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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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  On 10/16/2016 at 9:59 PM, FreeThinker said:

I verified and it indeed seems to work. Te ability to have a inline engine is actually a big boon, it means it can be combined with other engines without much problems


Oh thruster damage. Yeah, i turned that off in the config. The whole inline thing i thought was one of the biggest advantages.
As i understand it, one of the more interesting things about the EM drive is the fact that thrust does not scale linearly with power usage. The diagram i based it off of was predicting 1KN from 100KW, and supposedly a whole lot more from more power. It's definitely not making that in game but, i assume were waiting on more real life information?

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  On 10/16/2016 at 9:57 PM, COL.R.Neville said:

so checking out the power transmission stuff microwave in particular. I think its busted cant seem to find a xmitter even though the descriptions list multiple ones. and the cfg/s seem to contain xmitter code but it seems to be named the same thing as the reciever. 

title = Pivoted Microwave Phased Array Relay Recieverer
    manufacturer = DragonTech
    description = Capable of transmitting, receiving or relaying microwave beamed power.

        name = MicrowavePowerReceiver
        animName = Deploy
        receiverType = 2
        collectorArea = 75
        diameter = 10
        maximumPower = 10000
        facingThreshold = 0.25
        facingExponent = 0.25
        minimumWavelength = 0.003189281
        maximumWavelength = 0.008565499 
        efficiencyPercentage = 90

           name = MicrowavePowerTransmitter
           animName = Deploy
        maximumPower = 10000
        canTransmit = true
        canRelay = true
        canFunctionOnSurface = true
        apertureDiameter = 10
        atmosphericAbsorption = 0.44
        efficiencyPercentage = 80
        nativeWaveLength = 0.003189281
        nativeAtmosphericAbsorptionPercentage = 44
        name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
        animationName = Deploy
        isOneShot = false
        startEventGUIName = Extend
        endEventGUIName = Retract
        actionGUIName = Toggle

        eventAvailableEditor = true
        eventAvialableFlight = false
        eventAvialableEVA = false
        instantAnimInEditor = false



In order for the Transmitter to send microwave beams it needs a microwave beam source which convert electric power into microwave power, this is what the Gryotron is for. Just connect it, and most stack microwave receivers will be able to transmit in space

Edited by FreeThinker
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I am still on 1.1.3 because of realism overhaul and do not want to update game until RO update. Is KSP-E backward compatible and work on 1.1.3. I really want to try new beam network and there are serious (infinite energy with microwave and tri-alpha reactor mass)  bugs in previous 1.1.3 release version.

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  On 10/17/2016 at 10:21 AM, yafeshan said:

I am still on 1.1.3 because of realism overhaul and do not want to update game until RO update. Is KSP-E backward compatible and work on 1.1.3. I really want to try new beam network and there are serious (infinite energy with microwave and tri-alpha reactor mass)  bugs in previous 1.1.3 release version.


Most likely not. In general if a mod get's broken after an update and needs to be fixed  it cannot be used in the previous version. But perhaps you should try and find out.

Edit: I recall I needed to make use of some new functions which Sabian had to add, so KSPI 1.10 will most definatly won't work in KSP 1.1.3

Edited by FreeThinker
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I have spotted an issue, which I'm afraid might not be terribly relevent to anyone else anymore as I'm in perhaps the only one likely to be in this fix!

I only recently upgrade from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3. . . . . I know a little late! And as part of the pocess I changed this mod from a 1.1.2 build (sorry I don't know exact version of the top of my head) to the latest 1.1.3 listed in the OP

I've ecountered a problem with the InterstellarSphereTank and I think I've pinned it down to the following lines in the .cfg

My 1.1.2 version of the mod reads:

	name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
	resourceGui = Liquid Hydrogen;Liquid Oxygen;Liquid Methane;Liquid Ammonia;Hydrazine;Liquid Nitrogen;Liquid CarbonDioxide;Liquid CarbonMonoxide;Water;Hydrogen Peroxide
	resourceNames = LqdHydrogen;LqdOxygen;LqdMethane;LqdAmmonia;Hydrazine;LqdNitrogen;LqdCO2;LqdCO;Water;HTP
	resourceAmounts = 10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000
	baseResourceMassDivider = 10
	volumeMultiplier = 1
	massMultiplier = 1
	displayCurrentTankCost = false
	hasGUI = true
	availableInFlight = true
	availableInEditor = true
	showInfo = true

