laughing, because that has "Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly" written all over it.

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20 minutes ago, SciMan said:

There's a really good reason that it's a Very Bad Idea to store the uranium separate from the water.

From the Atomic Rockets webstie:

Lots of FUN (Fissioning Uranium Nuclei), but nobody's laughing, because that has "Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly" written all over it.

No that\s exactly what I'm tryng to prevent , the problem is that if you store the moderator (water) next to the fission material ( uranium tetrabromide ), you always run the risk of a run away reaction , yet while you keep it separated, it is easier to control it. even if your entire tank if uranium would be ripped apart, you would not get any runaway reaction while if you had a breach with nuclear salt water, it will.

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You know, now that I've actually thought about the nuclear physics involved instead of jumping to conclusions, you've got an entirely valid point, and I was incorrect.


With some slight design changes to the fuel injector piping, this could also increase efficiency.

The nuclear reaction inside the reaction chamber of a NSWR is most efficient at the center of the reaction chamber.

Mixing uranium salt into only the water that passes thru the center of the reaction chamber should increase fuel burnup, and therefore also increase efficiency.

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ADDIT: Oh LOL, I bet I know why this was happening: at one point I moved everything out of GameData in order to fiddle with CKAN and see how it functions.

I must have failed to replace GameData\Squad and while the game WILL launch! (it did after I removed WarpPlugin) it seems that somehow the two conditions together caused the initialization to hang.


Any idea why my game initialization would snag at this point?


I'm guessing it is a problem with installing the assets listed in the image

C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Electrical\AntimatterReactors\AntimatterReactor\TweakableAntimatterReactor

But when I attempt to look in that specific directory no such thing:

C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Electrical\AntimatterReactors\

which has three .cfg files, three .dds files and one .mu file

There is no AntimatterReactor sub-directory and there is no "Tweakable . . ." file

Edited by Diche Bach
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10 hours ago, SciMan said:

You know, now that I've actually thought about the nuclear physics involved instead of jumping to conclusions, you've got an entirely valid point, and I was incorrect.


With some slight design changes to the fuel injector piping, this could also increase efficiency.

The nuclear reaction inside the reaction chamber of a NSWR is most efficient at the center of the reaction chamber.

Mixing uranium salt into only the water that passes thru the center of the reaction chamber should increase fuel burnup, and therefore also increase efficiency.

Indeed the idea is to mix it as late as possible, This also allows you to have fine control over the reaction rate as you can lower the amount of Uranium is the reaction starts to overheat the engine

Now one problem remaining is the engine mass which the Atomic Rockets website is self contradicting about. It list 33 ton for a 12900 kN version  and 495 ton for a 8696 kN version. Somehow I think the second one is of by a factor of 10.

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People say the Lightbulb is pretty good, I wholeheartedly agree:

8 MN Arcjet, not too shabby. While solid core engine isn't broken, its electric power generation is still pretty damn good. Mk.3 solid core is actually better than unupgraded particle bed fission reactor and magnetised target fusion reactor and hence it makes molten salt reactors kinda useless once you have access to the discrete power generator. Candle is OK, but its power / weight ratio is still very good (about the same or a little better than molten salt)

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4 hours ago, Genomaniac said:

Having some problems again with molten salt core reactors not loading. Very similar to the previous issues I reported before (and were fixed :-) ).


Well, I'm 99.9% sure you did something wrong in your installation because no one else is reporting the issue and I test my mod every time.

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