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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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This version actually has better Memory saving with the DDS textures, but I prefer the normal version of Interstellar because I think that tweakscale kills the ''Having ONE part for each situation and case'' rule of Stockalike mods. Yeah, I know this isn't a stockalike mod but I always play with them, like Necrobones ones, Roverdude ones and NearTech pack. With this I wanted to ask for a version WITHOUT tweakscale compatibility, I don't want it to be removed, but if you don't have it at least having normal 0.625, 1.25, 2.5 and 3.75 meters parts is ''more stockalike'' I hope this post go into consideration when full release, not BETA, is out :wink:

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  Khalkion said:
Yep, and I suppose that for now KSPI-E has nothing to do with LiquidFuel.

As I remember it was changed somewhere between 0.9.0 and 0.9.5 or about a month ago...

This unfortunately means that KSPI-E won't work with most of the stock fuel tanks, and while that's fine since it includes a few of its own, this means I can't use nuclear reactors on my spaceplanes anymore. What a shame. Any chance of adding that functionality back since it's kind of mod-breaking for me? Or should I just add LFO to the list of fuels manually for each engine? I've no idea why they would change that simple feature.

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  Khalkion said:
Yep, and I suppose that for now KSPI-E has nothing to do with LiquidFuel.

As I remember it was changed somewhere between 0.9.0 and 0.9.5 or about a month ago...

Correct, both from a Realism point of view and Balance point of view, you cannot use Liquid Fuel or Oxidiser. This is compensated by the greatly improved performance

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  FreeThinker said:
Correct, both from a Realism point of view and Balance point of view, you cannot use Liquid Fuel or Oxidiser. This is compensated by the greatly improved performance

...but my primary use for nuclear-powered thermal turbojets is for spaceplanes, where they really shine. However, there's no spaceplane-capable fuel tanks to fuel them with. What do I need to add to the CFG files to make them compliant with these new "more realistic" fuels?

From Wikipedia:

Once liquefied, it can be maintained as a liquid in pressurized and thermally insulated containers.

There's no reason to require special fuel tanks once it's liquefied and pressurized. Any chance you'll change this behavior in future versions?

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[h=2]Version 1.1.2 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.2[/h] Released on 2015-05-14

  • Added MiniAVC Version checking which notifies you if a new version is available

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  Dreadp1r4te said:
There's no reason to require special fuel tanks once it's liquefied and pressurized. Any chance you'll change this behavior in future versions?

Yes if anyone can accurately calculate me the expected ISP and Thrust Modifier or Kerosine.

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  FreeThinker said:
Correct, both from a Realism point of view and Balance point of view, you cannot use Liquid Fuel or Oxidiser. This is compensated by the greatly improved performance

And where is the option to change it back? I'm not sure I agree with making it so that KSPI-E does not play at all with KSP. I don't suppose there's a single line we can edit somewhere for all of the stock fuels?

At some point realism must give way to game play. Sorry, but this is where I feel it should yield. We'll just have to disagree and coexist.


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  FreeThinker said:
[h=2]Version 1.1.2 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.2[/h] Released on 2015-05-14

  • Added MiniAVC Version checking which notifies you if a new version is available

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Yes if anyone can accurately calculate me the expected ISP and Thrust Modifier or Kerosine.

Might help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RP-1

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Well the best I can offer is conversion of Kerosine, and Oxidizer into Hydrogen, CO2 and CO which are all valid propellants


Soure: http://ec.europa.eu/research/transport/projects/items/greenair_en.htm

Plasma Assisted Reforming: http://fuelcellseminar.com/wp-content/uploads/sta33-2-3.pdf


Corosene is a very complex mixture of hydrocarbons in the range of C7 up to C18. The chemical composition can also vary from batch to batch. For the investigation, the chemicalstructure of a batch of Jet A1 was analysed with GCMS (Agilent Thermo T230L Trace DSQ Turbo 250L sec 230) qualitatively and GCFID (Shimadzu GC2010) for quantitative definition.The kerosene contains more than 300 components of which 77.4 % of the detected area is identified.

The average molecular formula of the analysed Jet A1 is C 10.7 H 20.5 with an average molar weight of 148g/mol

source: http://elib.dlr.de/83481/1/Pure_Journal_Hypothesis_Pearson_Pearson.pdf

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I took a quick look through several .cfg files and I see no easy way to allow thermal turbojet/nozzle to use standard fuels in place of lqd H2 or H2+02. Did I miss it somewhere or is there really no easy way?


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  FreeThinker said:
Sure, what do you have in mind?

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Version 1.1.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.2

Released on 2015-05-14

  • Fixed multiple bugs with Near Future / SETI Mode
  • Waste Heat capacity is now calculated at dynamically allowing you to switch between NF mode and KSPI mode

Now, can someone please help me with getting KSPI on CKAN?

Silly question but wheres the option to switch between heat mods?

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  crazyewok said:
Silly question but wheres the option to switch between heat mods?