Where as the same section in the 1.1.3 version of the same .cfg reads

	name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
	resourceGui = Ammonia;CarbonDioxide;CarbonMonoxide;Deuterium;Helium3;HTP;Hydrazine;Hydrogen;Oxygen;Methane;Nitrogen;Tritium;Water
	resourceNames = LqdAmmonia;LqdCO2;LqdCO;LqdDeuterium;LqdHe3;HTP;Hydrazine;LqdHydrogen;LqdOxygen;LqdMethane;LqdNitrogen;LqdTritium;Water
	resourceAmounts = 10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000;10000
	basePartMass = 0.01
	baseResourceMassDivider = 11
	displayCurrentTankCost = false
	hasGUI = true
	availableInFlight = true
	availableInEditor = true
	showInfo = true

I think the relevant point for me is that the first entry as changed from "Liquid Hydrogen" (LqdHydrogen) to "Ammonia" (LqdAmmonia). This has resulted in all the tanks on one of my ship suddenly being filled with LqdAmmonia rather than LqdHydrogen. Its also worth pointing out that in the 1.1.3 version the tank does still hold LqdHydrogen it's just the order has changed and the resourceGUI that points to LqdHydrogen now just reads "Hydrogen"

I think this happened upon loading the vessel, and for that vessel at least I managed to edit it back in the save file by changing what the tank held to "LqdHydrogen" and the tank setup to "Hydrogen".

I've scanned the rest of the save file and I can't find any more tanks filled with LqdAmmonia although I can find many tanks that are set up to hold "Liquid Hydrogen" for which that is no longer an option on the tank! I assume these will all also switch over to LqdAmmonia when I load those vessels.

Could I fix this by simply editing the 1.1.3 tank config so that "Hydrogen" becomes "Liquid Hydrogen" or do I need to go through the whole save file line by line and fix every tank as I did for that one ship?


Edit: Just noticed that the same file in the 1.2 version looks like the 1.1.3 version, so I guess I should bear that in mind for a fix. No point in fixing this only to have it break again when I finally make it to 1.2

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  On 10/17/2016 at 2:27 PM, FreeThinker said:

Most likely not. In general if a mod get's broken after an update and needs to be fixed  it cannot be used in the previous version. But perhaps you should try and find out.

Edit: I recall I needed to make use of some new functions which Sabian had to add, so KSPI 1.10 will most definatly won't work in KSP 1.1.3


Can you at least show me how to fix tri-alpha reactor mass in previous release please.

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  On 10/17/2016 at 4:02 PM, yafeshan said:

Can you at least show me how to fix tri-alpha reactor mass in previous release please.


What you might do is remove the FNGenerator part module from the TriAlpha and use an external Direct Energy Electric Converter, that should fix the problem.

But you realy can't live without RO?

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  On 10/18/2016 at 1:20 AM, Leandro Basi said:

Hi, I am having this error in loading screen  " 1 error related to Gamedata/Warplugin/Patches/KSPI_CTT.cfg" i dont have CTT installed. Is needed?


Yep. That's needed. Is it not in the bundle you downloaded? Each one I've gotten has that and a number of others you may need as well.

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  On 10/17/2016 at 4:45 PM, FreeThinker said:

What you might do is remove the FNGenerator part module from the TriAlpha and use an external Direct Energy Electric Converter, that should fix the problem.

But you realy can't live without RO?


If i have to use direct energy converter with trialpha what is the point of using it anymore.

Sorry about RO obsession. I played ksp without it for a long time. Since the time I got RO I feel cheating if I do not have it.

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  On 10/18/2016 at 4:27 AM, yafeshan said:

If i have to use direct energy converter with trialpha what is the point of using it anymore.


