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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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  Hazelnut said:
No worries FreeThinker. I've noticed some edits of the OP changing and adding to the info there - this is for the next release right?

You are are observant. yes, the reactor and power generation is getting a major overhaul. It will be working significantly more realistic and balanced. For example when you have both Thermal and charged power generator, it will properly load balance, meaning it will use both generators and no just the charged particle reactor 100% and 0% thermal load. That was like saying fusion reactors do not generate thermal heat when they produce charged particles. This effectively means you will accrual means you save fuel, can breed more tritium and produce less waste heat if you have a thermal electric generator available.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Quick question for here:

It's been a while since I've played this mod, and I have been toying with it a little today and have noticed some new overheat mechanics on the regular Thermal Rocket Nozzle (not the Turbojet), which seems to accumulate heat fairly rapidly. I'm just playing with a few different launch vehicles for now, but I can see it's going to overheat before I exit Kerbin's atmosphere and if I have to do any long burns with this engine it's going to cause problems.

I'm using Liquid Hydrogen so soot shouldn't be a problem.

Any suggestions as to how I can improve the longevity of my engine, other than burning in short bursts only? Attaching a heat exchanger (from heat control - I'm using Near Future: Electrical as well) seems to suck the heat away from the engine and decreases thrust so that's not ideal.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

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Well, the Thermal Nozzle (and TurboJet) have an independent internal cooling mechanism which will prevent the engine from reaching critical temperature. This in contrast to stock nuclear which gratualy overheat till they explode, kspi-e allows you to use the engine indefiatly as long as you have propellant and not poison it with soot.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Just a crazy idea, maybe, but with the current heat system, the Waste Heat system is so important that can't be removed or merged with the stock one? I like the current Waste Heat system, but it seems weird to have two heat system on the same ship...

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Hello I am having some issues. Whenever I time warp the quantities and capacity of the electrical and waste heat resources increase, however, when I lower the time warp factor the capacity for the resource decreases but the quantity does not. This results inevitably in a Reactor shut down and radiator explosion whenever I try to even lower my time warp factor one tick at a time.

Barring and way to fix my particular issue, is there at least a way to disable the Waste Heat effects entirely?

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  Aghanim said:
Is it possible to make your Thermal Turbojet compatible with Advanced Jet Engine? The problem is that intakes with AJE installed stops producing IntakeAtm and instead it produces Intake Air

Excelent idea

- - - Updated - - -

  kuldedude said:
Hello I am having some issues. Whenever I time warp the quantities and capacity of the electrical and waste heat resources increase, however, when I lower the time warp factor the capacity for the resource decreases but the quantity does not. This results inevitably in a Reactor shut down and radiator explosion whenever I try to even lower my time warp factor one tick at a time.

Barring and way to fix my particular issue, is there at least a way to disable the Waste Heat effects entirely?

This is fixed in next release

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There is a slight problem though...

  Aghanim said:
Is it possible to make this mod compatible with Thermal Turbojet from KSP Interstellar? The problem is that thermal turbojet only uses air as its reaction mass, so it can be used in planets that have 'air' but no oxygen, like Jool and Eve. Does Advanced Jet Engine intakes account for that and allows air intake in those situations? And thermal turbojets can switch propellant like RAPIER
  blowfish said:
A nuclear turbojet would be an entirely different module, and it might require some low-level changes to work properly. Maybe a project for the future, but right now there are too many serious bugs around to consider adding features.

So unless you can contribute to AJE directly, I think we need to implement a stop gap measure by making all intakes produces both Intake Air and IntakeAtm

And it seems that there is some mod conflicts with Realism Overhaul, which is that the turbojets stops producing exhaust flame, which I like, and it also stops producing any sound, which is weird. Currently I'm testing it more to isolate the problem

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This is the only mod that makes my game constantly crash. Sadly pretty much unplayable, it happens especially often in the build editor and when trying to switch to the launching pad. Please, before doing anything else, do some serious bug fixing.

I could send you some crash reports if you want. Have dozens of them! :D

Edited by mid0r
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  Nansuchao said:
Surely Interstellar is a heavy mod but bugged... I don't think so. What you're encountering are RAM issues, due to the KSP 32 bit limitations.

In therms of Memeroy usage, KSPI requires about 250 MB which is significant but not much compared to other part mods.

Edited by FreeThinker
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You can have 32 GB, it's the same. KSP is a 32 bit application, so it doesn't use more than 3.2 GB of RAM.

With the new update of KSP at Unity 5, we'll have, hopefully, a stable 64 bit client, so we can almost forget the RAM limitation, but until that, check your RAM, delete some unused mods, use Active Texture Management and OPEN-GL or DX11.

