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[1.3.1]TextureReplacerReplaced v0.5.4


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3 minutes ago, NomenNescio said:

I can report that it does cause issues. I tried loading up your patch. First I got an "exception" then an error, and the science entry remained unchanged. So thank you, but swing and a miss I'm afraid.

That's unfortunate. I guess for the meantime the only solution is to manually edit the dictionary file itself much though I'm loath to suggest modifying Squad files directly.

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17 minutes ago, Aelfhe1m said:

That's unfortunate. I guess for the meantime the only solution is to manually edit the dictionary file itself much though I'm loath to suggest modifying Squad files directly.

I actually already tried that before your other post, for some reason it shifted over to a completely third text that I didn't write, so that's not even an option.

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3 minutes ago, NomenNescio said:

I actually already tried that before your other post, for some reason it shifted over to a completely third text that I didn't write, so that's not even an option.

There are two results defined for Laythe surface EVA reports in stock. The one you are trying to change and "This place seems nice and comfortable. So comfortable you feel like taking your helmet off. You check the box on your report for -Looks breathable-." (this is in the dictionary as #autoLOC_501323).

The game will choose between them randomly each time an EVA report is requested. If that's what you saw then you may just need to take an EVA report several times to test whether the update worked.

If you have Crowd Sourced Science installed then it also defines a whole list of EVA reports for various Laythe biomes. These can be found in various files in GameData/CrowdSourcedScience/planets/laythe/<biomename>/evareport.cfg. For example: 

LaytheSrfLandedCrescentBay = You feel drunk because of the thin air. Mission Control asks you to put your helmet back on.

These can be patched with ModuleManager

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26 minutes ago, Aelfhe1m said:

"This place seems nice and comfortable. So comfortable you feel like taking your helmet off. You check the box on your report for -Looks breathable-."

Is exactly what I saw. I didn't know rapports had a random factor to them. Good to know.

Edit: Just tried re-editing the records directly, and it didn't work. There are two rapports, but both of them are the old ones.

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Here is the new release of TRR : V0.4 : Folder's Freedom !  :cool: and a new TRR_Guide

A big Thanks to @Sigma88 for his work on the custom folder feature :kiss:


This is a huge step for TRR, you are now encouraged to use another folder than TextreReplacerReplaced to store and use your custom textures !

trr_guide menu v0 2

trr_guide v0 2

There is also a change for the heads, there are 2 subfolders now (Male and female) under the heads folder. So from now you NEED to put your male heads in the Male folder and the female heads in the Female folder.

Here is the new structure to use to make your own folder with your custom texture :



You can also put your texture in TRR's folder just like you have done until now, but you risk to loose them as always when you update TRR. If you make your own folder, the textures are independent of TRR

When you make our own MyTextureMod Folder, you need also to make a configuration file where you tell TRR the path of your customs folders. (the "MyTextureMod.cfg" you can see on top )

Here is what you need to put in this .cfg :

		Default = TRR_Guide/Default/
		EnvMap = TRR_Guide/EnvMap/
		Heads = TRR_Guide/Heads/
		Suits = TRR_Guide/Suits/		


Off course, if you don't have a Heads/ folder for example, you don't need to add the line in the .cfg.

This version also fix the heads (!!! if you put them in the right folder !!!! )
And you can enjoy your custom skyboxes again :)

The navball texture replacement is disabled (broken).
You can use Navball Texture Changer to change your navball.

There is also a new TRR_Guide folder, with an example of a working custom texture folder, with texture for the default suit, a skybox and some planets texture. you can see the example in the pictures at the beginning of this post.
You won't see KSP the same way with this guide pack :)


A last note, there is a custom texture for the menu in the default/ folder of TRR, if you don't like it, just erase it and I also added Laythe in the list of atmospheric planet.



If you want to use a default custom visor, you need to put the texture in the default/ folder of TRR. For a strange reason, it won't work if you put it in the default/ folder of your MyTextureModFolder/.

The visors in the suits subfolder works as intended, even in your MyTextureModFolder/.




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I downloaded the new version and placed my textures in the same folders they've always been in, I made the new Male/Female folders. As far as I can tell I've done it right, but while the suits are working the heads still aren't. They're placed in:

...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TextureReplacerReplaced\Heads\Males

But no dice.

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6 hours ago, Vorg said:

That link for the new version seems to be just source code.