I'm afraid don't understand the question. There is no way to switch between Heat Modes, only power modes (Stock KiloWatts or KSPI GigaWatts)

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  NeoAcario said:

I took a quick look through several .cfg files and I see no easy way to allow thermal turbojet/nozzle to use standard fuels in place of lqd H2 or H2+02. Did I miss it somewhere or is there really no easy way?


I think I will introduce a LiqiudFuel Mode on the assumption that Kerosine can be broken down to Propane which can be used like Methane. It will propel you at reduced performance but with 50% more soot output, clogging the heat exchangers.

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Released on 2015-05-14

Fixed multiple bugs with Near Future / SETI Mode

Waste Heat capacity is now calculated at dynamically allowing you to switch between NF mode and KSPI mode

As you stated here how do I swithc to KSPI waste heat mod?

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So that would be a No. And you plan to nerf it down to work worse than even the nerfed version that Fractal_UK had in his last release.

This makes me very, very sad.

Would you please reconsider keeping it simple for those of us whom don't wish to bother with all of the non-vanilla KSP fuels and just give us am easy place to change a config file? I'm obviously not alone in that I want KSPI to be used with stock fuels for simplicity sake. Less work for you and makes us happy that we can still use vanilla fuels and vanilla ISRU, drills, etc...



My joy in KSPI was from having to set up and manage reactor / microwave / AM networks. All of the extra fuels were always a pointless hassle I avoided. I preferred to play KSPI as an advanced tech tree vanilla thing.. not a completely separate game. I see we disagree on this.

Edited by NeoAcario
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Based on this, I think I can introduce the following Fuel Mode:

name = LiquidFuel
guiName = LiquidFuel
BaseIspMultiplier = 0.21888
MinDecompositionTemp = 1000
MaxDecompositionTemp = 3200
DecompositionEnergy = 13.263
sootFactor = 0.333
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 1
DrawGauge = True

This fuel mode has an effective Isp modifier of 0.42477 and effective Thrust bonus of 15.3%

In term of performance, it will be worse than all performance propellants, about the same as water at 3200K with the disadvantage that it clogs up the heat exchanger (overheating the engine)

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  Krakenfour said:
And how is that done?

By installing SETI/NFT-E or placing a folder in the GameData filter with the name of on of them

Edited by FreeThinker
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  crazyewok said:
Are the radial attached radiators meant to be Nerfed now? As they are barely getting rid of any heat now?

No they aren't. Their performance has actually been increased, especially the upgraded versions. What has changed is the Amount of Heat produced my the reactors. It effectively means you need more radiators.

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  FreeThinker said:
Based on this, I think I can introduce the following Fuel Mode:

name = LiquidFuel
guiName = LiquidFuel
BaseIspMultiplier = 0.21888
MinDecompositionTemp = 1000
MaxDecompositionTemp = 3200
DecompositionEnergy = 13.263
sootFactor = 0.333
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 1
DrawGauge = True

This fuel mode has an effective Isp modifier of 0.42477 and effective Thrust bonus of 15.3%

In term of performance, it will be worse than all performance propellants, about the same as water at 3200K with the disadvantage that it clogs up the heat exchanger (overheating the engine)

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Well at least that's something easy to edit. Thanks! Can I put this in myself now... or is there another edit needed to be made somewhere to allow the turbojet / nozzle / plasma to be able to use stock liquid fuel or liquid fuel + ox?


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  NeoAcario said:
Well at least that's something easy to edit. Thanks! Can I put this in myself now... or is there another edit needed to be made somewhere to allow the turbojet / nozzle to be able to use stock liquid fuel or liquid fuel + ox?


What the Hell is Oxidiser composed of? this substance is even more magical than LiquidFuel. You cannot use it in the Reactor, as in a matter of seconds It would create create a hole in the heat exchanger resulting in Nuclear Fuel leaking! It would make the entire KSP kaunch base radioactive! KSP HQ would never allow it!

Edited by FreeThinker
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  FreeThinker said:
What the Hell is Oxidiser composed of? this substance is even more magical than LiquidFuel. You cannot use it in the Reactor, as in a matter of seconds It would create create a hole in the heat exchanger resulting in Nuclear Fuel leaking! It would make the entire KSP kaunch base radioactive! KSP HQ would never allow it!

Obviously, Oxidizer is really OF2. They hide the true name for tax and insurance reasons.

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  FreeThinker said:
What the Hell is Oxidiser composed of? this substance is even more magical than LiquidFuel. You cannot use it in the Reactor, as in a matter of seconds It would create create a hole in the heat exchanger resulting in Nuclear Fuel leaking! It would make the entire KSP kaunch base radioactive! KSP HQ would never allow it!

Please, FreeThinker... please just leave in an easy to edit loophole so that those of us whom wish to use vanilla fuels in place of LiquidHydrogen or Hydrolox can. I'm trying to play a game here.. not a 100% authentic simulator.

So about that edit... is there something else that needs to be edited to allow the turbojet/nozzle/plasma to use vanilla fuels.. or just add it to the fuel list?



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