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Can someone please help me. This mod doesnt work for me for example when I press the warp drive or anything else from this mod I dont get any options and I put the reactor and generator both the same size connected to each other but they didnt produce anything and yes I did have a probe or a pod

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  mid0r said:
Any other suggestions? Or is a 16 GB RAM consider low for KSP? ;.;

I have only 3 GB RAM on 3x Core 2.8 Hz CPU. It's enough to run KSP in OpenGL mode with fullres textures, KSPI and few other mods installed (~1gb Game Data folder).

I have to mention, 32bit OS + 32bit KSP = crashes even on vanilla quite often. But since I switched to 64bit OS + 32bit KSP - crashes occurs very rare.

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[h=2]Version 1.3.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.4[/h] Released on 2015-07-25

  • Charged particle Reactor generate power proportional over thermal heat and charged particle power
  • Charged particle Reactor with both Direct Energy converter and thermal generator divide their load proportionally
  • Disabled Timewarp Wasteheat scaling
  • Folded radiator are now twice as effective in their folded state (20% instead of 10%)
  • Most Reactors now have 3 tech levels which increase their core temperature and power
  • Direct Energy Converter has 2 tech-levels from which the initial efficiency is 50% and in upgraded state up to 86.5% (was 85%)
  • Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor available in larger sizes, but is less effective in power production
  • Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor is less effective in propulsion
  • Gas core reactor has it's Isp significantly improved but losses effectiveness under acceleration,
  • Pure He3 fusion mode now requires exotic fusion tech
  • Added He3 Catalyzed D-D mode Fusion Mode
  • Added pure Tritium Fusion Mode
  • Limited Gas Core Reactor to Uranium Fuel Mode

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The configuration files for the radiators are inconsistent. I was just messing around with the radiators in KSPIE 1.2.6, saw you posted an update, and I installed it. Part radiator1 has these lines added:

emissiveConstant = 1.6

heatConductivity = 0.5

thermalMassModifier = 25.0

skinThermalMassModifier = 100.0

skinInternalConductionMult = 200

radiatorHeadroom = 0.5

There are values for circradiatorKT, but they are missing for radiator2, SmallFlatRadiator, LargeFlatRadiator, RadialRadiatorzzz.

Also, does an emissive constant of 1.6 make sense? I thought a value of 1 corresponded to a perfect black body, and values less than that for imperfect radiators. Of course, the effective surface area of these radiators could be larger than is defined in the part config file, but that gets funky because a larger value also means the radiators will absorb more heat from the sun than a perfect black body as well, which is very unphysical even with a larger effective surface area (since it can't absorb more energy than is incident on it). I suppose that would matter more for the flat panels than the rotating deployed ones. Maybe we can assign the static panels emmisivity values of 0.95, consistent with the stock radiators?

I can go ahead an update the missing values and post a link to google docs, if you like.

- - - Updated - - -

Here's a link with values to copy/paste in the radiator part files:


I tweaked the thermalMassModifier for flat panels ( = 15) and the emissiveConstant for the flat panels and radial/inline convective radiators ( = 1.0). I've left the deployable radiators at emissivity 1.6 with the idea that they have higher effective surface area for radiation without having to worry about absorbing too much solar input because they rotate out of the way.

Edited by danfarnsy
Make the link an actual link.
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The Idea is to make the (interstellar) wasteheat Radators also function as a (stock) Thermal Heat radiator, similar to the thermal management mod. I haven't consistently implemented it yet. thanks for the help.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Does the new update fix the thing where I F9 quickload and everything but the command pod and about 5 other parts instantly explodes and despawns? That's putting a big kink in my plans currently.

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I get some "MaxThermalPower not set to instance of object" errors with the molten salt reactor in a sandbox game. It goes away when setting upgraded reactor type back to 1 instead of 17 in the .cfg (but I guess that disables some features).

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OK so... I had everything working pretty well until this update. TTJ and thermal rockets are pretty much unusable in non-atmospheric mode for me again. I switch over to hydrazine and get about 3 seconds of thrust before they overheat and either explode or the 'prevent overheats' MJ2 function throttles them to 0, making these engines completely unusable for any size payload. Even using a 3.5m version with minimal payload results in this. When running in Atmospheric mode it says "Warning: dangerous overheating detected, reactor shutdown imminent!" continuously on screen, but none of the other reactors actually shut off. This is all new behavior in the 1.3 update for me. I'm using antimatter reactors + charged particle electric generators and TR/TTJ ranging from 1.25 to 5.00m in size - these are designs that were thermally stable with the previous version.

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