It's still best at aneutronic fusion, it also receives a +1 fusion tech advantage, allowing ut to used more advanced fusion tech earlier

  On 10/18/2016 at 1:20 AM, Leandro Basi said:

Hi, I am having this error in loading screen  " 1 error related to Gamedata/Warplugin/Patches/KSPI_CTT.cfg" i dont have CTT installed. Is needed?



  On 10/18/2016 at 2:25 AM, schlosrat said:

Yep. That's needed. Is it not in the bundle you downloaded? Each one I've gotten has that and a number of others you may need as well.


Actually no, KSPI has an integrated CTT which disables itself if CTT is installed. Why the error is appearing, I'm do not know yet, but it is nothing serious because everything important seems to work fine

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I haven't used 1.2/new KSPIE yet, but .. quick question, does this version allow for ISRU reactions to run when the vehicle is out of focus?  I remember in previous versions I had to have the refinery in focus and warp time for 30 days to fill the tanks... still true or will it happen while I'm doing other things now?

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  On 10/18/2016 at 6:00 AM, ss8913 said:

I haven't used 1.2/new KSPIE yet, but .. quick question, does this version allow for ISRU reactions to run when the vehicle is out of focus?  I remember in previous versions I had to have the refinery in focus and warp time for 30 days to fill the tanks... still true or will it happen while I'm doing other things now?


not sure, but I can implement it relativity easy

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  On 10/18/2016 at 12:00 AM, SpaceMouse said:


Anyone Interested in another Fission reactor? :cool: Needs coolant lines and a few greebles. It will get a new texture. I'm totally NOT using the one from the LV-N :D


Depends, What is it based on? I kinda looks like a low tech nuclear reactor ..

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  On 10/18/2016 at 5:52 AM, FreeThinker said:

It's still best at aneutronic fusion, it also receives a +1 fusion tech advantage, allowing ut to used more advanced fusion tech earlier


Actually no, KSPI has an integrated CTT which disables itself if CTT is installed. Why the error is appearing, I'm do not know yet, but it is nothing serious because everything important seems to work fine



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Ok Update on my issue a few posts up which I think has been overlooked.

I started to go through my savefile with a fine toothcomb and I think its definitely an issue that occurs upon ship loading.

In my new 1.1.3 game I have only loaded one ship that has a lot of the spherical tanks, the interstellar fuel switch module for the tanks on that ship match that of the part config. (below)

					name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
					isEnabled = True
					selectedTankSetup = 7
					inFlightTankSetup = 0
					configuredAmounts = 
					configuredFlowStates = 
					selectedTankSetupTxt = Hydrogen
					configLoaded = True
					storedVolumeMultiplier = 3.375
					storedMassMultiplier = 3.375
					traceBoiloff = False
					stagingEnabled = True
						controlEnabled = True
						options = Ammonia, CarbonDioxide, CarbonMonoxide, Deuterium, Helium3, HTP, Hydrazine, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Methane, Nitrogen, Tritium, Water

On a ship that I HAVEN'T loaded in my 1.1.3 save yet it still matches the part config from the 1.1.2 version of the mod (below)

					name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
					isEnabled = True
					selectedTankSetup = 0
					configuredAmounts = 
					selectedTankSetupTxt = Liquid Hydrogen
					gameLoaded = True
					configLoaded = True
					storedVolumeMultiplier = 6.591797
					storedMassMultiplier = 6.591797
					traceBoiloff = False
					stagingEnabled = False
						controlEnabled = True
						options = Liquid Hydrogen, Liquid Oxygen, Liquid Methane, Liquid Ammonia, Hydrazine, Liquid Nitrogen, Liquid CarbonDioxide, Liquid CarbonMonoxide, Water, Hydrogen Peroxide

So I assume that on ship load it looks at the list of tank setup options, goes "Uh Oh, Liquid Hydrogen isn't an allowed state!!" and then defualts to the first one which is Ammonia. I hope I can fix by changing the part config. so that the old "selectedTankSetupTxt" does actually point to something. I am thinking of essentially adding two entries that both point to the resource "LqdHydrogen", keeping the one named "Hydrogen" and adding one named "Liquid Hydrogen"

I think this should work and if it does I'd recommend this change also made to the mod to maintain compatibility across what ever version change altered the name of the tank setup options for this tank . . . . which I suspect may have been an unintentional error. I can't see any good reason why "Liquid Hydrogen" would have become "Hydrogen" especially as the latter is also the name of another, different resource.

