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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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Little question about cryostats. Currently they have same power consumption with NFT as without it. I see these numbers are quite realistic, but with NFT they are relatively big... But I have no idea what to suggest here.

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I already added Hydrazine and gave it the same thrust multiply bonus which is applied in Arcjet which now have variable ISP (1/3 isp - max isp)

Yes, I was aware of that- but without RealFuels installed capsules and lander pods still only carry Monopropellant instead of Hydrazine. As they are basically the exact same resource, it might be worthwhile including a fuel-mode for Monopropellant in the thermal rockets- unless you intend to redistribute ModuleRCSFX with KSP-I-E so that the capsules will hold Hydrazine instead of Monopropellant and RCS thrusters will use Hydrazine instead of Monopropellant as well...



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Hey FreeThinker.. remind me exactly what the SootFactor you put on LOX will do? Clog radiators? Certain thrusters? What?

Still having problems chasing down the issue with the icons/parts vanishing from SPH/VAB when reverting. It's throwing some weird errors.. makes me think it might have something to do with remote tech.. well.. the warnings. The exceptions / Nulls... dunno.


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Little question about cryostats. Currently they have same power consumption with NFT as without it. I see these numbers are quite realistic, but with NFT they are relatively big... But I have no idea what to suggest here.

The cryostat power-consumption numbers aren't even that unreasonable with stock solar panels- unless you're using TweakScale to make some ridiculously-huge cryostats (does Tweakscale even act on the cryostats? I haven't bothered to check, as I use RealFuels and thus have almost no use for the cryostats- which are excessively heavy for their volume compared to realistic fuel tanks which can easily be cooled with the RealFuels active-cooling radiators to mostly prevent boil-off...)

I would get used to the idea of having fairly substantial power-requirements to keep your more volatile propellants in liquid form for long periods of time (instead of gassifying and leaking out of your fuel tanks...) Once again, the power-costs are quite reasonable to meet just with stock solar panels- so I think your expectations as to how easy actively-cooling your propellants should be might just be a tad bit unrealistic...

Just build a bigger rocket than can support the extra solar panel mass with its Delta-V budget. Who doesn't want a bigger rocket!? Big rockets look awesome!



- - - Updated - - -

Hey FreeThinker.. remind me exactly what the SootFactor you put on LOX will do? Clog radiators? Certain thrusters? What?

On LOX???

You mean on Methane and CO2? (although, FreeThinker- you still really need to either remove the SootFactor from CO2 or only make it active with higher-temperature reactors... At the temperature of a Molten Salt or Particle Bed Reactor, Carbon Dioxide acts to CLEAN soot out of a heat exchanger... Personally, I deleted the SootFactor lines of code from my own configs for CO2 and just don't use CO2 with Gas Core Reactors- which are the only reactors I ever use hot enough to pyrolyze CO2 down to elemental carbon...) LOX itself isn't usable as a thermal rocket propellant- only Hydro/LOX (which generates no soot) and Meth/LOX (which generates lots of soot, as it rightfully should...)

Soot from Methane and CO2 acts to clog the heat exchanger- reducing your thrust for the same fuel-flow (and thus, indirectly, your ISP) as well as causing the attached engine to overheat more readily...



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Wait... I need to carry a SECOND (non-fusion) reactor to power the ignition of the fusion reactor because batteries don't jump start the reactor, and it can't sustain itself after ignition?

Doesn't that make Fusion reactors largely useless? I just did an experiment, and in order to keep the 2.5m Tomahawk fusion reactor running I had to add a 2.5m Gas Plasma Fission reactor too keep it ticking over... a smaller reactor didn't work.

I like my Fusion reactors... but that's ridiculous.

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The cryostat power-consumption numbers aren't even that unreasonable with stock solar panels- unless you're using TweakScale to make some ridiculously-huge cryostats (does Tweakscale even act on the cryostats? I haven't bothered to check, as I use RealFuels and thus have almost no use for the cryostats- which are excessively heavy for their volume compared to realistic fuel tanks which can easily be cooled with the RealFuels active-cooling radiators to mostly prevent boil-off...)

I would get used to the idea of having fairly substantial power-requirements to keep your more volatile propellants in liquid form for long periods of time (instead of gassifying and leaking out of your fuel tanks...) Once again, the power-costs are quite reasonable to meet just with stock solar panels- so I think your expectations as to how easy actively-cooling your propellants should be might just be a tad bit unrealistic...

Just build a bigger rocket than can support the extra solar panel mass with its Delta-V budget. Who doesn't want a bigger rocket!? Big rockets look awesome!

For example big interstellar tanks have 90 kW power consumption of 0.742GW from molten salt reactor, which is absolutely ok. But when your reactor provides 160 kW with NFT insalled - it is little too much.