Lol, it was late, it should be better with the binaries :)   Its like when you make a big email and you forgot the attached file :)


3 hours ago, NomenNescio said:

I downloaded the new version and placed my textures in the same folders they've always been in, I made the new Male/Female folders. As far as I can tell I've done it right, but while the suits are working the heads still aren't. They're placed in:

...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TextureReplacerReplaced\Heads\Males

But no dice.

try again with the right files you can find here

And remove entirely the folder of TTR and use the new one you find in the release, just to be sure

Also if you texture mod had a cfg file in it , DON'T use it (the cfg file I mean). None of the existing texture has the right new cfg file

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44 minutes ago, HaArLiNsH said:

try again with the right files you can find here

And remove entirely the folder of TTR and use the new one you find in the release, just to be sure

Also if you texture mod had a cfg file in it , DON'T use it (the cfg file I mean). None of the existing texture has the right new cfg file

I redownloaded, deleted the old folder, replaced it with the new, and placed the textures in the same directory as before, and the heads still don't work. I thought for a moment it could be the game wants PNG files instead of JPG, but my suit textures are JPG, so that can't be it either.

I'd like to point out that these are the exact same textures I've been using for years. They didn't come with a config file, and I'm assuming you mean TRR (not TTR), because if that wasn't a mistake, I have no idea what TTR is.

Edit: I found the problem. I had named the folders "Males/Females" when I should have omitted the 's'.

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3 hours ago, NomenNescio said:

I redownloaded, deleted the old folder, replaced it with the new, and placed the textures in the same directory as before, and the heads still don't work. I thought for a moment it could be the game wants PNG files instead of JPG, but my suit textures are JPG, so that can't be it either.

I'd like to point out that these are the exact same textures I've been using for years. They didn't come with a config file, and I'm assuming you mean TRR (not TTR), because if that wasn't a mistake, I have no idea what TTR is.

Edit: I found the problem. I had named the folders "Males/Females" when I should have omitted the 's'.

yeah TRR.. I'm kind of dyslexic when I type fast :) 

And sry to have forgotten the "S" on my structured example... its fixed now.

I'm reassured it works :)


You should convert your JPG in .dds, your game will load faster because TRR convert them in .dds each time your load. You can find a good and fast dds converter here :

DDS Converter  

For your head, convert them in DXT1 "clamp" and check/use the "MipMaps" also :)

You need to invert them vertically before converting them, the easier way to do that is to use  GIMP 2 + BIMP. Batch Image Manipulation Plugin. To batch modify your texture files



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3 hours ago, HaArLiNsH said:

You should convert your JPG in .dds, your game will load faster because TRR convert them in .dds each time your load. You can find a good and fast dds converter here :

DDS Converter  

For your head, convert them in DXT1 "clamp" and check/use the "MipMaps" also :)

You need to invert them vertically before converting them, the easier way to do that is to use  GIMP 2 + BIMP. Batch Image Manipulation Plugin. To batch modify your texture files

I just noticed the textures I'm using get a pretty noticeable drop in quality when loading them up as they are. Would converting them to DDS files by chance solve this? Because as is the vanilla textures are much higher quality.

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1 minute ago, NomenNescio said:

I just noticed the textures I'm using get a pretty noticeable drop in quality when loading them up as they are. Would converting them to DDS files by chance solve this? Because as is the vanilla textures are much higher quality.

yes and no.. what are their size ? the vanilla textures are in 1024x1024 and the texture I use in the TRR_guide are in 4096x4096. 

also the jpg is not a good format, it create artefacts due to the compression, png is way better even compressed.


When I have a stable release for TRR, I will continue my HD suit pack, it will weight a lot on your HDD but your kerbals will be wonderful :)

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3 minutes ago, HaArLiNsH said:

yes and no.. what are their size ? the vanilla textures are in 1024x1024 and the texture I use in the TRR_guide are in 4096x4096. 

also the jpg is not a good format, it create artefacts due to the compression, png is way better even compressed.


When I have a stable release for TRR, I will continue my HD suit pack, it will weight a lot on your HDD but your kerbals will be wonderful :)

Well they're vanilla sized, which to me should mean they would  be applied directly. I assume that only happens if there is no conversion? Do I need to invert the suit textures as well? 

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1 minute ago, NomenNescio said:

Well they're vanilla sized, which to me should mean they would  be applied directly. I assume that only happens if there is no conversion? Do I need to invert the suit textures as well? 