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@FreeThinker bug with power reserve still there and it's nasty, can you at least allow manual reserve (in thermal generator in fly options) for Megajoules which should be generated before any reactor thermal power can be spend for other purposes?

P.s. i was wrong about physical warp, this work differently for each vessel, some stable without physical warp, some stable with it.

probably same bug prevents omega startup button to work properly (in my case it spend all power to startup and in short shutdowns, second startup button press (within a 0.3 second after first one, do the job for current vessel) ).

and you suggested good (i mean good enough, better than now anyway) balance changes for tri-alpha why you did not change it?


another nasty bug this time tweek scale's thermal generator drag cube don't scale, i.e. if you put generator (very small one) inside cargobay game would count it as it outside cargobay (more correctly speaking merged with cargobay, as generator 1.0 scale), so it generates a lot of drag.


ramjet now feels almost like rapier, if that was intended well it is ok for clean ksp and for ramjet, but it is no near of scramjet, i.e. it would be useless in RSS/RO.

sorry i did not purchased tech upgrade (i.e. tech was paid science for node, not money for specific upgrade, i will retest now).

retested: NO REAL CHANGES(with bought specific upgrade and without) i.e. same max speed for vessel 1300 (+-50m/s) on 16600m kerbin,

take into account that rapier (which 1 tech node lower than max) still good on 20km (and automatic do change fuel on 30km, but in best times it was good only on 25km), ramjet now feels same as rapier until 16km, after that rapier works slightly better,

may be upgrade for some reason don't work, can you report it same way as you do for reactors?



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  On 10/18/2016 at 10:55 AM, Bishop149 said:

So I assume that on ship load it looks at the list of tank setup options, goes "Uh Oh, Liquid Hydrogen isn't an allowed state!!" and then defualts to the first one which is Ammonia. I hope I can fix by changing the part config. so that the old "selectedTankSetupTxt" does actually point to something. I am thinking of essentially adding two entries that both point to the resource "LqdHydrogen", keeping the one named "Hydrogen" and adding one named "Liquid Hydrogen"


Yes. But there is actualy a whole procedure for resolving the active tank. first it looks if it can find a tank config with the same name, otherwise it uses the index and if this isn't possitive it tries to match the avialable resource as the default one, if also that fails it fall back to the first one in the tank list.  The concept behind it is to make to robuust enough that it can withstand changes in the configuration  to a certain degree.

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  On 10/18/2016 at 12:54 PM, FreeThinker said:

Yes. But there is actualy a whole procedure for resolving the active tank. first it looks if it can find a tank config with the same name, otherwise it uses the index and if this isn't possitive it tries to match the avialable resource as the default one, if also that fails it fall back to the first one in the tank list.  The concept behind it is to make to robuust enough that it can withstand changes in the configuration  to a certain degree.


Sounds good, so is there a more elegant way to resolve this that the one I suggested? Perhaps this index you mention?

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  On 10/18/2016 at 1:13 PM, FreeThinker said:

Technically, if you would set index on -1, it should try to match any exisitng resources with a tank defenition, but no assurance, alternative you can set the index to the correct index value that matches the cfg definition.


Ok by "index" do you mean this line in the save file on each of the affected tanks: 

"selectedTankSetup = 7"

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  On 10/18/2016 at 10:32 AM, FreeThinker said:

Depends, What is it based on? I kinda looks like a low tech nuclear reactor ..


Admittedly, its mostly based on diagrams on something like a modern gas-core reactor although changing it into something like a pebble-bed reactor looks simple enough. I didn't see alot of difference in basic layouts except perhaps reactor core shape.

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