All numbers for default sizes.

Edited by Khalkion
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Wait... I need to carry a SECOND (non-fusion) reactor to power the ignition of the fusion reactor because batteries don't jump start the reactor, and it can't sustain itself after ignition?

Doesn't that make Fusion reactors largely useless? I just did an experiment, and in order to keep the 2.5m Tomahawk fusion reactor running I had to add a 2.5m Gas Plasma Fission reactor too keep it ticking over... a smaller reactor didn't work.

I like my Fusion reactors... but that's ridiculous.

Just slap a small fission reactor onto a launch clamp. Easy. And to self sustain.. add a charged particle gen


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Just some quick clarification questions: The Download & Installation Instructions say this:

step 1: remove any existing KSPI installation (GameData\WarpPlugin folder)

step 2: install TweakScale

step 3: download KSPI Extended and put the GameData in your KSP Folder

But the dependencies list this:

Community Resource Pack , Regolith and Alcubierre Warp Drive by RoverDude.

Open Resource System by Fractal_UK

TweakScale by Biotronic

Toolbar by blizzy78

ModuleManager by Sarbian


Are all of these dependencies still needed? Based off Marzharkon's question (listed below), it seems like they come bundled. Is that correct, or do I need to install them first before KSPI-E?

Quick question, when I drop this into my KSP do I let it overwrite anything that I already have installed (Community resource Pack, Community tech Tree, and Interstellar FuelSwitch)?

In answer to this question you said, "Yes" let it overwrite everything. Will that cause any issues with CRP (since it is used by roverdudes mods too (like MKS))?

Also, anyone got the ckan version working? The only post I've seen after Free Thinker's ask if it worked was that it didn't.

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@Northstar1989 - I'm having an issue specifically with the DT Vista itself overheating. I'll take a look at the NF electricals with the new heat management system that someone linked earlier. For the TTJ, was getting the overheat whilst operating on non-atmospheric fuels in deep space trying to circularize an orbit around Tekto (outer planets mod).

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Install Interstellar Extended Manually and don't read the OP, is un upgraded from a long time. You only need to download the mod and put it in your GameData folder. Nothing more.

Actually OP is correct. NeoAcario should install tweakscale and after it - unpack KSPI-E to gamedata folder. Other then tweakscale dependencies are bundled with KSPI-E.

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You mean on Methane and CO2? (although, FreeThinker- you still really need to either remove the SootFactor from CO2 or only make it active with higher-temperature reactors... At the temperature of a Molten Salt or Particle Bed Reactor, Carbon Dioxide acts to CLEAN soot out of a heat exchanger... Personally, I deleted the SootFactor lines of code from my own configs for CO2 and just don't use CO2 with Gas Core Reactors- which are the only reactors I ever use hot enough to pyrolyze CO2 down to elemental carbon...) LOX itself isn't usable as a thermal rocket propellant- only Hydro/LOX (which generates no soot) and Meth/LOX (which generates lots of soot, as it rightfully should...)

I assume LiquidFuel is Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, which contain 2 Methyl groups, like Methane, therefore they soot the engine

- - - Updated - - -

Version 1.1.11 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.2

Released on 2015-05-24

  • Added Jump start ability to Small Fusion Reactor
  • Improved ThemalSource routing thermal nozzle/turbojet

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Hey Freethinker,

I was tinkering around with the FNModuleCryostat plugin and noticed the plugin doesn't always catch available power when under high warp. Specifically the highest warp setting seemed to give me intermittent boil-off.

I also tried powering the Cryostat with stock fuel cells, because i noticed that the Small Molten Salt reactor would lose thermal power intermittently. The issue got worse with fuel cells, boiling off even under 5x warp, but only after the "megajoules" resource was depleted, as long as i had some megajoules left the cryostat was doing fine. The fuel cells had plenty of capacity left over (16% load), I also had a full battery with 14k units of power in it.

The fuel cell did fine powering the cryostat at normal speed however. There seem to be a discrepancy between power being drawn and power being supplied under warp, even when there is plenty available.

This only happens when the vessels are focused.

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Hey Freethinker,

I was tinkering around with the FNModuleCryostat plugin and noticed the plugin doesn't always catch available power when under high warp. Specifically the highest warp setting seemed to give me intermittent boil-off.

I also tried powering the Cryostat with stock fuel cells, because i noticed that the Small Molten Salt reactor would lose thermal power intermittently. The issue got worse with fuel cells, boiling off even under 5x warp, but only after the "megajoules" resource was depleted, as long as i had some megajoules left the cryostat was doing fine. The fuel cells had plenty of capacity left over (16% load), I also had a full battery with 14k units of power in it.

