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Voyager Labs Aeronautics and Space Administration (ORDERS ON HOLD ATM)

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Okay, if you guys are taking orders, how about this?

A spaceplane (1-3 crew) that is light enough to be stuck to the top of a rocket and yet fuel efficient enough to take off horizontally from Eve and make it back to kerbin? The kerbin landing can be a parachute splashdown from a detached stage.

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theres no eve in 0.16 but in 0.17 still i would build one- heres the go mann its powerful and unstable i think you sould add some AV.SAS its engine is super powerful AV S.A.S needed or it does a barrel roll and blows up JEB WOULD LIKE IT idk if its gonna make it to eve heres the pics.[ATTACH=CONFIG]32514[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]32514[/ATTACH] i got the same pic uploaded dang it

Edited by darkwolfpaw54
o god i forgot you said horizatally use landing gears
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he means Kermageddon its a program that merges the server presistance file the server is hosting in yours so you can see the spacecrafts aand see the flying debry form others so what this means it just adds otherone ships wich are in orbit or on the moon etc into your game when done playing your ships will be uploaded and merged into the prestance of the server and other poeple wil be abel to see them when they are playing

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Okay let me clear up what i meant.

Since there is no eve, how about this? A spaceplane that is small and light (ie, less than 20 tons) and can still take off from kerbin, get into heliocentric orbit, and then get back to kerbin? It can stage and doesn't need to land with its wings (ie just parachute landing or splashdown or something like that)

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I think maybe my earlier comment was passed over in all the exciting discussions about people wanting to join the company and work on ships.

I'd like a pimped out space rocket - like that show "Pimp My Ride" that is on MTV. I think Dr. Dre hosts it - or maybe Lil Wayne. I can't remember. But they take old beat-up cars and make them sweet and put great big rims on it, and a big stereo, and fancy paints, etc. I think Jeb deserves a nice rocket, don't you?

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I would like to offer my assistance to the Voyager Company as a builder and flyer. I specialize in rockets and don't even try telling me to do a space plane. i cannot do those to save my life. Just message me anytime. I'm 14 so I have school but i can work on the weekends and maybe an hour or 2 a night during the week.

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ill take that space shuttle i made one called rjs 3 R.J.S stands for rocket powered jetplane shuttle. it can sling out of orbit. BE WARNED FUEL RUNS OUT QUICKLY.mods needed:c7 plane kit on kerbal space program.net mechjeb i think is added

Edited by darkwolfpaw54
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