You need to invert them only if you convert them in .dds

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18 minutes ago, HaArLiNsH said:

You need to invert them only if you convert them in .dds

Okay, I've tried converting them with the converter you sent me and regardless of inversion, the textures are the wrong way up in-game. Is there a particular way I have to invert them? Because I've just sort of been doing the standard windows "Rotate Image Right" right-click.

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Maybe it would complicate things too much as a mod vs stock, but to cut down on the number of textures needed, could they be done as layers?

Base suit texture layer

Class suit markings

Rank/lvl markings

Might be too messy to have normal maps like this.


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15 hours ago, Murican_Jeb said:

I want to do a camo suit. How would I do that?

Ah one more brave :) We don't have a good camo suit set yet ! 

You can find a guide in the readme of the TRR_Guide  . I suggest you to download 2 things :

- the latest TRR_Guide_customFolder.V0.3   where you will find an example of what I call " the  MIXED suit set " with the old name convention and example for the level 0 and level 5 (the others level goes like the level5 , just put the right number) 

- I suggest you also to download the TRR_Guide_SuitSet_full_DDS_MIXED_v0.2   where you will find a full suit set, with the new naming convention. (won't fully work until the next release of TRR)


I strongly recommend you to first try to make the IVA suit because its easier to see it without the helmet and the jetpack. Its "old" name is "kerbalMainGrey" and the new name is "Suit_Iva_Standard_Male0 "

The full new naming convention is not implemented yet in TRR, So I suggest you to use the old one until I release TRR with the full support of the new one (this will be the next release)

Don't hesitate to ask questions, I can help you  :)

Just be sure of one thing, this will take time if you want to make a good suit set, but you will learn a lot. I started my hd suit set pack to learn photoshop and now I gained some skill levels :)

Last thing, I STRONGLY suggest you to make a layer with a grid that goes on top of you texture (for your production version, not for the release version of your suit). This way you will see how the texture is morphed on the model. (Like you can see on my TRR_guide suit set) and it will help you to align the different zones of your model.

Oh and use .png when you test your texture and only convert them in .dds when they are completed :)


6 hours ago, Vorg said:

Maybe it would complicate things too much as a mod vs stock, but to cut down on the number of textures needed, could they be done as layers?

Base suit texture layer

Class suit markings

Rank/lvl markings

Might be too messy to have normal maps like this.


Well, I was thinking about a decal system but this won't work well with HD textures and the normal maps.. 

In fact, you already use the layers your are talking talking about when you make these textures :)  but yeah its not in KSP but in photoshop/gimp ... :) 

If you have a good layers system in your photoshop/gimp , it doesn't take to much time to export the huge number of files needed. It took me one afternoon to export all the 528 texture files for the full new naming suit set. (and another to make all the 528 NRM)


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Have just decided to try this out. I notice that the version 0.4 zip package contains a DDS file already in the /Default directory called "logoFullRed_alt.dds". Is this file required for TRR to operate correctly, or can I safely delete it? The original TextureReplacer never had files in /Default or /EnvMap which came with the install package, hence am a bit confused.

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A bit confused here, but I think: TRR supports both ways of identifying male/female heads, pilot/engi/sci suits, config lines and folder structure?

Where do I put my own config file anyway, does it still have to go in to the TRR folder?

Edit: OK, got it - but had to remove the old TRscenario from my save file.

But, is there actually a difference between male and female suits? I somehow never saw any textures to replace the female suit?

In other news:
I ... honestly cannot believe how long it took me ... how often I scrolled past this section of the config ...

		//   Huey Kerman    = M head1 Suit1
		//   Dewey Kerman   = M head2 DEFAULT
		//   Louie Kerman   = M head3
		//   Donald Kerman  = M DEFAULT DEFAULT
		//   Daisy Kerman   = F DEFAULT
		//   Scrooge Kerman = M GENERIC Suit2


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35 minutes ago, trias702 said:

Have just decided to try this out. I notice that the version 0.4 zip package contains a DDS file already in the /Default directory called "logoFullRed_alt.dds". Is this file required for TRR to operate correctly, or can I safely delete it? The original TextureReplacer never had files in /Default or /EnvMap which came with the install package, hence am a bit confused.

Not absolutely required. It adds a bit of branding to the main menu Kerbal Space Program logo. It can be seen in the first image of the above post but is a bit difficult to make out against the technicolor background.

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