The fuel cell did fine powering the cryostat at normal speed however. There seem to be a discrepancy between power being drawn and power being supplied under warp, even when there is plenty available.

Alright, was able to reproduce the problem and fixed it.

This only happens when the vessels are focused.

Good find, I fixed it.

Edited by FreeThinker
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For example big interstellar tanks have 90 kW power consumption of 0.742GW from molten salt reactor, which is absolutely ok. But when your reactor provides 160 kW with NFT insalled - it is little too much.

All numbers for default sizes.

I see the problem. For SETI/NFT I will add a powerReqMult variable that modify the power requirement. I will set it at 10% current cost, which mean yo only need 9 kW instead of 90kW.

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Good find, I fixed it.

I see that this problem for the latest version is almost gone. On previous version I've lost about third of hydrogen through 10 000x warp for 25 days. Now it is only 1-2 percents for 100 000x warp for the same amount of days. (on 10 000x now no boil-off)

BTW tests with the latest version was done with reduced power requirements for cryostats as I play with NFT... Anyway, thanks for attention.

Edited by Khalkion
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Hey FreeThinker.. remind me exactly what the SootFactor you put on LOX will do? Clog radiators? Certain thrusters? What?

Still having problems chasing down the issue with the icons/parts vanishing from SPH/VAB when reverting. It's throwing some weird errors.. makes me think it might have something to do with remote tech.. well.. the warnings. The exceptions / Nulls... dunno.


You should try to investigate which mod or combination of mods is causing this problem. Remove one mod at the time and see it the problem persist.

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I see that this problem for the latest version is almost gone. On previous version I've lost about third of hydrogen through 10 000x warp for 25 days. Now it is only 1-2 percents for 100 000x warp for the same amount of days. (on 10 000x now no boil-off)

BTW tests with the latest version was done with reduced power requirements for cryostats as I play with NFT... Anyway, thanks for attention.

For in my last test I use small 5m x largest interstellar tank filled with LqdHydrogen for 10 year at maximum warp and didn't lose a single microgram.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for keeping this updated FreeThinker. I have based half my Engineering tech tree on it

Interesting, how so?

Preferably, I would advice the same technodes as the existing technodes used in CTT, that way it will remain compatible

Edited by FreeThinker
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I suppose that it is somehow connected with engine of ksp. As boil-off is more intesive near celestial bodies... when ksp sometimes skips a frame and calculations at high warp speeds. Just tested far away from any objects - no boil-off for years...

Also if my suggestion is correct, then rate of boil-off depends on complexity of the vessel, as ksp doesn't like co calculate things for huge crafts... And so, as I do my tests with real craft about 80 parts, I see higher rate of boil-off.

Edited by Khalkion
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I see that this problem for the latest version is almost gone. On previous version I've lost about third of hydrogen through 10 000x warp for 25 days. Now it is only 1-2 percents for 100 000x warp for the same amount of days. (on 10 000x now no boil-off)

BTW tests with the latest version was done with reduced power requirements for cryostats as I play with NFT... Anyway, thanks for attention.

Next version, you will only have to change a single variable, to modify all CryStat tanks power cost. I will set it at 10, if you think you have a better number, please tell me

- - - Updated - - -

I suppose that it is somehow connected with engine of ksp. As boil-off is more intesive near celestial bodies... when ksp sometimes skips a frame and calculations at high warp speeds. Just tested far away from any objects - no boil-off for years...

Also if my suggestion is correct, then rate of boil-off depends on complexity of the vessel, as ksp doesn't like co calculate things for huge crafts... And so, as I do my tests with real craft about 80 parts, I see higher rate of boil-off.

At high time warp, funny thing start to happen that can interact causing all kind of mayhem. My best solution so far to deal with this problem is dynamic buffering, which increase/decrease the resource size depending on timewarp. This also allows be to correct exploits like using engines while the reactors are offline or too weak, and auto-scaling between NFT / KSPI mode.

- - - Updated - - -

This antimatter powered nitrogen fueled plasma is pretty fly. I'm in test career mode.

Wonder if its possible to land on airless planets.


Do you like the new variable Isp feature which allows you to use 3x Isp up to 1/3 throttle and then gradually trade Isp for thrust.

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Interesting, how so?

Preferably, I would advice the same technodes as the existing technodes used in CTT, that way it will remain compatible

Mainly I split most of KSPI's parts into 4 branches: Nuclear, Thermodynamics, Electrical and End-Game. CTT has broken the Nuclear branch into a second node, Nuclear propulsion. I will have to do the same at some point if I want to keep compatibility with CTT. The problem is that I built the tech tree at least 4 months before CTT started so I am renaming nodes that had generic node names to CTT nodes.

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